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<div></div><br> <br>'Smash smash smash' is heard along the main concourse, a small crowd the only folks around save a small clan rabbit, chasing after a golem. "C'mon now! Please!" he says as he tries to think of how to solve the problem, a large, heavy golem bearing massive daggers along it's back, is roaming about causing quite the mess. The city guard are corralling a few of the more foolish onlookers, as they cry out "Come on Kid get it under control or we have to take care of it ourselves."<br> <br>Eleni arrives from the academy district, fully armed and armored after whatever it was she was doing. Taking a moment to survey the mess the golem's caused, momentarily gripping her sword before she moves over to a guard. "Might haveta take a look at this a bit closer. Ya mind?" She asks, heavily implying that 'no' isn't an answer she' willing to accept.<br> <br>Mirana walked along the concourse, mostly aimlessly, when she hears the banging going on. She looks up and only just moves out of the way as the golem does along. She yips out a bit and looks around, "What.. what is going on?" She asks, then notices Eleni and blinks a few times. She walks over to him, thinking it safer. The only real change to her usual dress is a circlet that is under the cowl, "Umm, hello?" she says cautiously. Shaking her head she tries to stand a bit taller and clears her throat, "What is happening here?" She says after getting herself a bit more in the stature she was used to being in.<br> <br>Cedric heard the banging of the golem and the calls of the small clan rabbit chasing after it from down the concourse, himself. He'd decided to take a detour on his way out of town to check out all the commotion, and steps up behind the crowd equipped with his plate armor and hefting an ornate spear over his shoulder carefully, making sure not to put out the eyes of any larger beings as he tries to get through the crowd to see what's happening.<br> <br>The guard look over Eleni and one sighs, finally saying "We warned you, if you think you can help go on ahead but don't blame us if you get hurt." Mirana, and Cedric are given glances but nothing more as a beaver in the crowd calls out "C'mon! Just junk it and get on with the day." A few of the crowd members agree with him, some of them make mutters and shake their head. The golem goes about it's merry business, completely ignoring it's master, as it makes its way over towards the marketplace. The small clan rabbit closes in but shakes his head, pulling back as the golem stops abruptly and he almost plows into it's sharp back. "Why don't you listen?! WE JUST repaired you, Perry and I did the best job! Come on you relic listen!"<br> <br>Eleni nods back to the guards, helmet likely causing her to miss the arrival of Mirana through protracting her vision. "Stop treating the damn thing like it's a person, for one." the androgynous fennec calls out, making her way over to the golem, taking her shield off her back, readying herself as she mutters something under her breath along the lines of 'Bloody children and their toys...'<br> <br>Mirana watches the golem continue along then just stop. She tilts her head wondering a moment, but then holds back a whimper as it feels like a small fire starts in her skull. Holding her head a moment she looks over to Eleni again, "Excuse me! I asked if you knew what was going on here!" she says a bit loudly, though it is obvious by now what is happening. She shakes her pounding head and look perhaps for someone she knew. Sighing she looks to the Rabbit, "I don't know much about golems really, but if they are anything like the divine gifts of our creators, maybe you should try appeasing it? I have a little machine spirit that seems to like being kicked..." she notes to him.<br> <br>Cedric doesn't say a word as he approaches the guards in his armor and hefting his spear. He just inclines his head and walks past them to get a better look at this golem.<br> <br>The rabbit looks back at Eleni and grumbles. "Sorry Ma.. ma'am? I'm just... nevermind. YOu're right." he says as he stops and tries to really focus on the mathmatics involved, the golem coming to a halt briefly before it pivots on it's limb and leans down towards the small clanner, just before... flicking them once. Cedric is allowed to pass without incident, and Mirana is given a couple troubled glances, most of all from the flicked rabbit who holds his forehead and says "WHAT?! Kick a golem?" as though it were an outrageous idea.<br> <br>Eleni looks back over her shoulder to Mirana for a moment as the situation - at least temporarily - defuses itself. "Girl, ya have eyes. And the guards are right there." She says sternly before turning back to the rabbit. "Ya know ya aren't in a position ta complain with the suggestion, don't ya kid? Ya just chased after ya golem as though asking it politely ta stop was going ta help. Probably for longer than I've been here. Wise up." She chides. "If ya can't keep ya golem in check I suggest ya practice more before ya cause more damage."<br> <br>Mirana looks very indignately to Eleni, "And you'd do better to watch that tongue!" she announces to him, but then turns more to the problem at hand, "And, as I said before, Golems may be different, but anything is worth a try." That is when she spots someone snickering in the crowd. She tries to think a moment, but the only thing that comes to her aching head is that this might be the cause of it. Unsure of if she herself would be able to catuch up to and keep hold of them should they run, she whispers to the nearest guard, "By my house and position as a retired Captain, I ask you to look into that bandicoot, I can't be sure, but there is something amiss." she says, then, she herself tries to approch as well.<br> <br>The armored badger lifts the visor of his helm and glances down at the small hare, not saying a word as he looks from the golem artisan, to the golem itself, and then to the snickering bandicoot. He lets out a little sigh and sizes up the golem for a moment or two. It seems like, at least for right now, he doesn't get to pry it apart by force to see what's inside. Finally, Cedric just raises his unarmed hand and gives a friendly wave. "Hello. So... tell me, is your big friend here going to stay asleep?"<br> <br>The guard whispered to moves along the crowd at the request, seeing no reason not to tame that portion of the crowd as well. The golem pushes down the rabbit then moves to head towards the market before it stops suddenly, the small clan hare standing and shaking his head. "I can! I did it all day yesterday, everything was fine until he got here... it got here!" They look frustrated. The bandicoot stops snickering and comes to attention, giving a tilt of their head to the left before saying "Can I help you folks?" The golem becomes responsive to the hare's latest attempt, before he grumbles and sighs. "See! Like that!" he finally decides to exclaim. The bandicoot glances over at the commotion caused by the rabbit, and the golem pushes them down once more very suddenly. This causes the bandicoot to snicker once more.<br> <br>Eleni rolls her eyes. "A'course, kid. Ya said you and some other person patched ya toy up, think this'd be below 'em? 'M not going ta pretend I know how ya pile a' bolts works, but if ya friend wanted to I don't doubt he could make something else of it." She suggests, thoroughly unimpressed. Turning back to the guards and Mirana, she shrugs. "Right girl. Ya have my attention. Who are ya and why should I care? Make it fast." She demands in a manner befitting military, for better or worse.<br> <br>Mirana curls her lips up in an almost snarl at Eleni's continued ignorance, "My name is Miranai, Miranai Solacious, retired Captain of the Sweetwater militia, and blood member of the Solacious House." she announces back to her, "Inducted Priestess of the High Church of the Creators, and swarn Journeyman, so take your pick, political, religious, or social, as to why you should care." she says rather sturnly back. She looks around, and notices verious mathmagical signs and symbols, but holds her head as she can't quite figure out which ones are for which, not familar with golem control. She whispers to the same guard, "Around here.. somewhere someone is... controling that golem and it isn't the rabbit, it might be that bandicoot, but I'm willing to bet that they have something to do with it, try to detain them please." Then goes back to trying to investigate, this time reaching out with her kitsune given abilities to try and feel whom is getting the most enjoyment from this debocle.<br> <br>Cedric thinks that's an awful lot of things to be, and can only imagine how tiring it must be. He, again, doesn't really respond to it and keeps his eye on the golem. The badger dark knight steps around to the front of the wayward golem, keeping his spear handy as he examines it more closely, interested more in its construction than with the drama playing out in the background. He tends to get very single-minded if something sparks his interest enough.