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Just in time the nude puma comes barging out of the captain's office screaming his new revelations, directly behind him is the otter captain, her two pistols still leveled on his back. "You heard your idiot, drop down your weapons."  
Just in time the nude puma comes barging out of the captain's office screaming his new revelations, directly behind him is the otter captain, her two pistols still leveled on his back. "You heard your idiot, drop down your weapons."  
An injured ferret, an angry captain, a panicking guard, an armed guard, two intruders, and a naked puma. Thunder struck once more as the rain covered all of them...each one is waiting for the others action...<br> <br>Zuri smiles at the platypus being, and hefts his satchel demonstratingly. &quot;Sealed parcel, Sir. Registered mail. Direct deliveries come rain or shine!&quot; He laughs nervously. &quot;Sometimes that mooto bites us in the tush, eh?&quot; He turns to the fox, smiling widely at her. &quot;Thank you &#39;maam, I&#39;ll find it this time I&#39;m sure!&quot; The being gives the two a small tip of an imaginary hat and takes flight again, fading into the night and going vaguely in the direction he was pointed to... aiming to circle back around to the ship, hoping that his momentary distraction of the two guards was enough.
An injured ferret, an angry captain, a panicking guard, an armed guard, two intruders, and a naked puma. Thunder struck once more as the rain covered all of them...each one is waiting for the others action...<br> <br>Zuri smiles at the platypus being, and hefts his satchel demonstratingly. &quot;Sealed parcel, Sir. Registered mail. Direct deliveries come rain or shine!&quot; He laughs nervously. &quot;Sometimes that mooto bites us in the tush, eh?&quot; He turns to the fox, smiling widely at her. &quot;Thank you &#39;maam, I&#39;ll find it this time I&#39;m sure!&quot; The being gives the two a small tip of an imaginary hat and takes flight again, fading into the night and going vaguely in the direction he was pointed to... aiming to circle back around to the ship, hoping that his momentary distraction of the two guards was enough.<br> <br>Not-Cedric the Not-Badger cries out in intense pain as he is shot in the shin!  While it&#39;s not the first time he&#39;s ever been shot, it is probably the most painful place he has ever been shot! And also the most debilitating place he&#39;s ever been shot in! He collapses to the rainslicked deck of the ship and drops his weapon in the process. He draws his injured foot up reflexively, leaving a small trail of blood in the rainwater, and takes in a sharp breath of air through his teeth, trying to keep his mind off the pain.
  He rests on his stomach and elbows as he shows his hands in surrender, upon hearing Sven&#39;s call. &quot;Aughh... right. I give!&quot; he says, wincing in pain as he pushes himself up to his feet, returning to an arms-raised stance. &quot;Welp. Seems we&#39;ve been mistaken. Won&#39;t be puttin&#39; up any fight here, cross m&#39;heart!&quot; he exclaims nervously, trying to balance on his good foot for now. To his credit, he doesn&#39;t seem to have any intent to resist from here.<br> <br>Aruc looks around the group, a puzzled look on his face untill he hears cedric statement. He exclaims &quot;Damm that fox, I knew that contract was shady.&quot; He then sheaths his blade and holds out his soulstone. &quot;You know what this is? We are here on contract from the freeswords. It seems out employer milsed us as to the true nature of the job. We where sent here to retake a stolent ship.....&quot; He then grabs for his medical satchel, I wounded one of your boys down there... Lets say We cease hostilities to tend to the wounded and go from there? I have a revenge to plan...&quot; With that He rushes down the gangplank to treat the wounded guard.<br> <br>Sven stomps a foot on the pristine new deck. &quot;For why no one says is not right ship!?&quot; he bellows, unaware or uninterested in the pistols pointed at his back, &quot;Is obviously new ship! Is not pirated ship at all!&quot; He turns to the otter and bows in the odd, stiff manner that those familiar with him would recognize. &quot;Sven is most sorry,&quot; he says, &quot;Please to forgive intrusion.&quot;<br> <br>Reginald &#39;s reluctant to lower his musket, currently aimed at the otter captain&#39;s head. Rainwater streams off the lynx&#39;s soaked hair, which partly conceals his stern gaze. &quot;It does seem like we&#39;ve been misled,&quot; he shouts over. &quot;But I suppose the question is, what do we do now?&quot; His weapon is still raised.

