Flora Longtail Does the Blackbacks - RPLOG
Outside, the sun is scorching and a being could cook an egg on the cobblestones, but here inside the Blackback Manor it is cool and comfortable. No doubt a contribution from a grateful academian or something. It means that the gathering of noble lords and ladies do not have to sweat like peasants. The great hall of the Blackback manor is draped in tapestries and penants showing the house colors and the Blackback coat of arms, still sparkling in its newness. Liveried servants carry trays of drinks and small appetizers around to the party goers.
Well... At -least- House Blackblack's a house Flora can relate to. If she's going to make a formal appearance, it's better if it's at a house she can relate to, than one like the Solacious, or, Creators forbid, another Snowmark party. That one time was more than enough for Flora.
Still, the Lady looks decidedly uncomfortable wearing her dress, and it's clear she'd much rather be... Somewhere else, at the very least.
Like always, she's escorted by two guards, each of them wearing a clean uniform.
The Highlady's guards don't seem to be doing her much good here. Their presence is comforting, perhaps, but the general mill of nobles treat the pair like rather unattractive bits of furniture.
A rather buxom bovine woman in a remarkably impractical dress that looks more like a fancy cake than an article of clothing sweeps up to Flora. "My DEAR Highlady," she simpers in a way that suggests that simpering is not something that comes to her naturally and in a surprisingly deep voice, "What a pleasure to find you here in person! I have been hoping to meet you at any number of these little soirees, but you have always been away. The children, I think I was told."
"Children. And work, yes," Flora notes, raising a brow at the bovine woman. Flora seems... Uncomfortable. She clearly doesn't exactly know to deal with this situation, even though it's not like she's high-tailing it out of there right away. In fact, her tails are pretty much lowered, swishing behind her.
The guards, for the most part, manage to not stand out -too- much. Still, it's clear the Lady is one of the few to actually bring her own guards.
"Of course, my dear, of course," the large cow woman says with an indulgent smile, "Now, you really must allow me to introduce you to Lord Blackback himself. I am Diana Strongheart. I do quite a lot of business with your Senechal or whatever it is you care to call her. Very down to earth woman, your Svetlana." The cow reaches forward to grasp Flora's hands, obviously planning to hold her by the hand to lead her somewhere.
"... Sen-e-chal?" Flora questions, head tilted, tail twitching. "Oh! Friend Sveta. Yes. Very helpful, yes." Flora concludes after a short moment of realization, her tails still twitching behind her... And then, she flat-out hisses when the bovine lady tries to grab her paw.
"No touching Flora. No."
The cow blinks stupidly at Flora, then looks at her guards, acknowledging them just long enough to confirm that this is normal behaviour. "Um, well, yes, of course," she says, trying to realign her mental train, "I mean, it would be my pleasure to introduce you to our host, if you would follow me?"
She turns and sashes away, her natural sway causing her monstrosity of a dress to heave about like a storm at sea. She cleaves a path through the rest of the nobility to the foot of a grand staircase. There, talking with a soft looking bull is a robust looking skunk in fine clothes, vaguely reminiscent of the robes worn by scholars at the academy. Just the thing for a scholar raised to the peerage.
Flora nods, although she's... Still a little puffed up. She's not exactly super thrilled after this development, even though she's steadily calming down once she's certain she's not going to be touched.
With Lord Blackback in sight, Flora seems... Mostly relaxed, especially with one of her guards shadowing her, from a distance.
"Lord Blackback!" Diana says with an affected breathlessness, "May I present my dear friend, Highlady Flora Longtail. Flora, this is Highlord Blackback and my husband Apollo Strongheart, second cousin to the Markgraf." The cow woman seems quite proud of this tenuous connection to the head of the Strongheart house.
Lord Blackback looks Flora over appraisingly. The mature skunk is rather imposing in his own way and there is a sharp intelligence in his dark eyes. "The mysterious High Lady," he says smoothly, "I am flattered that you would attend my little fete, since I have not heard of you attending any other before this. You are finally out of sequestering, then? Should we expect more courtly appearances from you in the future?"
"Flora has... Made court-appearances, yes. Offered the King a thermometer in court, bach when people were getting ill with Red Fever, yes," Flora offers ater a good while of contemplation, her tails twitching behind her. "And Flora is at the inn regularly, and the Academy," she concludes after a while, her eyes focused on the blackback. She doesn't immediately acknowledge the second Strongheart, though still offering a warm smile.
"And Flora... Flora isn't sure. Not unless Flora has to. Research, children, running the family. Busy, yes."
