Sinclair Meets Shaila - RPLOG

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Summer is here, and the warm shines brightly above, well lighting the area around the creator vessel where Sinclair, the Creator scholar, has set up a great deal of equipment. She is at the barrier that separates her vessel from the rest of the city and beckoning any being that cares to submit to her care for a moment, for the greater good, she claims.

Mirana walks up to the fence herself, and looks to the creator woman. She'd tried to peal herself away, but someone wanted her for a short campain up at Mossy Stone again, then.. the children.. she couldn't say no when they asked for just one more song, so, Mira hadn't made good on her word to tell the creators what was discussed at Noon Day a couple of days ago, but she resolved to do so today. In her best attempt at the first tongue, "Hello! Hum, what is this here? Also, can we discuss something Great Creator? Do you need assistance?" She asks as she looks over all the equipment, patting her belly a moment with a smile.

One of the Creators out and about? A bit of a curiosity, although not completely unheard of these days, judging by the talk around town. Sveta hasn't had been close up and personal with them ever since the lowball tournament in their honour, and it's been a while...she's a little hesitant at first, but the sight of a familiar face eases the goshawk's trepidation somewhat and she steps forward to take a better look, although mindful to keep a reasonable length of personal space between her and everyone else.

Happy for a chance to help out with... Whatever it was, Dio happily stride towards the fenced area with a smile nearly as warm and bright as the sun. What poor soul that may have to sumbit this lion for questioning, but things such as that may happen when a universal call is set forth. "Oooh, what's all this lass," he shouts, rapidly approaching the equipment, hovering over it and tapping a thing or two with a clawed finger. Greeting familiar faces would have to wait it would seem.

Sierra is wearing her heavy smoked glasses and cloak as she's out and about. A close look would show her nose has something on it as well, probably oil, but possible something more and she's even got gloves on. She looks miserable, but curiousity has gotten the better of her and so she's poking around. Spotting at least one familiar face and one familiar stench, she offers a wave to them all.

"Oh!" exclaims Sinclair as Mirana half-waddles up towards her, "I haven't had a chance to inspect a pregnant one yet. Please come in." She pulls open the fence, gesturing almost impatiently for Mirana to approach her work area, "Plenty of time for discussion," she says as if she may only be half listening, clearly more interested in inspecting Mirana than having a lengthy discourse. "How long have you been pregnant, and how long do you estimate until delivery? Have you had any complications?" She reaches to a device that hovers in the air with no visible supports and turns it towards Mirana. It seems to somehow 'know' what Sinclair wants, the machine spirits inside making it swivel automatically to stay focused on Mirana. Sinclair notices other volunteers, "Such dutiful beings," she says in a complimenting tone, gesturing to form a que.

Mirana continues her waddle up to Sinclair, and looks, slightly concerned, "Haven't.. inspected a pregnant one?" she asks a moment, then gives a slight yip as the machine starts focusing on her. Well, maybe if she answered questions, she could get into what she was here to discuss? "I.. I think since early Febuary.. I really noticed.. well.. in March. Umm... I.. I'm thinking mid-November, around then, though late October and early December are possible, it.. I can't figure out eactly when, um.. complications? Not.. really, nothing beyond the usual swollen paws, craving, morning sickness early on, heartburn.. umm I'm fairly sure I'm having twins, that is a bit unusual." She looks over the scholar a bit while she answers, "Some.. beings and I, we have discussions at Noon Day Mass, and, I was hoping to have time to talk to one of you or yours about our... condition on the planet, what should.. well... be done with us." it seems that being looked over and questioned such as caused her to feel the spotlight, she hardly looks back and waves when Dio, Sveta, and Sierra arrive.

"I...have no idea, my dear Lion of Ineffable Questions," Sveta says in reply to Dio's question, after returning both Sierra and Mirana's greeting with a respectful dip of her head each. Dutifully, the goshawk's sense of propriety leads her to the head of the queue just behind where Mirana was, fully expecting Dio to fall in place behind her. Her attention, though, is more focued on the floating device than Dio. "They seem to be wanting something from us again, although I'm sure it's nothing nefarious. Otherwise it wouldn't be out in public, would it? Well," she says with a shrug, "I'm sure we'll find out soon enough."

A que? Lines? Where's the fun in such structure? Dio crosses his arms across his chest, almost as if he were pouting just a bit, even complimented by a minor "Hmph!" With his mind now set on another track, he finally recognizes the familiar faces, causing his smile to appear once more in full stride. He waves over to Mirana. And as predictied, the lion does indeed take a position behind Sveta. "Indeed we will, Bird of Logical Logic," he chuckles, putting his large hands upon her shoulder and gently patting a few times, as if he were playing around with a drinking buddy of sorts.

