Oink and you shall recieve - RPLOG
From Rusted Promises
"That looks to be the last of it, anyone here wish to proceed inside?" Bolum the hawk offers, gesturing to the ruins entrance. "It's trecherous but not too dangerous." he says as he examines the walls one last time. They have spent days of effort decoding what they can, but the story must be sent to the reserachers for futhre examination, one cannot simply trust carvings about kitsune, there may be an underlying meaning. Bolum then looks to the group for an answer, seeking volunteers.
Zero opens his eyes from his medtation. Standing up, he nods. Taking another chance, Zero pulls out his blades, inspecting them to make sure they're in good condition.
Mazurek would definitely be one of the first to volunteer, "I'm ready to continue onward, sure!" He had been off to the side out of the way of those recording, warming up with some of his martial-artist exercises. It left him sweating a bit as well and he used his wings to cool off now.
Walden looks almost exhausted from having recorded all of that writing. However, Bolum brings up an awfully interesting point: the interior. "That's not a bad idea," he tells the hawk. "If we leave before exploring it, we could be missing out on some valuable clues. Besides, what if someone gets hurt? I've gotta be there."
Moroko has his book out and is taking notes of the images, "Oooh I hope there are more riddles." He says to no one in particular. Moroko seems to have made it through inreasonable good shape through judicious use of air magic. "Tally ho then." He offers to the hawk indicating that he's game.
Ryusho is busy fiddlign with his soul gem, spesifically the knoledge crystals, as he had been shifting and sorting them over the past few days, trying to find what he felt was the best combination for the current scenario, and was still oding some last minute checks before they got up to go in
Bolum claps his hands together. "Excellent. Shall we proceed then?" he says as he wheels around on a boot heel, and proceeds inside the ruins. They are dark, the stones iniside almost yellow in color, at least until they fade into the darkness.
A small bead of sweat runs down Zero's brow. Wiping it away, he inhales deeply before taking shakey steps to follow Bolum into the unknown.
Mazurek lets the others go first again, "I'll take up the rear again, guys. Just like last time." He had healed completely of the injuries the creatures in the previous cave . At least his shorts weren't damaged.
Ryusho similarlly had recovered from anything that may of bothered them before as he hums softly, slowly getting up as he gets his equipment and all gathered and packaged, "...I feel like I am as good as I can set myself up for things, unless I have time to change a crystal later...so This feels good for our situation, I'm ready." he says nodding softly, "Let us head on, I will help with the way, I suppose I can keep an eye out for traps and the like just in case..."
Walden chuckles and says to Ryusho, "I hope so. I'm not so good at that sort of thing," he says, pulling out a torch and lighting it. "Really, I can't wait to see what's inside, though. Hopefully something wonderful, some lost bits of knowledge perhaps!"
Moroko seems content to make for the middle of the group like a good non-dragony mage. He offers to Walden, "Probably something trying to eat us again. Fascinating!" He says brightly as he keeps his staff in front of him probably expecting tentacles.
Zero gulps and moves his hand to his sword hilt in case he needs it as he continues to move with the group.
As they proceed inside the ruins the center of the floor triangles upward, making an uneven surface dividing the hallway in two. Bolum stands on the left side, seemingly unsure of which side he wants to be on but unable to walk on the centerpiece.
Ryusho blinks a bit, and after seveeral secconds..he decides to take a crown out of his coin pouch..and flip it...just to decide, if he can not decern anything that looks like a good choice between the two...
Ryusho decides to flip a coin to decide....after a moment...
The other dragon makes the choice very easily on whether to be on one side of the slope or the other... Maz traverses the hall from the very center and does so on all fours. He gets his own light in this mode of locomotion by having his mouth open and letting flames roll in his mouth, which allows him to look to either side without having to worry about stumbling into anything unexpectedly.
Walden finds himself drifting toward Moroko as they walk. He laughs a little at what the lupine mage says and responds, "You might think me strange for this, but the crazy tentacle creatures were actually my least favorite part of the trip." He looks ahead at the split ahead and says, "Oh, two sides? Left is the obvious choice, of course."
Ryusho then chooses the right side...
Moroko doesn't seem overly concerned about the direction. He offers to Walden, "I would think right would be the right side." He says smirking but then pauses,"Aaah well the tentacles weren't favorite but they were fascinating!"