"Yes," Lord Blackback says, "I remember the thermometer. Quite ingenious. I assume it was based off of the similar Creator technology? Pity that we can't get our hands on more of their work. I have no doubt it would springboard us forward in ways we can hardly imagine. Can you imagine the possibilities of Creator miracles in the hands of one of our own gifted?" The skunk reaches up to stroke a bare soul gem that he wears at his throat. The two Stronghearts nod and give vague affirmations to the High Lord's words. An obedient pair of social climbers.
"Flora has... No idea how the Creator device with the same name works, but Flora knows that it works, and that it measures the same thing, yes. But... Our thermometers follow the scale that the Creators use. Ours are not as precise, but they are comparable," Flora explains, her tails flicking behind her.
"Flora would... Rather they are rare, yes. Available, but rare. Beings need to stand on their own, yes."
"Of course, of course," Lord Blackback says, "We must stand on our own, but imagine how we might stand on our own with such marvels in our hands. After all, it is not as though they are wonders we were not meant to have. In the not so distant past we were star walkers too, were we not?" The skunk obviously likes the sound of his own voice, but perhaps he has a point.
"But it isn't the same, no? While Flora certainly enjoys the marvels of the Creators' technology... Without understanding, they are merely rare tools. Special, yes, but unless beings understand how they work and how to make them, beings won't stand on their own, no," Flora notes as her taild sway behind her.
"What's the saying? Give a being a fish, and they're fed for a day... Teach the being to fish, and they're fed for a lifetime, yes?"
Lord Blackback smiles and raises his glass to Flora. "True enough, my lady," he says, "But surely not every being need know the intricacies of fishing? Metaphorically, I mean." The skunk taps the soul gem around his neck. "Take these little baubles, for example. I imagine that there are only a handful of beings on all of Promise whoul could properly explain how a soul gem and pendant work, myself included, of course. But even without a complete understanding of HOW, many, many gifted in Sweetwater and beyond can take advantage of its expert construction. Surely you can't believe that every Creator understands the inner workings of the wonderous devices they use?"
"Of course not, no. Not every being needs to be a blacksmith, and not every being needs to know three-dimensional magics, no. Not every being needs to know how a photograph is made, either. But beings, groups of beings, need to work these things out, yes."
"Imagine if beings were only copying creator spells... But now... Now there are beings who understand the basics. Beings who can make new spells of that scale. And other beings can benefit much more than if beings only copied the ones beings could find."
"I do not suggest complacency," Lord Blackback says, "Only that if we had the knowledge that they have, that once WE had, we could make great leaps and bounds, rather than inching along at a snail's pace. Do not tell me that you would not seize upon the chance to learn how our Creators travel the stars, or how their machine makes cloth and small items from nothing? I have had the priviledge of seeing a glimpse of what our Creators have, is it such a crime to wish a portion of that for myself and my people?"
"Of course, yes. But most knowledge is not made with leaps and bounds. A slow, methodical process, with the occasional leap. Big things are exceptional," Flora notes, as she shakes her head. "Flora isn't saying they won't help... But abundance creates complacency, yes."
"Flora would love to see the stars, to marvel at the Creators' worlds, but without all the knowledge that comes from years of research... Beings aren't going to be able to understand the Creators' devices, no."
The noble skunk considers Flora for a moment. "I confess, it is good to hear a dissident opinion from time to time," he says waving a dismissive hand toward his hangers on, "walk with me, Highlady."
He leads the way to a large, picture window looking over the estate, away from Diana and Apollo. "I too often find myself surrounded by sycophants and yes men," he says, "I am delighted that you have finally graced my home with your presence. I hope to see more of you in the future. And more of your work." The skunk takes a sip from his cup and looks out over the estate. "I have enjoyed the little toys you have made so far. I expect that you have more. . . influential work in the making?"
"There are... Things Flora is working on. Things LongTech Industries is working on. Incremental improvements, new, separate research. Alchemy... Non-magical research. The Church has some of the details, of course. And Flora has been... Visiting other countries for a project. A way to... Sell ideas, and protect the seller from being swindled. Mister Blackback has probably heard about it, yes?"
"Mmm," Lord Blackback hums, "Yes, I have heard. I cannot say that I understand what you are hoping to accomplish. I find it easier to simply keep my secrets to be totally honest with you. I don't much like putting my assets in the hands of lawyers." The graceful skunk nods to Flora. "It has been a pleasure meeting you, Highlady. If you can excuse me, I must not monopolize you."
"But Mister Blackback has a house behind him. A wealthy house. If Mister Blackback wants something made, he can do it himself, no?"
"A smaller inventor may not have the funds to produce their invention on a bigger scale, or it may be a risky endeavor. They need someone to provide the money, yes?"
"And once the person with the money knows the idea, well... The inventor is no longer needed, and they lose their source of income. If, however, the sale of ideas is protected everywhere..."
