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&quot;No one champion sir, but, all of us as your opponent. Shall you succeed in having us all view something ina manner we had not before, you may take the podium with you at the endof the day.&quot; The Sparrow smiling to Dio, before ushering him to the &#39;challange&#39;.<br> <br>Cassidy  tilts her head to the side, looking over Mirana again and offering a gentle smile. &quot;I have been well enough. Taking things easy with Natska, lately, and overseeing the construction of my castle. It&#39;s coming along quite nicely. Quite nicely indeed if I do say so myself. And what of you, cousin? You are well, I hope? Looking quite far along there.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Force? Ya call pattin&#39; some backs an&#39; offerin&#39; some food on occasion force? I must be quite the criminal,&quot; Dio laughs sharply. After clearing his throat, the lion grows a rather serious expression and raises one hand into the heavens, as if he were performing in some overdramatic play. &quot;Oh this podium, it means so many things. It reminds me o&#39; no matter how strong somethin&#39; is, there&#39;s &#39;nough force to break it. Some &#39;re stronger than others. Oh woe is life! An&#39; woe is a buffet o&#39; food, which represents a being&#39;s struggle o&#39; findin&#39; temporary satisfaction. Needed, but so short in its effects.&quot;  
&quot;No one champion sir, but, all of us as your opponent. Shall you succeed in having us all view something ina manner we had not before, you may take the podium with you at the endof the day.&quot; The Sparrow smiling to Dio, before ushering him to the &#39;challange&#39;.<br> <br>Cassidy  tilts her head to the side, looking over Mirana again and offering a gentle smile. &quot;I have been well enough. Taking things easy with Natska, lately, and overseeing the construction of my castle. It&#39;s coming along quite nicely. Quite nicely indeed if I do say so myself. And what of you, cousin? You are well, I hope? Looking quite far along there.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Force? Ya call pattin&#39; some backs an&#39; offerin&#39; some food on occasion force? I must be quite the criminal,&quot; Dio laughs sharply. After clearing his throat, the lion grows a rather serious expression and raises one hand into the heavens, as if he were performing in some overdramatic play. &quot;Oh this podium, it means so many things. It reminds me o&#39; no matter how strong somethin&#39; is, there&#39;s &#39;nough force to break it. Some &#39;re stronger than others. Oh woe is life! An&#39; woe is a buffet o&#39; food, which represents a being&#39;s struggle o&#39; findin&#39; temporary satisfaction. Needed, but so short in its effects.&quot;  
The lion couldn&#39;t help but chuckle at his own theatricts and retrieves his raised hand. &quot;Ya can make nearly anythin&#39; mean anythin&#39;. A quarry is a quarry. It&#39;s got stuff in it an&#39; ya mine it.&quot;
The lion couldn&#39;t help but chuckle at his own theatricts and retrieves his raised hand. &quot;Ya can make nearly anythin&#39; mean anythin&#39;. A quarry is a quarry. It&#39;s got stuff in it an&#39; ya mine it.&quot;<br> <br>Mirana shakes her head, &quot;Any day now, and your own castle? Really now?&quot; She asks &quot;Any day now, thank Shaila.&quot; She says, looking back to the podium. Well this should be interesting! Dio arguing theoriticals. Much of what is said could be true, in the simplest forms. But there was always so much more on top. For now, she keeps listening.
Amy shakes her head a bit, &quot;You know well enough what I mean Dio, but please, keep going.&quot;<br> <br>Rokarion takes a deep breath, before asnwering, &quot;I guess that our friend here..Mister Dio was it? Does bring another point of view into question. I think his point of view does have its own benefits after all there is beauty in practicality. But I see that we stand on a crossroad here, each path would probably lead to the same destination if certain choices are made upon it, but that does not mean any of those paths are better than the next. After all our friend does bring a good point. By the end of the day words are words, they express our own personal view of this world around us, wouldn&#39;t you both agree?&quot;<br> <br>The Sparrow breaks into laughter, and pats Dio on the back, grinning to him as she speaks. &quot;Well, they&#39;ve fallen silent enough, and the good sir there seems to be accuratly displaying their thoughts. Words may be words, but it how we transfer our thoughts to each other... But yes, you&#39;ve managed to force people to think, you may take the podium.&quot; The Mole nodding gently to Rokarion as he chuckles and bows. &quot;And it was a pleasure to discuss with you, do take care sir.&quot;<br> <br>Cassidy chuckles softly and nods. &quot;Yes. Well, I hope it works out for you. You seem quite the different woman from the one I see in the old paintings, but ah well. Things change with time, don&#39;t they?&quot; She turns her face to look properly at Mira, though whatever expression she has is hidden behind that mask. &quot;And yes! A castle. I&#39;ll still be living in the manor of course, but I&#39;ve decided that I shall own a castle on Firebough mountain. It has been coming out quite wonderfully.&quot;<br> <br>Dio scans across the crowd as the others respond to his side of the &#39;debate&#39;. &quot;Really? I mean... Yes! Indeed. O&#39; course!&quot; Goofy smile upon his muzzle, the lion takes a small bow and picks up his glorious prize. &quot;Thank ya, thank ya,&quot; he claims graciously as he walks back towards the crowd. &quot;I think that was pretty fun, lads. I didn&#39;t know I was so good at this.&quot;<br> <br>Mirana couldn&#39;t help herself! She just laughs, has Amy help her up and just continues laughing! Her whole front end jiggles she is laughing so hard, tears start to form in her eyes! She almost misses Cassidy&#39;s words, &quot;Oh.. oh.. pardon me a minute... my... oh.. I think... oh goodness...&quot; She says, giving a soft sigh, &quot;And... I guess that I have changed a lot. And, if you wish to talk about it, we can, after all is done. I have work to do for the next few days.&quot; she says, looking to Amy, &quot;Please, let&#39;s to the city again.&quot; She says, the pair departing.<br> <br>Rokarion gives the mole a polite nod, &quot;And it was a pleasure discussing things with you too good sir. I hope we meet again sometime.&quot; Rokarion then looks at the sparrow before saying, &quot;But hwo is the true winner here? The good lion have given us or rather reminded us of another point of view. One could say that we are the ones who gained more. After all knowledge is power. But that is a discussion for another time. Thank you for the wonderful afternoon.&quot; Rokarion then addresses Dio, &quot;And congratulations on your victory. Mister Dio.&quot; With that Rokarion falls silent again.<br> <br>Left to their devices, the philosophers begin to split into groups once more, letting each other engage into conversations as the day began to wide down for them all.

