Jacks Wild - RPLOG
From Rusted Promises
It is hot in the shanties, and the breeze throws dust around, making things worse, rather than better. A hooded figure waits in a shaded alley, avoiding the noonday sun and keeping his face hidden.
Zuri walks down the alleyway, sporting his usual bright smile. The small salamander's garment might be mistaken for regular eveningwear, were it not for the holstered weapons hangign from his belt and the bulky appearance that his jacket's extra protective padding gives him. He walks up to the hooded figure, waiting for a moment before speaking.
Rouga is unfortunately not well-suited for the heat, and her choice of clothing only makes that worse. At least she's got a nice parasol to keep sun and dust out of her face. The solemn wolfess makes her way through the streets to the place mentioned in the job, not really looking at anything or anyone in particular. Will she be the only one to respond? Probably not.
Kazel is completely covered in her silvery plate armor, standing out here like a soar thumb. A sizeable shield is strapped to her right arm and her left hand rests on the hilt of her sword as she walks down the alleyway. As she spots the figure and Zuri, she approaches and opens the ventail of her helm.
Kilani soars high overhead the alleyway, circling around the rundown houses for a few moments before lining up a landing solution, arcing downwards to land smack in the middle of the shady sidestreet, leaving scored gashes along the street where her claws gripped in for actually, y'know, stopping. "I heard there was a need for force?"
Another figure approaches, this one from the shanties rather than Firmament. Short and clad in a cloak, though the cloth shifts enough that some features can be seen; a flash of pink fur, the glinting of light off a metal covered arm, or a metal arm, and a purple furred hand holding an intricately carved staff. Those who have met her would likely be able to identify the figure as Arimia, thanks to the colors of her fur. When she nears the group she reaches up to push her hood back, then looks at each of those gathered, black and violet eyes narrowed suspiciously.
The plant being walks besides the salamander, clad in gaudy attire that might fit more in an adventurer's club rather than the shanties, "Very well, here we are." Rokarion says before looking at Zuri and whispering something into his ear.
The hooded figure barely looks around, only pointing at the large warehouse across an empty square. The area is terrifyingly silent. "The Jacks are in there," he rasps in a rough voice, then tosses down a heavy bag of coin, "There's your pay. Wipe 'em out. There's a dog in there. Probably hurt, probably locked up. Get him out. The rest is up to you." He then turns and disappears into an nearby building. Seems straightforward enough.
Zuri looks up at Rokarion, shrugging. "It's a job." He looks back at the hooded figure and collects his pay as it's thrown down. "Huh.. seems straightforward enough..." He says with some uncertainty. He pockets the currency and draws his two blades, rapier in one hand and dagger in the other. He looks up at Rokarion, nods again, then moves towards the warehouse.
Kazel picks up her share of the payment and closes her ventail before drawing her sword and taking point, positioning herself at the door to the warehouse so that she can be the first to enter once the group is ready to open the door.
The large gryphon immediately eyes the sack of crowns as it's placed out, quickly slicing the bag open with a heavy claw and removing her own share of the coin, storing it somewhere unknown upon her. Kilani turns to look at the other Beings that decided to come, observing them quietly. "Perhaps we should consider our plan of attack. Alternate entrances, maybe." She eyes up the armored one. "I could enter through the top. Maybe some of you could look to see if there's any side doors."
Arimia watches the figure walk off befefore looking at the bag of coins in her hand with a sneer. Regardless of whatever feelings that represents she tucks the bag into a pocket before looking toward the others. "Do not harm any but the Jacks. I know how all your kind feel about Apostates, but Shanty Town is our sanctuary, such as it is. I will not have that taken away from us." Then she's turning and moving toward the warehouse, though she's moving to one of the sides rather than the main entrance, likely seeking another, stealthier way in, such as an open(or broken) window or hole in the wall.
The plant being nods at Zuri and shrugs, "Very well." he says before moving towards the warehouse as well, letting Zuri grab both of their shares, "See you inside." Roka adds before moving towards the back of the warehouse, aiming for any windows he can spot from that side.
Rouga is the last to pick up her share of the payment, using the time before to observe the other Beings present and, noting how many of them seem to be armed, does a bit of rummaging around in her clothes for something. Must keep a lot of things in there. That aside, she follows Zuri and Kazel, since they seem to be the biggest single group presently, what with everyone splitting off into angles of attack.
Warehouse is a bit of a kind exaggeration for this place. It is a ramshackle building about 15 feet high that is likely only a single storey inside. The place looks like it has been cobbled together from whatever wood and canvas could be scavanged for use, much like any other building in the area. There are some windows about twelve feet up, under the eaves of the shabby roof, but they are not glazed. Instead they are covered by thin, yellowing parchment. The main door to the loading bay is a huge sheet of metal that looks as though it is meant to slide aside, but the two other doors, one beside the front entrance and one toward the rear are squarish pegs in only vaguely square holes and don't seem too sturdy. The Jacks don't seem like the most well funded gang, but they DO have a reputation for being vicious.
Zuri blows a kiss at Rokarion as he walks off towards the back of the warehouse. He arrives at the 'main door' of this ramshackle construction, stacking up to one side to let Kazel take point. He nods at her to signal his readiness and crouches down, ready to slink in after her and cause all kinds of havoc.
Kazel nods at Kilani's plan. "I suggest that two come in through the front with me to draw their attention, you go in from the roof and two more seek entrance through a possible backdoor or window and attack them from their flanks or back." She gives a nod at Zuri as he takes a position close to her, before adding, "Looking at the place, making your own entrance is probably a viable option too."
Arimia pauses at the side of the building, looking up toward one of the windows. Stepping closer to the wall her eyes move to examine the wall. She ever-so-lightly taps a claw on the wall in a few places before reaching up with her metallic arm, sharpened claws sinking into the material. Making use of her natural claws and those on her prosthetic the small raccoon begins to climb up the side of the warehouse, planning on slipping in through a window.