<br> <br>The golem suddenly wheels back for a second before lunging it's fist forward, a badger stepping back out of the way. Eleni springs into action, a sudden planted firm stance and a mighty shield providing all the cover needed. The golem is deterred, the bandicoot puts his hand over his mouth to prevent anymore snickering from escaping. The rabbit cowers for a second before he gets rather angry, spouting off words someone his age has no word spouting and saying "HEY!" as he musters up more golem control for his golem, which promptly seizes up. The guard nods and watches the bandicoot for now, the crowd getting more attention.<br> <br>Eleni mutters something under her breath as she intercepts the golem's blow. The fenec remains inscrutable behind her helmet, calling over her shouder to Mirana. "Sure. Just don't take it personally if 'm not the first ta reply if there are other around ta do it. I ain't under ya jurisdiction." as though not believing some part of the woman's speech. The rabbit is given a severe glare. "Clear out, kid. If ya aren't going ta help us here - since ya evidently aren't in control - get back ta where it's safe."<br> <br>Mirana fells around the crowd and picks up on someone who is probably far better suited for her limited attentions. She tries to weave about the crowd, heading toward a young Swan. Having far better things to do then argue with some other fox, she ignores Eleni right now, but will deal with her later. She tries to go about things stealthfully, trying to use the crowd for her cover as she approches the swan, giving some short hand signs to another guard, not wanting the first to stop giving attention to that bandicoot.<br> <br>Cedric chuckles quietly under his helm as he steps back gracefully out of the golem's way. He looks quickly to the rabbit boy with a nod, "She's right. You don't have a handle on this." he says in agreement with the fennec warrior, waving his free hand to shoo the small clanner away from the golem's wrath. He'd rather fight the construct head on than get caught by surprise when the hare's control is wrestled away, personally. The stop-and-go of the whole affair is pretty tiresome.<br> <br>The swan is easily approached, their smile increasing as the golem wheels back for another punch. The rabbit lets out an interesting sounding growl and says "NO! It's my responsibility." as he angrily wrestles the golem to a halt again. The swan looks annoyed, the bandicoot just starts laughing. The rabbit pushes forward, the don't seem to heed the advice given at all, either by choice or, they just didn't care to hear it. The guard addresses the bandicoot, asking "Whats so funny?" as he looks him over suspiciously.<br> <br>Eleni keeps herself between the golem and the rabbit. "Well. Consider yaself relieved of duty till it isn't likely ta get you hurt. At least, move yaself back some." the fennec orders, apparently not willing to listen to any further arguments from the being. "When ya golem isn't about ta put a hand through someone, then it's ya responsibility again."<br> <br>Mirana nods as the guard starts talking to the bandicoot and, holding her head with one hand, weaves out some math magic to forge some stone shoes for her swan friend. Finding some messure of success, she smiles, "Not.. useless at least." she says to herself, "And now, my friend, what is your name, and why are you so happy about all this going on?" she asks. She waits now for any attempts by the swan to weave some magic of their own, and watches their movements closely while she waits for her answer.<br> <br>Cedric just shakes his head at the feisty hare and his foolishness. He steps forward, approaching the rabbit boy from behind and making an attempt to grab him by the back of the collar as Eleni puts herself between the kid and the golem.<br> <br>Cedric succeeds in their attempts, getting a feisty little rabbit out of it. They squrim and thrash, saying "Let me go!" as the golem remains still. It stands looming before Eleni, making no sudden moves. The bandicoot cracks up louder, having a little breakdown as they laugh it up, drawing some eyes and perplexing the guard. "What are you up to?" he finally says as he moves to check the bandicoot closely. The sawn, struggles and grunts, saying "I'm Periwal Twoson, and you will unhand me!" As he does the golem turns to move to the crowd only to be quelled by an overzealous rabbit, who encourages them to do as they ask. "COme get me away from this brute!"<br> <br>Eleni rolls her eyes, keeping a close watch on the golem though she states, "Put the kid down." She states over her shoulder, paying no heed to the complaining swan behind her. "Ya aren't helping by putting both a' ya in a vulnerable position, understand?"<br> <br>Mirana looks to Periwal and smiles, "Nice to meet you, now, I assume you heard who I am. And if being detained like this isn't good enough reason to answer my questions maybe if you were arrested under suspicicions of causing public mischeif and putting all these fine beings in the potental for great harm would loosen your tongue a bit more." She looks over to the guard as he talks to the bandicoot, feeling fairly sure that one, if not both of these two, are the ones behind all of this. "So, I'll ask again, and be the last time I ask, why are you so happy about all this going on, perhaps you are the one behind this?"<br> <br>"Keen observation." Cedric replies, rolling his own visor-hidden eyes while holding the small clan hare by his shirt collar, "Aside from the fact that the boy is intent on putting himself into a vulnerable position with or without my assistance, understand?" the badger retorts, casting a quick glance at his captive before releasing him with a gentle nudge towards Eleni and the golem. "All yours, then."<br> <br>The hare runs towards the golem who stops short and goes still. He smiles and grins. "See! All better, I'll take him back now!" The swan struggles and grunts. "What? Joey can handle it! He's not helpless, see?<br> <br>" THe swan gestures to the rabbit and the bandicoot, he sighs and snickers a little more. When searched, the guard and most of the crowd jump back. THe has lizards all over his person! One might recognize them as what are commonly refered to as 'Piz'.
<div></div><br> <br>'Smash smash smash' is heard along the main concourse, a small crowd the only folks around save a small clan rabbit, chasing after a golem. "C'mon now! Please!" he says as he tries to think of how to solve the problem, a large, heavy golem bearing massive daggers along it's back, is roaming about causing quite the mess. The city guard are corralling a few of the more foolish onlookers, as they cry out "Come on Kid get it under control or we have to take care of it ourselves."<br> <br>Eleni arrives from the academy district, fully armed and armored after whatever it was she was doing. Taking a moment to survey the mess the golem's caused, momentarily gripping her sword before she moves over to a guard. "Might haveta take a look at this a bit closer. Ya mind?" She asks, heavily implying that 'no' isn't an answer she' willing to accept.<br> <br>Mirana walked along the concourse, mostly aimlessly, when she hears the banging going on. She looks up and only just moves out of the way as the golem does along. She yips out a bit and looks around, "What.. what is going on?" She asks, then notices Eleni and blinks a few times. She walks over to him, thinking it safer. The only real change to her usual dress is a circlet that is under the cowl, "Umm, hello?" she says cautiously. Shaking her head she tries to stand a bit taller and clears her throat, "What is happening here?" She says after getting herself a bit more in the stature she was used to being in.<br> <br>Cedric heard the banging of the golem and the calls of the small clan rabbit chasing after it from down the concourse, himself. He'd decided to take a detour on his way out of town to check out all the commotion, and steps up behind the crowd equipped with his plate armor and hefting an ornate spear over his shoulder carefully, making sure not to put out the eyes of any larger beings as he tries to get through the crowd to see what's happening.<br> <br>The guard look over Eleni and one sighs, finally saying "We warned you, if you think you can help go on ahead but don't blame us if you get hurt." Mirana, and Cedric are given glances but nothing more as a beaver in the crowd calls out "C'mon! Just junk it and get on with the day." A few of the crowd members agree with him, some of them make mutters and shake their head. The golem goes about it's merry business, completely ignoring it's master, as it makes its way over towards the marketplace. The small clan rabbit closes in but shakes his head, pulling back as the golem stops abruptly and he almost plows into it's sharp back. "Why don't you listen?! WE JUST repaired you, Perry and I did the best job! Come on you relic listen!"<br> <br>Eleni nods back to the guards, helmet likely causing her to miss the arrival of Mirana through protracting her vision. "Stop treating the damn thing like it's a person, for one." the androgynous fennec calls out, making her way over to the golem, taking her shield off her back, readying herself as she mutters something under her breath along the lines of 'Bloody children and their toys...'