Revision as of 21:46, 5 September 2014





The Willow Grove was abuzz with activity, numerous beings of all shapes, sizes, and dress moving back and forth as they engage in discussion. Near the middle of the grove, it seems a medium sized sandbit has been brought it, allowing a few beings to wrestle while they debate? A curious act, but one would suppose Philosophers part of the more curious beings life has to offer.

West of the sand pit, sits a banquet of foreign food, most seeming to have been brought in from Thera'dor, with a few other sample platters for folks of varying tastes. No plates, no utensils have been offered, and any being trying to eat from it appears forced to use their 'natural' ways to try and gather their food for consumption!

North of the ring, sits a small bronze podium, which various beings seem to be taking turns to stand on, before speaking to groups that gather around them in ernest discussion. It's currently occuptied by a chubby clever clan mole, whom seems to be grinning as he speaks. "Ah! But I do ask, for we view life the pursuit of goals, what does life become if we remove our goals? Do we become stagnant, or do we invent new goals ourselves? Perhaps we pursue a goal, of finding worthy goals?"

Given the rain, Cassidy had opted not to fly today. Wandering through to the lake, the dress-y fennec approaches at a steady pace with a black umbrella held over her head. The tails of her red coat trail behind her as she reaches up to adjust the porcelain mask and gives a thoughtful hum. She always did enjoy philosophical debate! So she approaches the podium, intent on listening.

How could one debate on an empty stomach? Or even debate for that matter. Taking his own philosohpy to heart, a rather scarred up lion ignores the other festivites and makes a sprint towards the myriad of delicious food just waiting to be consumed by the hungry individual. "Ooooh, what a lucky day to be a... philosopher. Yea! That's uhh... My side job o' somethin'," Dio claims as he /debates/ what food to eat. "Now this one looks nice an' crispy, but this is lookin' pretty nice an' tender. Such is the life o' a philosopher."

