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<div></div><br> <br>The village of Moonbright is clearly visible from the distance, being placed on a small hill, near an equally small river. Today however, it is basically a beacon, with multiple of the one story buildings that make up the formerly 200 being big village on fire. Armored humanoids can be seen shambling through the streets between both burning and still untouched buildings as one gets closer.<br> <br>Cassidy frowns behind her mask, standing on the road outside the village. &quot;Now, why is it on fire... This certainly isn&#39;t her work. It&#39;s not her method,&quot; she says with a huff. &quot;Some spurned caller, perhaps. Mmmm. No matter. It needs to end, and that&#39;s what is important.&quot; She pulls the longbow from her back, running her fingers along the string as she starts seeking a vantage point in the scenery.<br> <br>Fenris stands beside Cassidy, looking over the area. &quot;It does not make sense,&quot; he agrees, &quot;This is not Pyrrha&#39;s modus operandi at all. And I shudder to think she has a caller powerful enough to controll so many powerful undead.&quot; The tiger adjusts his long coat and fingers the ornate pendant he wears at his throat, before taking a deep breath and striding forward. &quot;Let&#39;s see what damage we can do,&quot; he says, lightly.<br> <br>While late on the scene, the large maneback being gently pulled along by its equally large rider makes an appearance as Fenris begins to stride forward, and Cassidy moves for her own vantage point. Though, the large fennec looses the maneback as she brushes its head and makes her stride to catch up with fenris. &quot;Mm~ not late to dsis one... looks like you&#39;re a bit... low in dse &#39;elp department. she offers to the tiger as she glances at Cass moving of her own accord. A smile crossing Kialla&#39;s lips as she turns to focus on Fenris as he moved forward. &quot;&#39;ow can I &#39;elp you?&quot;<br> <br>From the vantage point the situation does not look much better, there seem to be about two dozen heavily armored undead in the village, as well as three cloaked riders on skeletal horses and a couple of undead who still have all their flesh and fur, wearing peasant clothing stained with blood. The fire in the village seems to originate from a single building, indicating an accident, rather than the horde setting the village on fire.<br> <br>Cassidy starts to reach into one of her quivers, but changes her mind at the last minute and reaches for another one, instead, pulling one of the broad tipped bladed arrows from it instead. She sets it against her bow and waits, looking back towards the road from on high to see what move Fenris and Kialla make.<br> <br>Stealth is not really on option with what Fenris has in mind. The tiger looks up at Kialla and her massive maneback mount with a grin. &quot;Probably for the best,&quot; he says, &quot;Means that I don&#39;t have to worry too much about hurting an ally, right?&quot; He frowns at the undead forces, especially put of by the fresher walking corpses. &quot;Bone Woman,&quot; he mutters, &quot;What is it you think you are doing?&quot; In preparation for what is without a doubt going to be a loud and messy battle, Fenris waves a hand through the air, carefully summoning a little water elemental into being. Every little bit helps, after all. &quot;The best thing you can do for me,&quot;  he says to Kialla, &quot;Is stay well out of my way.&quot;<br> <br>Kialla mmms as she watches Fenris... magic was a good bet after all, it lessened the chances of getting hurt. She had her own to tend to as she began making her own equations, starting with an earthen protection divination. Turning her flesh and fur to hardened rock, an extra assurance just in case. There was more to do, but one thing at a time as she made sure to stay next to Fenris for now. &quot;Dsat is both wise and unwise. We could draw dsem apart into seperate &#39;ordes, but then we&#39;d be fighting an individual battle instead of as a group battle.&quot;<br> <br>Cassidy squares her shoulders and spreads her feet apart, taking a careful firing stance before lifting the longbow. Seeing Fenris call the elemental, she decides to make her own move, setting a passive bit of air magic in the back of her mind as she draws the string back, eyes scanning the village for a target before letting the arrow fly, guided by air magic towards the thing&#39;s neck to try to take the head off from her external vantage.<br> <br>&quot;I can&#39;t say that bother me any more than fighting a horde of the undead next to a giant wolf,&quot; Fenris confesses with a short lived smile, &quot;Too late to worry much about it now.&quot; The tiger turns his attention to the shamblers ahead. Specifically looking for any collections of the mounted monstrosities. The tiger chooses out the largest concentration of undead, then breaks into a jog. &quot;Ready? Go!&quot; he calls back to Kialla.<br> <br>Kialla raises her brow as she listens. Watching, though she hardly expected a charge... feeling her spell fizzle out did not phase her. It was done too quickly for her only meager apointment with it at the moment. It leaves little time to prepare further as she for now, follows after Fenris. She pulls out her twin longknives in preperation as she mentally attempts a water equation to hopefully make matters easier for the two of them.<br> <br>The arrow finds its mark and takes off one of the armored zombie&#39;s head, pinning it onto the wall of one of the buildings in the villages, this causes the three cloaked figures to turn towards the group and one of them to shout some commands. Two skeletons with crossbows, leather armor and metal helmet nod at the orders and each one let go of a bolt, before quickly starting to reload. Kialla is narrowly missed by the bolt destined for her, Fenris however feels a sharp pain in his left foot, which has been pinned to the ground by the shot. The remainder of the armed zombies starts to draw together between the riders and the attacking Freeswords, while the fresh &quot;recruits&quot; continue shambling around, many of them seem to be carrying things, now that Fenris and Kialla are closer.<br> <br>Cassidy settles another bladed arrow against her bow, taking aim on the crossbow wielders. If she could get rid of them, that should take the pressure off the other two. Drawing the string back, she lets the arrow fly once more.<br> <br>Fenris grunts and comes to a sudden halt, his boot nailed to the ground. It is only by the grace of said boots that the arrow did not go through his foot. The tiger&#39;s attention moves quickly to whoever is shouting orders. &quot;The dead don&#39;t speak,&quot; he says, then raises his free foot to stomp down hard, channeling a shockwave of earth magic at the gathered enemies.<br> <br>Kialla is mindful of her allies as she hears the screaming bolt fly past her... too closely. Fenris was either tough, or the arrow missed. An interesting turn, but not one unexpected so far as she stands to Fenris&#39; side as he stomps down onto the ground. Another arrow flying from the trees. She glances towards the undead crossbowmen before she picks her booted heel up to snap the back half of the bolt off so Fenris could lift his boot through the hole as she holds up both of her hands as she specifically targets the crossbowmen with frigid magic to prevent further assault.<br> <br>Another arrow finds its mark, and while the head stays on this time, the skeletal crossbowman does go down. There is a general rumbling and shaking in the village and a few of the zombies are knocked prone, however they are trying to get back up again as soon as they are down, the advantage won&#39;t last. Kialla&#39;s magic leaves the undead cold, sadly not literally as she had intended though. One of the cloaked figures snorts and directs his horse away from the battle, setting off to the opposing end of the village, while the remaining crossbowman fires and misses at Kialla, who had just freed Fenris.<br> <br>With one crossbowman left standing, Cassidy figured the two below could handle it well enough for now while she reached around for a different arrow. This one with a heavier, blunted head for making impacts rather than puncture. She draws the longbow back, this time taking sight on the cloaked figure that was falling back. Turning your back on a battle was a bad idea, and it was a point she wanted to drive home.<br> <br>Fenris nods his thanks to Kialla, and winces as he pulls his foot free, then persues the cloaked figure atracking brutally as opportunities present themselves.<br> <br>Kialla nods back to Fenris as the tiger does his best with mathemagically enhanced blows, cleaving foes apart with... his bare hands it would seem. Not unsurprising from the tiger as she passively weaved her seeping magics into her cruel and enchanted longknives. Her current task to watch Fenris&#39; back, stabbing and slashing stragglers and the minions who come too close to Fenris&#39; flanks or rear. The empowered tiger seemed to have most everything under control.<br> <br>The escaping rider is hit by Cassidy&#39;s arrow, but the skeletal horse does not turn or stop its gallop. His hand reaches behind himself as he grasps the arrow, but then decides better and leaves it in for now. Meanwhile Fenris and Kialla have reached the main force that is occupying the village and find themselves engaged in melee combat. Hits are traded and Fenris downs one of the zombies, while shrugging off any incoming attacks. Kialla is less lucky, her attacks don&#39;t seem effective and she is given two nasty wounds on her arm and leg respectively. Cassidy, manages to blow an incoming bolt away from herself with a well placed gust of air magic, right when one of the shrouded figures mumbles a few words, too distant to be heard, but sure enough the small force of zombies is coated in stone skin, or gained a coating of stone on their bones, depending on how decomposed the individual fighters are.<br> <br>Cassidy turns her attention towards one of the remaining claoked figures, frowning. The other one would get away, but that one seemed to be standing stationary. She readies another impact-arrow, lining up her sights before firing for the cloaked one&#39;s head. Flesh or bone, a smack to the head was unpleasant.