<br> <br>Mirana watches the golem continue along then just stop. She tilts her head wondering a moment, but then holds back a whimper as it feels like a small fire starts in her skull. Holding her head a moment she looks over to Eleni again, "Excuse me! I asked if you knew what was going on here!" she says a bit loudly, though it is obvious by now what is happening. She shakes her pounding head and look perhaps for someone she knew. Sighing she looks to the Rabbit, "I don't know much about golems really, but if they are anything like the divine gifts of our creators, maybe you should try appeasing it? I have a little machine spirit that seems to like being kicked..." she notes to him.<br> <br>Cedric doesn't say a word as he approaches the guards in his armor and hefting his spear. He just inclines his head and walks past them to get a better look at this golem.<br> <br>The rabbit looks back at Eleni and grumbles. "Sorry Ma.. ma'am? I'm just... nevermind. YOu're right." he says as he stops and tries to really focus on the mathmatics involved, the golem coming to a halt briefly before it pivots on it's limb and leans down towards the small clanner, just before... flicking them once. Cedric is allowed to pass without incident, and Mirana is given a couple troubled glances, most of all from the flicked rabbit who holds his forehead and says "WHAT?! Kick a golem?" as though it were an outrageous idea.<br> <br>Eleni looks back over her shoulder to Mirana for a moment as the situation - at least temporarily - defuses itself. "Girl, ya have eyes. And the guards are right there." She says sternly before turning back to the rabbit. "Ya know ya aren't in a position ta complain with the suggestion, don't ya kid? Ya just chased after ya golem as though asking it politely ta stop was going ta help. Probably for longer than I've been here. Wise up." She chides. "If ya can't keep ya golem in check I suggest ya practice more before ya cause more damage."<br> <br>Mirana looks very indignately to Eleni, "And you'd do better to watch that tongue!" she announces to him, but then turns more to the problem at hand, "And, as I said before, Golems may be different, but anything is worth a try." That is when she spots someone snickering in the crowd. She tries to think a moment, but the only thing that comes to her aching head is that this might be the cause of it. Unsure of if she herself would be able to catuch up to and keep hold of them should they run, she whispers to the nearest guard, "By my house and position as a retired Captain, I ask you to look into that bandicoot, I can't be sure, but there is something amiss." she says, then, she herself tries to approch as well.<br> <br>The armored badger lifts the visor of his helm and glances down at the small hare, not saying a word as he looks from the golem artisan, to the golem itself, and then to the snickering bandicoot. He lets out a little sigh and sizes up the golem for a moment or two. It seems like, at least for right now, he doesn't get to pry it apart by force to see what's inside. Finally, Cedric just raises his unarmed hand and gives a friendly wave. "Hello. So... tell me, is your big friend here going to stay asleep?"<br> <br>The guard whispered to moves along the crowd at the request, seeing no reason not to tame that portion of the crowd as well. The golem pushes down the rabbit then moves to head towards the market before it stops suddenly, the small clan hare standing and shaking his head. "I can! I did it all day yesterday, everything was fine until he got here... it got here!" They look frustrated. The bandicoot stops snickering and comes to attention, giving a tilt of their head to the left before saying "Can I help you folks?" The golem becomes responsive to the hare's latest attempt, before he grumbles and sighs. "See! Like that!" he finally decides to exclaim. The bandicoot glances over at the commotion caused by the rabbit, and the golem pushes them down once more very suddenly. This causes the bandicoot to snicker once more.<br> <br>Eleni rolls her eyes. "A'course, kid. Ya said you and some other person patched ya toy up, think this'd be below 'em? 'M not going ta pretend I know how ya pile a' bolts works, but if ya friend wanted to I don't doubt he could make something else of it." She suggests, thoroughly unimpressed. Turning back to the guards and Mirana, she shrugs. "Right girl. Ya have my attention. Who are ya and why should I care? Make it fast." She demands in a manner befitting military, for better or worse.<br> <br>Mirana curls her lips up in an almost snarl at Eleni's continued ignorance, "My name is Miranai, Miranai Solacious, retired Captain of the Sweetwater militia, and blood member of the Solacious House." she announces back to her, "Inducted Priestess of the High Church of the Creators, and swarn Journeyman, so take your pick, political, religious, or social, as to why you should care." she says rather sturnly back. She looks around, and notices verious mathmagical signs and symbols, but holds her head as she can't quite figure out which ones are for which, not familar with golem control. She whispers to the same guard, "Around here.. somewhere someone is... controling that golem and it isn't the rabbit, it might be that bandicoot, but I'm willing to bet that they have something to do with it, try to detain them please." Then goes back to trying to investigate, this time reaching out with her kitsune given abilities to try and feel whom is getting the most enjoyment from this debocle.<br> <br>Cedric thinks that's an awful lot of things to be, and can only imagine how tiring it must be. He, again, doesn't really respond to it and keeps his eye on the golem. The badger dark knight steps around to the front of the wayward golem, keeping his spear handy as he examines it more closely, interested more in its construction than with the drama playing out in the background. He tends to get very single-minded if something sparks his interest enough.<br> <br>The golem suddenly wheels back for a second before lunging it's fist forward, a badger stepping back out of the way. Eleni springs into action, a sudden planted firm stance and a mighty shield providing all the cover needed. The golem is deterred, the bandicoot puts his hand over his mouth to prevent anymore snickering from escaping. The rabbit cowers for a second before he gets rather angry, spouting off words someone his age has no word spouting and saying "HEY!" as he musters up more golem control for his golem, which promptly seizes up. The guard nods and watches the bandicoot for now, the crowd getting more attention.<br> <br>Eleni mutters something under her breath as she intercepts the golem's blow. The fenec remains inscrutable behind her helmet, calling over her shouder to Mirana. "Sure. Just don't take it personally if 'm not the first ta reply if there are other around ta do it. I ain't under ya jurisdiction." as though not believing some part of the woman's speech. The rabbit is given a severe glare. "Clear out, kid. If ya aren't going ta help us here - since ya evidently aren't in control - get back ta where it's safe."<br> <br>Mirana fells around the crowd and picks up on someone who is probably far better suited for her limited attentions. She tries to weave about the crowd, heading toward a young Swan. Having far better things to do then argue with some other fox, she ignores Eleni right now, but will deal with her later. She tries to go about things stealthfully, trying to use the crowd for her cover as she approches the swan, giving some short hand signs to another guard, not wanting the first to stop giving attention to that bandicoot.<br> <br>Cedric chuckles quietly under his helm as he steps back gracefully out of the golem's way. He looks quickly to the rabbit boy with a nod, "She's right. You don't have a handle on this." he says in agreement with the fennec warrior, waving his free hand to shoo the small clanner away from the golem's wrath. He'd rather fight the construct head on than get caught by surprise when the hare's control is wrestled away, personally. The stop-and-go of the whole affair is pretty tiresome.<br> <br>The swan is easily approached, their smile increasing as the golem wheels back for another punch. The rabbit lets out an interesting sounding growl and says "NO! It's my responsibility." as he angrily wrestles the golem to a halt again. The swan looks annoyed, the bandicoot just starts laughing. The rabbit pushes forward, the don't seem to heed the advice given at all, either by choice or, they just didn't care to hear it. The guard addresses the bandicoot, asking "Whats so funny?" as he looks him over suspiciously.<br> <br>Eleni keeps herself between the golem and the rabbit. "Well. Consider yaself relieved of duty till it isn't likely ta get you hurt. At least, move yaself back some." the fennec orders, apparently not willing to listen to any further arguments from the being. "When ya golem isn't about ta put a hand through someone, then it's ya responsibility again."