Dance the pounds away - RPLOG

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Dancing, lots and lots of dancing everywhere! Being seem to dance in an almost entranced state. All about are tables filled with food and drink, and it is obvious that some of it has been used, but for the large part, it is being ignored now. Only a few beings are not dancing, picking at the food, but mostly watching those who do continue dancing. Ashley herself is playing her harp in time and tune with a very strange device sitting next to her, the majority of the music coming from it!

Sveta had hoped for a quiet stretch of beach with everyone out to noonday mass, but certainly not this rather riotous...well, chaos is the only thing she can think of to describe it. So many feet! So much churning sand! Disorder! The music's strange, too, it tugs a little at her mind...but she shakes off the strange sensation well enough. Where did the food come from? Where are the caterers - oh, they're dancing as well. So much tomfoolery...and to what purpose? Try as she might, the goshawk can't remember any particular event that was supposed to be held today. Spotting a somewhat familiar face amongst the masses, she walks up to Ashley and taps the skunk on the shoulder. At least this one's not dancing, right?

After his last adventure over at the beach, Dio decided he'd leave his shoes at his room in the inn for this instance. Too much water and sand to deal with, naturally. The sounds of his bare, padded, and clawed feet crunch against warm sand as he moves his way to the growing dancing party. A faint tingle urged him to join the dancing... But there were more important things! Even the familiar faces didn't matter for the time being as his gaze locks onto a platter of food on a table. With an extreme pace, the lion makes his way towards a table and imminently begins practically inhaling as much food as possible in the quickest amount of time, caring not for the mess he makes upon his face fur.

Ashley looks up to Sveta as she is tapped, "Hello again, did your talk with my Kitsunes go well?" She asks continuing to play her harp. She watches the dancing a bit longer before she stands up and taps the machine a bit, the volume getting a bit louder. She sits back down and continues playing, but now, even more people join the dancing. She looks over to Dio as he starts devouring the food and, no expression at all. She just keeps playing. Those dancing look quite tired though, however, they don't stop.

Sveta looks down at Ashley. "I managed to sort them out, but that's something we can discuss later. What's going on here? Why are all these folk dancing and messing up this stretch of beach, and not at noonday mass?" She glances over her shoulder at Dio, recognising him, then rolls her eyes before suddenly realising the lion's not under whatever compulsion that's afflicting everyone else. Perhaps there's something about First things first.

The lion continues to stuff his face with any food he can find, spilling fast amount of crumbs and other wonderful remains spilling about onto the floor and table." Thoof woo rooly good," Dio mumbles to himself, mouth still quite full. With bread in each hand, he finally decides to see what the familiar faces were up to and makes his way over to them with a smile. "Hoow boof thaf poorty," he mutters, crumbs flying from his mouth as he speaks to Sveta and Ashley.

Ashley looks again to Sveta, "Well, they all started hours ago, before the music was turned on, they ate for a while, drank, and then that man," and she points to another not dancing but just watching. He isn't even bobbing his head or anything, just watching, "turned the machine on and almost immediately everyone started dancing. This is a very ammusing device, I must admit." She says, then the song stops, and switches to something a bit heavier, lots of drums. Ashley's ears and tail twitch, she grimises a moment, but the imposing skunk soon just starts playing again. She looks up to Dio as he speaks, and pushes him slight aside, "Keep your distance if you are going to do that, this one doesn't want crumbs in its fur."

"Amusing? Amusing? Perhaps to you, but I don't find it quite so. Look at them, some of them look fit to drop!" Gears turn in Sveta's head as she eyes the being just watching, then mutters to Dio, just barely above the music, "keep an eye on that fellow, Lion of Great Appetite. If he bolts, chase him down. I have...I'll buy a meal for you at the inn, or cook something myself, if it comes to that. There will be food, got it?" With that, she fiddles with her soul pendant and switches the gems within, allowing a full minute to pass before attempting to examine the device, looking for a way to deactivate it without smashing it outright.

Chew, swallow. Dio nearly absorbs a hand-sized piece of bread with little to no effort at a break-neck speed. Bread still within his other hand, he brings it up to his rather short muzzle, but pauses at the mention of a strange individual. But there was food.... Has there ever been a harder choice? He quirks his head over at Ashley and easily allows himself to be pushed aside, almost as if he wasn't aware of his rude actions. The machine problem will solve itself, ri- "Food?" Sveta's request certainly caught his attention, his hand slipping the bread within a coat pocket, nodding with an extremely serious looking expression. With his eye on the mentioned stranger, the lion puts on a happy smile and makes his way towards a table not far away from him, observing his actions for the time being.

Ashley looks to the machine, fiddling with it a moment. Not the greatest with creator tech, but she did figure out where the loudness controller was. She turns it up again, and now almost everyone is dancing, only three beings besides herself, Dio, and Sveta, one of them being the person who braught it here in the first place. Those dancing on the sands for the longest are panting, sweet soaking their clothes, movements a bit sluggish, but still not stopping. Ashley continues to play along with the music, ears and tail twitching a bit, "Yes, amusing. And this one thinks they could keep going for... another hour before anything of trouble happens?" she says.

Sveta scowls. Ashley was...well, she liked Ashley, or at least the skunk was one of the few shadows she'd even encountered who hadn't tried to eat her face off immediately - or something equally gruesome. And yet here was a reminder that no matter what they did, they just didn't think along the lines most sane beings did. But then again, they technically weren't beings, were they? Why should she have expected them to think completely like one? Perhaps there would be time to talk later, but now...reaching into her pouch of soul gems, Sveta discreetly slips another one in place, hoping Ashley wouldn't notice exactly what gem it was that went into the pendant this time. "'Trouble' is not the key word here, Ashley," she says, clearly stalling to buy time as the old memories fade and new ones come in. "It's more...'discomfort', to put it lightly. A being can go three weeks without eating before 'trouble' occurs, but looking at Dio over there, I'm sure he can go barely three hours without complaint. In fact..." the moment she feels that the gem's taken hold well enough, the goshawk reaches out sharply and tries to flick off the big red button that she'd figured out was the device's off button.