Sinclair guides Mirana to sit down on a flat but deceptively comfortable table, "What did you want to know?" she asks as she pulls out a curious bowl like device, "This may tingle a little." And by a little she means a lot. As it's placed on the swollen being's belly, the entire dome seems to tingle throughout for a few moments. On a previously dark surface, a strange image appears, its meaning quite difficult to determine, though Sinclair seems fascinated by it, "Twins," she confirms, adjusting the bowl lightly, "Very interesting, not what I expected." She takes a moment to scribble some notes furiously. "What I wouldn't pay to study your ancestors every century since your arrival," she says largely to herself.

Sierra stands in the queue as well after a moment. She glances around curiously at the.. everything. She murmurs, "This is interesting enough. Definitely further than what I can do, but... I wish we'd stop using it. It's lazy, borrowing so much" She then leans from side to side, rubbing the back of her head..

Mirana takes a seat on the table and... with some effert swings herself up onto it properly. Once up though, she lays back and relaxes into it, "Almost... like a bed." she says outloud before she notices. When the device is pressed to her though she gives a very loud yelp, "What, what are-" then a strange image. Mira looks over it many times over, trying to see what the scholar saw in it. "This.. isn't hurting.. my kits is it?" she asks, worry filling her as quickly as the odd tingle. Part of her wants to dart up and bolt, but she stays right where she is. "What is.. unexpected? What do you see?" she asks again, her mission forgotten for a moment till, "Oh.. umm... we did some.. discussing and, thought it would be best if we were not uplifted to the same point as our creators, that we be given time to find our own path towards similar greatness, for... various.. Are they ok, what do you see?" she asks again.

Sveta winces slightly and gently pushes Dio's hand away. "My dear Lion of Close Contact, there's a time and place for everything, and it's not out in public and in front of a Creator to boot. I...oh." Her attention's drawn away by Mirana's yelp to the image on the surface. Sveta watches it with a hawk-like gaze for a few moments, as if trying to decipher what it might mean before it can be explained, then turns to Sierra.

"Lazy? Well, I suppose there is a point to that, if we're given the final product for free. But certainly an explanation of how that thing there works from first principles couldn't be lazy, could it? So long as all the gaps in one's understanding are filled, I don't see the problem with it. Although I do have the suspicion that explaning that thing there would probably take more time than we have at hand. I don't even quite understand what that picture there is supposed to be."

"Healthy," states Sinclair, removing the bowl and the tingles along with it, "Their development is against my hypothesis." More scribbles, "Uplifted? You're already uplifted, or should I say side lifted? My guess is changing by the day." she says cryptically as she moves to fetch a strange device of gleaming Creator Steel that flows and adjusts itself seemingly at her whim, "If you mean those 'equalitists' or whatever they're calling themselves, I wouldn't worry about it. They are doomed to languish a long political death of attrition."

Sierra shakes her head and says, "I mean the sort thinking since they can fix a few broken toys, they're something else. I'd rather know I designed and built what I've done." She crosses her arms and wrinkles her nose, then reaches into her coat and pulls out a small vial, upending it onto her finger before rubbing it against her nose, darkening it a bit further. It's got a bit of an acrid oily smell to it.

Dio snaps over to the yelp, looking about for what may cause such a reaction. He peeks and leans over at the interesting device, hoping to witness the image if he could. "Of course lass, of course," he chuckles, bringing his hand away from Sveta at her gentle physical request. "Good to know the kits 're well in healthy 'n' healthy."

Mirana continues to lay back on the table, awaiting for when the good scholar will be done with her. "Equalitists? If.. I'm catching what you are saying right, then there is little to be concerned about on that side." she says, heaving a sigh when she and her kits are given a clean bill of health. "But.. you said their... develpoment is not what you would have expected?" She asks, "My kits that is.. in what way?" She continues. If their wishes are already about to succeed through the strange law process that the creators have, Mira sees no reason to continue worrying on it herself, she mearly turns to look over to Sierra, Dio, and Sveta, "Umm.. h.. hi.." she says starting to blush, being examined like this out in public!

"Well, I'll agree that reverse-engineering is tricky at best, but up till recently it was the only way we could find out anything about these 'toys'. But now that the Creators are here, I'm frankly surprised the Church hasn't tried to discreetly ask about a few of their more favoured 'toys', to be honest. Of course, I'll agree it's always best to work from first principles and have a thorough understanding oneself, but circumstances..." She shakes her head, then is caught off-guard by Mirana's exclaimation and gives her a dip of her head. "Please do settle down, Lady Solacious. You're out in public, and with the Creators at that. Not that it is my place to lecture you, but perhaps a little composure would be...hmm...appropriate. but who are these Equalitists? You seem to know something about them."