<br> <br>Mirana nods as the guard starts talking to the bandicoot and, holding her head with one hand, weaves out some math magic to forge some stone shoes for her swan friend. Finding some messure of success, she smiles, "Not.. useless at least." she says to herself, "And now, my friend, what is your name, and why are you so happy about all this going on?" she asks. She waits now for any attempts by the swan to weave some magic of their own, and watches their movements closely while she waits for her answer.<br> <br>Cedric just shakes his head at the feisty hare and his foolishness. He steps forward, approaching the rabbit boy from behind and making an attempt to grab him by the back of the collar as Eleni puts herself between the kid and the golem.<br> <br>Cedric succeeds in their attempts, getting a feisty little rabbit out of it. They squrim and thrash, saying "Let me go!" as the golem remains still. It stands looming before Eleni, making no sudden moves. The bandicoot cracks up louder, having a little breakdown as they laugh it up, drawing some eyes and perplexing the guard. "What are you up to?" he finally says as he moves to check the bandicoot closely. The sawn, struggles and grunts, saying "I'm Periwal Twoson, and you will unhand me!" As he does the golem turns to move to the crowd only to be quelled by an overzealous rabbit, who encourages them to do as they ask. "COme get me away from this brute!"<br> <br>Eleni rolls her eyes, keeping a close watch on the golem though she states, "Put the kid down." She states over her shoulder, paying no heed to the complaining swan behind her. "Ya aren't helping by putting both a' ya in a vulnerable position, understand?"<br> <br>Mirana looks to Periwal and smiles, "Nice to meet you, now, I assume you heard who I am. And if being detained like this isn't good enough reason to answer my questions maybe if you were arrested under suspicicions of causing public mischeif and putting all these fine beings in the potental for great harm would loosen your tongue a bit more." She looks over to the guard as he talks to the bandicoot, feeling fairly sure that one, if not both of these two, are the ones behind all of this. "So, I'll ask again, and be the last time I ask, why are you so happy about all this going on, perhaps you are the one behind this?"<br> <br>"Keen observation." Cedric replies, rolling his own visor-hidden eyes while holding the small clan hare by his shirt collar, "Aside from the fact that the boy is intent on putting himself into a vulnerable position with or without my assistance, understand?" the badger retorts, casting a quick glance at his captive before releasing him with a gentle nudge towards Eleni and the golem. "All yours, then."<br> <br>The hare runs towards the golem who stops short and goes still. He smiles and grins. "See! All better, I'll take him back now!" The swan struggles and grunts. "What? Joey can handle it! He's not helpless, see?<br> <br>" THe swan gestures to the rabbit and the bandicoot, he sighs and snickers a little more. When searched, the guard and most of the crowd jump back. THe has lizards all over his person! One might recognize them as what are commonly refered to as 'Piz'.<br> <br>Eleni looks back at the hare unimpressedly. "Allright kid. If it's all fine now, ya better have a bloody good explanation as ta why ya couldn't control it earlier. 'M not buying this." She growls dangerously. "And for that matter, step away from the golem until this is over." The crowd's sudden reaction prompts her to take a more defensive stance, yet unwilling to turn her back on the golem and hare.<br> <br>Mirana taps her paw a bit, but yips when she sees the Piz run out everywhere! She growls a bit at Pariwal, "So... let me guess... this is all a joke right? We have a golem running a rampage for a child's prank?" she asks again, her head throbbing and circlet glowing brightly, "I have half a mind to have you lot taken in by the guards," she backs away from any Piz that come near her. "So, I'll ask this next, are you all done? Or do you have more little tricks planned for us?"<br> <br>Cedric heads off towards the edge of the crowd with his armored sabatons sounding against the ground and turns back around towards the golem once he's out of range of it and the others, folding his arms against his chance and just observing quietly.<br> <br>The hare frowns. "I don't know!" he cries as he watches the piz scatter. The bandicoot is grabbed by the guard for questioning, the swan just grins up at Mirana. "I don't know, do you like surprises?" he says with a mocking tone. The crowd is greatly unsettled by the piz wandering about. The wind starts to pick up suddenly, and the swan spreads his wings before toppling over sideways and knocking himself out cold. Evidently he forgot about his bindings.<br> <br>Eleni looks back at the hare, the wind granting her little annoyance as she moves in. "Okay, kid. If ya can't tell me what was happening, why are ya putting yaself so close ta the golem?" She demands, allowing the others to tend to the rest of the situation.<br> <br>Mirana watches as Pariwal knocks himself out and waves to a guard. "I'm going to release him later... make sure.. he gets some medical attention." She looks over toward the bandicoot who was being searched and had all the Piz come out of their.. clothing she guesses? She tries to avoid them still as she walks over and looks at him, "Ok, what is your part in this?" she asks.<br> <br>Cedric looks down as one of the Piz skitters across his foot and shrugs. He doesn't appear to mind allowing it to finish it's dash across his boot and back into the crowd.<br> <br>The bandicoot chuckles. "I ah... just..." he says and laughs a bit more, one last Piz crawling along his body and fleeing once free. "I thought it'd be funny. Look at them all." The hare looks down and moves to his tip-toes to whisper something to Eleni, looking back to their golem.<br> <br>Eleni shakes her head to the hare. "Not my job ta take. That's for the guard ta decide, kid. Ya recognise the mess its made? That doesn't fix itself. And ya story doesn't explain why it tried ta attack outright; ya would think it'd be a bit harder ta make it do that." The vixen says flatly, possibly coming across as a little aloof. <br> <br>Mirana blinks a few times and has to hold her head again, this was getting too painful. "Funny.. maybe you should do a preformance for the Good King like this, I'm sure he would find it hystarical." she says sarcasticly, "I enjoy a good joke as well as the next vixen, but this is a bit more then a joke. People could have been hurt." she explains, then looks to the guard, "Please, detain them all, the rabbit too, contact their parents, and sort this out, aside from our swan friend is anyone injured?" she asks the closest guard after she's made her request.<br> <br>Cedric contemplates something else, looking towards the crowd and stepping over to one of the guards, "I would have to agree with Lady Solacious." the badger knight says, addressing the guards. "The hare child did order his machine to attack me even as I attempted to protect him from it." he adds with a soft chuckle.<br> <br>The fennec is given a look and then the young hare is snatched up, all three of the likely troublemakers taken down to speak with the city guard in a proper setting, the golem coming along quite peacefully. The crowd mumbles and grumbles, some of them seem distressed by a still sighted piz as they all slowly depart.<br> <br>Eleni shakes her head at the look, turning to examine the damage done by the foolish tirade before sighing quietly and slinging her shield over her shoulder. "Damn kids..." She grumbles to herself, taking a drink of something from a canteen.<br> <br>Mirana walks back over after the guards have taken away the children. She looks directly at Eleni, "So, have you picked your reason yet? Don't think a noble of a house in Sweetwater can do anything about you while you are in Sweetwater? Don't think an ordained Priestess means anything? Watch your tongue, I've had enough to deal with without having to deal with some disrespectful Cliffsideers as well. I've been to your colleges, and seen your contry. Now, next time we meet, I'd rather see something respectful of at least one of the many statuses I've earned." She says then looks to Cedirc, "Thank you good sir, things were most helpful. I hope this gets sorted out." THen turns to head back toward the inn.<br> <br>Cedric offers Mirana a quick nod. "Not a problem, this just got out of hand. I don't think weapons like that golem belong in the hands of children and fools." he says, watching her off. He looks to the other cliffsider quickly, and bows his head forward slightly before wandering back down the concourse to his original destination; the city gates.<br> <br>The heros are left to bicker along the main concourse as normal flow returns to firmament's grasp. The guards process the children and the situation is sorted to accordingly.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 04:35, 4 May 2013





