Taken Part 1 - RPLOG
From Rusted Promises
The request had only been up a few hours, but already there was discussion amongst those Freeswords present in the inn about it. The issuer hadn't given a name. Just the situation and a description of the child. What probably made this all the worse was the fact that the child was merely a year old. Still, not many freeswords were taking the job owing it's mysterious circumstances. Would this hold true for others?
Shliek stands in front of one of the posted notices, rubbing his chin and pondering. He furrows his brow, trying to consider on how to go about performing such an investigation with so little information.,
Bazalt sighs, staring at the notice. Ususaly, he'd not helping in these types of things.. but A kid?..Only an important persons Kid was taken, for the randsome rewards, or atleast that was his asumption. In anycase, BAzalt was here-waiting and somewhat hoping for a good outcome....as unlikly as it may be.
Amused at some inside joke, Leonidas waits by the board. "Doesn't it seem... Interesting to you, a nameless request to find a missing child?" The olm rasps, looking back to Bazalt, grin widening to an almost predatory smile. "But no mention of where they came from? It would strike us as... Suspicious. Perhaps if our would-be employer would surrender some more details it would lend credibility to their claim." He circles the group and stands, tail winding around his legs. "We wonder, then. What do you make of this?"
Nearby, a spider sits and shrugs. "Some people prefer their privacy." He says, standing up. "I watch teh person filing the request. They were the kind of distraught you'd find in a parent desperate for anything they can get." He states, walking over to the notice board. "Theres a lot a group of criminals or other such minded folk could do to a young mind like this girl's."
"Hm. Perhaps this one, or others interested should consult some darker forces in town, perhapss oil them with some coin. Perhaps they speak.", the little lizard says without turning to face the others gathering.
Bazalt Glances at the Olm. "Didnt think this-no I take that back... and blame Lyas." he shrugs "I assume the Parent is a noble, Or rich because otherwise why WOuld you take a child-and In that case hte noble would wnat be left unamed because of the public.. or something."He Glances about, three shadows? that was strange to him, meeting more than one other of his kind. "In anycase...I'm doing this for the child.."HE sighs again, looking at Glein and then everyone else. "ideas where to start?"
"Is that so?" Leonidas replies, attention turning to Glein at an easy pace. "You're certainly right, some DO prefer their privacy." the smile remains ever-present. "We wonder then what you assume would be made of such a... Suspiciously lacking request. After all, you are the one handling this... Incident." The nature of the situation goes entirely unaddressed - for lack of interest or otherwise, it's difficult to tell - though Bazalt's comment incites a wider grin. "Now why would a noble feel the need to take such an indirect approach if so? And the rich are fond of flaunting their name as a bearer of ultimately worthless material goods. But we won't jump to conclusions. If your client IS a noble, though, we find the political implications... Interesting. We suggest starting here, with the single lead that has been provided to us so graciously."
The spider shrugs. "Being they came to the Freeswords and declined to put their name on the request, I imagine it's more to save face. But nonetheless, speaking with those in the city's underbelly might well give some leads." He says, face flat and expressionless. No point trying to hide what he was behind false emotional actions and expressions. "And I am not the one handling the the task persay. I watched the request be made and be posted."
"Well then. Let's get a move on.", the reptile urges as he starts to move towards the door. "This one is not adverse to launching a joint investigation, and surely one of you has some shady connections. This one does, but this soul is not so good at the talking."
Bazalt Shrugs "Nobles and Strange. I'm not going to start questioning how or why they do what they do..." he Trusn to leave with teh lizard. "anyone know about how the child was taken? Or who might do this? any groups known for this? the guard seen anything?" he asks,tail flicking.
Leonidas smiles. "But you did see the poster. Perhaps you have a description for us? Something more... Useful to follow up on. To ask the guard to investigate a theft without so much as saying where something was stolen is what is called a, 'Wild goose chase' by some beings." The olm straightens his back, surprisingly holding some decent posture, though the motion s hold some inchoate quality. "After all, it is... Suspicious as a request on its lonesome. We would not know what to do with the child should we find it. Perhaps it may be worth a... Trade, if your memory is up to the task."
Glein smirks. He pulls down the posted request and reads it aloud. "'Seeking Freeswords to help recover daughter. She is a gray fox kit of 1 year of age. Will pay reward of 25,000 crowns upon safe return of daughter. Culpris must be captured and handed to the Guard, not slain.' The parent also was a gray fox. So I imagine that's a start. They didn't mention anything else when making the request, so I imagine starting by seeing what is being whispered by those vastly closer to such deeds would get us more gleaned than asking the guards, who migth know as much as we." He points out, as they walk.
Bazalt sighs "This will be.. imtresting.." he mutters. "someone clearly wants revenge... so...that rules out afew-" he stops and shakes his head. "Hrn, well I have no clue where to start, atleast, this is far outside my area of expertise."
"The underbelly of society is not a monolith." Leonidas replies, making no reaction to the poster; "We could ask in Shanty town, the mercantile district, academy, noble district - with nowhere to place the crime, it does not make it easier to find witnesses. "It would afford us the ability to rule out one or more possible venues of investigation if you had seen any... Distinguishing markings. Do not patronize us. You are acutely aware of what we are asking, we would hope. Such may afford a placement to the Thera'doran border's guards, or a more... Domestic family. We may have some rather useful information perusant to... Certain criminal syndicates that plied their trade some time ago here, and the routes that they had used. But we see no sense in giving up such, without sufficient reason. One missing child is little in a sea of runaways, kidnappings of young and old, murders, blackmail, slander... These beings have a rather... Apt phrase. 'Loose lips sink ships'." Bazalt's suggestion is met with a grin. "... Oh, we have an idea. Perhaps more specifically, a whom. But we expect a direct discussion with them may come as... Forward. Secondary contacts would be more useful - for now."