Technetium glances around, entering from one of the many paths into the clearing fairly quitely and casually, cloak hood down on her shoulders, observing the many individuals from a slight distance, and then going over to the center to stand at a neutral point. Was she hungry? Not really, no. Was she /particularly/ intrested in that speaker /right now/? Probably not, although if something intresting did happen, she could hear it. Not intent on wrestling, unless something extraordinary happened. So, in the middle, she stands.

Down the path comes a tigress, beside her a very gravid looking vixen. "You really shouldn't be out here at all, I don't care if we took a cart, and you flew part of the way." The tigress says, the vixen waving a hand, "I haven't been out of the city in months, and there is word of a gathering out here. It's not as if I've lost a leg, and this isn't my first time either." She says, taking careful steps and staying under the unbrella held by tigress, twin swords at her hips on either side of her, "Whatever you say 'Lady Solacious' but if something happens out here, don't look to me to get you all the way back to the city." The vixen giggles, "I won't." Letting herself be led over toward a tree to sit.

The youthful Jasmine flower being is standing near one of the trees, touching it with his green hand and enjoying the scenery. Taking a deep breath, Rokarion, wearing his usual body covering cloak, turns around and looks at the groups of beings standing and sitting around the place and engaging in discussions and contests of physical power. He moves closer to the podium, intent on hearing what the clever clan mole is talking about. He stands near the podium with the other beings, his jasmine scent wafting around to any standing near him. Thinking for a while, the serene faced plant being answers with his usual calm and polite tone, "If we remove goals and still allow ourselves to have them. Then obviously we will grasp at new goals if not our old goals. A being is led by ambition in life. No being can truly do anything without a goal. After all wouldn't one's thought of getting his food for today be considered a goal? Even when he decides he is going to open a door for a guest or to get out of his house that is also technically a goal, an ambition even if it is a seemingly insignificant thing. Without goals we will simply be sitting on the floor doing nothing and waiting for nothing, until we rot away."

The Wrestlers don't seem too intent on maximizing their show of force, consisting of two large male Tigers grappling shirtless, the first shouting questions as the second replies. "WHERE IS THE TRUTH BEHIND FORCE?" "In the victory of word and action that bind the future!" The answer aparantly ill advised as the Tiger is then thrown over a shoulder. "No, the truth in force lay only in the action, for upon victory any lie may be inscribed!"

The Buffet table seems unapposed for Dio, though a small folk mouse woman walks up and chuckles at him. "Oh naturally. You may consume as much as you wish my friend, though just know that with each bite, less shall exsist for those around you."

The Mole seems to grin at Rokarion as he leans forward. "Exactly, to which I make a simple decision to say that Goals are not the purpose of life, but rather the tools... Most closely, are Goals are produced by our desires, which are then sharpened by a our knowledge, and polished finally by our emotions. I make claim to this fact, that Desire, Emotion, and Knowledge, are what drives us mortal beings. Do any contest this?"

Cassidy folds up her umbrella and lowers it to the ground, leaning against it as if it were a cane. "Hmm," she begins, reaching up to adjust her tophat. "I'd not contest it. I think it's very true! I know some of my largest goals and deeds have been driven by the desire to accomplish a certain end. Desires created by intense emotion, and the goals were the steps dictated by knowledge to reach that end. So I would say that it is very appropriate indeed."

Dio searches for the closet meat looking food product he can find and swiftly makes a nicely stacked lunch with little wasted time. "The who an' the what now?" He questions, tilting his head to the side at the philosophizing mouse being. But there was food to be had! The absence of silverware is no issue, as soon the lion does what his leonine ancestors did best; eat with what they're born with. Using his teeth and hands, he rips apart a good chunk of meat within his muzzle and continues talking with his mouth full. "Mooybe dey shooda got 'ere fooster," he tries to argue while chewing.