<br> <br>Seeing the new layer of protection on his undead foes, Fenris decides that a little extra defense wouldn&#39;t go amiss. The tiger pauses his charging onslaught for just a moment, setting himself in a hard, defensive stance and calling up a charge of earth magic to defend himself. He would love to get his hands on one of these cloaked bozos to find out what is happening without having to try and call up a Spirit in person, but the odds are starting to look slim.<br> <br>Kialla herself, snarls as she takes a hit on her arm. Her normally passive bio-luminescense flaring as her exposed furtips momentarily burst with unusual color. Her eyes lit up brightly as she is forced back to back with Fenris, more or less. Her arms and blades begin to drip with darkness it seemed like as her glow dimmed into nothingness after a moment. A bit of stagger in her step for a moment before she regains her composure, switching her posture for power instead of finesse as the shadows begin to twist and furl as she attempts to befuddle the horde enclosing upon them with anger-laced black magic as the darkness begins to claw at what senses they have and befowl their movements as color drains from the massive vixen.<br> <br>The cloaked figure seems to use the same trick as Cassidy earlier and avoids being hit by diverting her arrow with air magic as well. Fenris&#39;s spell however shows promising results and her finds himself donning a fancy stone armor over his whole body. The dark magic that Kialla unleashes at the zombies does not seem to be doing anything though. It would seem there is nothing there for it to twist and corrupt. Once more the freeswords fend off a wave of attacks, though Kialla is badly hit, her left arm bleeding at an alarming rate from her biceps. Another few words are mumbled in the distance and suddenly the weapons of the undead fighters, that by now got Kialla and Fenris surrounded, start to glow a fiery red.<br> <br>Cassidy takes a moment for her next shot, taking a sturdy arrow and affixing a clay orb to the end. It would not be a terribly accurate arrow, but it didn&#39;t need to be. She pulls her bow up and takes aim for the sky, sending the arrow and its cargo in a high arc to eventually land amongst the undead masses.<br> <br>&quot;Get back, Kialla,&quot; Fenris says, finally ready to make another press forward, &quot;Get yourself patched up.&quot; Figuring that even enchanted weapons are only useful if you can hit something, Fenris spreads his arms wide, sinking into the fugue state that accompanies advanced mathemagical workings and forces the hard packed earth around him into a gooey impassable morass as far as he can possibly push it.<br> <br>Kialla hisses as she takes another blow, it was painful, she was however used to this. It made her sheath her longknife, that arm was useless for Melee combat as she eyes Cassidy&#39;s position. &quot;I&#39;ll help from afar, if i can get out.&quot; she answers as she sheathes her other knife. Crouching down as her color returns. She focuses on a different kind of magic as she looks to her surroundings. An evacuation in order as instead she summons the winds to aid in a rather long jump up and over the shambling masse, in the direction of Cassidy. For now, just holding her bleeding bicep as she attempts to move towards Cassidy,<br> <br>The magic works and the zombies in their heavy armor sink into their ground till their legs have completely vanished into it. To top it off, the arrow Cassidy sent towards them lands and bursts, unleashing its sticky payload onto the zombies and Fenris...who is hit by a spell that arcs from the finger tips of one of the hooded cultists. The lightning bolt is absorbed by the tiger&#39;s rock armor, but the plates of rock are blasted of his frame by the force of the impact.<br> <br>Cassidy lowers her bow for a moment, turning her focus inward. The oil struck, now was the time to make the purpose clear. Flame conjured in the midst of the zombies to ignite the oil and everything unfortunate enough to be covered in it.<br> <br>Fenris is glad for his armor as it is blasted away. The smell of lamp oil scattered around him is just one more bit of incentive to get OUT of here now that the zombies are immobilized. The tiger summons up another surge of earth magic to propel himself forward across the immobilized phalanx of undead, giving chase to his magical foes instead of simply fighting their (rotting) meat shields. Meanwhile, a quick flick of mental direction sends his little water elemental zipping toward the mounted and cloaked magician.<br> <br>Kialla for the moment is alright, out of danger. She takes out her knife again and takes a wide strip out of the bottom of her cloak before she takes the time to make a tight tournequet around the gash in her bicep to stifle the bleeding. Medicine will come later when she has time to properly take care of it. The only thing would be to get a vantage point on a building that isn&#39;t burning. Preferably on a stable roof with the help of a little air magic. She wasn&#39;t as good with her bow as Cass, so she would need to be closer.<br> <br>The air fills with both pained, wordless screams, and the smell of grilled rotten meat. Delightful. It does its work though and the undead warriors seem to be dying off rather quickly. The two cultists look at each other for a second, then one shouts some orders and the unarmored, fresh walking corpses drop what they are carrying and turn towards the group, setting their course towards them. Many are picking up improvised weapons like big stones and thick sticks. The other cultist remains silent, then nods and raises a wall between himself and the charging Fenris to stop him.<br> <br>Cassidy reaches into her quiver for another bladed arrow, settled against the arrow rest as she eyes the magically inclined cultist. From where she was standing, the wall did not break her line of sight. Casting a glance to first make sure the other fennec was not in need of supporting fire, she draws the arrow back and lets it fly. This time, however, it&#39;s aimed for the cultist&#39;s knee in hopes his focus is too busy elsewhere to stop it.<br> <br>Fenris is no mere mortal! He is the AVALANCHE! Or so he tells himself as he charges toward the wall that the enemy magician has thrown up against him. Still moving with earth magic induced speed, the tiger reaches out to the wall of stone trying to subvert it and make it into HIS shield instead of his enemy&#39;s.<br> <br>Kialla huffs as she takse the time to reach into her cloak, reaching into her belt pouch to retreive two soul gems. A different approach would be neccesarry. Her tactics and abilities weren&#39;t cutting it. Magic would do instead as she changed both gems in her pendant. Catching her breath as she would have to wait. Closing her eyes as she checked her arm. The pain wasn&#39;t a real distraction, but it could be a problem if battle took too long.<br> <br>The cultist is certainly too distracted to be evading the arrow, seeing how Fenris is steamrolling him into a pulp right now. The arrow connects, but makes little difference on the crushed cultist. The other one seems to panic and pull his horse around in an attempt to get away from the group. The villager zombies are closing in on them at the same time and Cassidy&#39;s quick reflexes are the only thing that saved her from being stabbed with a kitchen knife by, what after she evaded with a gust of air magic, looks like the bloody corpse of a feline preteen.<br> <br>Cassidy doesn&#39;t stop when she&#39;s evaded the rush. She just keeps on flying, seeking another vantage point entirely with which to resume her assault once she&#39;s a safe distance away. She adjusts her top hat once she lands, then draws another arrow into her bow. This one didn&#39;t have a tip designed to tear or catch flesh. This one was a straight puncturing arrow, also a bit longer, designed to pin a target. Which she tries to do! Aiming a shot to attempt to pin the feline to another shambler behind it.<br> <br>Fenris has no intention of letting this other conspiritor escape. He continues his earth assissted charge, stretching a hand out if front of him, first willing the ground to soften beneath the fleeing cultists feet, and directing his icy little water elemental to strike!<br> <br>Kialla has a look around her. Now was the time to pick out dangers and eliminate them as she leaned up over the edge of the roof to see Fenris, Cassidy was... not easy to spot, but certainly she knew where. Noticing Cass was under attack as she held out her hand to the sky. Doing her calculation thoroughly. Though, it would still take more time than normal. She wished to ensure its success as she simply gathered her power. Fenris was steamrolling through them and they weren&#39;t catching up as she herself crackled with electricity as her body and eyes began to glow as she built her equation while also being aware of her surroundings.<br> <br>The little girl crashes into an old man behind her, both going down from the arrow Cassidy let lose on them. Three more of the villagers are coming for Cassidy, all pretty easy targets, while two creep up behind Fenris, who just knocked the other cultist out of his saddle and his horse over. The water elemental throws a few punches and the cultist is not only knocked down, but out as well. He seems to still be breathing though.<br> <br>Cassidy eyes the three for a moment before flinging her non-bow holding hand out at them, a spell on the wind, for the wind, by the wind. A razor gale kicks itself up to assail her foes, trying to knock them over and slice at them or at least knock them over.<br> <br>Fenris mentally wills his water elemental to hold the fallen, but living cultist, hoping to have some answers after all this is over. Then he turns his attention back to defending himself, though, with his new stone coating, it should not be too dificult. The stone coated tiger throws a vicious strike at the lolling heads of the undead abominations shuffling his way.<br> <br>Kialla grasps her hand together as she stands up fully. Clenching her fist as her fur and eyes begins to glow brightly as it spikes out from the static electricity. Her damaged arm hanging a bit as she looks around the battlefield in a surveying blance as she continues calculating. The skies above darkening as she begins to summon her strike in an attempt to wipe out the bulk of the remaining undead. Noting her allies in the process to &#39;not&#39; strike near them. She had thought about ending the cultist for what they had done, but questions would come first as she opened her palm and lowered it flat as the sound of thunder rung, before the storm began tearing into the earth, and anything that wasn&#39;t engaged in fisticuffs by either ally.<br> <br>Everything is dead. Really dead. Except for Fenris, his elemental, the cultist, Kialla, her maneback and Cassidy. None of the villager zombies survive the attacks of the three and the army zombies are burned to a crisp by now. It might be wise to burn the bodies of the villagers as well, but for now all is quiet, except for the fire that is still slowly spreading across the village.<br> <br>A flick of her wrist and Cassidy sets the zombies that had chased her all the way out here ablaze before she takes off over towards where Kialla is. &quot;Nice work. I hope you&#39;re not too drained, because I have a request of you. Can you put the village fire out? We&#39;ll burn the bodies seperate, but if we can maintain as much of the town as we can...&quot;<br> <br>Fenris takes a deep breath and lets his stone mantle crumble back to dust as he reaches up to adjust the beautiful pendant around his neck. He closes his eyes and his eyelids flutter a bit as doors open and close in his mind. After a moment, he raises both hands skyward, muttering a bit as he walks over to where his elemental is wrapped around the fallen cultist while he draws down water from the heavens.