Revision as of 04:08, 8 August 2015





Zuri had been in Cliffside for the past few days, chasing up a few potential leads for new odd jobs to do in the city. From there to Braevales it was just a short hop by airship, which the Salamander had taken the previous day after seeing that particular job posting. After spending the night at a local Inn he heads towards the dockyards, small piece of paper in hand with directions to the meeting place.

Cliffside. The one region Cedric definitely wouldn't go without a good disguise, lest he be recognized by someone from his past there. That could definitely get ugly. The badger had been taking it easy at the hot springs in the Firebourg Mountains when he'd heard the rumor of a job near his homeland, from eavesdropping on one of the other Freesword-aligned patrons of the hot spring.

So he'd gone to his rented room to prepare himself for a journey to Braevales, using the dedication math of the kitsune to change his form into that of an auburn and cream striped, all along the length of his thin body, ferret being of roughly the same height and shape as his regular form, with a little more mass taken from his bottom half to add to his torso. 'Richard', as he previously named this persona, donned some simple creator clothing and gathered up his weapons and assorted gear to journey forth to his destination! Adventure awaits!

Aruc jogs in the direction of the docks, a slight look of worry plastered on his face. The silver furred wolf carrys a crumpled paper in one hand and a large bag in the other. "I cant be late!" he mutters to himself "I cant afford to miss another job." as he hurries down the road.

Sven has traveled along with 'Richard,' greatly enjoying his break from courtly duties as an ambassador to Firmament. Not that he warned anyone he was going traveling. Someone could have stopped him if he had. So he just slipped away quietly. Well, as quietly as Sven can do anything. Sometime since arriving in town, the burly puma has acquired some local clothing, greatly enjoying the cooler weather.

Reginald always seems to find himself on the road, never in one place too long. His latest job taking him a country and a half away from Firmament seems almost natural to this wanderlust struck lynx, and making money off the disagreements between some Elders is something he has no problem with.

And the adventurers arrive, whether by air ship, cart, or mule. It is the early afternoon, and today is sunny, in Braevales terms that means there are only two clouds blocking the sun which for once was not hidden by a mountain.

The adventurers would now most likely follow the directions they were given uphill into the city, passing through the city center, and downhill again into the docks area until they reach a seedy looking sailors bar. On their way, those who have been in Cliffside before would notice that unlike the capital the citizens in this town look less worried about the troubles in the capital, almost as if it was on the bottom of their worry least, but that was not the adventurer's business.

Entering the 'fine' establishment, any being asking would be pointed towards a graceful clan fox being sitting in a private booth, a luxury in this kind of tavern, sipping on some cheap wine and enjoying his fish stew. The fox being for the time being looks like to be ignoring anyone who joins him at his booth, as if waiting for a certain number.

Zuri makes his way into the bar, peering around as he tries to find the contact for this job. He heads towards the bar counter where he orders up a stouty to get the afternoon started (best avoid asking for 'honey wine' in a place like this). He saunters back towards the main part of the bar, mug in hand, and slides over to the booth with the other being, offering the fox his signature bright smile before taking a sip of the ale and settling in to wait patiently.

The kitsune-ferret, 'Richard' steps into the bar not long after, looking for the contact mentioned in the job. After a moment, however, he realizes that he seems to have lost track of Sven, and places his fingers to the bridge of his muzzle in slight annoyance. Where could the Puma have wandered off to this time? Hopefully he's just lagging a bit behind. Not-Cedric turns back around and exits the bar to go look for Sven...

Aruc bumps into a ferret as he enters the bar, After offering a quick "Sorry" he continues on his way to the private booth in order to meet his perspective employer.

Sven has been sampling the culture of Cliffside. Specifically its breweries. The burly puma is wearing a brand new kilt and full Brevaeles accessories and has stopped just a little down the road to sample the wares of a street merchant hawking distilled spirits. "Sven will have two bottles," he is saying, handing over a few coins as 'Richard' comes to drag him to the meeting place. He manages to down half a bottle before they arrive back at the inn. "What?" Sven asks, "Sven was only stop for drink!"

Reginald makes his way into the establishment, swiftly moving to take a seat at the bar. He does his best to announce his presence as little as possible. When the bartender looks to take his order, the lynx politely declines, instead looking over his shoulder. The message said to seek out a fox at this address, and that is no doubt him in the booth, surrounded by a small crowd. At this realisation, he moves to join the group.