"The benefit to LongTech Industries would be that Longtech doesn't have to prodduce every product we think of. We can simply sell the ideas, instead of having to produce everything. And Flora can focus more on research, yes."
Lord Blackback stops, seeing that Flora is still interested in talking. "And who will enforce your new laws?" he asks, gesturing the tigress to walk with him, "Where do you draw the line? Since you have made a portrait maker, can I never make anything like it? Is that theft of an idea?" He hands off his empty glass to a passing servant. "I have made several 'cameras' as you call them with varying success, you know. I believe that i could even improve upon your process if I were more interested in it. Am I then an intellectual thief?"
"There are... Issues. They have to be worked on. The rules, Flora would leave that up to the countries themselves, yes. And Flora imagines there are... Various conditions. If Flora were to make the rules... For personal use, no issue, if the inventor gets credit where it's due. No issue. If profit is being made, then there should be some compensation."
"There are, of course, things that cannot be patented. Medicine, Flora imagines, would create many, -many- issues, for one. No patenting medicine."
"I wish you the best of luck on that," Lord Blackback says, though it is evident that he is not particularly interested in the idea, "You will forgive me if I find myself drawn to more immediately practical pursuits. I find that, like my father before me, I am rather drawn to work with crystals. The manipulation of light and sound and even souls with crystals is a rather consuming pursuit for me. We have managed to create a number of new soul gems in the past year alone. It is all quite exciting."
"Flora would prefer doing that. But for the time being, Flora will have to ensure that the LongTech Flora envisions is viable. And with the way funds are with the House... The gift from the King helps, of course, but it won't keep the house afloat in the long term."
"Ideally, Flora envisions... Academics. But non-magical ones. But given that non-magical solutions are... Easier to make than magical ones, it becomes difficult to keep that afloat."
"Still, Flora would much rather do research than politics, but... It's not going to salvage the state of the house."
"Hmm," hums Lord Blackback in agreement, or appeasement, "I am afraid all that business with the Longtails and the Good Queen was rather before my time. Before my House, to be completely honest, so I am not especially invested in any emnity with the Longtails. I imagine that I could allocate some aid to you, if you have something of interest come from your research. A fee for your ideas, as you have explained it."
"Of course. Flora doesn't exactly know much about the ordeal, either... Many records disappeared, and while Flora doesn't know what happened, or why... Flora also imagines there's an untold side to the story," the she-cat concludes after a moment's pause.
"A High Lord doesn't stage a coup lightly, Flora would imagine. Still, best not to live in the past, but look to the future."
Lord Blackback waves his hand dismissively. "Like I said, it is nothing to me. I only hope that we can create a mutually beneficial relationship. I confess, you are much more interesting than I was led to believe. From the stories I have heard I feared you half mad, to be honest."
"Flora is... Aware. Flora's just different. Different childhood, differently raised. Different person. But everyone is different. Flora is just differently different. Not a people person, no. A things-person."
"Flora prefers being direct, for one," she co cludes after a short pause, trying to collect her thoughts.
"I can see that," Lord Blackback says, "Again, it has been a pleasure. If you will excuse me, I must devote some time to my other guests. I highly recommend the canapes, by the way. Best to get them before young Brutus finishes them off." With that, the stately skunk gives Flora a formal bow, then walks away to greet another knot of party goers.
"Well!" Diana Strongheart coos, hurrying back up to Flora after the Highlord has gone, "Isn't he just charming?"
"Of course, yes," Flora notes, eying the food for a bit, before she decides she's not hungry enough to eat the fancy stuff.
"He is... Interesting, yes. A useful contact for LongTech. For House Longtail, too," she concludes after a while, her eyes cast over her shoulders to confirm her guards are still present, before she relaxes a little again.
While they have maintained a respectful distance, Flora's guards have not gone anywhere and are both at their posts.
"Much better conversation then my Apollo," Diana titters, a rather ridiculous sound from such a large woman, "All HE ever wants to talk about at these things is the barley harvest or distilling techniques. He is terrible dull, the poor man. I am sure that you have experience in all sorts of courtly pastimes, yes?"
"Not... Really, no. Flora mostly spends time working in the lab, or working for LongTech industries... Although Flora would be interested in distillation, yes. Flora could look into that, yes. Find better ways to distill things," Flora concludes after a moment of contemplation, scratching behind one of her ears.
"Flora... Mostly sends Friend Sveta to court. Unless it's something that's impotant to Flora, yes."
Diana seems a bit put off by Flora's reaction. This is obviously not what the bovine had expected from a young woman who had suddenly found herself to be the head of a noble house.
"Oh, well," she stammers with an ingratiating smile, "I suppose that is all well and good for those with an interest. Do excuse me, Highlady, but I see they have brought out a tray of canapes and I hear they are not to be missed." The cow hurries off, leaving Flora once more on her own.