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Making items? Sure, why not!

Getting started

Crafting in Rusted Promises requires you have a few things at had before you just pull a sword from a forge. They are as follows:

-A recipe to follow, purchased from the shops.

-Levels in the appropriate crafting discipline (Metal, Arcane, Crystals, Organic, Chemical)

-Salvage of the required types, purchased at the exchange or found in puzzles, social actions, as combat rewards, from daily missions and from influence.



Alternatively, you can use the skills and recipes of a commissioned crafter if you have the additional crown and salvage to spare. This will be explained in the following section.

One of the most important things to note: If you have the 'Craft Apprentice' Soul, or any other crafting soul, having it equipped when performing any action described in this guide will GRANT experience where it would otherwise COST experience.

But recipe x isn't in shops! How do I get it?

If there's a recipe you can't find in stores, there are three possible reasons:

One - It hasn't been placed in a store yet. You can still get these recipes from +reward, though the chance is slim.

Two - It's in the level 30 Craft Apprentice store. To get these, you will have to get that soul and level it all the way to 30. Or, ask someone that can access the store to buy them for you.

Three - It's a private or copyrighted recipe. These are a bit more tricky to pick up, you'd have to ask the owner of the copyrighted design to make it for you.

Thankfully at present, chances are the recipe you're after is in the second category. All recipe locations are listed here.

Then what?

Direct your attention to the UI under 'Character - Crafting' on the web interface. This is where all of the crafting goes on once you have your resources at hand.

Your 'current project' will have nine drop-down menus, one for the item template (Such as a dagger, or Tainted vitality) and the remaining eight for item modifiers (Such as fast or sharp).

Don't have the item recipe you need? Maybe someone else does. Between the 'Clear Data' and 'Preview' buttons, there are two additional drop-down menus. The left can be used to select another crafter, whose recipes and skills you can 'borrow' at an additional percentage cost as listed next to their name (For example: Selena - 15 or Arimia - 50), while the right allows you to select the soul in which you will craft the item.

Once you have selected an item template, the cost of making that item in its default form will be shown on the screen. If not, hit the 'preview' button in the lower right corner of the crafting UI.

Taking a look at the Axe template, you will see that it displays the item's costs and statistics as though it was examined in '+gear (#)', along with the crafting skill level required for optimum cost, the amount of salvage you'll need to make the item, the experience required and the crowns.

For a basic axe, these numbers are:

Metal at 1

5 Metal salvage

XP: 10

Crown: 750

More importantly, draw your eyes to the following values: The 'Min Prof' and 'Pot prof'. These limit a character's ability to utilize an item and display the maximum the item will raise that potential proficiency to. For an axe, these are 3 and 8 respectively.

The other important value these items will have is 'Loadout'. This is a number assigned to each crafted item that effects how much you can 'carry' at one time. The default maximum for this value is 100, however there is a perk that increases this by 20 (Always prepared) and a combat skill granted by some souls (Readiness) that increases maximum loadout by 10 per point.


Note that usually, the most modifiers you can place on an item before it begins to cost extra due to exceeding the current cap on crafting skills is two - so most training items should probably keep it simple to avoid costing exorbitant amounts of salvage. There are two major types of modifiers, here dubbed 'simplifiers' and 'improvements'. All modifiers have an effect on the proficiencies a crafted item requires and equally importantly, have an effect on the item's stats.

Simplifiers are modifiers like 'light', 'large', and 'dull'. These are all modifiers that reduce the cost of an item and their stats.

However, they reduce the minimum proficiency required for the item by 4 and the potential proficiency by 3, making them ideal for use in training weapons, but less so outside of this use. Additionally, all simplifier modifiers are tied to their improvement counterparts - 'light' is tied to 'heavy', 'large' to 'small' and so on.

Improvements cover every other modifier. Most of these are 'tiered', such as 'Sharp', 'Sharper' and 'Sharpest'. For each 'step' of the tier, the minimum proficiency will increase by 4. However, the optimum proficiency increases by 7, then 12, then 17. Essentially, for small, the proficiencies are increased by +4/+7 for Sharp, +8/+12 for Sharper and +12/+17 for Sharpest.

You can't stack modifiers of the same 'type' as each other, so there's no way of creating a 'Dull, sharper' weapon or a 'Sharp sharpest' weapon. That would make no sense, after all!

There are some special cases, for example the 'Draining' modifier, which adds Dark Magic proficiency requirements to the item it's applied to at 5 minimum, 7 optimum. These numbers are altered by any further modifiers as they normally would be.

Keep in mind that there craftmods give different effects depending on the type of item they're applied to! There are typically three different types of item:

-Active Enemy (E.g., Axes and muskets)

-Active Ally (E.g., Field medicines)

-Passive Ally (E.g., Thick Armor)

Some items are both Active Enemy and Active Ally, such as the long spear and short bow. This means there's some extra flexibility in the craftmods you can use in the items, for example a sharp spear will both have the physical damage and penetration from its active enemy component and the DebuffClear from its active ally component.