When everyone takes their seat in the booth the fox cleans his mouth with a handkerchief and takes another sip from his wine before looking at the assembled beings, "Ah, greetings there." the fox says in a slightly deep voice that looks a bit strange on the small vulpine, "So you are the gentlemen who are here to offer their services? Good." The fox grins and sizes up the beings before he continues, "I think that you already know the job. My employer has lost a ship of his during one of its trips, a tragedy really. And he now requires someone to 'reacquire' it." The being licks his lips and turns more serious, "Obviously the rival has managed to dock in Braevales, and as far as the official concerned nothing is wrong. After all he did manage to add some renovations on the ship on his trip here, from changing the heraldry to adding a new mast, and the like."

The vulpine sighs and takes another sip from his wine glass, "Job is simple really, and the payment is a whole grand to each one of you. No, not to share but each one of you gets a whole one thousand crowns." the fox says with a huge grin on his face, wanting to see reactions to the rather ridiculous amounts of crowns, "You only get the job details after you accept and sign here." The fox quickly takes up a piece of paper and sets it on the table with a quill and a small ink pot, "If you are not interested, then please do leave."

Zuri blinks. "W-wait, one thousand -each-?" He says in a hushed voice, glancing around at the others incredulously. The small salamander's tail whips excitedly next to him. He takes a long swig of his stout, a dark beer of the like that's thick enough to count as a meal, as he considers the fox's words. He nods and reaches over, needing to ask no further questions before quite literally signing onto this adventure. He offers Sven a smile from across the table, recognizing the big guy but not saying anything for the time being.

Cedric raises an eyebrow at Sven as he finds him buying alcohol. "Er... we were on our way to a bar, you know... you didn't have to buy that here." he informs his captain, tilting his head slowly to the side. "Anyway, c'mon! We're gonna be late for this meeting with the informant. I smuggled you from Anton's watch for adventure, not so you could get drunk in the street!" he adds, thinking about it for a moment. The ferret takes hold of Sven's hand and the second bottle purchased by Sven in his free hand, and struggles to drag him towards the bar, unsuccessfully. The puma is a bit heftier than he can reasonably drag. So instead, he just holds up the second bottle with a grin, before breaking into a dash towards the tavern! "Bet'cha can't catch me!" he taunts on the way, swerving to one side to avoid a merchant in the process of moving his cart.

"Sven never gets drunk!" the puma cries out as Cedric- er, Richard runs off with his newly acquired bottle. The burly mountain lion charges after his ferrety companion and arrives with him just in time to hear the outline of the job. "Who is steal boat!?" he asks in outraged horror, not really worried about the money so much as the outrage of a stolen ship, "Is like stealing a man's wife!" He snatches up the quill and signs almost instantly, no explanation necessary as far as he is concerned and passes the quill to Richard.

Aruc looks over the paper before stating "I still have concerns about this job... But if the crown is good..." He signs the paper. Then looks the fox in the eyes "If this is some attempt to decieve me you and your employer will pay dearly for it. Remember that." He then looks to the others.

Reginald looks at the fox, a hint of concern in his eye. Something seems off about all this. A huge reward always carries trouble in its wake. However, having travelled all this way, he has no desire to return empty handed. That, and, if things go south, he can always make a run for it. He leans forward, adding a signature to the contract.

The graceful clan being smiles at Aruc's threat before looking back at the outburst of Sven, "Ah, A Thera'Doran, didn't remember sending a missive to the Freeswords branch there." he says before closing the piece of paper and hiding in under his cloak again. "Now then, gentlebeings. The job is simple. The ship has docked yesterday, and thus most of the crew are still on leave. You will steal back the ship and deliver the ship to the meet spot." he says as he takes out a map and spreads it in front of the group, "Simple really, sail directly forward." The vulpine points at the door, "IE, West. To Emerald island." he says as he points at the map, "But I don't want you to dock in the City of Merchants. You are going to dock in an area near the Folly of Kings memorial, there you will meet a friend of mine who will give you your payment." The fox looks up on the group and smiles, "Any questions?" he asks in a tone that he somehow expects the group to know all about the colloquialisms and names he was using.

'Richard' takes the quill and parchment from Sven, signing his pseudonym quickly after glancing the document over. "I've only a question'r two..." the badger in ferret form says, setting the quill and parchment back on the table in front of him. He slips into his fake accent with relative ease. "Yeh providin' either a local navigator to sail us to these destinations, or providin' some good charts for the voyage, cause I'm not thinkin' it likely many of us foreign types here know these waters from the back o' our asses..."

