Promise Fair - A Grand Entrance - RPLOG

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It is late in the evening, and the sun is already slowly setting on Firmament and Sweetwater as a whole. LongTech has built a stand in front of the northern entrance to the fair-building. Lady Longtail is already standing at the ready, wearing her red-and-white dress. The diplomats from abroad, however, are nowhere to be found just yet, probably waiting backstage or to the side.

The smell of food wafts out from inside the hall, and there appear to be beings working for House Longtail and House blackback, serving drinks to the attendees.

Angus is off to the side of the stage, dressed in full dress-uniform and keeping an eye on things for security-matters.

Fenris lounges off to the side of the stage opposite Angus. Technically, he is not on the security detail, but the tiger has instructions from no less than three noble families to keep his eye out for trouble. He is wearing his unusual, Creator inspired uniform and watching the goings on with interest.

Wearing her best dress, Jynx mingles with the other attendees. The pale-furred skunk looks around to take in the sights, ears flitting to pick up on conversation here and there as she explores the collection of beings.

Russell isn't really well-connected enough to get up into the good seats for the show, and even if he was a proper Noble, he wouldn't like all of the attention. But the man does love a good show now and again. So he's found himself as decent a place as he can in the crowd to see the upcoming performance. His tail wags a bit as his eyes scan the group, as he doesn't actually know what sort of thing is going on.

Flora smiles as she watches the crowd gather. At least a hundred, maybe two hundred beings gathered, waiting for what is probably going to be some sort of speech. Her ears flick for just a moment, before she moves to the front of the stage. "It has taken a while for the district to finish construction, and maybe even longer for everyone to arrive, yes. But Flora would like to officially open the Promise fair to the public, as well as welcome Sweetwater's friends from the east. From the jewel of the desert," the cat offers, as her voice rings out over the crowd, loud and clear.

As she finishes her sentence, five beings rise onto the stage, dressed in shralestan garb. Five priests, each and every one of them, the same five that visited Longtail Manor a few days ago.

Fenris has never much cared for speeches, and he wanders slowly through the crowd, honestly hoping that the food vendors will be coming through soon. He joins in the polite applause for the priestly visitors.

As the Lady begins speaking, Jynx's attention is drawn there, raptly attentive. When the desert priests are introduced, she gives a polite clap of approval, smiling. This collection of beings from other portions of Promise was going to be monumental.

"Ohhh. Didn't expect dignitaries to be here." Russell's voice says to nobody in particular. His ears poke above some of the taller being's shoulders as he begins to pay closer attention to the group of nobles being presented to the crowd. His ears and eyes turn back to the head of house Lontail then, with an idle flick of the tail.

"And of course, our allies to the North, Thera'Dor," Flora offers, as the Shralestan beings step to the side of the stage, and five more beings stand on the stage. Three moles, definitely part of the Underhill clan, and two Reindeer. Anton and an as-of-yet unnamed Lady.

They take a bow, much to the apparent delight of the crowd, whom seem to be cheering most of the beings present so far. Flora offers a small bow to the delegates as well, before turning to the crowd once more, while an older Schlaufuchs appears besides Angus, striking up a conversation.

"And what of your rivals from the west?" calls out the voice of a snowy owl, heading another few beings. One female Wirefur, pale, curiously beautiful, and dressed in military garb, much like Angus and the Schlaufuchs besides him, probably their security-detail. One finch, male, dressed in a long robe befitting a high status in academics, and one mouse, also male, dressed in an extravagant outfit meant to resemble a craftbeing's clothes... And then, there is the owl herself...

Flora gestures for the crowd to part, and let the Cliffside-delegation move across to the stage. "Flora was almost afraid the Cliffside delegation was getting cold feet, yes," she offers with a smile on her lips, much to the chagrin of the academic, although the crowd seems to enjoy the little quip. "Our rivals from the west, we would like to welcome as well, peacefully, further extending our offer to learn from Promise's best and brightest," she offers, as the Wirefur joins Angus and the older Schlaufuchs.

Fenris joins in the applause for the Thera'Doran party and shares a familiar nod with Anton, the reindeer. His idle saunter through the crowd comes up short at the sound of the owl's voice.

The tiger's head whips around to where the Cliffside Delegation has entered with an undisguised look of disbelief. He shakes it off quickly and starts to move with purpose toward the stage.

The skunk craftsbeing squeaks and almost misses a beat as the crowd begins to part for the Cliffside delegation. Her sweeping plume of thick skunk tail lingers in the spot she was in momentarily before she cradles it close and out of the aisle created. She watches, enamored of the proceedings.

The Arctic Fox watches the Delegates from Cliffside of all places show up, and he thinks a little to himself before muttering, "Well, that was unexpected." And then turning his attention to the proceedings then. He spots a vaugely familiar set of faces in Angus and Fenris up front, but it's not like he's going to wave from the crowd or anything. Russell is several rows behind Jynx, and does much the same with his eaqually fuzzy tail, leaning his head out ever so slightly to try and see what was going on.

A short glance from Flora in Fenris's direction, a silent stare, before they turn back to the crowd, and the beings on the stage, smiling brightly.

"Now then. Before we open the doors and allow everyone at the feast within. There are thre more things to handle, yes," she offers, as a group of beings carries in three cases, offering them to the primary member of each delegation. Lord Underhill, Miss Snowfeather, and, much to the Lion's chagrin, Stephen Sandfur, the apostate priest. "These are standards, based on those used by the creators themselves, and Sweetwater offers them to the whole of Promise. A Promise of increased international cooperation," the she-cat offers with a smile, as a being with a camera snaps a picture of the stage with a flash of light. "Several other copies will be provided to each delegation, to be distributed to the local Houses, academies and churches."