Technetium raises her hand, gives a slight flick, then drops it to her side again, and says to all, "I have a statement. Rather, an addendum. Be as it may, emotion is not required in any case. I can set a grand goal by merely desire and knowledge, and accomplish it as so. Emotion adds an element of possible beneficial or negative instability, which can work to advance or set objectives back." She moves over to the food, and grabs a small, dry piece up to nibble on it silently, and finishes, "But one can not have a complete absence of emotion, and so the statement still holds true, or, to itself, at least."

Mirana flicks an ear. She'd just got seated, and getting up was going to be no small feat. But she knew that voice well enough, Cassidy, but she did have a contest for discussion, "To say all that we strive for are forged from desire, emotion, and knowledge is as if saying that all there is are things that are solid like rock, liquid like water, or insubstantial like steam. Could I ask that you refine your statement?" She asks, looking to the tigers next, "The truth in force lay only in the action, for upon victory any lie may be inscribed, but if upon a lie the action that catches victory when upon a truth all would fail, can one say that the force so used is any less pure and right?" She asks, looking up to the lioness who brought her here gives her a leg of meat. Her belly practically rumbles as she takes it, looking over to Dio and shaking her head.

Rokarion looks at the mole for a while, face unchanging, before answering, "I do not contest such a statement. It is true to a certain extent. Desire is the main things that forms our goals, even desire for gaining knowledge which I am sure most of the beings standing here today came for it. But to say that there are only those three factors to drive a being is oversimplifying the matter. Surely, things like one's experience with the world around him, and his upbringing influence his desires and knowledge. As for emotions wouldn't claiming them one of the main factors of our driving force imply that other creation's of the Creators like the shadows are hence goalless in life?"

The Mole dips his head to both Technetium and Mirana, before clearing his throat. "Is there not more to this world? We've that which flows like water, that which is firm and solid to touch like stone, and that which floats by us as smoke." The Mole nodding gently to himself before chuckling at Technetium. "Is such possible? Tell me, where does desire rise from? The will to do something? What greater guide for the will to do something, aside from emotion? Joy, fear, hatred, love... All of it, fuels our desires, what we wish to do, becomes our target to do, because of our emotions pretaining to it. As we then pursue that desire, we utilize the knowledge we have trained through the years... Our Knowledge as well, is formed from our past experiences and upbringings, as the kind man has made his exclimation. Our upbringing, past experiences, and all that has brought us to where we are, shapes are knowledge. As for the shadows? It is perchance, a difficult one to tell. The Shadows had a goal, and a purpose that served them well. We make comment about them lacking emotion, but do they truly lack emotion? Certainly, they do not show it as we do, but perhaps they merely do not -feel- it as we do. To compare a shadow to a being, is to compare a glass of juice, to the taste of cider. Both may be good, but both are equally different, and to one whom did not create them, the subtle differences may be hard to spot."

The Tiger's peek back at Mirana, before the questioner, throws the 'student' down once more and plants a foot on his stomach. "The Action in force, is all that is pure. The outcome is not to be judged, for it is tempered by our own failings, and ill desires that create the lies that shield it all. So, by it all, a being whom forgoes caring of the outcome, and lives for just the moment of action, is a being of purity of will."

The Mouse merely chuckles at Dio, before leaning to the side slightly. "Oh? What of those whom arrive after you, because they have spent the day tilling their fields, or caring for their children? To limit whom should recieve what, by when they show up, leaves all but those whom are fastest to suffer~"

Cassidy glances over at Mirana and lofts a brow behind the porcelain. "Of course there are things more than desire, knowledge, and emotion... But they're all linked together. Personally, the things I try to learn, I learn for a reason. Be it a desire to make something, or just to know it! Other times I want something because of an emotion. Sure there are things outside of it, but those are still a very interlocked part of our being."

Dio listens to the mouse being as he loudly chews his food. He thinks about the prospect for a few moments, but it does little to detract from the frequency of his consumption. "Ooooh, I know what this is," the lion exclaims, finally taking a small break from eating once coming to a revelation. "This little thing 'ere is a trap! A guilt trap ya could say. O' perhaps a test o' sorts. I'll tell ya what I think; It's our duty as beings to make sure no food goes wasted out in the open air. As a sworn officer o' eatin', I shall perform my duty in full, lass. Don't ya worry! But 'cuse me, I want to see what the others 're up to."