Aruc says, "one question. What about any cargo the ship may be carrying?."

Sven looks just a little confused. "Why not to Olispona?" he asks in his thick accent, "Merchant City is best port in these waters. Is good place for resupplying ship after pirates are looting." He gives a hurt look to Richard. "Sven is knowing this sea!" he asserts, "Also is knowing ferret's ass," he adds with a wink.

Reginald looks around the group before speaking in a softened, quiet voice, making sure that what he says doesn't leave the confines of the booth. "Surely the most pressing question is who is already on this ship? I doubt they 're going to just let us waltz on and cast away?"

Zuri looks between all the participants, nodding in turn. He doesn't know any of this part of the world, but he's all smiles as the plan is dicussed. He nods at Reginald. "Maybe we should start with some scouting then? Any way we can find out what's awaiting us might buy us some advantage."

The fox drinks the rest of his wine before looking back at the group, "As I told you, Sven. Your employer is waiting in the spot marked on the map. He doesn't want you to enter the city of merchants." Looking at Aruc and Reginald, the vulpine grins again, "The ship's cargo has already been unloaded, and they have just loaded some food supplies until now. So the ship is fairly empty. You obviously will be stealing the ship during the night, so I would say about five or six guards, most the crew is on leave in the city so it should be empty." Looking down at his cold stew, the fox stands up, "The trip usually takes a week there with a fully loaded merchant ship, with that empty ship you will be stealing, it should take three or four days at full speed. Make sure to not gain the attention of the Cliffside navy, and if you do you better lose it by the time you are near the Emerald Isle, else you might as well forget about this job. Now I suggest getting ready for your job, any final things before I go?"

Zuri smiles at the fox. "No Sir! I think we can handle the rest by ourselves. That's what we're being paid for right?" He turns to Sven. "Besides, we have Mister Sven with us, and he seems to know the area a bit already. We're going to be just fine!" The salamander dunks down the rest of his mug of ale and slides off the booth.

Aruc leans forewards and asks "Whats to keep the guard from interfering? You said the city officials are not recognizing the ship as stolen currently. I dont mind roughing up a few sailors or bandits... But if the city guard intervenes this deal is gonna fall apart real fast. What do you have in place to prevent such a situation?"

Sven grins and snatches his purloined bottle of spirits from Cedric. He pops the cork and takes a long pull on the bottle then gives a hearty belch before wiping his mouth with the back of a meaty hand. "Is time for adventure!" he declares, "We are save your ship!" Promise made, the hefty puma turns kilted tail and bounds from the tavern to the streets outside.

Reginald too is concerned about the guards' involvement, and voices his support of Aruc's point. He also ventures into darker subjects. "I know that if I ask, you will probably say that all should be done to incapacitate those already on the ship. However, if things go south, what is your employer's stance on the use of deadly force?"

The fox sighs and shakes his head, "I am paying you each the wages of eight years. I don't care how you handle anything. There is a ship. I want it in Emerald Isle by the end of the week with no one following. You fill the gaps. If you fail your task then your fault. Good bye." With that the fox exits the inn, ignoring any other attempts at conversation.

Zuri heads out of the bar, dropping off his mug on the table closest to the exit as he talks. "We can do this without any fatalities, I'm certain of it." He turns back to face the rest of the 'crew', all smiles. "That's how the real artists do it, isn't that right?" He giggles. "I'll meet you all by the ship tonight. If we're going anywhere near water I'm going to prepare a few bits of mathemagic that will save us a lot of trouble." He waves and runs off, tail whipping excitedly behind him.

Cedric listens to all of the information and just nods, glancing to Sven. "Alright then, I guess we should get a move on." he says, making his way towards the door. He's not really geared up for nonlethal combat, what with the pile of large weapons like his broadsword that he's lugging about, but he's sure he can improvise without needing to take any lives. He'd prefer not to, anyway... but... you never know! "Sure. Sounds great t'me. But if it happens t'come down ta your life or theirs, make the right choice for yerself. S'all I got to add..." he says as he slips out the door to wait and accompany Sven to the meeting place.

Aruc watches as the others leave the table before looking to the lynx. he says "Looks like prepwork may be up to us.... I have a plan, But I could use your help." He offers his hand to the feline "are you up for it?"