<div></div><br> <br>The village of Moonbright is clearly visible from the distance, being placed on a small hill, near an equally small river. Today however, it is basically a beacon, with multiple of the one story buildings that make up the formerly 200 being big village on fire. Armored humanoids can be seen shambling through the streets between both burning and still untouched buildings as one gets closer.<br> <br>Cassidy frowns behind her mask, standing on the road outside the village. &quot;Now, why is it on fire... This certainly isn&#39;t her work. It&#39;s not her method,&quot; she says with a huff. &quot;Some spurned caller, perhaps. Mmmm. No matter. It needs to end, and that&#39;s what is important.&quot; She pulls the longbow from her back, running her fingers along the string as she starts seeking a vantage point in the scenery.<br> <br>Fenris stands beside Cassidy, looking over the area. &quot;It does not make sense,&quot; he agrees, &quot;This is not Pyrrha&#39;s modus operandi at all. And I shudder to think she has a caller powerful enough to controll so many powerful undead.&quot; The tiger adjusts his long coat and fingers the ornate pendant he wears at his throat, before taking a deep breath and striding forward. &quot;Let&#39;s see what damage we can do,&quot; he says, lightly.<br> <br>While late on the scene, the large maneback being gently pulled along by its equally large rider makes an appearance as Fenris begins to stride forward, and Cassidy moves for her own vantage point. Though, the large fennec looses the maneback as she brushes its head and makes her stride to catch up with fenris. &quot;Mm~ not late to dsis one... looks like you&#39;re a bit... low in dse &#39;elp department. she offers to the tiger as she glances at Cass moving of her own accord. A smile crossing Kialla&#39;s lips as she turns to focus on Fenris as he moved forward. &quot;&#39;ow can I &#39;elp you?&quot;<br> <br>From the vantage point the situation does not look much better, there seem to be about two dozen heavily armored undead in the village, as well as three cloaked riders on skeletal horses and a couple of undead who still have all their flesh and fur, wearing peasant clothing stained with blood. The fire in the village seems to originate from a single building, indicating an accident, rather than the horde setting the village on fire.<br> <br>Cassidy starts to reach into one of her quivers, but changes her mind at the last minute and reaches for another one, instead, pulling one of the broad tipped bladed arrows from it instead. She sets it against her bow and waits, looking back towards the road from on high to see what move Fenris and Kialla make.<br> <br>Stealth is not really on option with what Fenris has in mind. The tiger looks up at Kialla and her massive maneback mount with a grin. &quot;Probably for the best,&quot; he says, &quot;Means that I don&#39;t have to worry too much about hurting an ally, right?&quot; He frowns at the undead forces, especially put of by the fresher walking corpses. &quot;Bone Woman,&quot; he mutters, &quot;What is it you think you are doing?&quot; In preparation for what is without a doubt going to be a loud and messy battle, Fenris waves a hand through the air, carefully summoning a little water elemental into being. Every little bit helps, after all. &quot;The best thing you can do for me,&quot;  he says to Kialla, &quot;Is stay well out of my way.&quot;<br> <br>Kialla mmms as she watches Fenris... magic was a good bet after all, it lessened the chances of getting hurt. She had her own to tend to as she began making her own equations, starting with an earthen protection divination. Turning her flesh and fur to hardened rock, an extra assurance just in case. There was more to do, but one thing at a time as she made sure to stay next to Fenris for now. &quot;Dsat is both wise and unwise. We could draw dsem apart into seperate &#39;ordes, but then we&#39;d be fighting an individual battle instead of as a group battle.&quot;<br> <br>Cassidy squares her shoulders and spreads her feet apart, taking a careful firing stance before lifting the longbow. Seeing Fenris call the elemental, she decides to make her own move, setting a passive bit of air magic in the back of her mind as she draws the string back, eyes scanning the village for a target before letting the arrow fly, guided by air magic towards the thing&#39;s neck to try to take the head off from her external vantage.<br> <br>&quot;I can&#39;t say that bother me any more than fighting a horde of the undead next to a giant wolf,&quot; Fenris confesses with a short lived smile, &quot;Too late to worry much about it now.&quot; The tiger turns his attention to the shamblers ahead. Specifically looking for any collections of the mounted monstrosities. The tiger chooses out the largest concentration of undead, then breaks into a jog. &quot;Ready? Go!&quot; he calls back to Kialla.<br> <br>Kialla raises her brow as she listens. Watching, though she hardly expected a charge... feeling her spell fizzle out did not phase her. It was done too quickly for her only meager apointment with it at the moment. It leaves little time to prepare further as she for now, follows after Fenris. She pulls out her twin longknives in preperation as she mentally attempts a water equation to hopefully make matters easier for the two of them.<br> <br>The arrow finds its mark and takes off one of the armored zombie&#39;s head, pinning it onto the wall of one of the buildings in the villages, this causes the three cloaked figures to turn towards the group and one of them to shout some commands. Two skeletons with crossbows, leather armor and metal helmet nod at the orders and each one let go of a bolt, before quickly starting to reload. Kialla is narrowly missed by the bolt destined for her, Fenris however feels a sharp pain in his left foot, which has been pinned to the ground by the shot. The remainder of the armed zombies starts to draw together between the riders and the attacking Freeswords, while the fresh &quot;recruits&quot; continue shambling around, many of them seem to be carrying things, now that Fenris and Kialla are closer.<br> <br>Cassidy settles another bladed arrow against her bow, taking aim on the crossbow wielders. If she could get rid of them, that should take the pressure off the other two. Drawing the string back, she lets the arrow fly once more.<br> <br>Fenris grunts and comes to a sudden halt, his boot nailed to the ground. It is only by the grace of said boots that the arrow did not go through his foot. The tiger&#39;s attention moves quickly to whoever is shouting orders. &quot;The dead don&#39;t speak,&quot; he says, then raises his free foot to stomp down hard, channeling a shockwave of earth magic at the gathered enemies.<br> <br>Kialla is mindful of her allies as she hears the screaming bolt fly past her... too closely. Fenris was either tough, or the arrow missed. An interesting turn, but not one unexpected so far as she stands to Fenris&#39; side as he stomps down onto the ground. Another arrow flying from the trees. She glances towards the undead crossbowmen before she picks her booted heel up to snap the back half of the bolt off so Fenris could lift his boot through the hole as she holds up both of her hands as she specifically targets the crossbowmen with frigid magic to prevent further assault.<br> <br>Another arrow finds its mark, and while the head stays on this time, the skeletal crossbowman does go down. There is a general rumbling and shaking in the village and a few of the zombies are knocked prone, however they are trying to get back up again as soon as they are down, the advantage won&#39;t last. Kialla&#39;s magic leaves the undead cold, sadly not literally as she had intended though. One of the cloaked figures snorts and directs his horse away from the battle, setting off to the opposing end of the village, while the remaining crossbowman fires and misses at Kialla, who had just freed Fenris.<br> <br>With one crossbowman left standing, Cassidy figured the two below could handle it well enough for now while she reached around for a different arrow. This one with a heavier, blunted head for making impacts rather than puncture. She draws the longbow back, this time taking sight on the cloaked figure that was falling back. Turning your back on a battle was a bad idea, and it was a point she wanted to drive home.<br> <br>Fenris nods his thanks to Kialla, and winces as he pulls his foot free, then persues the cloaked figure atracking brutally as opportunities present themselves.<br> <br>Kialla nods back to Fenris as the tiger does his best with mathemagically enhanced blows, cleaving foes apart with... his bare hands it would seem. Not unsurprising from the tiger as she passively weaved her seeping magics into her cruel and enchanted longknives. Her current task to watch Fenris&#39; back, stabbing and slashing stragglers and the minions who come too close to Fenris&#39; flanks or rear. The empowered tiger seemed to have most everything under control.