Trouble in Shanty - RPLOG

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Calm, nothing but calmness. Almost erry. Everywhere there are people being.... pleasent. No trash fires, no bodies. Just people walking around, most looking starved, a few falling over from it, only to be picked up and taken away by their fellows. Others work on reinforcing the buildings. The streets are even being swept! The sun shines as it sets in the distance, only slightly cloudy.

Kendra wanders into the town. this being her first time here it doesnt seem like anythings out of the ordinary. she looks about for a while admiring what seems like a nice place

Arimia stalks through the streets of Shanty Town, a scowl on her features. She has her cloak tugged close about her, and something about her seems muted or dull. She casts her odd eyes about, scowl deepening at what she sees. "Somebody has been messing with my Shanty Town..." She slips down an alley, doing her best to disappear from sight, planning to investigate things from the shadows.

Ictus ponders as he looks around Shanty Town and shakes his head at the residents, "Odd..." he looks over at Kendra and shakes his head, "Be on guard, something isn't right here." he frowns a bit

Not too far behind the others, a tall looking lion dressed in a rather expensive looking coat walks into the town. "So the rumors were true," Dio observes, looking upon the scene with a curious glance and a cocked head. "Seems more or less like an ordinary town, just as they said. We should probably start askin' around and flaggin' down the guard captain if ya could find 'em." The lion looks around for someone to speak to and makes his way towards them with a smile. "Hello there, may I 'ave a moment of yer time for some small questions?"

Issi returns from a small trip into the wilderness, taking a detour through Shanty Town. Or is it Shanty town? She takes a few sniffs of the air, making her way to the small cluster of people seemingly gathering, whom seem just as confused as she is. She tries making contact by making a few inquisitory gestures to see who understands her.

The people give friendly waves to Kendra, Ictus, Dio and Issi as they walk along, doing thier business, no one tries to lift a purse, stab a back, nothing. "Howdy good beings! We have sales on some of the trinkets we managed to scrounge together, I'll grant they aren't much." says a tiger in tartered clothes as the group passes by. Arimia continues undetected for the time being, her movements unnoticed. NO one seems to return the gestures to Issi.

Kendra looks ictus over and nods a bit, "er.. on gaurd... right. always am anyways." she shrugs and just stands there waiting for somebody to take lead while she watches Issi make random hand gestures. she leans over to ictus and mummbles, "i think shes cursing at me..."

Arimia lingers in a narrow gap between buildings, too large for most beings. She watches the others as they wander the streets of Shanty town, the lack of any attempt to try and appropriate items or coin from them causing her scowl to return. She'll watch them a bit longer, then she's off to a local bar to see what she can find out.

"That's not really what I asked..." Dio rubs a hand through his mane, still trying to register the rather strange scene he's in. However, something in the tiger's words manage to catch his interest. "Trinkets ya say," Dio asks, moving closer to the tiger. "Could ya tell me a bit more about those if ya don't mind? Do they have any special qualities? Also, would ya mind tellin' me where you got 'em?"

Ictus looks to Dio and nods in agreement, he blinks at Issi and shakes his head, "Sorry, I don't know sign..." he looks to Kendra and shakes his head with a shrug, "I wouldn't know." he looks to the merchant then and nods to Dio, "Yes, I'm curious about them as well..."

The tiger smiles to Dio, "Well, some banged up pots and pans, a few lengths of rope, still good I think, oh! And how could I forget the master's new book! I'll sell that one to you lot for a permium, just... fifty crown, does that sound reasonable?" he asks, then he nods to Ictus as well. Behind Arimia, some children can be heard playing, "Tag, your it!

Issi is not cursing, however if continuous failures to communicate occur, then she very well might. For now she just shakes her head and decides to try again later, maybe with a solid writing surface. She keeps her tounge on the scents or lack there of in the air. She decides to investigate elsewhere, this is a radical departure from the town she saw before.

Kendra frowns a bit looking at the tiger and still talking under her breath to ictus, "er.. who would they be calling master do you think?" she doesnt seem to know anything about the customs here

Dio listens to the tiger, crossing his arms and tapping his foot on the ground as he watches the rest of the group move about and investigate. "Did you say 'Master'," the lion asks, twisting his head back towards the tiger. "Please, tell me more about the Master if you will. I'll take a book too, if ya don't mind." Digging through his coat pockets, he pulls out the required amount of crowns and holds it in front of the tiger.