Sven is already gone, doing who knows what in his preparations. The only sure thing is that it will involve beastly amounts of alcohol. And a lot of improvising.

Reginald responds by taking Aruc's outstretched hand and giving it a firm shake, before smiling and letting go. "Go on then, let's here it."

Aruc and Reginald went ahead to scout the ship as did Cedric on his own. It was still the afternoon and the dock was quite busy making it easier to remain hidden in among the crowds while keeping an eye on the ship from the distance. However, Aruc did get caught by an annoyed bear sailor who told him to get off and lollygag somewhere else.

Comes the night and the docks are empty and silent, most of the ship anchored in the harbor with the occasional Braevales City Watchbeing patrolling the area. The group met in an alleyway out of sight, facing directly the harbor and the ship in question. In the night, with only the occasional divine maths lamp to illuminate the streets, it was quite hard to use the knowledge of the day for the evening, as it seems that the ship guards have changed their patrol routes and most of the sailors were no where to be seen. Both Cedric and Reginald could recall that the ship looked quite pristine and well taken care off, with visible heraldry of a a green shield with a bear's face on it. Aruc could also recall the daytime patrol routes of the ship's guards and he could definitely tell that in the morning there were six guards following similar patrol routes, one could perhaps guess that the evening will be the same.

The current layout as the team could see it currently was simple. The ship was docked in the harbor in front of them, there was a stack of crates there as well one could use as cover. Two guards with torches could be seen standing in front of the path leading to the ship's gangplank, and another being patrolling the ship's deck, with two other beings guarding the gangplank itself. The occasional city watchmen would come through this area almost every hour, and it has been ten minutes since he last passed through here.

Zuri looks around at his companions. He urged his bioluminescent glow to dim down to a barely perceptible level on account of preparing for the work that they were about to do. "Alright, what's the plan here? I would prefer if we managed to sneak inside withou being seen, and then either incapacitate or toss overboard every being still inside. The trick is, we need to do it without alerting the guards, or we'll have the navy on our tails too." He looks at Sven. "Mister Sven, how do you figure we can get the ship out of port? Can we sail it by ourselves?"

He didn't wait for the reply as he ducked a hand into his pocket to retrieve a small metal plate inscribed with a brand-new phrase of divine math, taken from one of his books back in the Inn. He slowly began to trace his fingers along the symbols while listening to his friends, focusing and channeling the Divine Math spell as they talk.

"Wouldn't worry 'bout bein' too sneaky boardin' this tub..." Ferret-Cedric says to Zuri in a gruff, kindly tone. "I've no qualms tryin' it yer way, all tippy toes and sneaksy-like, but the cap'n 'ere ain't really too great wi' that sort o' thing." he explains, gesturing towards the beefy puma nearby. "T'be honest, ain't really my way, neither. But should the sneakin' 'round go tits up, y'can count on the pair o' us to smash some heads together and make it lights out for these ones, bet yer tail on it!" he beams, a wide sharp-toothed smile.

 "Ah. Right. Almost forgettin' m'self. Did a lil' scouting, but couldn't find out much 'bout it other than the heraldry." he shrugs.

Aruc fills the crew in on what he saw. He then points to a large lack on the ground nearby that is filled with sloshing bottles of liquid and foul smelling powders, "We drop this halfway to the boat on the docks. If the watch shows we set it alight, it should be enough to prevent anyone from interfering."

Sven is grinning like an idiot, watching the silent ship bob gently in the harbor. "Da," Sven says, "Sven can sail her. You weigh anchor and get the sails set, and Sven will ride the storm out of harbor." A strange thing for someone to say, since it is a clear, calm night. The hefty puma's eyes sparkle with mischief in the dim light. "Sven will be ready," he says, "Unmoor her and clear the deck. Sven will take care of rest."

Inexplicably, the puma strips off his clothes, hands the little bundle to Richard, and then he is gone. While the coast is clear, the burly puma sprints across the docks, completely nude, and dives into the water with barely a splash!

Reginald would actually follow Sven - the water seems like the only way to sneak past the guards and get onto the ship. However, he hesitates, before turning to the remainder of the group "...err...um...I'm not really that good with water...heh...perhaps we could try a distraction?"

Zuri's spell goes without the hitch, the group feeling the soft touch of water on their heads for a moment before it disappears, strangely the pleasing touch seem to even have given each being renewed vigor, it sure felt great.