Sinclair taps the device against her chin, where it splatters like water before reforming as she draws it away, "How to say it. I expect your 'kit' to develop like a fox. I don't see that. Your UNKNOWN is only two percent fox on top of that. Your designers were playing dangerous games." She gestures at Mirana's hips, "Undress," she says in a firm tone, broking no argument. To preserve dignity, she makes a sharp gesture. The thing that was staring at Mirana gives a cheerful series of beeps and a privacy screen of white static flares into being, momentarily blocking view of the proceedings. "Every year there's a new gang of political dissidents with fresh ideas that they think everyone should be invested in. Most ignore them, but they do occasionally get a troubling law to pass. I'm told you have a king, that must keep that sort of thing to a minimum, if he's not a whimsical sort."

Sierra shrugs and murmurs, "You know, reverse engineering it or not, the... uh, thing there that just did that would be neat to stick on a golem. Just hide it's arms so you can't properly see it." She crosses her arms after, finding a place to lean against while she waits. After a moment she asks, "Think she's got any cult markings? Still need to find out if the suicide's alright too."

Mirana looks to the scholar and tilts her head, "Only... two percent fox?" she asks. That hardly made sense. "If we are Uplifted.. and my ansesters were foxes... would then be more then two percent of fox? Wouldn't that be.. a hundred percent fox?" Then she is told to undress while her hips are being pointed at. She gives a very loud yelp, "In public!?" She cries out, then a screen is made for more privacy. She looks far more then reluctant, but she stands, slowly, both because she doesn't want to remove them and because she has great trouble in doing so, takes off her chain armor, then the under clothing and padding for it. She covers herself up as best she can, blushing all about her ears and nose, the statements about the king and politices barely catching her. "Umm.. th.. the council.. h.. helps keep o.. order too." she says, trembling slightly.

Sveta looks a little awkward and embarrassed for Mirana, her usual proper facade breaking just a little, but clears her throat as the vixen begins to undress and decides to press the point. "Yes, but what are these 'Equalitist' fellows demanding? We are already in enough problems as it is with Creator laws, and if this new group makes its demands..." she clears her throat again. "Me, personally, I'm content to let the Good King and the Council rule, so long as there's food on the table, the streets are clean and there aren't troops in the streets. Politics should be boring, but that's just what one being thinks."

"You have a parliamentary body? Fascinating," says the doctor as she approaches the now exposed mother-to-be. She seems about ready to use that strange device of hers in places one might not want it to be, but is interrupted by a wet splitting sound, and the sudden presence of the blue-purple furred spirit known as Shaila. The female fertility spirit is immediately in the scholar's personal space, pressing furry face to smooth one with no care for the 'sacredness' of Creators.

"You leave her alone!" she orders in an angry huff, "Your curiosity has no place THERE." As she speaks, her snout pulls back in a full snarl, quite obviously angry at the Creator.

Mirana watches the doctor and listens, "Parlimentary?" then as the doctor gets closer, Mira's eyes go wide, "What are.. you.." and she staggers backwards, but the table blocks her from going far. She keeps herself covered up, and... looks very very thankful when Shaila makes herself known. Her breathing was reaching a frantic pace at the thoughts of what the doctor may have intended. She can only stare blankly for a moment, then, some rational comes back to her and, as quickly as the vixen can, starts putting her clothes and armor back on.

The doctor's eyes travel over the floating pregnant form of Shaila a moment, "Fascinating." She glances down again, "You are defying gravity, but I detect no UNKNOWN."

Shaila appears... baffled... at this response. Her anger deflates like a balloon, not being an emotion she's good at to start with, "It's magic," she replies, "And I mean it. Leave her alone." she says, now sounding as timid as she usually does, voice going soft, "Even if you are her parent..."

Sveta blinks and retreats a step or two from the scene, quite taken aback but the Spirit's sudden appearance. Caught completely off-guard by Shalia's sudden appearance, the goshawk looks between Creator, Spirit and vixen, all hopes of having any of her questions answered dashed to pieces.

Sierra looks at the spirit, then steps forward to get a better look at the thing. Those closest might hear her muttering about cults and their weird... things. Though she stops a respectable distance away and after looking around, pulls her glasses down to get a better look at everything. As best she can at least.

Mirana, now dressed again, reaches out to Shaila, "Th.. thank you Great Spirit." she says, then looks over to the doctor again, "This... this is a Spirit.. umm.. Shaila, and... I'm her caller. She... we have a pact. I hear her call, do as she has asked of me... which are things I would gladly do already... and she promised to help protect my kits, make sure I bring forth a healthy next generation." she says, starting to get over her nerves. She watches as Sveta and Sierra move around, blushing ever deeper when Sierra comes around the screen to look inside.