The lion dips his head a few inches and takes some food with him before joining up with the main crowd. "That's a lot o' talkin' 'bout things. Yer all missin' out on the food ya know. Bein' hungry is a bad emotion. Is that what yer all talkin' 'bout?" Out of the corner of his eye, Dio spots a familiar pair: a vixen and lioness. "Oh! It's been an age an' a 'alf. 'aven't gotten into too much trouble, 'ave ya now," he asks Mira and the lioness.

With a bit of a huff, and much help from the lioness beside her, Mirana gets standing once more, "But what is emotion? What is desire? What is knowledge? The gifted can gain and lose knowledge with a simple changing of their soul gem. There are those who are gifted and changing their gem will even go as far as to change their feelings and actions. There are those who can reach within and pull upon things that one may never know one had. Where do these come from? Are they a part of this? Surely, but where does desire rise from? With so many posabilities, there is no way to know. Before meeting with a particual... friend, it was my desire only to persue such questions until exhaustion each day. To expand my knowledge, learn all I could. I was so angry all the time, frustrated, questions plaguing my mind as if a swarm. But after, all was much more clear." She says, "So, if these are as changable as the wind, what is the next thing to be desired? What is the next goal one would wish to achieve?" She asks, looking over to Dio, both here and the lioness, "I'm doing well, though things are tiring a bit these days." She says, but the lioness shows her teeth a moment, "Not going to try your usual tricks?" She asks.

With a nod to the lions continuing their contest, Mira poses a thought, "Well, if not caring for the outcome brings a purity of thought, then I would guess that purity in inaction would be just as well? To do with no thought toward what will be done could be much the same as not doing at all."

Rokarion nods, "However, you still forgot to mention the basic premise of my reply. To simplify the component of an object into simple categories is also to simplify the object. To say that desire, emotion, and knowledge are all what drives us is like saying that a Creator machine is nothing more than cogs and gears. It is true, but it is simple and does not give the machine the true worth of its intricate design. Each cog and gear interact with each other in a special way creating a certain action and making the machine more worth than its basic components. As a Creator philosipher once said, 'The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.' This also holds true with us beings. Desire, emotion, and knowledge are basic drives for a being, but a being is much more than that and his goals do not depend only on those three factors."

Rokarion then turns towards the Lion, before answering, "Thank you for the reminder. I might indulge in some food of the body, right after I finish with the food of the mind." He then turns his attention back at the mole.

"It is no guilt trip sir, merely an exchange of ideas, but please, do feel free to depart!" The Mouse bowing lowly to Dio, before moving to another picking food from the table. The Tiger's smirking for a moment, before the 'teacher' responds to Mirana. "Inaction is purity as well, though it is a base of the purity of action. To rise, you first have to sit, to move you first must be still. Too many view inaction as a negative, but it is merely but a state of being, a precurses to what is to come next."

The mole smirks slightly at Mirana as he turns. "AH, but what are they as well? Can you grab the air from before you, and tell me with certainty that all it is, is air? For does it not contain the smell of all upon it, or the fragments of the willows above us, or the moisture of the rain? Surely yes, there is more below the surface of these three, but as the masked one has stated, they are interconnected. As for the soulless that change themselves with a simple changing of gems, what does change? In a normal, it appears that only the knowledge of skill has passed to and from them, meaning that knowledge has only been modified in a single regard. To those that switch their personalities with the gems, perhaps the beings that held the gem before, were strong enough to afflict them? But, that is neither here nor there, as it does nothing to change my statement! Yes, they may have changed with a switching of a gem, but they're still bound by emotion, desire, and what knowledge they have... For does a willow change, because you have merely painted it another color?" The Mole's eyes turning to Rok as he grins once more before bowing. "Perhaps, but we are simple beings. To dissect us, and make claims of unneeded difficulty, we lose sight of -who- we are, and become lost in the -what- we are."

Cassidy snorts softly and waves a hand. "Those Gifted are weak," she replies to Mirana, speaking calm and level. "I am not subjected to the whims of my soulgem. I crush it down and make it conform to my own will. I assimilate it into my person. I often even try to teach myself without soulgems so that not all knowledge is lost. Soulgems are nothing more than tools to be used. My desires, emotions, and the knowledge of what I will do with those tools is mine and mine alone. I act the same in this gem as I do in any other. I feel the same things. Think the same way."