Dio spends 50 Crown for RP reasons.

Ictus looks over at Issi and frowns before looking back to the tiger, "Err, sounds perfectly reasonable." he looks confused though as he pulls out fifty crown then hands it to the tiger, he looks to Kendra and shrugs as he whispers back

Ictus spends 50 Crown to: Book perchase!

The tiger takes the crown, and he doesn't check if it is real or not, just slides it into his pocket. He picks up a leather bound book and passes it to Dio, "A pleasure! See anything else you'd like?" He looks to Ictus and smiles a bit wider, "Thank you, here, lets see... Yep, my last one, we don't have too many of them now." He says giving the book to Ictus. "Well, how about you Sir, see anything?" he asks. The children behind Arimia seem to switch to hide and seek....

Arimia slips out of the alleyway, pushing her hood back to leave her pink fur on display. She stalks over to the tiger and looks up at him, simply staring for a couple of moments before saying, "That was your last? Where can more be found?"

Kendra looks around and sighs looking up at the sun, "alright well. bye~ cant really stay i have a appointment elsewhere." she waves and wanders off out of town

Ictus tilts his head curiously as the coin is not checked and nods, "No, but thank you for the book..." he looks the book over for a name before he starts opening it to read a little

"Thank ya, sir. Pleasure doin' business with ya." Dio hands the money over and takes the book within his hand, rubbing the leather binding in his padded palms. "While I'm readin' up on this book, mind tellin' me more about yer master if you don't mind?" Using a claw-tipped finger, Dio opens up the book and begins scanning the pages, looking for something that could help explain the curious situation, particularly anything about the supposed master and any clues about recent events or magical business.

Issi moves about quickly, wuth a grimmace. Where is that smell coming from? The town itself? She keeps trying to get closer to the source of the smell.

The tiger nods to Arimia, "Yes, my last one, but someone else might have it on sale, well, it wasn't my last one, I should say it is my last spare copy, I'll never part with my last." He says then over to Dio, "Just read my friend, it will tell you all you need, the are the words of one of the sages who came here a few days ago, they have scribes working as best they can with what we have to make more copies, everyone must hear her words and follow him." he says. The smell comes from the streets themselves, but it isn't so overwhelming as to gag someone anymore.

Arimia frowns and shrugs at the tiger's words and starts to walk away, only to apparently stumble on the street, reaching out to grab the tiger to steady herself. Once she seems to have regained her balance she says, "Sorry about that. Some days I'm terribly clumsy." That said she starts to walk down the street, slipping a book out from under her cloak and starting to skim through it.

Ictus hmms at the book and ponders, "Well, this is a nice change..." he still thinks it odd as he looks over to Arimia as she stumbles and starts over to her, "Hey Arimia... You can use my copy..." he frowns as he sees the book she has and sighs, "Or not..." he shakes his head as he looks around and hmms, "So who is 'he'?" he looks to the merchant as he says this

Dio continues to scan though the book, flipping pages and occasionally muttering various things to himself. "Hmmm, love, acceptance, etc," he murmurs, finally closing the book with a loud snap and holding it under his arm. "I think I'm startin' to get the picture." Arimia's fumble catches the lion's interest, but he simply shrugs and passes it off as a minor accident. "This 'ere's an interestin' philosohpy you've got here," he smiles, giving the book a firm pat. "I'd love to meet the master 'n' learn even more from the source itself! Do ya happen to know where he resides?"

Issi getting nowhere with the smell she perks up at the tiger's words. She makes her way back to the group, trying to get a peek at the odd books the others are holding, not easy since she's shorter than everyone else.

The Tiger looks over the to Ictus "He... he is.. no, we can't say his name, we haven't accended yet, we can't speak his name, not yet." And the tiger looks very concerned for a while, starting to pat at some of his pockets, "Wait.. I know I put it in one of these." he says, then addresses Dio "Where he is? Oh you can't meet him, where in the bugger did I put it, hold on." he says as he checks under the makeshift table. As Arimia walks by though, she would notice one house that has been taken care of for longer then a few days.... the sign on it even ledgeable.... Angel and Rebecca Longstout.

Arimia scowls down at the book and idly tosses it over her shoulder once she's finishes skimming through it. When she reaches that well taken care of house she stops, staring at it. Not bothering to knock she reaches out to try and turn the door handle.