It was a really dark night today, and there was no lights near this section of the harbor, well there was a lamp, but it was broken and needed repair. All in all the perfect conditions for a raging barbarian to run and dive into the water, leaving the guards none the wiser.

Nothing has changed until now, the guards are still in their position, doing their job, and the cold mountain wind still hit all it could during this night. The occasional sound of thunder could be heard in the distance. Looks like a storm is brewing.

Zuri puts the small metal plate away, huffing tiredly as the inexperienced caster finishes channeling the water breathing spell. Don't want to risk anyone falling in and.. he smiles at his friends. "Okay... I'll assist where possible." He closes his eyes briefly and begins to shift to his dedicant form, features changing, bones popping, gait ever so subtly altering, and finally wings unfurling behind his back. The pegasus dedicant opens his eyes, then leaps up into the air with a flap of his wings, taking to the cover of the night sky even as they begin to darken somewhat ominously.

Aruc fishes a clear bottle of what smells like potent alchohol and pops a cork off the top. He then procceds to take a swig of the substance borfore empying about half of the bottle onto the front of his tunic. He stumbles out twords the dock "Showtime". Upon reaching the guards he does his best drunkard impression, aided by the overwelming stench of booze emenating from his cloths. he stutters and slurs as he says "Hello.. My good fellows, You wouldent *ahem*..wouldent know where the inn would be? Im a little lost." He stumbles forwards before tripping, and hurls himself over the side of the dock into the water below.

The ferret has Sven's clothes piled into his arms after the puma strips and runs off towards the water, before he has a chance to stop him. Cedric lets out a resigned sigh, and drops the clothing at his feet, taking a dagger from a sheath on his gear harness and begins to cut away at his own clothing, only glancing up momentarily as Zuri takes on a pegasus form and flies off. You don't see that every day. The kitsune-ferret finishes cutting off all of his clothing and leaving the tattered cloth in the same pile as Sven's, leaving just the harnesses that hold his plethora of weapons! He waits until the right moment to try to run past the guards in his semi-nudity and dive into the water after Sven. Probably with a bit more of a splash, though... berserker mode, go! All the cool kids are doing it!

Sven is hardly berserk, he is just swimming around to the aft of the ship where the captain's cabin is bound to be. When he arrives at the back side of the ship, he hauls himself from the water and starts to climb toward the windows of the stateroom.

Reginald , seeing that his comrades have now all made their way into the water, curses to himself. Unsure of what to do, he positions himself behind some nearby crates, readying his musket. This, however, is a last resort, as any shots would no doubt draw unwanted attention. He peaks, trying to gauge the position of the guards accurately in case he has to respond with a split second shot.

The voice of thunder could still be heard in the distance as the adventurers carried out their plan. Aruc was thoroughly ignored by the well-disciplined, and relatively well-armed, guards standing there before he fell into the water, causing one of the guards to roll his eyes and sigh, "Drunkards." The guard would then grab the lamb next to him and look into the water, using the lamp for illumination. "Are you okay, sir?" he asks as he scans the azure main, quickly spotting Aruc, "Ah, there you are. Stay put, we will get you....", the guard remains silent and focuses on another moving body in the water quickly running nearer to the ship and shining the light on Richard, "Oi! What are you doing there? Come here at once." the guard says, quickly alerting the other three guards nearby. The guard keeps his lamp shining on Cedric, "If you don't come here we will report you to the watch!"

Sven's athletic body manages to quickly guide up him up the stateroom and right into the captain's cabin. He there notices a female otter sleeping on her desk, but the clumsy puma with the voices outside quickly shake her of her stupor. The otter being rubs her eyes and raises an eyebrow at the naked puma in front of her, "What in the name of the declaration is happening here?", she says in a what one would describe a weird accent, but for any who ever went there before it was obviously an Andrussian accent.

Zuri watches the situation from the air, growing increasingly concerned as the guards seem to be alerted to his companions. He swoops around to hover high above the guards, and notices as one of them gets very close to the edge of the pier, and another rather close behind. He raises his hands and starts channeling his Divine Math, aligned to expressions of Earth this time, and with one strong pulse he slams down right behind them a shudder of earth and stone to try and knock them into the water.