"Good to 'ear that, lass," Dio replies, flashing his smile before ripping off another tender chunk of meat and quickly gulping it down in record time. "An' tricks? What do ya mean by that, lass? Maybe yer tryin' to trick ME! But I'll tell ya, I ain't gonna fall fer it. Nice try though, I'll give ya that." Turning his attention back towards the debate, he listens in silent, trying his best to keep up and analyze the situation. Strangely enough, the lion starts making his way towards the podium and attempts to place a meat covered hand upon it. "This is a nice lookin' podium thing 'ere. If I got one o' these, I could place it anywhere an' people would probably think I knew what I was talkin' 'bout. Do ya think I could buy it off one o' ya o' somethin'?"

Mirana smiles a bit, "Was Kilsa Ironsoul weak? I know not where my former patron has run herself off to, but know that she was not weak." She says, before looking over to the mole once more, "Alright, if we assert that that is all there is, then what is next?" She asks. "If we go simply the sum of these things, what does that make my desires and goals?" She asks, "Who am I if that is your question?" She asks

The lioness looks over to Dio, "The usual tricks of hitting on me, but I'll give you that you seemed to have calmed down." She says, looking to her charge, "Mirana, are you well?" She asks, noticing the vixen looking a might pale, "Eat on that some more and I'll get you something to drink." She says.

Rokarion listens intently to the mole, before shaking his head, "Simple we maybe, but our design is not. A golem of the creators than claim the same claim, but that does not deny the fact that he is build by technology that none of us has yet to grasp. It is not a..." Rokarion stops as Dio suddenly moves in front of the podium. He simply just listens to Dio's words not sure if the laion is genuinely for such a trade or if he is subtly mocking beings who engage in ceaseless arguments about the nature of things.

Rokarion listens intently to the mole, before shaking his head, "Simple we maybe, but our design is not. A golem of the creators than claim the same claim, but that does not deny the fact that he is build by technology that none of us has yet to grasp. It is not a..." Rokarion stops as Dio suddenly moves in front of the podium. He simply just listens to Dio's words not sure if the lion is genuinely interested in such a trade or if he is subtly mocking beings who engage in ceaseless arguments about the nature of things.

The Mole jumps some as Dio approaches, chuckling gently as he steps down and motions to the podium. "For sale? No, I'm afraid I cannot sell it my friend. You may feel free to step upon it, and speak you views with us here though! It is tradition, that in a meeting such as this, all whom wish a turn upon the podium are given the opportunity." Turning back to Mira with a grin the mole merely shrugs. "Who are you indeed? Shall you look to another for the answer to that question? I merely provide the meaning of what drives us, not where we have been driven to." The Mole turning back to Rokarion as he bows gently as well. "Not a simple answer? To many, I believe they'd think such. But my friend, if you focus on every rock in the quarry, do you not lose sight of what the quarry is in it's most simple form?"

Cassidy offers a little shrug in Mirana's direction. "If she changes so easily based on her soulgem, then she indeed lacks the force of will needed to make it bow and submit. There are other ways to be strong, you know. I do not have brute strength, for example, but I am strong of spirit and will. My soulgems do not effect me."

"Hit ya? 're ya tryin' to imply that I punch on ya o' somethin'," Dio questions the lioness with a tilt of his head. "That ain't a nice thing to claim! I've never hit ya before I don't think." The lion brings up a hand to create a small wall on the side of his mouth. "Lasies, am I right?"

With the podium offered to him, Dio happily takes the mole's place and clears his throat, meat still in hand as he displays his messy facefur to the audience beforehim. "No sale? 're ya sure? I brought my coin purse... But no matter. So, do ya all just talk 'bout things all day? That's interestin'. I gotta ask, 'ow do ya lads win these things? Seems to go 'round in circles while the food is gettin' cold. Maybe if ya win these things, ya get to keep this 'ere podium?"