"Shaila? Very well, Shaila, if you would present your arm and allow me to take a blood sample, I would be very appreciated" She puts the tool she had been planning to use down, fetching the small glass jar with the sharp bit.

Shaila looks uncomfortable about the idea, "You can't harm me with that, at least not any lasting wounds. If it will keep you away from THERE, then you may."

The deal is struck! And Sinclair advances to claim her prize, poking the spirit on the arm. Blood flows, but it is quite odd looking blood, the same color as her fur, blue-purple, and faintly sparkling even in the glass ampoule. Sinclair raises her brows at this and is suddenly vacating, rushing off to the ship without another word.

The machine spirits, it seems, decide that whatever Sinclair was doing must be done, and the screen vanishes with a crackle.

"Well, that's one way to put it," Sveta mutters to herself as her composure returns. Duty and ego both call, and not to be outside by Sierra, she forces herself forward towards the screen, stopping by the lioness' side. "I wish I had something to take notes with - Selena would be quite interested to hear of this. I..." her words stop again as she realises what the Creator physician is doing. Before she can react, both Creator and devices are gone, and she sees no reason to hesistate now, moving towards Mirana at a brisk stride. "Come on, Lady Solacious. Let's get you back, please - Lord Ictus will be worried. If you could help please, Sierra?"

Sierra watches the screen blink out and actually looks vaguely disappointed. The glasses are pushed back up onto her nose, then she turns to the door and says, "Help? With what? I'm sure she's capable of finding clothes again. I'm not /that/ interested in finding out if she's branded or not." She looks to the door, leaning side to side and says, "If you need help with something else though, sure thing."

Mirana watches it all unfold, and steps a bit closer to Shaila, "Did... did she hurt you?" she asks, concern, almost child-like, showing on her face. She reaches out again, as if asking to be hugged by the spirit, her blush still burning brightly on her features. She looks over to Sierra and Sveta, "I.. I'm fine.. but.. a bit longer please, I don't think we are quite done." she says, intrigue starting to filter into her.

Shaila likes many things. Hugs happen to be one of them, and she delivers one to Mirana, whispering in her ear, "If you call me, I will come." She vanishes with the soft scent of a mother's closeness, gone back to wherever spirits rest.

Sveta steps back, looking between vixen and Spirit, then gives Mirana a small bow as Shalia vanishes. "I...see. Right, I got caught up in the moment and got one step ahead of myself, do pardon me. But Lady Solacious, I was speaking with Selena earlier regarding spirits and the topic turned to you - she has expressed some misgivings to me about your condition and recent activities, and I do find myself concerned. Please, at least allow me to accompany you back to the manor."

Sierra leans back and without looking back says in a stage whisper, "They're worried you're putting more than yourself at risk." Then she looks to Sveta and says, "That part right? I don't think there was more other than... no, that was just the book worm. You were there for other things right? She's worried about that part. Offered to send a golem with her to help, she said no though."

Mirana hugs Shaila tightly then looks back to the others, "Misgivings? Condition and activities? The doctor herself, a creator said I was fine..." she shakes her head, "But if you must, when we are all done here I'll give you an audiance at the manor...." she says then waits, curious as to what the creator will have found out about the spirit.

Sinclair does emerge, the ampoule nowhere to be seen. "My apologies," she says, not sounding very apologetic, "I had to secure that. You've been very helpful," she says, looking towards Mirana as she says that, then looking at the others around her, "It seems the que has fallen apart. Who is next?"

"An audience won't be necessary, Lady Solacious. Sierra is right, we're just concerned for the safety of you and that of your kits. I have no reason to distrust the Creator physician, but we still worry about you overexerting yourself a little too much. Perhaps you and Selena could speak about it sometime, and I could mediate? She did sound rather worried on your behalf." She looks surprised as Sinclair emerges from the Creator vessel, having expected the fuss over the spirit and the devices vanishing to have signalled the end of the little episode, but clears her throat and addresses Sinclair with her usual dip of her head. "I was next in line, um..." she hesistates, not quite sure how to address the Creator. "Before all that happened. And then Sierra was behind me."

Sierra raises her gloved hand and says, "Hullo!" and grins cheerily from within the hook. As a bit of an after thought she finally pulls the hood down, they're inside after all. Leaning over towards Sveta she murmurs, "What're we in line for? I just wanted to see what was going on."

Mirana blushes deeply but nods, "A.. alright." Suddenly feeling bashful around the creator now after what was about done. She takes a few steps back away from the table, and just nods to Sveta, voice taken from her as she clentches herself a bit tightly to herself.

The Creator nods at Sierra, "Very good, if you would have a seat..." For better or worse, no other dramatic events occur, and Sinclair is free to gently prod, pry and investigate the curious things known as beings to her heart's content. Each is given a cursory 'thank you' before moving to the next, working through the line with cool efficiency.