<br> <br>The escaping rider is hit by Cassidy&#39;s arrow, but the skeletal horse does not turn or stop its gallop. His hand reaches behind himself as he grasps the arrow, but then decides better and leaves it in for now. Meanwhile Fenris and Kialla have reached the main force that is occupying the village and find themselves engaged in melee combat. Hits are traded and Fenris downs one of the zombies, while shrugging off any incoming attacks. Kialla is less lucky, her attacks don&#39;t seem effective and she is given two nasty wounds on her arm and leg respectively. Cassidy, manages to blow an incoming bolt away from herself with a well placed gust of air magic, right when one of the shrouded figures mumbles a few words, too distant to be heard, but sure enough the small force of zombies is coated in stone skin, or gained a coating of stone on their bones, depending on how decomposed the individual fighters are.<br> <br>Cassidy turns her attention towards one of the remaining claoked figures, frowning. The other one would get away, but that one seemed to be standing stationary. She readies another impact-arrow, lining up her sights before firing for the cloaked one&#39;s head. Flesh or bone, a smack to the head was unpleasant.<br> <br>Seeing the new layer of protection on his undead foes, Fenris decides that a little extra defense wouldn&#39;t go amiss. The tiger pauses his charging onslaught for just a moment, setting himself in a hard, defensive stance and calling up a charge of earth magic to defend himself. He would love to get his hands on one of these cloaked bozos to find out what is happening without having to try and call up a Spirit in person, but the odds are starting to look slim.<br> <br>Kialla herself, snarls as she takes a hit on her arm. Her normally passive bio-luminescense flaring as her exposed furtips momentarily burst with unusual color. Her eyes lit up brightly as she is forced back to back with Fenris, more or less. Her arms and blades begin to drip with darkness it seemed like as her glow dimmed into nothingness after a moment. A bit of stagger in her step for a moment before she regains her composure, switching her posture for power instead of finesse as the shadows begin to twist and furl as she attempts to befuddle the horde enclosing upon them with anger-laced black magic as the darkness begins to claw at what senses they have and befowl their movements as color drains from the massive vixen.<br> <br>The cloaked figure seems to use the same trick as Cassidy earlier and avoids being hit by diverting her arrow with air magic as well. Fenris&#39;s spell however shows promising results and her finds himself donning a fancy stone armor over his whole body. The dark magic that Kialla unleashes at the zombies does not seem to be doing anything though. It would seem there is nothing there for it to twist and corrupt. Once more the freeswords fend off a wave of attacks, though Kialla is badly hit, her left arm bleeding at an alarming rate from her biceps. Another few words are mumbled in the distance and suddenly the weapons of the undead fighters, that by now got Kialla and Fenris surrounded, start to glow a fiery red.<br> <br>Cassidy takes a moment for her next shot, taking a sturdy arrow and affixing a clay orb to the end. It would not be a terribly accurate arrow, but it didn&#39;t need to be. She pulls her bow up and takes aim for the sky, sending the arrow and its cargo in a high arc to eventually land amongst the undead masses.<br> <br>&quot;Get back, Kialla,&quot; Fenris says, finally ready to make another press forward, &quot;Get yourself patched up.&quot; Figuring that even enchanted weapons are only useful if you can hit something, Fenris spreads his arms wide, sinking into the fugue state that accompanies advanced mathemagical workings and forces the hard packed earth around him into a gooey impassable morass as far as he can possibly push it.<br> <br>Kialla hisses as she takes another blow, it was painful, she was however used to this. It made her sheath her longknife, that arm was useless for Melee combat as she eyes Cassidy&#39;s position. &quot;I&#39;ll help from afar, if i can get out.&quot; she answers as she sheathes her other knife. Crouching down as her color returns. She focuses on a different kind of magic as she looks to her surroundings. An evacuation in order as instead she summons the winds to aid in a rather long jump up and over the shambling masse, in the direction of Cassidy. For now, just holding her bleeding bicep as she attempts to move towards Cassidy,<br> <br>The magic works and the zombies in their heavy armor sink into their ground till their legs have completely vanished into it. To top it off, the arrow Cassidy sent towards them lands and bursts, unleashing its sticky payload onto the zombies and Fenris...who is hit by a spell that arcs from the finger tips of one of the hooded cultists. The lightning bolt is absorbed by the tiger&#39;s rock armor, but the plates of rock are blasted of his frame by the force of the impact.<br> <br>Cassidy lowers her bow for a moment, turning her focus inward. The oil struck, now was the time to make the purpose clear. Flame conjured in the midst of the zombies to ignite the oil and everything unfortunate enough to be covered in it.<br> <br>Fenris is glad for his armor as it is blasted away. The smell of lamp oil scattered around him is just one more bit of incentive to get OUT of here now that the zombies are immobilized. The tiger summons up another surge of earth magic to propel himself forward across the immobilized phalanx of undead, giving chase to his magical foes instead of simply fighting their (rotting) meat shields. Meanwhile, a quick flick of mental direction sends his little water elemental zipping toward the mounted and cloaked magician.<br> <br>Kialla for the moment is alright, out of danger. She takes out her knife again and takes a wide strip out of the bottom of her cloak before she takes the time to make a tight tournequet around the gash in her bicep to stifle the bleeding. Medicine will come later when she has time to properly take care of it. The only thing would be to get a vantage point on a building that isn&#39;t burning. Preferably on a stable roof with the help of a little air magic. She wasn&#39;t as good with her bow as Cass, so she would need to be closer.<br> <br>The air fills with both pained, wordless screams, and the smell of grilled rotten meat. Delightful. It does its work though and the undead warriors seem to be dying off rather quickly. The two cultists look at each other for a second, then one shouts some orders and the unarmored, fresh walking corpses drop what they are carrying and turn towards the group, setting their course towards them. Many are picking up improvised weapons like big stones and thick sticks. The other cultist remains silent, then nods and raises a wall between himself and the charging Fenris to stop him.<br> <br>Cassidy reaches into her quiver for another bladed arrow, settled against the arrow rest as she eyes the magically inclined cultist. From where she was standing, the wall did not break her line of sight. Casting a glance to first make sure the other fennec was not in need of supporting fire, she draws the arrow back and lets it fly. This time, however, it&#39;s aimed for the cultist&#39;s knee in hopes his focus is too busy elsewhere to stop it.<br> <br>Fenris is no mere mortal! He is the AVALANCHE! Or so he tells himself as he charges toward the wall that the enemy magician has thrown up against him. Still moving with earth magic induced speed, the tiger reaches out to the wall of stone trying to subvert it and make it into HIS shield instead of his enemy&#39;s.<br> <br>Kialla huffs as she takse the time to reach into her cloak, reaching into her belt pouch to retreive two soul gems. A different approach would be neccesarry. Her tactics and abilities weren&#39;t cutting it. Magic would do instead as she changed both gems in her pendant. Catching her breath as she would have to wait. Closing her eyes as she checked her arm. The pain wasn&#39;t a real distraction, but it could be a problem if battle took too long.<br> <br>The cultist is certainly too distracted to be evading the arrow, seeing how Fenris is steamrolling him into a pulp right now. The arrow connects, but makes little difference on the crushed cultist. The other one seems to panic and pull his horse around in an attempt to get away from the group. The villager zombies are closing in on them at the same time and Cassidy&#39;s quick reflexes are the only thing that saved her from being stabbed with a kitchen knife by, what after she evaded with a gust of air magic, looks like the bloody corpse of a feline preteen.<br> <br>Cassidy doesn&#39;t stop when she&#39;s evaded the rush. She just keeps on flying, seeking another vantage point entirely with which to resume her assault once she&#39;s a safe distance away. She adjusts her top hat once she lands, then draws another arrow into her bow. This one didn&#39;t have a tip designed to tear or catch flesh. This one was a straight puncturing arrow, also a bit longer, designed to pin a target. Which she tries to do! Aiming a shot to attempt to pin the feline to another shambler behind it.<br> <br>Fenris has no intention of letting this other conspiritor escape. He continues his earth assissted charge, stretching a hand out if front of him, first willing the ground to soften beneath the fleeing cultists feet, and directing his icy little water elemental to strike!<br> <br>Kialla has a look around her. Now was the time to pick out dangers and eliminate them as she leaned up over the edge of the roof to see Fenris, Cassidy was... not easy to spot, but certainly she knew where. Noticing Cass was under attack as she held out her hand to the sky. Doing her calculation thoroughly. Though, it would still take more time than normal. She wished to ensure its success as she simply gathered her power. Fenris was steamrolling through them and they weren&#39;t catching up as she herself crackled with electricity as her body and eyes began to glow as she built her equation while also being aware of her surroundings.