Zero looks at the two paths, gaze switching from one to the other. Closing his eyes, he almost seems to be asleep standing up. After a few seconds, he opens his eyes and looks to the left path.
The group continues upon their selected side, having clear view of the others at all times. They proceed for a while until a pillar breaks the triangular formation, a kitsune shown looking straight down the triangular divider, and in this case at Mazurek. Bolum gazes at it for a while before continuing. As he does so the walls shake slightly, the light from the entrance dies off as a wall blocks the path back to the blockades start. The triangular formation begins to rise up at a moderate speed, Mazurek will be crushed if they do not drop off onto a side now.
Moroko blinks as things start rumbling he puts his hands out and looks up towards Maz, "I say, you may want to jump? Hmmm so looking down means don'tgo there."
Walden cries out in shock as the middle starts closing itself. "No!" he exclaims. "Why's it doing that? We're gonna lose sight of each other!" He looks to Bolum and Zero in concern. "W-we can always go back and meet them, right?"
Mazurek can't help but wonder just what Walden found in tentacles that made them alluring, but he can't speak it aloud due to focusing his flame to light his way. His thoughts are interrupted when the ground beneath him suddenly begins rising. The rumbling actually causes him to stumble and become a bit off balance, and he tumbles off to one side. He ends up falling to the right just as panic grips some of the group, his tail barely making it out of danger before it is too late. If he had jumped, he would have hit the ceiling there...
Zero draws back as the middle closes itself. "Ah Great
Zero draws back as the middle closes itself. "Ah Great!! Just what we need!!" he hisses, more to himself than anyone else.
Ryusho Mrphs as he glances back, then forth, apparently leading the way out of the three here, "Well, Lets see.." he says softly, and then rubs his head, "Well, I guess we keep going?" he says after a moment as he glances forward, then back...
Mazurek grunts, getting to his feet after the tumble, "I might have triggered that if the Kitsune statue-pillar was the trigger for that trap." Yes, his flame had died when he was forced to choose which side to go on. He shakes himself a bit, "Forward. We can't go back if you noticed." He halfheartedly gestures to the blockade behind.
Bolum grumbles and looks to Walden and Zero. After determining they can no longer go back, he urges them forward. As do they step over plates which receed into the floor, keying a reaction on the other side unknown to them. On the right side of the wall, a steady stream of darts starts to pass between what look like aa system of tubes.
Moroko watches Mazurek tumble pausing, "Are you alright?" He asks but nods at the words, "Forward we go aslong as it lets us." He says in agreement.
Walden peeks down at the pressure plates beneath him. "Oh, I don't like that," he says to Bolum and Zero. "Hey, we've got to be careful. Maybe we can figure out what these look like and avoid stepping on any more. I'm a little worried about getting the other guys killed!"
Mazurek blinks and comes to an abrupt halt as he hears something, "WAIT!" He looks around quickly and even breathes out a steady stream of flame to try and locate the source of the noise that has caught his attention.
Moroko stopseven as he says forward. He blinks and claps, "Fantastic!" He considers them andlooksto thetwo dragons, "Hmmm fire or air?" He asks curiously as he considers as he adjusts his staff and then looksto the two dragons, "or I suppose you two can produce both?"
Zero holds up his hand for the other two to stop. Stopping in his tracks, he shuffles around in his bag, pulling out a gem and removing one worn on him, switching them out.
Walden raises a hand quickly. "Okay, hold up, hold up," he says to Bolum and Zero. "Okay, see, these ones here. I think these are the ones that go down. So- so- do this. Step diagonally like this. It's like a checkerboard pattern so far."
Bolum follows Waldens advice, proceeding cautiously at first then getting the hang of walking in such a fashion he leads the group on the left side onward. "Good job sir, this should be easy if you can keep that up." he offers.
Ryusho stands there as he watches the darts a moment, "...Well lets see.." he says softly, looking, just trying to see if there is a pattern, or potentially gaps or whatever in the apparent -firing- of teh darts as they shoot across the path, to see if there is a 'safe' way by them.
Zero shakes his head and stares at Walden, stammering "Wha...you...found....How?" but follows his instruction anyway, carefully stepping where Walden told him to do so.
Mazurek stops using his flame after a moment of watching the darts in the glow of it. Grunting, he looks to the Tegu and asks, "Let's rush through them together and protect the wolf here from them?" He shudders a little, "I'll go against the wall?"
