Brutus Blackback is the sole child of and , and as a born Gifted, the family--and his parents especially--held great expectations for him. As a young student, he excelled in his academics, absorbing knowledge at a pace far beyond his classmates. The family lavished praise and hopes (and treats) on him as he entered the Academy.
Unfortunately, a lifetime of being catered to and spoiled left him floundering when it came to making it on his own. His grades were passable, but he spent far more of his time attending parties, seeking flattery and bribes from those hoping to curry favor with a Noble, and altogether throwing his increasing weight around.
Seven years in and still unfinished, he has become something of the black sheep of the family (no offense meant to any heavily-pigmented Ovine Beings), not having done any wrong to warrant disownership, but certainly bringing no honor to them, either.
Recent Events
Recently, Brutus has put his lot in with LongTech Industries, the company founded by new noble Flora Longtail, in the hopes that he might finally make his name with its success.