List of Recipes and Modifiers
From Rusted Promises
Equipment is vital to your character's function, and the game has a wide array of both recipes and modifiers to suit your character's needs.
List of Recipes
Recipe | Obtained by |
Activated Herbs | Secret Store |
Advanced Defense Golem | Web Mission (Advanced Golem Models)1 |
Advanced Offense Golem | Web Mission (Advanced Golem Models)1 |
Angered Promise | Academy |
Axe | Craft School |
Basic Defense Golem | Web Mission (A Golem Maker Introduction) |
Basic Offense Golem | Web Mission (A Golem Maker Introduction) |
Basic Prosthetic Limb | Academy |
Battlefield Purification | Academy |
Black Book | Craft School |
Blunderbuss | Craft School |
Book | Craft School |
Boomerang | Firebough Mountain quest |
Buckler | Craft School |
Calcified Flesh | Academy |
Chain Armor | Craft School |
Chemical Barrels | Craft School |
Cutting Winds | Academy |
Dagger | Craft School |
Distracting Cloak | Thieves' Guild |
Distracting Tactics | Secret Store |
Dulling Potion | Starter quest from Greg Teachcraft |
Ebon | Bandit Camp Contraband Trader |
Entertainment Tools | Craft School |
Field Medicines | Craft School (Buy, or Greg Teachcraft) |
Fire Elemental | Defeat the Elder of Firebough Mountain (Boss) |
Fire Whip | Secret Store |
Flame of the Creator | Academy |
Forging Tools | Craft School |
Gem Hammer | Craft School |
Gilded Armor | Craft School |
Glassware | Craft School |
Golem Grasper | Firearms Store |
Grim Grimoire | Bandit Camp Contraband Trader |
Guided Longbow | Secret Store |
Guiding Wind | Academy |
Guisarme | Craft School |
Hailstorm | Aurumrock Isle Store |
Hand Cannon | Mossy Stone Store |
Hand Crossbow | Web Mission (Silvervein Shuffle) |
Harassing Monologue | Craft School |
Heartfire Poison | Bandit Camp Contraband Trader |
Heavy Crossbow | Secret Store |
Herbal Supplements | Secret Store |
History Book | Craft School |
Hydration | Secret Store |
Imbued Quill | Craft School |
Inspiring Shout | Craft School |
Jewelry | Craft School |
Knuckles | Craft School |
Lance | Craft School |
Large Glyphs | Craft School |
Leather Knife | Craft School |
Life Drinker | Danny's Dark Delights |
Long Spear | Craft School |
Manual of Facts | Mossy Stone Store |
Martial Training | Mossy Stone Store |
Mathemagical Robes | Token Store |
Metal Ingots | Craft School |
Musket | Craft School |
Padded Armor | Craft School |
Parma | Craft School |
Parrying Blade | Craft School |
Perfume | Craft School |
Prepared Speech | Craft School |
Primitive Pistol | Firearms Store |
Ranger's Jacket | Craft School |
Recovery Tale | Craft School |
Repeating Crossbow | Secret Store |
Sabre | Aurumrock Isle Store |
Sand Storm | Academy |
Sap | Academy |
Saturated | Academy |
Savage Martial Arts | Danny's Dark Delights |
Shaded Hex | Academy |
Sharp Coat | Academy |
Sheets of Cloth | Craft School |
Shell of Darkness | Danny's Dark Delights |
Shimmering Armaments | Academy |
Short Bow | Craft School (Buy, or Greg Teachcraft) |
Shroud of Mist | Academy |
Sleeping Powder | Thieves' Guild |
Smith Hammer | Craft School |
Snare | Craft School |
Spiked Shield | Secret Store |
Staff | Craft School |
Stirring Speech | Academy District |
Stone Block | Craft School |
Street Clothes | Craft School |
Subtle Cape | Thieves' Guild |
Suffocate | Academy |
Support Frame | Firearms Store |
Swift Sword | Craft School |
Sword | Craft School |
Tainted Vitality | Danny's Dark Delights |
Thick Armor | Craft School |
Thunderbolt | Aurumrock Isle Store |
Tower Shield | Mossy Stone Store |
Trained Physique | Mossy Stone Store |
Travel Hardening | Eastbank Cabin Store |
Triage Kit | Aurumrock Isle (Surgeon McArthur), or buy from store. |
War Hammer | Craft School |
Water Breathing | Academy |
Water Elemental | Academy |
Weights and Measures | Craft School |
Zweihander | Craft School |
1: These recipes are mutually exclusive. You cannot obtain both on one character.
List of Modifiers
Modifier | Obtained by |
Charged | Secret Store |
Creator Inspired | Secret Store |
Crystal Encased | Eastbank Cabin Store |
Crystal Sheened | Eastbank Cabin Store |
Crystal Studded | Eastbank Cabin Store |
Depleted | Secret Store |
Draining | Danny's Dark Delights |
Dull | Craft School |
Energised | Defeat Autominer (boss) |
Enhanced | Craft School |
Exemplary | Craft School |
Fast | Craft School |
Faster | Craft School |
Fastest | Craft School |
Fine Tuned | Secret Store |
First Rate | Craft School |
Flammable | Academy |
Guided | Guided questline, starts at Bandit Camp. |
Heavier | Craft School |
Heaviest | Craft School |
Heavy | Craft School |
Innervated | Secret Store |
Large | Craft School |
Light | Craft School (Greg Teachcraft) |
Medicated | Secret Store |
Miniature | Craft School |
Perfectly Tuned | Secret Store |
Poorly Tuned | Secret Store |
Precisely Tuned | Secret Store |
Pure | Lay the ghosts of the Gravefells to rest. |
Reinforced | Craft School |
Sharp | Craft School |
Sharper | Craft School |
Sharpest | Craft School |
Slow | Craft School |
Small | Craft School |
Tiny | Craft School |
Titanic | Defeat Leviathan (Boss) |
Toughened | Craft School |
Venomous | Craft School |