"And finally! LIGHTS," Flora calls out after giving the delegations a moment to examine the gifts, as the convention-hall behind her lights up, the dome above giving off a glow of mixed colors. An impressive display, to say the least.

And then, the first fireworks launch into the air, and the doors to the great building open proper, allowing the gathered beings to venture inside, and partake of the banquet, while the fireworks light up the sky above Firmament.

Though no actual words are said, it seems that some kind of communication has passed between Flora and Fenris. The big tiger simply shrugs and tries to enjoy the light show and fireworks, though he can not seem to shake a faint frown of displeasure.

As the doors open, he hurries to put himself in position to intercept the Owl, Snowfeather. "Anne-Marie," he says affably at the first opportunity, "I did not expect to see you here. And as the lead of a Cliffside delegation, no less!"

The flashes and pops and concussive throbs of camera and fireworks draw Jynx's eyes with wonder. She'd been experimenting a bit with black powder and admixtures therein, but this display of flash and light was quite astounding. Moving with the flow of the crowd, she's careful not to bump too hard into anyone, bobbing her head in apology when it does happen.

Russell's eyes snap back and the first sounds of the fireworks. He wasn't quite expecting a pyrotechnic display to say the least. "Ohhh!" He says, actually startled for quite a moments before his head looks up to the display, only occassionally glancing down to see the crowd's reactions.

"A pleasure, Mister Fenris," the snowy owl offers with a smile that is a little too genuine, a little too broad. Still, she allows the tiger near, clicking her beak momentarily. "You seem... Upset," she offers, as she hands the gift she'd just been given off to the cliffside academic, before moving along with Fenris, even if she's making sure to stay close to the other delegates, whom seem to be walking and talking with Flora about the gift she's provided.

The food inside smells absolutely lovely, with various fried snacks available, as well as different meats, bread, and, of course, beverages... It's not a proper noble or royal banquet, but it's certainly a step above an average dinner.

"Please, enjoy the food. The shows of technology and magic will start tomorrow,"Flora's voice calls out, as various beings dig into the food.

Fenris holds out his arm to the Owl in what must appear to everyone around a friendly, courtly gesture, accompanied by a friendly smile. "Upset?" he asks, "Maybe. Just a little. I am not really used to being surprised. When you have been around as long as I have, you tend to learn to see things coming. The upper eschelons of Cliffside seem like quite the jump from the last time we met." He gestures toward the tables of food. "Our feast here is a bit different than the one you invited me too before, but perhaps I could interest you in a treat?"

As the people begin to mingle, Jynx makes her way towards the craftbeing-dressed mouse, and she bobs her head in genteel greeting, "Welcome to Sweetwater. It's nice to meet fellow crafters from other nations, unless I'm presuming too much?" She offers up a shy smile, Jynx's ear twtiching enrvously.

The Arctic Fox stays amongst the others of his class, staying clear of the nobles as he carefully weaves this way and that in the crowd, greeting a being here and there and staying on the pariphery of the preceedings As long as the fireworks are going on, he's more intrested in the explosions and sounds then most anything else going on. He does finally give a wave to Fenris from a distance though, now that the more 'official' part of things seems over to him.

"Oh, I wouldn't say I'm quite there... Yet," Snowfeather offers with that same, slightly mysterious smile. "You will find that I am full of surprises, mister Fenris. Who knows where I'll pop up next. Perhaps I should seek an Audience with the King, now that I'm here? Any thoughts on things I -must- see before I depart for Cliffside again?" the owl offers with a smile. "My Parish's taste is... Particular. But that doesn't mean I partake," Snowfeather offers, as she picks up an apple from the table.

Russell is most definitely rewarded with flashy lights and loud bangs, as various fireworks light up the sky, flashing in reds and greens and yellows, along with the occasional blue and even purple. And then, there's the smell of the food, of course.

Jynx is rewarded with an harrumph, as the crafter seems to size her up for a little while, before shaking his head. "Can't say I've heard of you, lass. Alphonse roundear. Gemsmith, at your service. And before you ask, I'm not looking for apprentices."

Russell's ears go nearly deaf as he watches the show. As this happens (and he begins to get annoyed with the ringing!) the Arctic Fox slinks into where the food was, keeping at least a few commoners between him and any of the nobles. He's on the hunt for finger food, or at least something he can eat while holding the plate with the off hand. His tail flicks about as it attempts to dodge the shins of other beings going through the food lines.

Fenris returns Snowfeather's smile as he claims a little plate for himself and stocks it with bits of meat and cheese. "I think you will understand when I say that a meeting between you and King Good is the last thing I want to see," he says, "as far as the sights? Well, I can think of a dungeon or two that I would be happy to show you."

The tiger catches sight of Russel and raises a hand in greeting. He turns a smile back to Snowfeather. "I am required to say that you are welcome in Sweetwater and that I hope you enjoy your stay," he says, the picture of a genial local guide, "But I have to confess that I really, really hope you give me a reason to put you on the first ship to Ishara. Have a lovely evening, Miss Snowfeather." The tiger looks around the room, hoping to catch sight of. . . well, of someone else to seek out. No reason to waste a good exit line like that.

The skunk lets out a mirthful laugh despite the harumph delivered t her, "Oh, no, no, I wouldn't ask such a thing. I've already well mastered the craft of lapidary arts and gem-cutting. I find more pleasure in the act of sculpting than flecking off on existing facets. More art than simple chippery." Her lips poise into the smile, and she gives a genteel incline of her head to the mouse, "A pleasure making your acquaintance, Alhponse Roundear. Should you ever wish to expand your own skills, I'm certain we could find a common ground. The name is Jynx, and I represent White Stripe Finery."