Keep in mind that some modifiers will effect the loadout of the item in question - use your head when you put that 'heavy' modifier on an item!

In the Castle District of firmament, there is a Grizzled soldier who can 'deconstruct' items. This simply removes modifiers from that item, freeing up that item for modification. Particularly useful on those elusive exceptional-grade items.

All of this, and the modifier's individual effects can be checked by using '+rpinfo (Modifier name)' in game, it's not something you have to memorize.

Repairing items

Now, all crafted items have an expiry date one month from the time they're crafted, at which point they'll break down and be unequipped. This isn't much of a problem, as most crafted items (See: all non-consumable crafted items) Can be repaired with the command 'Repair (#)'.

This will cost you salvage, crown and experience. Keep in mind that the repair cost for an item uses the cost of crafting the item in the first place, so in some cases it might be more feasible to just scrap the item and re-forge one.

This is a less notable benefit when dealing with exceptional items, as it'd probably take even more salvage to make a new one and re-modify it.

Exceptional Items

Every now and then when you craft an item, you'll get a message saying, 'You've crafted an exceptional item'. Exceptional items are rarely generated by a roll whenever you craft an item. What makes these things particularly useful is they have a +10% bonus to the magnitude of ALL of their effects, including those that would not usually scale with level such as defense or Physical Damage Return.

How do you improve your chances? As mentioned in the opening section, there are five skills that correspond with the crafting disciplines that increase the chance of creating an exceptional item by +0.5% per point, as follows:

Metal - MetalWork

Arcane - Spellcrafting

Crystals - GemCrafting

Organic - LeatherWork

Chemical - Alchemy

Additionally, the crafting skill's associated items (such as Gem Hammers or Imbued Quills) further increase the chance of obtaining High Quality items.


Craftmods are items created with the command, 'Craftmod (Modname)=(#)'. The number must be equal to the number of modifiers already applied to the item to be modified plus 1, and cost 10^# crown to create (So, a craftmod of grade 1 costs 10, grade 2 costs 100, 3 costs 1000 and so on.)

Dropped craftmods typically appear at grade 10, however there are very few examples of these at present. They have no known advantage over player-made craftmods.

When applying these to an existing item through the 'Use #' command, it will prompt you for the salvage needed however there is NO experience used, and no further crown is required. This has its benifits, as it can reduce the overall costs of creating heavily modified items however the total salvage required will remain the same.

Of course, you cannot apply a 'tiny' craftmod to an item with 'small' and so forth. If you wished to do this, you would talk with the Grizzled Soldier in Firmament's Castle District and first have him deconstruct the item as appropriate.

There are also 'Tiers' to craftmods. Those made by players are always tier one. As such those higher-tier craftmods are are rare, currently only available through the 'Craftmod Key' item purchased from the token shop. As a 'compensation' for this, such rare craftmods also have the benefit of giving a 'Bonus' modifier to the item that improves its stats based on the magnitude.

Note that this has diminishing returns for each high-tier craftmod before the first, according to the formula: x/(y^2), where x is the 'Bonus value' displayed under 'Bonus stack' and y is the number of that modifier on the aforementioned 'Stack'.

Typically the values of the boosted item are in percentages - that is, energy is reduced by [Bonus]%, Cooldown is reduced by [Bonus]%, accuracy is increased by [Bonus]% and so on.

These bonuses apply to every aspect of the item they are applied to, barring loadout. This makes them desirable for high-end equipment.

Craft Bounties

Every 3.5 hours or so, a new craft bounty is made available. Claiming the reward is simple, just make the item with modifiers and no fancy descriptions, then turn it in for the crown and reward tokens. Keep in mind you can only do this ONCE per bounty, and the token reward for craft bounties can only be claimed once every approximately 18 hours.

Turning in a crafting bounty in a crafting soul will grant a bonus bit of experience in addition to the above rewards.

What's in a salvage?

Perhaps this should be a separate article in its own right. However for now it's here. As Nuku has described salvage types and tiers on the Ask, here are the examples of what that stuff you're working with really is:


- Iron

- Steel

- High Grade/High Carbon Steel

- Creator Steel


- Diagrams of common equations with special dyes

- Stone engravings with ‘spiritually active’ chisels anointed with proper oils

- The above, the pattern filled with a crystalline matrix of blood and dye.

- An original Creator Engraved spell formula engraved in Creator Steel


Rather boring; the rarer crystals are simply larger.


- Parchment, Thin Leather, Uncut wood, Basic food

- Paper, Thick Leather, Stack of cut lumber

- Exotic fruits, Earth magic reinforced wood, elementally proofed paper

- Plants and wood grown in specially cultivated elemental baths, usually harvested at just the right time for the job.


- Salts and common dyes

- Unusual dyes, powerful acids

- Incredibly lethal toxins, radioactive(Creator wrath) tinctures

- Creator Chemicals