She'd got the answer she needed from the Tigers, that was enough for her debating today really, though Mirana does as she is told and eats from the leg she was given as her lioness counter part searches for something to put drink into. "I'd not call Kilsa weak by any sense, mayhaps the soulgems mearly effect gifted in different ways." She says. She listens to the mole a bit more, "What is a rock to a Journeyman? What is it to a Merchent? How about to a Miner? Or Good King Good? Would not the quarry itself be different in what it is depending on whom was looking?" She asks, she doesn't give much mind to Dio, though he brings up good questions as well, until he takes the podium! "Well, that is a wonderful question! Piece of mind I guess, is really all to be had."

Amy looks to Dio, "Not... that kind of hit on..." She says.

Rokarion nods, "One does not need to look closely at the stones to appreciate their beauty. For each of those stones have been there for a long time, before we came to Promise and made it our home. Each one of those stones hold a history in itself. You can see that without looking closely on them. It is simply a matter of prespective." Rokarion then looked at Cassidy and answered, "The affliction of those who can get affected by the soulgems is not based on force of will. You will find many a gifted with that quirk who are bastions of purity of thought. It is a thing that we should study more to discover it's effects and how does it come to be."

A series of low chuckling and gentle laughter rises from the crowd, amused at Dio's questions, though a few in the back are looking horrifically offended that such a 'rhube' be allowed to take the podium! They were the elites after all! "There is no winner in a discussion my friend, only the broadening of one's viewpoints. Perhaps, that is how you win hm? By learning to see something, in a way you never saw it before." A graceful folk sparrow chimes in as she steps next to Dio with a gentle bow.

"Ah, but in the end my dear lady, what will the quarry be? No matter whom looks at it, or whom debates what it is, it will still be what it was made... A quarry. Granted, it can change by filling it with water, or with earth once more! But, until it is changed in such a way, it is still what it is, no matter the eyes set upon it."

Cassidy offers another shrug to Mira as she settles back, still leaning on her umbrella. "Maybe, maybe. Frankly, I'm glad my soulgems have little impact on me. I'd hate to live a life with thoughts and feelings that were not my own. It's bad enough I have to rely on one as it is! And I'd do away with it in a heartbeat."

Dio doesn't seem to mind the laughter for the most part. "Oooh, so you can win." Rubbing at his messy chin, the lion thinks for a few moments as he chews on another lovely piece of meat. "So if ya can win, that means someone 'as got to lose. Yer sayin' that if I can make someone think more 'bout stuff, then they lose? What a strange game. Maybe that means there's a champion 'round 'ere I could do battle with? An' maybe by winnin' I could take this podium home with me." Still a bit confused, the lion places his gaze upon Amy next. "Then what did ya mean, lass?"

Mirana settles herself back sitting against the tree, "You win by winning. You lose by losing!" She says with a smile, continuing to eat upon the meat. She looks to Cassidy, "So, How have you been Cassidy?" she asks, choosing for now to listen.

Using her own hip flask, Amy returns to Mira, giving her the drink, "Normally, Dio, you try to force yourself upon my person, though I suppose after all that we've been through, that wouldn't be such a force anymore." She says.

Rokarion nodded, before looking back at the mole and raising a petal of an eyebrow, his neutral expression remaining the same. Did the mole just addres him as a lady? "Good sir, I beg your pardon were you addressing me specifically? I would like you to know that I happen to be a male." Sure he might not be the epitomy of masculanity, but come on a lady? Rokarion shakes his head, before trying to return to the argument at hand, "Either way as for the Quarry anology, does not insisting it is but a simple quarry makes it less valuable for us? It is by treasuring things do we learn to respect them. It is by treasuring our goals do we learn to attempt and achieve them, and for the quarry it is by treasuring its function do we maintain it and repair it. Because it serves a function more than what it is."

"My apologies, I meant to address you and the lady at the same, and my tongue slipped... But, does it? Is a quarry, merely thought of as a Quarry, any less valuable to us? Does it yield to us less stone? Does thinking a Golem as merely a Golem, prevent it from moving? One doesn't need to treasure an item, to repair and maintain it, but merely desire to." The Mole smiling pleasently at Rokarion.

"No one champion sir, but, all of us as your opponent. Shall you succeed in having us all view something ina manner we had not before, you may take the podium with you at the endof the day." The Sparrow smiling to Dio, before ushering him to the 'challange'.