'Smash smash smash' is heard along the main concourse, a small crowd the only folks around save a small clan rabbit, chasing after a golem. "C'mon now! Please!" he says as he tries to think of how to solve the problem, a large, heavy golem bearing massive daggers along it's back, is roaming about causing quite the mess. The city guard are corralling a few of the more foolish onlookers, as they cry out "Come on Kid get it under control or we have to take care of it ourselves."

Eleni arrives from the academy district, fully armed and armored after whatever it was she was doing. Taking a moment to survey the mess the golem's caused, momentarily gripping her sword before she moves over to a guard. "Might haveta take a look at this a bit closer. Ya mind?" She asks, heavily implying that 'no' isn't an answer she' willing to accept.

Mirana walked along the concourse, mostly aimlessly, when she hears the banging going on. She looks up and only just moves out of the way as the golem does along. She yips out a bit and looks around, "What.. what is going on?" She asks, then notices Eleni and blinks a few times. She walks over to him, thinking it safer. The only real change to her usual dress is a circlet that is under the cowl, "Umm, hello?" she says cautiously. Shaking her head she tries to stand a bit taller and clears her throat, "What is happening here?" She says after getting herself a bit more in the stature she was used to being in.

Cedric heard the banging of the golem and the calls of the small clan rabbit chasing after it from down the concourse, himself. He'd decided to take a detour on his way out of town to check out all the commotion, and steps up behind the crowd equipped with his plate armor and hefting an ornate spear over his shoulder carefully, making sure not to put out the eyes of any larger beings as he tries to get through the crowd to see what's happening.