<br> <br>The little girl crashes into an old man behind her, both going down from the arrow Cassidy let lose on them. Three more of the villagers are coming for Cassidy, all pretty easy targets, while two creep up behind Fenris, who just knocked the other cultist out of his saddle and his horse over. The water elemental throws a few punches and the cultist is not only knocked down, but out as well. He seems to still be breathing though.<br> <br>Cassidy eyes the three for a moment before flinging her non-bow holding hand out at them, a spell on the wind, for the wind, by the wind. A razor gale kicks itself up to assail her foes, trying to knock them over and slice at them or at least knock them over.<br> <br>Fenris mentally wills his water elemental to hold the fallen, but living cultist, hoping to have some answers after all this is over. Then he turns his attention back to defending himself, though, with his new stone coating, it should not be too dificult. The stone coated tiger throws a vicious strike at the lolling heads of the undead abominations shuffling his way.<br> <br>Kialla grasps her hand together as she stands up fully. Clenching her fist as her fur and eyes begins to glow brightly as it spikes out from the static electricity. Her damaged arm hanging a bit as she looks around the battlefield in a surveying blance as she continues calculating. The skies above darkening as she begins to summon her strike in an attempt to wipe out the bulk of the remaining undead. Noting her allies in the process to &#39;not&#39; strike near them. She had thought about ending the cultist for what they had done, but questions would come first as she opened her palm and lowered it flat as the sound of thunder rung, before the storm began tearing into the earth, and anything that wasn&#39;t engaged in fisticuffs by either ally.<br> <br>Everything is dead. Really dead. Except for Fenris, his elemental, the cultist, Kialla, her maneback and Cassidy. None of the villager zombies survive the attacks of the three and the army zombies are burned to a crisp by now. It might be wise to burn the bodies of the villagers as well, but for now all is quiet, except for the fire that is still slowly spreading across the village.<br> <br>A flick of her wrist and Cassidy sets the zombies that had chased her all the way out here ablaze before she takes off over towards where Kialla is. &quot;Nice work. I hope you&#39;re not too drained, because I have a request of you. Can you put the village fire out? We&#39;ll burn the bodies seperate, but if we can maintain as much of the town as we can...&quot;<br> <br>Fenris takes a deep breath and lets his stone mantle crumble back to dust as he reaches up to adjust the beautiful pendant around his neck. He closes his eyes and his eyelids flutter a bit as doors open and close in his mind. After a moment, he raises both hands skyward, muttering a bit as he walks over to where his elemental is wrapped around the fallen cultist while he draws down water from the heavens.<br> <br>Kialla takes her own moment she she huffs... her arm was alright. Though, the leather armor coating it was stained with blood. It was clear she took a fairly good blow to the arm as her fur still glowed with power as she looks at the Flying fennec. Though, glancing over to Fenris she looks back. &quot;Looks like Fenris &#39;as it covered, But I&#39;ll &#39;elp in just a moment..&quot; she offers as she switches back to her original gems, albeit, much slower with a for now, mostly crippled arm until it heals. It doesn&#39;t stop her from getting off the roof and moving towards Fenris and the cultist however. She would Aid Fenris as she regained her ice magic powers.<br> <br>A soft rain shower comes down over the village, and while it is not strong enough to put out the houses that already are on fire, it is enough to soak the wood and straw of the remaining houses well enough to prevent the fire from spreading to them.<br> <br>Cassidy nods softly and watches the town, moving closer. It wasn&#39;t ideal, but it&#39;d do. Maybe not all of the buildings could be saved, but everyone would help to get people moved back in. For now, though, she busies herself with trying to drag the bodies out of the town and into a pile for burning.<br> <br>Fenris watches the rain fall, for once allowing it to soak him through. He sits quietly like that for just a moment, then turns his attention to the fallen cultist. With the hooded being unconcious, he does not have to hurry as he searches the robes for the long bone that he is fairly certain ought to be there, then securing the being hand and foot for transfer, gagging them as well for good measure. Better safe than sorry with this kind of thing. That job done, he goes to check on the other fallen cultist. Who knows? Maybe he had survived.<br> <br>Kialla herself moves up to the cultist, she can&#39;t do too much without a lot of pain for her arm. She is sorely tempted to break him somewhat... tilting her head as her glowing power and passion receed until she returns to being somewhat colorless. Either way, she looked upon the being beneath the hood. &quot;Mm... Tis&#39; your unlucky day, dse forces of life succeed over dse forces of death. I do not dsink dsat dsey would let me play... it is of no matter.&quot; she talks quietly to herself as she brushes her good hand over the unconscious, tied cultist somewhat creepily. Anyone not close enough really just sees her hunched over the being checking them out with her still good arm. She reaches into her pouch and pulls out a vial with a hum, before putting it back. &quot;No... I dsink ropes are enough...&quot; she continues before standing up, watching the others. However she remains standing at the cultist&#39;s head, pulling her arms into her more tattered cloak.<br> <br>The bone is quickly found by Fenris, seeing how it is rather large. He is not so lucky with the second cultist though, who seems to have had the larger part of his bones broken and then quickly died from inner bleedings. The rain thankfully washes the smell of burned being out of the air as it continues to fall upon the freeswords.<br> <br>Cassidy looks up at her companions, watching them deal with the cultists between her loads. &quot;Sometimes I wish I were big enough to haul more than one at a time,&quot; she mumbles to herself, taking another two dead beings by the ankle and slowly dragging them off out to the growing pile.<br> <br>Fenris sighs as he kneels over the dead cultist. &quot;Lady Death give you peace,&quot; he mutters, then hauls the ruined corpse to where Cassidy is gathering the others. Maybe Pyrrha herself wasn&#39;t behind this, but her overzealous followers. Unlike Cassidy, the tiger is more than big enough to handle two corpses at a time, and in rather more gentle fashion.<br> <br>Kialla could easily carry two or more, even with her arm a bit mangled. Her size made her into more of a natural packmule or steamroller like Fenris. However she seemed to be responsible for the cultist as she took her good arm, deciding to move closer to the others and grabbing the cultist up by a section of tied rope to heft him up as she made her way to the others. &quot;One of ye&#39; got any medicine? before my arm and leg begin to fester from dull undead blades.&quot; she remarks to the pair. Throwing the cultist over her shoulder<br> <br>Cassidy perks her ears under her hat and looks towards Kialla. &quot;I&#39;m afraid I don&#39;t. I&#39;m not much of a doctor myself, so I seldom carry such things on me. I don&#39;t usually get injured, you see. It escapes my mind! Back in my training days the officer would&#39;ve been rather peeved with me I&#39;m sure.&quot;<br> <br>Fenris looks up after hauling the last of the dead villiagers over and laying them gently on the heap. He stands and folds his arms, closing his eyes in a moment of silent prayer, though to who or what he prays is a mystery. Then the tiger opens his eyes, and nods. His attention is drawn by Kialla. &quot;Oh!&quot; he says, shaking himself, &quot;Of course. One moment.&quot; The tiger reaches into his coat, touching his pendant as he searches, and produces two strange objects. One is a white box that glows with a gentle light, and the other is a strange looking pistol. He points the pistol at the pile of corpses and a jet of brilliant Creator fire screams out to set the unfortunate dead alight, then he moves to tend to Kialla.<br> <br>Kialla reveals the side of her body that received injuries. Her right side, oddly enough her offhand side as well. It just meant she didn&#39;t do well enough. &quot;Be wary of the tournequet... might lose a bit more blood when you take it off.&quot; she offers as she stands still. She was hardy and tough. That didn&#39;t mean it didn&#39;t hurt like hell though. It was good to have it treated... it got better faster, and more.<br> <br>The pile of corpses quickly lights up, despite the generally rather drenched status of the corpses on it. Its probably a good thing the rain is still falling though, as it keeps the smell from rising into the air once more. Fenris&#39; creator gadget is quick to heal the superficial parts of Kialla&#39;s injury, though she will probably still need some rest.<br> <br>Cassidy heaves a little sigh as the deed is done, adjusting her hat again. &quot;Well. I suppose that is that. Ought to get back to the city and let the townsfolk know that their home has been cleared of... Well. It&#39;ll take them time to adjust, I am sure. But they can rebuild. Better here than in the shanties.&quot;<br> <br>Kialla mms... nodding to Fenris as they leave as she steps up to Cass as the tiger starts to go off on his own. &quot;And wot of dsis one?&quot; she asks, gesturing to the cultist as she sighs. &quot;I can take him anywhere you like... or take &#39;im back to my residence. I will attempt to find out dse &#39;ole puzzle instead of just trying to fit dse pieces into place.&quot; she offers, &quot;And... you are an impeccable Archer.&quot;<br> <br>Cassidy offers a bow and a tip of her hat. &quot;Thank you. In truth, I spend most of my time being a magician lately, but I grew up being an archer. I wanted to get back to my roots today. Ah, as for the cultist... I would take him to the city prison, or, if you think you can get information out of him- Safely I might add. I don&#39;t want you being harmed over it, then by all means. I would entrust him to you.&quot;