Moroko glances across the two and offers, "I'll see if I can produce a wind barrier while we're going through as well, if you reallly think we can rush through it? At least deflect them away from us." He says looking clearly concerned about this plan.
Ryusho hums quietly, as he rubs his chin slightly, "Moroko...Can you actually use your wind magic...if I lety ou infront of me, jsut a bit, Why don't you blow wind down the path..it will knock the darts out of their path, as they are going from one side, to the other, -into- tubes, and..I am guessing being re-used...so if the darts are ...interupted, they can't get back into the system..." he says after a while...
Mazurek blinks a bit, stepping forward until he is almost in the path of the darts, "If that's all that's needed, I should be able to do that." He grins, "I've been studing some magic and I believe I can send a strong enough air current to disrupt them." He's staring at the darts, or as much as he can see of them in the gloom.
Walden just shrugs at Zero's question as he continues leading the way around the pressure plates. "I just thought it seemed likely enough, and I figured out how they looked, that's all. What worries me is the possibility that the pattern could get changed up before we're through this part of it. So I'm keeping my eye out for sure. I hope the guys over there are okay though."
Moroko begins chanting slightly under his breath, is it numbers? Is it words? It's hard to tell. Either way the wind stirs flickingacrossthose on the right side and maybe even noticeableon the other side. Morokogesture ssuddenly and the wind picks up. It begins to diver the darts creatinga buffer around the trio. hestarts to move forward and nods to Mazurek seemingly to encourage him to add to the barrier just in case as he moves forward.
On the right side, the darts cycle endlessly, never straying from a straight shot as they go from pipe to pipe. The left side on the other hand has a rather easy travel forward, until the path they are on suddenly decides to swap the sides the pressure plates are on. 'Clink' can be heard as it sinks into the ground, and then another 'Clink' as Bolum stops and realizes what's going on. Back on the right side, the darts are cast aside from their proceedings, the parade of deadly projectiles comes to a halt momentarily before starting up again, then stopping again.
Ryusho hums softly, "..Well that made a gap.." he says softly, as he rubs his chin, "So we can now either see if you can time it, so you catch just -as- the gap is closing to make it larger, or we can try to dash through one at a time durring that gap.." he then says after a moment
Mazurek blinks upon feeling the magic take effect around him, and he actually starts to head forward with the other two. He takes the side that the darts are originating from, which places him in the most danger should the trio be moving together. So as not to damage his wings he faces the wall and sidesteps through, breathing his wind-breath along the way as instructed.
Zero groans in fusturation. "GrrGHH!!! Why am I not suprised?
Moroko moves slowly and then faster rushing through at the gap and keeping Mazurek to the right. Clearly he's not one to pass up the opportunity of his cover going through before him.
Walden looks rather disgruntled as his pattern is demolished. No, wait. "It's backwards now. I knew something would happen! Um... okay. Okay, so... follow the pattern again, starting from... these solid tiles here. Okay." He slowly moves forward, stepping carefully where he believes the new "safe" tiles are. As for what's going on on the other side, he's sadly clueless.
Ryusho would wait, potentially actually going alone rather then as a -group- but..if we go as a group so be it, as they try to slip through the gap as fast as they can to get through without harm...
Zero groans in fusturation, "GrrGHH!!! That can't sound good." Looking to Bolum and Walden, he ask "Anyone wanna take a quess as to what's happening now?"
Bolum corrects his path, slowly proceeding with the group, not wishinig to step on anything else. "I'm not sure maybe they're supposed to trick us into thinking something is going to happen? I wouldn't be surprised if one of them actually worked." Mazurek, Ryusho, and Moroko make it through the gap unharmed. The path ahead of them looks oddly barren.
Mazurek huffs in relief, sending another gout of flame ahead, when they pass through the trap unharmed. Noting that there's a rather empty corridor ahead of them compared to what they just went through he drops to a crouch and states, "Moroko, get on. Piggyback. After what we just went through it would be best to have myself and Ryusho be on the ground."
Ryusho would at first continue forward without thinking, though he would be keeping his eyes open, watching slowly, "...This now looks too plain to be right..." he says softly, ...as he slowly takes one step after the other while he watches and..almost jumps at the sudden flame going over his head or past him, "Will you quit doing that without warning!" he says stumlbing as he turns around to give mazurek a look...