The guard look over Eleni and one sighs, finally saying "We warned you, if you think you can help go on ahead but don't blame us if you get hurt." Mirana, and Cedric are given glances but nothing more as a beaver in the crowd calls out "C'mon! Just junk it and get on with the day." A few of the crowd members agree with him, some of them make mutters and shake their head. The golem goes about it's merry business, completely ignoring it's master, as it makes its way over towards the marketplace. The small clan rabbit closes in but shakes his head, pulling back as the golem stops abruptly and he almost plows into it's sharp back. "Why don't you listen?! WE JUST repaired you, Perry and I did the best job! Come on you relic listen!"

Eleni nods back to the guards, helmet likely causing her to miss the arrival of Mirana through protracting her vision. "Stop treating the damn thing like it's a person, for one." the androgynous fennec calls out, making her way over to the golem, taking her shield off her back, readying herself as she mutters something under her breath along the lines of 'Bloody children and their toys...'

Mirana watches the golem continue along then just stop. She tilts her head wondering a moment, but then holds back a whimper as it feels like a small fire starts in her skull. Holding her head a moment she looks over to Eleni again, "Excuse me! I asked if you knew what was going on here!" she says a bit loudly, though it is obvious by now what is happening. She shakes her pounding head and look perhaps for someone she knew. Sighing she looks to the Rabbit, "I don't know much about golems really, but if they are anything like the divine gifts of our creators, maybe you should try appeasing it? I have a little machine spirit that seems to like being kicked..." she notes to him.

Cedric doesn't say a word as he approaches the guards in his armor and hefting his spear. He just inclines his head and walks past them to get a better look at this golem.

The rabbit looks back at Eleni and grumbles. "Sorry Ma.. ma'am? I'm just... nevermind. YOu're right." he says as he stops and tries to really focus on the mathmatics involved, the golem coming to a halt briefly before it pivots on it's limb and leans down towards the small clanner, just before... flicking them once. Cedric is allowed to pass without incident, and Mirana is given a couple troubled glances, most of all from the flicked rabbit who holds his forehead and says "WHAT?! Kick a golem?" as though it were an outrageous idea.

Eleni looks back over her shoulder to Mirana for a moment as the situation - at least temporarily - defuses itself. "Girl, ya have eyes. And the guards are right there." She says sternly before turning back to the rabbit. "Ya know ya aren't in a position ta complain with the suggestion, don't ya kid? Ya just chased after ya golem as though asking it politely ta stop was going ta help. Probably for longer than I've been here. Wise up." She chides. "If ya can't keep ya golem in check I suggest ya practice more before ya cause more damage."

Mirana looks very indignately to Eleni, "And you'd do better to watch that tongue!" she announces to him, but then turns more to the problem at hand, "And, as I said before, Golems may be different, but anything is worth a try." That is when she spots someone snickering in the crowd. She tries to think a moment, but the only thing that comes to her aching head is that this might be the cause of it. Unsure of if she herself would be able to catuch up to and keep hold of them should they run, she whispers to the nearest guard, "By my house and position as a retired Captain, I ask you to look into that bandicoot, I can't be sure, but there is something amiss." she says, then, she herself tries to approch as well.

The armored badger lifts the visor of his helm and glances down at the small hare, not saying a word as he looks from the golem artisan, to the golem itself, and then to the snickering bandicoot. He lets out a little sigh and sizes up the golem for a moment or two. It seems like, at least for right now, he doesn't get to pry it apart by force to see what's inside. Finally, Cedric just raises his unarmed hand and gives a friendly wave. "Hello. So... tell me, is your big friend here going to stay asleep?"