Revision as of 23:21, 10 June 2016





The village of Moonbright is clearly visible from the distance, being placed on a small hill, near an equally small river. Today however, it is basically a beacon, with multiple of the one story buildings that make up the formerly 200 being big village on fire. Armored humanoids can be seen shambling through the streets between both burning and still untouched buildings as one gets closer.

Cassidy frowns behind her mask, standing on the road outside the village. "Now, why is it on fire... This certainly isn't her work. It's not her method," she says with a huff. "Some spurned caller, perhaps. Mmmm. No matter. It needs to end, and that's what is important." She pulls the longbow from her back, running her fingers along the string as she starts seeking a vantage point in the scenery.

Fenris stands beside Cassidy, looking over the area. "It does not make sense," he agrees, "This is not Pyrrha's modus operandi at all. And I shudder to think she has a caller powerful enough to controll so many powerful undead." The tiger adjusts his long coat and fingers the ornate pendant he wears at his throat, before taking a deep breath and striding forward. "Let's see what damage we can do," he says, lightly.

While late on the scene, the large maneback being gently pulled along by its equally large rider makes an appearance as Fenris begins to stride forward, and Cassidy moves for her own vantage point. Though, the large fennec looses the maneback as she brushes its head and makes her stride to catch up with fenris. "Mm~ not late to dsis one... looks like you're a bit... low in dse 'elp department. she offers to the tiger as she glances at Cass moving of her own accord. A smile crossing Kialla's lips as she turns to focus on Fenris as he moved forward. "'ow can I 'elp you?"

From the vantage point the situation does not look much better, there seem to be about two dozen heavily armored undead in the village, as well as three cloaked riders on skeletal horses and a couple of undead who still have all their flesh and fur, wearing peasant clothing stained with blood. The fire in the village seems to originate from a single building, indicating an accident, rather than the horde setting the village on fire.

Cassidy starts to reach into one of her quivers, but changes her mind at the last minute and reaches for another one, instead, pulling one of the broad tipped bladed arrows from it instead. She sets it against her bow and waits, looking back towards the road from on high to see what move Fenris and Kialla make.

Stealth is not really on option with what Fenris has in mind. The tiger looks up at Kialla and her massive maneback mount with a grin. "Probably for the best," he says, "Means that I don't have to worry too much about hurting an ally, right?" He frowns at the undead forces, especially put of by the fresher walking corpses. "Bone Woman," he mutters, "What is it you think you are doing?" In preparation for what is without a doubt going to be a loud and messy battle, Fenris waves a hand through the air, carefully summoning a little water elemental into being. Every little bit helps, after all. "The best thing you can do for me," he says to Kialla, "Is stay well out of my way."

Kialla mmms as she watches Fenris... magic was a good bet after all, it lessened the chances of getting hurt. She had her own to tend to as she began making her own equations, starting with an earthen protection divination. Turning her flesh and fur to hardened rock, an extra assurance just in case. There was more to do, but one thing at a time as she made sure to stay next to Fenris for now. "Dsat is both wise and unwise. We could draw dsem apart into seperate 'ordes, but then we'd be fighting an individual battle instead of as a group battle."

Cassidy squares her shoulders and spreads her feet apart, taking a careful firing stance before lifting the longbow. Seeing Fenris call the elemental, she decides to make her own move, setting a passive bit of air magic in the back of her mind as she draws the string back, eyes scanning the village for a target before letting the arrow fly, guided by air magic towards the thing's neck to try to take the head off from her external vantage.

"I can't say that bother me any more than fighting a horde of the undead next to a giant wolf," Fenris confesses with a short lived smile, "Too late to worry much about it now." The tiger turns his attention to the shamblers ahead. Specifically looking for any collections of the mounted monstrosities. The tiger chooses out the largest concentration of undead, then breaks into a jog. "Ready? Go!" he calls back to Kialla.

Kialla raises her brow as she listens. Watching, though she hardly expected a charge... feeling her spell fizzle out did not phase her. It was done too quickly for her only meager apointment with it at the moment. It leaves little time to prepare further as she for now, follows after Fenris. She pulls out her twin longknives in preperation as she mentally attempts a water equation to hopefully make matters easier for the two of them.

The arrow finds its mark and takes off one of the armored zombie's head, pinning it onto the wall of one of the buildings in the villages, this causes the three cloaked figures to turn towards the group and one of them to shout some commands. Two skeletons with crossbows, leather armor and metal helmet nod at the orders and each one let go of a bolt, before quickly starting to reload. Kialla is narrowly missed by the bolt destined for her, Fenris however feels a sharp pain in his left foot, which has been pinned to the ground by the shot. The remainder of the armed zombies starts to draw together between the riders and the attacking Freeswords, while the fresh "recruits" continue shambling around, many of them seem to be carrying things, now that Fenris and Kialla are closer.

Cassidy settles another bladed arrow against her bow, taking aim on the crossbow wielders. If she could get rid of them, that should take the pressure off the other two. Drawing the string back, she lets the arrow fly once more.

Fenris grunts and comes to a sudden halt, his boot nailed to the ground. It is only by the grace of said boots that the arrow did not go through his foot. The tiger's attention moves quickly to whoever is shouting orders. "The dead don't speak," he says, then raises his free foot to stomp down hard, channeling a shockwave of earth magic at the gathered enemies.

Kialla is mindful of her allies as she hears the screaming bolt fly past her... too closely. Fenris was either tough, or the arrow missed. An interesting turn, but not one unexpected so far as she stands to Fenris' side as he stomps down onto the ground. Another arrow flying from the trees. She glances towards the undead crossbowmen before she picks her booted heel up to snap the back half of the bolt off so Fenris could lift his boot through the hole as she holds up both of her hands as she specifically targets the crossbowmen with frigid magic to prevent further assault.

Another arrow finds its mark, and while the head stays on this time, the skeletal crossbowman does go down. There is a general rumbling and shaking in the village and a few of the zombies are knocked prone, however they are trying to get back up again as soon as they are down, the advantage won't last. Kialla's magic leaves the undead cold, sadly not literally as she had intended though. One of the cloaked figures snorts and directs his horse away from the battle, setting off to the opposing end of the village, while the remaining crossbowman fires and misses at Kialla, who had just freed Fenris.

With one crossbowman left standing, Cassidy figured the two below could handle it well enough for now while she reached around for a different arrow. This one with a heavier, blunted head for making impacts rather than puncture. She draws the longbow back, this time taking sight on the cloaked figure that was falling back. Turning your back on a battle was a bad idea, and it was a point she wanted to drive home.