Cassidy tilts her head to the side, looking over Mirana again and offering a gentle smile. "I have been well enough. Taking things easy with Natska, lately, and overseeing the construction of my castle. It's coming along quite nicely. Quite nicely indeed if I do say so myself. And what of you, cousin? You are well, I hope? Looking quite far along there."

"Force? Ya call pattin' some backs an' offerin' some food on occasion force? I must be quite the criminal," Dio laughs sharply. After clearing his throat, the lion grows a rather serious expression and raises one hand into the heavens, as if he were performing in some overdramatic play. "Oh this podium, it means so many things. It reminds me o' no matter how strong somethin' is, there's 'nough force to break it. Some 're stronger than others. Oh woe is life! An' woe is a buffet o' food, which represents a being's struggle o' findin' temporary satisfaction. Needed, but so short in its effects."

The lion couldn't help but chuckle at his own theatricts and retrieves his raised hand. "Ya can make nearly anythin' mean anythin'. A quarry is a quarry. It's got stuff in it an' ya mine it."

Mirana shakes her head, "Any day now, and your own castle? Really now?" She asks "Any day now, thank Shaila." She says, looking back to the podium. Well this should be interesting! Dio arguing theoriticals. Much of what is said could be true, in the simplest forms. But there was always so much more on top. For now, she keeps listening.

Amy shakes her head a bit, "You know well enough what I mean Dio, but please, keep going."

Rokarion takes a deep breath, before asnwering, "I guess that our friend here..Mister Dio was it? Does bring another point of view into question. I think his point of view does have its own benefits after all there is beauty in practicality. But I see that we stand on a crossroad here, each path would probably lead to the same destination if certain choices are made upon it, but that does not mean any of those paths are better than the next. After all our friend does bring a good point. By the end of the day words are words, they express our own personal view of this world around us, wouldn't you both agree?"

The Sparrow breaks into laughter, and pats Dio on the back, grinning to him as she speaks. "Well, they've fallen silent enough, and the good sir there seems to be accuratly displaying their thoughts. Words may be words, but it how we transfer our thoughts to each other... But yes, you've managed to force people to think, you may take the podium." The Mole nodding gently to Rokarion as he chuckles and bows. "And it was a pleasure to discuss with you, do take care sir."

Cassidy chuckles softly and nods. "Yes. Well, I hope it works out for you. You seem quite the different woman from the one I see in the old paintings, but ah well. Things change with time, don't they?" She turns her face to look properly at Mira, though whatever expression she has is hidden behind that mask. "And yes! A castle. I'll still be living in the manor of course, but I've decided that I shall own a castle on Firebough mountain. It has been coming out quite wonderfully."

Dio scans across the crowd as the others respond to his side of the 'debate'. "Really? I mean... Yes! Indeed. O' course!" Goofy smile upon his muzzle, the lion takes a small bow and picks up his glorious prize. "Thank ya, thank ya," he claims graciously as he walks back towards the crowd. "I think that was pretty fun, lads. I didn't know I was so good at this."

Mirana couldn't help herself! She just laughs, has Amy help her up and just continues laughing! Her whole front end jiggles she is laughing so hard, tears start to form in her eyes! She almost misses Cassidy's words, "Oh.. oh.. pardon me a minute... my... oh.. I think... oh goodness..." She says, giving a soft sigh, "And... I guess that I have changed a lot. And, if you wish to talk about it, we can, after all is done. I have work to do for the next few days." she says, looking to Amy, "Please, let's to the city again." She says, the pair departing.

Rokarion gives the mole a polite nod, "And it was a pleasure discussing things with you too good sir. I hope we meet again sometime." Rokarion then looks at the sparrow before saying, "But hwo is the true winner here? The good lion have given us or rather reminded us of another point of view. One could say that we are the ones who gained more. After all knowledge is power. But that is a discussion for another time. Thank you for the wonderful afternoon." Rokarion then addresses Dio, "And congratulations on your victory. Mister Dio." With that Rokarion falls silent again.

Left to their devices, the philosophers begin to split into groups once more, letting each other engage into conversations as the day began to wide down for them all.