The guard whispered to moves along the crowd at the request, seeing no reason not to tame that portion of the crowd as well. The golem pushes down the rabbit then moves to head towards the market before it stops suddenly, the small clan hare standing and shaking his head. "I can! I did it all day yesterday, everything was fine until he got here... it got here!" They look frustrated. The bandicoot stops snickering and comes to attention, giving a tilt of their head to the left before saying "Can I help you folks?" The golem becomes responsive to the hare's latest attempt, before he grumbles and sighs. "See! Like that!" he finally decides to exclaim. The bandicoot glances over at the commotion caused by the rabbit, and the golem pushes them down once more very suddenly. This causes the bandicoot to snicker once more.

Eleni rolls her eyes. "A'course, kid. Ya said you and some other person patched ya toy up, think this'd be below 'em? 'M not going ta pretend I know how ya pile a' bolts works, but if ya friend wanted to I don't doubt he could make something else of it." She suggests, thoroughly unimpressed. Turning back to the guards and Mirana, she shrugs. "Right girl. Ya have my attention. Who are ya and why should I care? Make it fast." She demands in a manner befitting military, for better or worse.

Mirana curls her lips up in an almost snarl at Eleni's continued ignorance, "My name is Miranai, Miranai Solacious, retired Captain of the Sweetwater militia, and blood member of the Solacious House." she announces back to her, "Inducted Priestess of the High Church of the Creators, and swarn Journeyman, so take your pick, political, religious, or social, as to why you should care." she says rather sturnly back. She looks around, and notices verious mathmagical signs and symbols, but holds her head as she can't quite figure out which ones are for which, not familar with golem control. She whispers to the same guard, "Around here.. somewhere someone is... controling that golem and it isn't the rabbit, it might be that bandicoot, but I'm willing to bet that they have something to do with it, try to detain them please." Then goes back to trying to investigate, this time reaching out with her kitsune given abilities to try and feel whom is getting the most enjoyment from this debocle.

Cedric thinks that's an awful lot of things to be, and can only imagine how tiring it must be. He, again, doesn't really respond to it and keeps his eye on the golem. The badger dark knight steps around to the front of the wayward golem, keeping his spear handy as he examines it more closely, interested more in its construction than with the drama playing out in the background. He tends to get very single-minded if something sparks his interest enough.

The golem suddenly wheels back for a second before lunging it's fist forward, a badger stepping back out of the way. Eleni springs into action, a sudden planted firm stance and a mighty shield providing all the cover needed. The golem is deterred, the bandicoot puts his hand over his mouth to prevent anymore snickering from escaping. The rabbit cowers for a second before he gets rather angry, spouting off words someone his age has no word spouting and saying "HEY!" as he musters up more golem control for his golem, which promptly seizes up. The guard nods and watches the bandicoot for now, the crowd getting more attention.

Eleni mutters something under her breath as she intercepts the golem's blow. The fenec remains inscrutable behind her helmet, calling over her shouder to Mirana. "Sure. Just don't take it personally if 'm not the first ta reply if there are other around ta do it. I ain't under ya jurisdiction." as though not believing some part of the woman's speech. The rabbit is given a severe glare. "Clear out, kid. If ya aren't going ta help us here - since ya evidently aren't in control - get back ta where it's safe."

Mirana fells around the crowd and picks up on someone who is probably far better suited for her limited attentions. She tries to weave about the crowd, heading toward a young Swan. Having far better things to do then argue with some other fox, she ignores Eleni right now, but will deal with her later. She tries to go about things stealthfully, trying to use the crowd for her cover as she approches the swan, giving some short hand signs to another guard, not wanting the first to stop giving attention to that bandicoot.

Cedric chuckles quietly under his helm as he steps back gracefully out of the golem's way. He looks quickly to the rabbit boy with a nod, "She's right. You don't have a handle on this." he says in agreement with the fennec warrior, waving his free hand to shoo the small clanner away from the golem's wrath. He'd rather fight the construct head on than get caught by surprise when the hare's control is wrestled away, personally. The stop-and-go of the whole affair is pretty tiresome.

The swan is easily approached, their smile increasing as the golem wheels back for another punch. The rabbit lets out an interesting sounding growl and says "NO! It's my responsibility." as he angrily wrestles the golem to a halt again. The swan looks annoyed, the bandicoot just starts laughing. The rabbit pushes forward, the don't seem to heed the advice given at all, either by choice or, they just didn't care to hear it. The guard addresses the bandicoot, asking "Whats so funny?" as he looks him over suspiciously.

Eleni keeps herself between the golem and the rabbit. "Well. Consider yaself relieved of duty till it isn't likely ta get you hurt. At least, move yaself back some." the fennec orders, apparently not willing to listen to any further arguments from the being. "When ya golem isn't about ta put a hand through someone, then it's ya responsibility again."

Mirana nods as the guard starts talking to the bandicoot and, holding her head with one hand, weaves out some math magic to forge some stone shoes for her swan friend. Finding some messure of success, she smiles, "Not.. useless at least." she says to herself, "And now, my friend, what is your name, and why are you so happy about all this going on?" she asks. She waits now for any attempts by the swan to weave some magic of their own, and watches their movements closely while she waits for her answer.

Cedric just shakes his head at the feisty hare and his foolishness. He steps forward, approaching the rabbit boy from behind and making an attempt to grab him by the back of the collar as Eleni puts herself between the kid and the golem.

Cedric succeeds in their attempts, getting a feisty little rabbit out of it. They squrim and thrash, saying "Let me go!" as the golem remains still. It stands looming before Eleni, making no sudden moves. The bandicoot cracks up louder, having a little breakdown as they laugh it up, drawing some eyes and perplexing the guard. "What are you up to?" he finally says as he moves to check the bandicoot closely. The sawn, struggles and grunts, saying "I'm Periwal Twoson, and you will unhand me!" As he does the golem turns to move to the crowd only to be quelled by an overzealous rabbit, who encourages them to do as they ask. "COme get me away from this brute!"

Eleni rolls her eyes, keeping a close watch on the golem though she states, "Put the kid down." She states over her shoulder, paying no heed to the complaining swan behind her. "Ya aren't helping by putting both a' ya in a vulnerable position, understand?"