Fenris nods his thanks to Kialla, and winces as he pulls his foot free, then persues the cloaked figure atracking brutally as opportunities present themselves.

Kialla nods back to Fenris as the tiger does his best with mathemagically enhanced blows, cleaving foes apart with... his bare hands it would seem. Not unsurprising from the tiger as she passively weaved her seeping magics into her cruel and enchanted longknives. Her current task to watch Fenris' back, stabbing and slashing stragglers and the minions who come too close to Fenris' flanks or rear. The empowered tiger seemed to have most everything under control.

The escaping rider is hit by Cassidy's arrow, but the skeletal horse does not turn or stop its gallop. His hand reaches behind himself as he grasps the arrow, but then decides better and leaves it in for now. Meanwhile Fenris and Kialla have reached the main force that is occupying the village and find themselves engaged in melee combat. Hits are traded and Fenris downs one of the zombies, while shrugging off any incoming attacks. Kialla is less lucky, her attacks don't seem effective and she is given two nasty wounds on her arm and leg respectively. Cassidy, manages to blow an incoming bolt away from herself with a well placed gust of air magic, right when one of the shrouded figures mumbles a few words, too distant to be heard, but sure enough the small force of zombies is coated in stone skin, or gained a coating of stone on their bones, depending on how decomposed the individual fighters are.

Cassidy turns her attention towards one of the remaining claoked figures, frowning. The other one would get away, but that one seemed to be standing stationary. She readies another impact-arrow, lining up her sights before firing for the cloaked one's head. Flesh or bone, a smack to the head was unpleasant.

Seeing the new layer of protection on his undead foes, Fenris decides that a little extra defense wouldn't go amiss. The tiger pauses his charging onslaught for just a moment, setting himself in a hard, defensive stance and calling up a charge of earth magic to defend himself. He would love to get his hands on one of these cloaked bozos to find out what is happening without having to try and call up a Spirit in person, but the odds are starting to look slim.

Kialla herself, snarls as she takes a hit on her arm. Her normally passive bio-luminescense flaring as her exposed furtips momentarily burst with unusual color. Her eyes lit up brightly as she is forced back to back with Fenris, more or less. Her arms and blades begin to drip with darkness it seemed like as her glow dimmed into nothingness after a moment. A bit of stagger in her step for a moment before she regains her composure, switching her posture for power instead of finesse as the shadows begin to twist and furl as she attempts to befuddle the horde enclosing upon them with anger-laced black magic as the darkness begins to claw at what senses they have and befowl their movements as color drains from the massive vixen.

The cloaked figure seems to use the same trick as Cassidy earlier and avoids being hit by diverting her arrow with air magic as well. Fenris's spell however shows promising results and her finds himself donning a fancy stone armor over his whole body. The dark magic that Kialla unleashes at the zombies does not seem to be doing anything though. It would seem there is nothing there for it to twist and corrupt. Once more the freeswords fend off a wave of attacks, though Kialla is badly hit, her left arm bleeding at an alarming rate from her biceps. Another few words are mumbled in the distance and suddenly the weapons of the undead fighters, that by now got Kialla and Fenris surrounded, start to glow a fiery red.

Cassidy takes a moment for her next shot, taking a sturdy arrow and affixing a clay orb to the end. It would not be a terribly accurate arrow, but it didn't need to be. She pulls her bow up and takes aim for the sky, sending the arrow and its cargo in a high arc to eventually land amongst the undead masses.

"Get back, Kialla," Fenris says, finally ready to make another press forward, "Get yourself patched up." Figuring that even enchanted weapons are only useful if you can hit something, Fenris spreads his arms wide, sinking into the fugue state that accompanies advanced mathemagical workings and forces the hard packed earth around him into a gooey impassable morass as far as he can possibly push it.

Kialla hisses as she takes another blow, it was painful, she was however used to this. It made her sheath her longknife, that arm was useless for Melee combat as she eyes Cassidy's position. "I'll help from afar, if i can get out." she answers as she sheathes her other knife. Crouching down as her color returns. She focuses on a different kind of magic as she looks to her surroundings. An evacuation in order as instead she summons the winds to aid in a rather long jump up and over the shambling masse, in the direction of Cassidy. For now, just holding her bleeding bicep as she attempts to move towards Cassidy,

The magic works and the zombies in their heavy armor sink into their ground till their legs have completely vanished into it. To top it off, the arrow Cassidy sent towards them lands and bursts, unleashing its sticky payload onto the zombies and Fenris...who is hit by a spell that arcs from the finger tips of one of the hooded cultists. The lightning bolt is absorbed by the tiger's rock armor, but the plates of rock are blasted of his frame by the force of the impact.

Cassidy lowers her bow for a moment, turning her focus inward. The oil struck, now was the time to make the purpose clear. Flame conjured in the midst of the zombies to ignite the oil and everything unfortunate enough to be covered in it.

Fenris is glad for his armor as it is blasted away. The smell of lamp oil scattered around him is just one more bit of incentive to get OUT of here now that the zombies are immobilized. The tiger summons up another surge of earth magic to propel himself forward across the immobilized phalanx of undead, giving chase to his magical foes instead of simply fighting their (rotting) meat shields. Meanwhile, a quick flick of mental direction sends his little water elemental zipping toward the mounted and cloaked magician.

Kialla for the moment is alright, out of danger. She takes out her knife again and takes a wide strip out of the bottom of her cloak before she takes the time to make a tight tournequet around the gash in her bicep to stifle the bleeding. Medicine will come later when she has time to properly take care of it. The only thing would be to get a vantage point on a building that isn't burning. Preferably on a stable roof with the help of a little air magic. She wasn't as good with her bow as Cass, so she would need to be closer.

The air fills with both pained, wordless screams, and the smell of grilled rotten meat. Delightful. It does its work though and the undead warriors seem to be dying off rather quickly. The two cultists look at each other for a second, then one shouts some orders and the unarmored, fresh walking corpses drop what they are carrying and turn towards the group, setting their course towards them. Many are picking up improvised weapons like big stones and thick sticks. The other cultist remains silent, then nods and raises a wall between himself and the charging Fenris to stop him.

Cassidy reaches into her quiver for another bladed arrow, settled against the arrow rest as she eyes the magically inclined cultist. From where she was standing, the wall did not break her line of sight. Casting a glance to first make sure the other fennec was not in need of supporting fire, she draws the arrow back and lets it fly. This time, however, it's aimed for the cultist's knee in hopes his focus is too busy elsewhere to stop it.

Fenris is no mere mortal! He is the AVALANCHE! Or so he tells himself as he charges toward the wall that the enemy magician has thrown up against him. Still moving with earth magic induced speed, the tiger reaches out to the wall of stone trying to subvert it and make it into HIS shield instead of his enemy's.

Kialla huffs as she takse the time to reach into her cloak, reaching into her belt pouch to retreive two soul gems. A different approach would be neccesarry. Her tactics and abilities weren't cutting it. Magic would do instead as she changed both gems in her pendant. Catching her breath as she would have to wait. Closing her eyes as she checked her arm. The pain wasn't a real distraction, but it could be a problem if battle took too long.

The cultist is certainly too distracted to be evading the arrow, seeing how Fenris is steamrolling him into a pulp right now. The arrow connects, but makes little difference on the crushed cultist. The other one seems to panic and pull his horse around in an attempt to get away from the group. The villager zombies are closing in on them at the same time and Cassidy's quick reflexes are the only thing that saved her from being stabbed with a kitchen knife by, what after she evaded with a gust of air magic, looks like the bloody corpse of a feline preteen.

Cassidy doesn't stop when she's evaded the rush. She just keeps on flying, seeking another vantage point entirely with which to resume her assault once she's a safe distance away. She adjusts her top hat once she lands, then draws another arrow into her bow. This one didn't have a tip designed to tear or catch flesh. This one was a straight puncturing arrow, also a bit longer, designed to pin a target. Which she tries to do! Aiming a shot to attempt to pin the feline to another shambler behind it.

Fenris has no intention of letting this other conspiritor escape. He continues his earth assissted charge, stretching a hand out if front of him, first willing the ground to soften beneath the fleeing cultists feet, and directing his icy little water elemental to strike!