Cedric... or 'Richard', that is... should have seen this coming. He swears silently to himself. A change of plans is obviously in order. He swims easily towards the docks and hoists himself up after the tremors stop, totally nude but armed to the teeth! He is prepared to fight any guards that haven't fallen into the water, getting into a stance to fight hand to hand, and rushing at the nearest guard in sight to strike with his claws!

Aruc attempts to climb the side, at a glance he would appear in distress. "Help me!" he sputters to a nearby guard before drawing his blade and driving it into his would be savior.

Sven nods appreciatively at the otter, folding his burly arms across his chest. "You are very pretty for pirate captain," he says, not the least bit ashamed, despite his nudity, "Sven is come to liberate stolen ship from wicked pirates! If pretty Captain is surrendering, Sven is having mercy."

Reginald , seeing that things could be going better, sets off the timer on Aruc's contraption, despite the voice in his head listing reason after reason why this is a bad idea. He then makes a silent rush at the nearest guard, intent on using his momentum to knock the being into the water and take him out of the fight, before turning on those who are left.

The otter squints at Sven, "Pirates? What are you on about, you foolish nudist?" the otter says as he picks up the pistol on the table, "I am Cassandra Antelini captain of the Sunstrand, the merchant ship belonging to the Kanmi family. This is the ship of my employer. In fact this was its virgin voyage." she says before the ship shakes a little bit.

Outside the pegamander's spell has worked quite well, the ground slightly shaking the harbor platform causing the two beings watching Cedric to fall down into the ocean. Cedirc himself has managed to miraculously get back onto the harbor and rush the last guard standing outside the ship, delivering a couple of blows that sent the guard down onto the floor, while Aruc stood there catching his breath after he just finished climbing up again.

Reginald rush was met with a prone being, which Reginald managed to successfully pin down on the ground with his own body.

Inside the captain's office the door opens as one of the guards enters, standing there stunned for a minute as he is greeted with his superior leveling a gun at a large, nude puma, "Captain, we are under attack.", he says as he shakes his head. Cassandra takes out the pistol she has in her other holster and levels it on Sven as well, "You are here to steal the ship under my care, pirate scum?" she squeaks, "Tell your friends to stand down or I will have your sausage on a silver plate."

Just as she finishes her threat a loud thunder strike signals for a downpour of rain which manages to disable the exposed apparatus, ensuring that it won't be working this time around. As the scuffle continue, Zuri can spot a couple of night watchbeing sauntering in the distance towards this section of harbor.

Zuri glances around as he surveys his surroundings. There are two he can see in the topdeck of the ship, two in the water, one being pinned.. and two more approaching in the distance. Time to run interference for the team. The small salamander flits across the harbor, circling around, and flutters down to land near the two patrolling watchbeings. "Excuse me, sirs!" He says, putting on his best smile. He's standing in such a way that if they turn to look at him, they won't be looking at the ship. "I need your help.. I have this package to deliver to some place called the Four.." He nibbles his lip. "Four Tuns? Does that sound familiar? I've been looking for it for a long time but I can't see anything in this weather!" He giggles disarmingly.

"C'mon, ye two!" Cedric barks out to Aruc and Reginald, as he turns and runs back towards the gangplank of the ship. "Jus' stay behind me and watch yer tails, I'll get us through this!" he shouts, not particularly concerned with the volume of his voice! Let more come! It'll be wonderful exercise for him, and they should've just rushed the ship in the first place. As the badger-turned-ferret dashes for the gangplank, he retrieves his broadsword from his weapon harness, looking for a guard or anyone unfriendly to bonk on the head with the massive two-handed sword! Let's see if he finds someone to knock out!

Aruc jogs over to the lynx and states "Sorry but we are running out of time" With this said he trusts downwards with his sword aiming for the guts.

Sven frowns hard at the otter and her pistol. He leans forward and sniffs. "Pretty otter is smells like flowers," he says, then turns away to stare at some of the furniture. Peering at a post of the bed, he leans forward and licks it. "This is new!" he says in surprise, "This ship is new!" The nude puma strides past the captain, shoulders past the sailor in the door and out on deck. "Is wrong ship!" he bellows in his loudest captain's voice, "Stand down!"

Reginald turns to Aruc, now having no need to pin his target down, a look in his eye saying that he knew it was necessary, but cannot approve. sea tis really goin' to shitstarlog His statement met with a loud thunderclap overhead. He then moves to support Cedric, albeit with a lot more caution.