Ictus nods to the tiger and hmms, "Well, thanks." as he looks to Dio and ponders, "I'm going to go see what Arimia is up to." he frowns a bit as he looks for the pink 'coon and pads over to her if she is in sight

"Can't meet 'em? Suppose I understand, bein' the master and all." The lion tosses the book in his hands a few times, wondering just how he'd get the information out the tiger. "Oh no, did ya lose yer sacred book, lad? I'm real sorry to here that." Dio looks over at Ictus and gives him a firm nod and a wave. "Good luck, lad! As fer you..." He turns his muzzle around, back to smiling at the tiger and gesturing towards the book. "I'll give ya my book fer free if ya tell me where the master is or where I may meet 'em."

Issi follows after Arimia and Ictus, noting the book Arimia tossed away and moves to get it. She keeps on her toes though, she's starting to get a very bad feeling about this yet she can't place her finger on it.

The tiger looks to Dio, "But no one can meet him, not till they have accended! And even then, few ever do... please, do you want your crown back? Or maybe..." he continues to look around, "Could I give you some fine rope in exchange?" He asks.

The door opens easy enough, unlocked, and inside is.... prestine. No dirt, no dust, nothing. The bed is made, but... there seems to be someone in it, the covers completely drawn up over them. The windows are unbroken, this could be a house that sits just outside the market square and fit in perfectly.

Arimia slips into the house and starts to look around, ignoring the being under the covers for the moment. Nor does she try to hide her presence from that being, making no attempts to try and be quiet as she looks through the things in the home.

Ictus raises an eyebrow at Arimia as she enters the home and shakes his head as he calls out, "Find anything?" he looks to Issi and hmms, "What do you think?" he hands her the book since it appears she needs something to write on, "I know it's not much, but you can write on that if you need to."

"Hmmmm..." Dio taps his foot on the ground as he listens to the tiger's offer, still tossing the book up and down in his hands. After a few moments of thinking it over, the lion shrugs and places the book within one of his coat pockets. "The sacred book of the master means more to me than some simple material goods. I suppose ya didn't want yer book that badly." With a wave, he turns around and begins a small walk towards the path the others had taken earlier. "I'll find someone else! I wish ya luck, lad," he shouts over his shoulder before continuing on.

Issi hods up the book Arimia dropped, taking a pen and paper out of her cloak and starts writing down on the cover (Please tell me somone else feels that. Something here feels... wrong. This book is full of things that this town should find laughable. Nothing in here would convert anyone. At best it would be destroyed and defiled, not praised and worshiped. Who or what gave them this book?)

The Tiger turns to Dio, "Please! I'll by it back at double.. no triple.. what you paid, please, sell me back one of those.... oh by the creators... What are you doing! Don't go in that.." too late, he cringes, "Not.. Angel's house..." he quickly starts packing up his things.

Rummaging through the things doesn't show much... till the bed is uncovered. There is a woman, laying face up, or, what could only be assumed to have once beena woman, now nothing but bones. Her hands were places up near her chest, hair long, but, carefully, carefully tended to by someone. As if that wasn't bad enough resting where her belly would have been, the bones of a much tinier form....

Arimia stares at the bones for a couple moments before looking around at the others. "This is why this house was safe in those bombings. The bomber cares for these bones. Probably a wife and unborn child, judging from the names on the door." She reaches out and grabs the larger skull and hair, pulling them off the bed with apparent lack of concern. "Let's poke the hornet's nest."

Ictus nods to Issi after he reads what she wrote and sighs, "That's obvious, but yes... I feel it too." he shakes his head and frowns as he looks into the house again, he blinks at Arimia and hmms, "You think the two are related? I heard the reports... But I wasn't there myself." he frowns a bit as he spots the corpse and looks to the sign, he blinks a bit at the name and frowns in thought "Where have I..." he looks around and frowns, "Crap..." as he starts looking into the shadows intently

Dio continues along the path, shrugging at the merchant and patting the pocket where the book resides. "Like I said, I don't want material goods. You kn- Hmm? Hey, where are ya goin lad?" He sticks out his hand in an attempt to stop the merchant, but the tiger was already too far gone. "Angel's house?" He looks towards the house in question and begins to move towards it. "Hello? Anyone there," he asks, peering through the door frame. "Ah! There you guys ar- Oh wow..." His smile turns to a frown as he observes the scene, slowly stepping into the room. "That's awful," he murmurs, shaking his head. "We should probably look for traps or somethin'," he says, starting to look around the room.