Sa give a lecture - RPLOG

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Lucasiel slowly turns and twists before moving to follow after the others. With careful movements, she eases herself onto one of the nearby benches and stares blankly ahead into the extinguished fire. At least, that's what she seems to be doing. That armour is really great at hiding subtle movements, like the attentive nature of her features as she listens over the conversation. All the same, she remains a woman a no words, content to just listen and wait, to ensure there are no problems. The idle twitch of her tail under her cape at least shows she's not gone and fallen asleep.

Sara makes her way to the center of the camp, following close behind Flora as the group moves, though rather than seat herself down on one of the slabs the lizard woman chooses instead to stand behind her employer, her crimson gaze focusing closely on Guy as the two converse, being the simple quiet guard that she is. Eventually however she does break the silence with, "If you mind my saying, Guy. You seem to be an excellent teacher. You're just the thing this new fledgling house needs, more than ever, a person capable of directing the guards." turning to Flora she whispers, "No offense, Lady Flora." before looking to Guy once more, "We arent asking you to go out on a limb, solely that you offer us what aid you are willing to give."

Sara makes her way to the center of the camp, following close behind Flora as the group moves, though rather than seat herself down on one of the slabs the lizard woman chooses instead to stand behind her employer, her crimson gaze focusing closely on Guy as the two converse, being the simple quiet guard that she is. Eventually however she does break the silence with, "If you don't mind my saying, Guy. We arent asking you to go out on a limb, solely that you offer us what aid you are willing to give."

Guy rests his cheek on a fist as he listens in to the cat's reasoning. "Mm-hm. why bother coming all the way out here for something like that, then? Some help I'd be out here, and I don't fancy Firmament very much." He replies, eyes half-lidded as he takes a significantly more serious tone. "If you're just here for politics then you're better off not wasting your time."

Another small smile, another shake of the head. "Flora... Wishes to know about the state of the house. Its members. Things Flora, or LongTech Industries can do for those whom still wish to be a part of it. Records only tell so much, and every Longtail has a different story," she rumbles softly, looking every bit as serious as Guy does. "The records tell Flora about lineage, about great acts of old. But they tell nothing about the current state of affairs. Flora's experience in these matters is low, and although Flora has... Some beings that support her, some part of the family as well... The picture is far from complete."

"IF there is a way to bring the House back to glory, it will require more than one being. And as such, Flora will be visiting with any Longtail Flora can find, provided there is... Some measure of safety in doing so. Guy is the first Flora has sought out, yes."

"So... Politics." The cat sighs heavily, shaking his head. "Do you know how many beings here have time for Sweetwater politics? None." For a brief moment, Guy looks about ready to simply walk off, muttering under his breath - something about taking long enough for people to not care about his name - "...Bad enough you're asking me about that. What are you expecting, a brief history of Reginald's coup or how someone's half-brother married a 'commoner'? This is my life here, and there aren't any other Longtails around camp."

"No, not politics. Talk," Flora rumbles, almost stubbornly. "Flora does not... Enjoy politics. Or particularly care about it, unless required. Flora has made only a single appearance in court, for that matter. And that was because Flora was practically summoned, yes."

"What Flora however cares about are the attempt on Flora's life, and the attempt on the life of several employees of LongTech Industries by other Longtails who HAVE made their choice. Flora does not care about terms like 'noble' or 'commoner'. A being is a being, yes," she rumbles, her tails trashing about lightly. "And the most important thing Flora cares about is building something that will last. Creating a better future. Not just for Flora, not just for the current beings, but for later beings as well," she rumbles, her hand on her abdomen, almost as if trying to emphasize something to the other feline.

"However, it is not a thing Flora can achieve on her own. Flora needs help. Help from friends, and help from family, however scarce."

"But for now... Flora cannot expect such. And as such, Flora will simply ask... What does Guy want from the house? For himself? For others Guy cares about? Family? Friends? Something else?"

With a slight roll of her eyes, Guy reiterates one more time - "Talk about Longtails is politics no matter how you say it. If you ARE a Longtail at all, then you should probably know already that there's always someone interested in someone else's business, especially with 'family matters'."

"Not to mention, you're after me for the wrong reasons 'Flora'. I have a job here, friends here, family here. Not some 'longtail' family that'd be glad to bribe or backstab, and I don't have to worry about being chased up by the Sweetwater guard."

Standing up from his place, the cat tsks quietly. "You sound the same as any other idealistic being to me. As far as I'm concerned, unless you have a real proposition for me then I'm not sticking my neck out on your behalf." gesturing to the cats stomach - "I have my own family to worry about, and here is a lot safer for them than Firmament would be. Much less Firmament with the House Longtail I remember. I will not and can not go back there for something vague as that."

"Flora is... Very much aware of the issues. Flora is trying to solve them. One problem at a time," the she-cat rumbles, sighing lightly. "As for idealism... Maybe Guy is right... However, Flora has managed to achieve some results. The manor has been renovated, Longtail square is... Slowly being repaired, and LongTech Industries is turning a profit," she notes, before shaking her own head.

"There is nothing concrete and long-term Flora can ask, or offer, not yet, because if LongTech opens up a full war with the family right now, there is no chance of success. Like you say, the family is all too likely to bribe or backstab. There are very few Flora knows Flora can trust."

"However, there are several things Flora can ask right now. Keep an eye out for the family. There is no need to move, simply to watch carefully... Something Flora figures would already be happening... If any Longtails make a move in the area, Flora would like to know... If Guy has any parts of the family-records, Flora would like to have them... Or Flora can send someone to transcribe them. And if there is anything Flora can do in return, Flora would like to know, yes," the cat rumbles again.

"Flora is not expecting anyone to stick their hands in the fire of this conflict, but if FLora doesn't ask, the fight is already lost."

"Flora will not force anyone to move, or do things against their will. Flora will not force anyone to pick a side. Flora will not and can not expect anyone to drop their life because 'the High Lady asks'," the growls with a small scoff, before shaking her head once more. "But most importantly, Flora is not fighting a battle to win, Flora is fighting a battle to survive. And to survive, we must bide our time, build up strength, and come out of the small encounters we've had so far with as few losses as possible."