Mirana looks to Periwal and smiles, "Nice to meet you, now, I assume you heard who I am. And if being detained like this isn't good enough reason to answer my questions maybe if you were arrested under suspicicions of causing public mischeif and putting all these fine beings in the potental for great harm would loosen your tongue a bit more." She looks over to the guard as he talks to the bandicoot, feeling fairly sure that one, if not both of these two, are the ones behind all of this. "So, I'll ask again, and be the last time I ask, why are you so happy about all this going on, perhaps you are the one behind this?"

"Keen observation." Cedric replies, rolling his own visor-hidden eyes while holding the small clan hare by his shirt collar, "Aside from the fact that the boy is intent on putting himself into a vulnerable position with or without my assistance, understand?" the badger retorts, casting a quick glance at his captive before releasing him with a gentle nudge towards Eleni and the golem. "All yours, then."

The hare runs towards the golem who stops short and goes still. He smiles and grins. "See! All better, I'll take him back now!" The swan struggles and grunts. "What? Joey can handle it! He's not helpless, see?

" THe swan gestures to the rabbit and the bandicoot, he sighs and snickers a little more. When searched, the guard and most of the crowd jump back. THe has lizards all over his person! One might recognize them as what are commonly refered to as 'Piz'.

Eleni looks back at the hare unimpressedly. "Allright kid. If it's all fine now, ya better have a bloody good explanation as ta why ya couldn't control it earlier. 'M not buying this." She growls dangerously. "And for that matter, step away from the golem until this is over." The crowd's sudden reaction prompts her to take a more defensive stance, yet unwilling to turn her back on the golem and hare.

Mirana taps her paw a bit, but yips when she sees the Piz run out everywhere! She growls a bit at Pariwal, "So... let me guess... this is all a joke right? We have a golem running a rampage for a child's prank?" she asks again, her head throbbing and circlet glowing brightly, "I have half a mind to have you lot taken in by the guards," she backs away from any Piz that come near her. "So, I'll ask this next, are you all done? Or do you have more little tricks planned for us?"

Cedric heads off towards the edge of the crowd with his armored sabatons sounding against the ground and turns back around towards the golem once he's out of range of it and the others, folding his arms against his chance and just observing quietly.

The hare frowns. "I don't know!" he cries as he watches the piz scatter. The bandicoot is grabbed by the guard for questioning, the swan just grins up at Mirana. "I don't know, do you like surprises?" he says with a mocking tone. The crowd is greatly unsettled by the piz wandering about. The wind starts to pick up suddenly, and the swan spreads his wings before toppling over sideways and knocking himself out cold. Evidently he forgot about his bindings.

Eleni looks back at the hare, the wind granting her little annoyance as she moves in. "Okay, kid. If ya can't tell me what was happening, why are ya putting yaself so close ta the golem?" She demands, allowing the others to tend to the rest of the situation.

Mirana watches as Pariwal knocks himself out and waves to a guard. "I'm going to release him later... make sure.. he gets some medical attention." She looks over toward the bandicoot who was being searched and had all the Piz come out of their.. clothing she guesses? She tries to avoid them still as she walks over and looks at him, "Ok, what is your part in this?" she asks.

Cedric looks down as one of the Piz skitters across his foot and shrugs. He doesn't appear to mind allowing it to finish it's dash across his boot and back into the crowd.

The bandicoot chuckles. "I ah... just..." he says and laughs a bit more, one last Piz crawling along his body and fleeing once free. "I thought it'd be funny. Look at them all." The hare looks down and moves to his tip-toes to whisper something to Eleni, looking back to their golem.

Eleni shakes her head to the hare. "Not my job ta take. That's for the guard ta decide, kid. Ya recognise the mess its made? That doesn't fix itself. And ya story doesn't explain why it tried ta attack outright; ya would think it'd be a bit harder ta make it do that." The vixen says flatly, possibly coming across as a little aloof.

Mirana blinks a few times and has to hold her head again, this was getting too painful. "Funny.. maybe you should do a preformance for the Good King like this, I'm sure he would find it hystarical." she says sarcasticly, "I enjoy a good joke as well as the next vixen, but this is a bit more then a joke. People could have been hurt." she explains, then looks to the guard, "Please, detain them all, the rabbit too, contact their parents, and sort this out, aside from our swan friend is anyone injured?" she asks the closest guard after she's made her request.

Cedric contemplates something else, looking towards the crowd and stepping over to one of the guards, "I would have to agree with Lady Solacious." the badger knight says, addressing the guards. "The hare child did order his machine to attack me even as I attempted to protect him from it." he adds with a soft chuckle.

The fennec is given a look and then the young hare is snatched up, all three of the likely troublemakers taken down to speak with the city guard in a proper setting, the golem coming along quite peacefully. The crowd mumbles and grumbles, some of them seem distressed by a still sighted piz as they all slowly depart.

Eleni shakes her head at the look, turning to examine the damage done by the foolish tirade before sighing quietly and slinging her shield over her shoulder. "Damn kids..." She grumbles to herself, taking a drink of something from a canteen.

Mirana walks back over after the guards have taken away the children. She looks directly at Eleni, "So, have you picked your reason yet? Don't think a noble of a house in Sweetwater can do anything about you while you are in Sweetwater? Don't think an ordained Priestess means anything? Watch your tongue, I've had enough to deal with without having to deal with some disrespectful Cliffsideers as well. I've been to your colleges, and seen your contry. Now, next time we meet, I'd rather see something respectful of at least one of the many statuses I've earned." She says then looks to Cedirc, "Thank you good sir, things were most helpful. I hope this gets sorted out." THen turns to head back toward the inn.

Cedric offers Mirana a quick nod. "Not a problem, this just got out of hand. I don't think weapons like that golem belong in the hands of children and fools." he says, watching her off. He looks to the other cliffsider quickly, and bows his head forward slightly before wandering back down the concourse to his original destination; the city gates.

The heros are left to bicker along the main concourse as normal flow returns to firmament's grasp. The guards process the children and the situation is sorted to accordingly.