And things get even more hectic! First Zuri glides down towards the city Watchbeings. The two beings look down on Zuri, a female fox and a male platypus. "Well the four tuns are three blocks south." she says as he points behind her back. The platypus shakes his head and squints at Zuri, "Son, it is almost midnight, what is your name, and what is this package you speak if?" he says as keeps his gaze locked on Zuri as the rain continues to utterly drench everyone out.

Another thunder strike just in time to hide the sound of the musket shot from the ears of the beings in the harbor! Here lies Richard on the floor, a hand on the bullet wound on his right shin. Moments ago the reckless ferret had rushed into the gangplank right into the sights of the bewildered guard, who didn't even have time to ask a question before he say the badger rush him with a huge broadsword, acting on reflex and that self-preservation instinct, the guard quickly brought up his musket and managed to let loose a shot just in time. NotCedric dodge attempt almost succeeded, but the shot still landing in his shin, the slippery for and the force of the shot throwing him onto the ship's deck.

Aruc had meanwhile stabbing the struggling guard in his side, making him emit a howl as he clutched the bleeding torso as the Aruc and Reginald left him to board the ship as well.

Once on the ship, the wide-eyed guard notices them coming as well, quickly drawing his saber and pointing it at them, "Surrender!" he says in a manic scream, causing the guard on the prow to walk towards the deck, taking out his own pistol, thuse Adrussians sure have a lot of firearms, and pointing it at the intruders, "What in the name of the declaration?" he says.

Just in time the nude puma comes barging out of the captain's office screaming his new revelations, directly behind him is the otter captain, her two pistols still leveled on his back. "You heard your idiot, drop down your weapons."

An injured ferret, an angry captain, a panicking guard, an armed guard, two intruders, and a naked puma. Thunder struck once more as the rain covered all of them...each one is waiting for the others action...

Zuri smiles at the platypus being, and hefts his satchel demonstratingly. "Sealed parcel, Sir. Registered mail. Direct deliveries come rain or shine!" He laughs nervously. "Sometimes that mooto bites us in the tush, eh?" He turns to the fox, smiling widely at her. "Thank you 'maam, I'll find it this time I'm sure!" The being gives the two a small tip of an imaginary hat and takes flight again, fading into the night and going vaguely in the direction he was pointed to... aiming to circle back around to the ship, hoping that his momentary distraction of the two guards was enough.

Not-Cedric the Not-Badger cries out in intense pain as he is shot in the shin! While it's not the first time he's ever been shot, it is probably the most painful place he has ever been shot! And also the most debilitating place he's ever been shot in! He collapses to the rainslicked deck of the ship and drops his weapon in the process. He draws his injured foot up reflexively, leaving a small trail of blood in the rainwater, and takes in a sharp breath of air through his teeth, trying to keep his mind off the pain.

 He rests on his stomach and elbows as he shows his hands in surrender, upon hearing Sven's call. "Aughh... right. I give!" he says, wincing in pain as he pushes himself up to his feet, returning to an arms-raised stance. "Welp. Seems we've been mistaken. Won't be puttin' up any fight here, cross m'heart!" he exclaims nervously, trying to balance on his good foot for now. To his credit, he doesn't seem to have any intent to resist from here.

Aruc looks around the group, a puzzled look on his face untill he hears cedric statement. He exclaims "Damm that fox, I knew that contract was shady." He then sheaths his blade and holds out his soulstone. "You know what this is? We are here on contract from the freeswords. It seems out employer milsed us as to the true nature of the job. We where sent here to retake a stolent ship....." He then grabs for his medical satchel, I wounded one of your boys down there... Lets say We cease hostilities to tend to the wounded and go from there? I have a revenge to plan..." With that He rushes down the gangplank to treat the wounded guard.

Sven stomps a foot on the pristine new deck. "For why no one says is not right ship!?" he bellows, unaware or uninterested in the pistols pointed at his back, "Is obviously new ship! Is not pirated ship at all!" He turns to the otter and bows in the odd, stiff manner that those familiar with him would recognize. "Sven is most sorry," he says, "Please to forgive intrusion."

Reginald 's reluctant to lower his musket, currently aimed at the otter captain's head. Rainwater streams off the lynx's soaked hair, which partly conceals his stern gaze. "It does seem like we've been misled," he shouts over. "But I suppose the question is, what do we do now?" His weapon is still raised.