Kialla has a look around her. Now was the time to pick out dangers and eliminate them as she leaned up over the edge of the roof to see Fenris, Cassidy was... not easy to spot, but certainly she knew where. Noticing Cass was under attack as she held out her hand to the sky. Doing her calculation thoroughly. Though, it would still take more time than normal. She wished to ensure its success as she simply gathered her power. Fenris was steamrolling through them and they weren't catching up as she herself crackled with electricity as her body and eyes began to glow as she built her equation while also being aware of her surroundings.

The little girl crashes into an old man behind her, both going down from the arrow Cassidy let lose on them. Three more of the villagers are coming for Cassidy, all pretty easy targets, while two creep up behind Fenris, who just knocked the other cultist out of his saddle and his horse over. The water elemental throws a few punches and the cultist is not only knocked down, but out as well. He seems to still be breathing though.

Cassidy eyes the three for a moment before flinging her non-bow holding hand out at them, a spell on the wind, for the wind, by the wind. A razor gale kicks itself up to assail her foes, trying to knock them over and slice at them or at least knock them over.

Fenris mentally wills his water elemental to hold the fallen, but living cultist, hoping to have some answers after all this is over. Then he turns his attention back to defending himself, though, with his new stone coating, it should not be too dificult. The stone coated tiger throws a vicious strike at the lolling heads of the undead abominations shuffling his way.

Kialla grasps her hand together as she stands up fully. Clenching her fist as her fur and eyes begins to glow brightly as it spikes out from the static electricity. Her damaged arm hanging a bit as she looks around the battlefield in a surveying blance as she continues calculating. The skies above darkening as she begins to summon her strike in an attempt to wipe out the bulk of the remaining undead. Noting her allies in the process to 'not' strike near them. She had thought about ending the cultist for what they had done, but questions would come first as she opened her palm and lowered it flat as the sound of thunder rung, before the storm began tearing into the earth, and anything that wasn't engaged in fisticuffs by either ally.

Everything is dead. Really dead. Except for Fenris, his elemental, the cultist, Kialla, her maneback and Cassidy. None of the villager zombies survive the attacks of the three and the army zombies are burned to a crisp by now. It might be wise to burn the bodies of the villagers as well, but for now all is quiet, except for the fire that is still slowly spreading across the village.

A flick of her wrist and Cassidy sets the zombies that had chased her all the way out here ablaze before she takes off over towards where Kialla is. "Nice work. I hope you're not too drained, because I have a request of you. Can you put the village fire out? We'll burn the bodies seperate, but if we can maintain as much of the town as we can..."

Fenris takes a deep breath and lets his stone mantle crumble back to dust as he reaches up to adjust the beautiful pendant around his neck. He closes his eyes and his eyelids flutter a bit as doors open and close in his mind. After a moment, he raises both hands skyward, muttering a bit as he walks over to where his elemental is wrapped around the fallen cultist while he draws down water from the heavens.

Kialla takes her own moment she she huffs... her arm was alright. Though, the leather armor coating it was stained with blood. It was clear she took a fairly good blow to the arm as her fur still glowed with power as she looks at the Flying fennec. Though, glancing over to Fenris she looks back. "Looks like Fenris 'as it covered, But I'll 'elp in just a moment.." she offers as she switches back to her original gems, albeit, much slower with a for now, mostly crippled arm until it heals. It doesn't stop her from getting off the roof and moving towards Fenris and the cultist however. She would Aid Fenris as she regained her ice magic powers.

A soft rain shower comes down over the village, and while it is not strong enough to put out the houses that already are on fire, it is enough to soak the wood and straw of the remaining houses well enough to prevent the fire from spreading to them.

Cassidy nods softly and watches the town, moving closer. It wasn't ideal, but it'd do. Maybe not all of the buildings could be saved, but everyone would help to get people moved back in. For now, though, she busies herself with trying to drag the bodies out of the town and into a pile for burning.

Fenris watches the rain fall, for once allowing it to soak him through. He sits quietly like that for just a moment, then turns his attention to the fallen cultist. With the hooded being unconcious, he does not have to hurry as he searches the robes for the long bone that he is fairly certain ought to be there, then securing the being hand and foot for transfer, gagging them as well for good measure. Better safe than sorry with this kind of thing. That job done, he goes to check on the other fallen cultist. Who knows? Maybe he had survived.

Kialla herself moves up to the cultist, she can't do too much without a lot of pain for her arm. She is sorely tempted to break him somewhat... tilting her head as her glowing power and passion receed until she returns to being somewhat colorless. Either way, she looked upon the being beneath the hood. "Mm... Tis' your unlucky day, dse forces of life succeed over dse forces of death. I do not dsink dsat dsey would let me play... it is of no matter." she talks quietly to herself as she brushes her good hand over the unconscious, tied cultist somewhat creepily. Anyone not close enough really just sees her hunched over the being checking them out with her still good arm. She reaches into her pouch and pulls out a vial with a hum, before putting it back. "No... I dsink ropes are enough..." she continues before standing up, watching the others. However she remains standing at the cultist's head, pulling her arms into her more tattered cloak.

The bone is quickly found by Fenris, seeing how it is rather large. He is not so lucky with the second cultist though, who seems to have had the larger part of his bones broken and then quickly died from inner bleedings. The rain thankfully washes the smell of burned being out of the air as it continues to fall upon the freeswords.

Cassidy looks up at her companions, watching them deal with the cultists between her loads. "Sometimes I wish I were big enough to haul more than one at a time," she mumbles to herself, taking another two dead beings by the ankle and slowly dragging them off out to the growing pile.

Fenris sighs as he kneels over the dead cultist. "Lady Death give you peace," he mutters, then hauls the ruined corpse to where Cassidy is gathering the others. Maybe Pyrrha herself wasn't behind this, but her overzealous followers. Unlike Cassidy, the tiger is more than big enough to handle two corpses at a time, and in rather more gentle fashion.

Kialla could easily carry two or more, even with her arm a bit mangled. Her size made her into more of a natural packmule or steamroller like Fenris. However she seemed to be responsible for the cultist as she took her good arm, deciding to move closer to the others and grabbing the cultist up by a section of tied rope to heft him up as she made her way to the others. "One of ye' got any medicine? before my arm and leg begin to fester from dull undead blades." she remarks to the pair. Throwing the cultist over her shoulder

Cassidy perks her ears under her hat and looks towards Kialla. "I'm afraid I don't. I'm not much of a doctor myself, so I seldom carry such things on me. I don't usually get injured, you see. It escapes my mind! Back in my training days the officer would've been rather peeved with me I'm sure."

Fenris looks up after hauling the last of the dead villiagers over and laying them gently on the heap. He stands and folds his arms, closing his eyes in a moment of silent prayer, though to who or what he prays is a mystery. Then the tiger opens his eyes, and nods. His attention is drawn by Kialla. "Oh!" he says, shaking himself, "Of course. One moment." The tiger reaches into his coat, touching his pendant as he searches, and produces two strange objects. One is a white box that glows with a gentle light, and the other is a strange looking pistol. He points the pistol at the pile of corpses and a jet of brilliant Creator fire screams out to set the unfortunate dead alight, then he moves to tend to Kialla.

Kialla reveals the side of her body that received injuries. Her right side, oddly enough her offhand side as well. It just meant she didn't do well enough. "Be wary of the tournequet... might lose a bit more blood when you take it off." she offers as she stands still. She was hardy and tough. That didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell though. It was good to have it treated... it got better faster, and more.

The pile of corpses quickly lights up, despite the generally rather drenched status of the corpses on it. Its probably a good thing the rain is still falling though, as it keeps the smell from rising into the air once more. Fenris' creator gadget is quick to heal the superficial parts of Kialla's injury, though she will probably still need some rest.

Cassidy heaves a little sigh as the deed is done, adjusting her hat again. "Well. I suppose that is that. Ought to get back to the city and let the townsfolk know that their home has been cleared of... Well. It'll take them time to adjust, I am sure. But they can rebuild. Better here than in the shanties."

Kialla mms... nodding to Fenris as they leave as she steps up to Cass as the tiger starts to go off on his own. "And wot of dsis one?" she asks, gesturing to the cultist as she sighs. "I can take him anywhere you like... or take 'im back to my residence. I will attempt to find out dse 'ole puzzle instead of just trying to fit dse pieces into place." she offers, "And... you are an impeccable Archer."

Cassidy offers a bow and a tip of her hat. "Thank you. In truth, I spend most of my time being a magician lately, but I grew up being an archer. I wanted to get back to my roots today. Ah, as for the cultist... I would take him to the city prison, or, if you think you can get information out of him- Safely I might add. I don't want you being harmed over it, then by all means. I would entrust him to you."