All That Glitters is Not Golem - RPLOG
It is warm and clear among the craggy mountains that surround the Firebough volcano. A cart loaded with provisions and Freeswords rumbles down the dusty road through small mountain passes, hauled by a shaggy, swaybacked beast and its portly beaver driver. "And that's why I never bathe after dark," he finishes some long-winded story as they rattle to a stop in front of a small camp.
Beings of all sizes and descriptions are scattered around between a collection of fifteen tents, some are at work carrying water or tending animals or preparing food, but most seem to just be passing the time.
"About time you lot arrived," a loud, gruff voice calls, soon followed by its owner, a stocky bull with a broken horn in sturdy, workman's clothes, "You the Freeswords?"
Galve hops off the cart, stretching a little. He wasnt used to being carted around, but other than beng a little sore from the bumpy ride he was fine. "Yes sir, we fit that description." The vespid rogue replied, stepping away from the cart a few steps to give the others ample room to disembark.
Terry steps up with the rest of the mercenary group, standing somewhat apart from them. The small feline stands straight as the bull speaks, only a salute away from standing at attention. "Yes sir. We were told you needed help clearing out the mine." The small being reaches back to check on the state of his slung shortbow before returning his attention to the bull.
Benna tightens her belt, adjusting the straps on her very own set of adventuring clothing! Her incorrectly sized chain armor clinks as she steps off the cart, falling in line timidly behind the small feline and the wasp. Having the question answered for her, she checks her own weapons, a bow and quiver on her back. Checking her spellcasting as well, the fur of her hands stands on end before she smooths it out after giving herself a light shock, awaiting instruction.
The bull snorts and folds his arms, looking over the trio as the cart lumbers back into motion, carrying the beaver and his remaining cargo away. "You don't look like much," the bull grumbles, "But if you're here, we'll make use of you. Follow me."
He leads the way through the little tent town to a boarded over mine shaft. It is easy to tell that it is a mine shaft because of all the painted signs that read "DANGER: MINE SHAFT."
"This is the Glitterrock mine," the bull says, "Or it was, anyway. Now it is just a breeding hole for weird rock elementals. If it were me, I would just leave the thing sealed up, but some knob in the city wants the platinum that is down there." He turns to face the Freeswords and folds his arms again. "Trick is, place was overrun by these elementals. You clear them out and figure out why they showed up, and you'll get a nice, fat payday." He glares down, daring anyone to ask any questions.
Galve nods, checking his equipment for a moment. "Is there anything else we need to know? Any additional hazards besides the elemental infestation?" He asks, wanting to know as much as he could before he went in.
Terry raises an eyebrow. "Rock elementals." He frowns slightly, unsure if a bow was the correct choice for this assignment. Still, he nods and adjusts his tunic. "Yes sir. We'll clear it out for you." The small being then looks over at his two companions, analyzing them critically. His gaze lingers on Benna a moment, his attention caught by her use of magic.
Benna seems like she's doubting her own choice of weapon again as she looks to her hands and sighs, hoping her mathemagical study will come in handy in fighting the elementals. "We will sort it out," she assures the bull, her northern accent thick. She notices the small cat's gaze on her and summons a flame in her hand for a brief moment to amuse him, smiling for a second before looking up to the bull again.
"Hell if I know," the bull snorts, "Nobody has been down this rotten tunnel in better than a decade. I would just leave it shut, except the big man says he needs the shiny stuff down at the bottom of this hole." He steps up to the boarded up tunnel and opens a large padlock that has chained a low door shut. "Just knock when you want back out," he says, "Till then, I gotta lock it behind you.
Galve nods. He retrieves a torch from his supplies, eyeing the tunnel. "Well, we can't all go in at once." He remarks to his compatriots as he headed inside.
Terry lets his facade drop as he smiles and giggles at Benna's little flash of flame, but he straightens up and puts on his professional face as he steps up to the mine. He falls in behind Galve, following him into the mouth of the mine. "Do either of you have experience with this sort of job? I'm afraid I've never been inside a -mine- before."
"I have been inside tunnels," she says, "but not into abandoned mines, or caves. Well, not many caves. Never ones with elementals," she says, stepping in after Galve - her head bowed to avoid clipping her antlers off the door. "IT is alright. Stay in the back with your bow if it gets scary," she assures him. She again practices her fire magic as she concentrates on keeping a flame lit in her palm, lighting the tunnel up as a second torch as she follows Galve.
Beyond the wooden barrier, the mine is dark, by surprisingly dry and warm. The shaft itself is not particularly steep, and it is surprisingly wide and open, slicing gently downward into the mountainside. The floor is smooth and sandy, here at the entrance. So far, there is not much to see, aside from stone walls, and nothing to hear but the muffled sound of the camp outside.
Galve holds his torch up to provide the most light combined with Benna's magiks. His other hand was resting on the butt of his pistol, and he was thinking of the perfectly good hammer he had left back at his living quarters. It would be so much better than his current armaments against elementals...
Terry fans out to the right hand side of the group, keeping a slight distance in the cramped quarters of the mine. He keeps his bow at the ready, as if expecting to be ambushed at any second.
Benna:ceases her magicks, not wanting to wear herself out so soon into the expedition, instead huddling close to Galve to share in his own light. She quietly hums a tune, her eyes scanning in the dark of the mine as they descend.
The tunnel is smooth and open as the trio descends, and the ambient sounds from outside fade, giving way to the silence of the deep earth.
Well, silence. As far as it goes, at least. Breathing seems loud and strange in the darkness, and occasionally there is an inexplicable groan, or a tapping sound. It looks like this place has lain undisturbed for a long time, though the occasional struts and beams seem well preserved. If there really ARE elementals down here, they are not showing themselves.
Galve looks around a little as he walks, looking for signs of awry elementals. Cracks in the stone that separated whole chunks of rock from the rest of the living earth that's still seemed to stay where they were instead of crumbling out onto the floor from the walls or ceiling another evidence left behind by stray Elementals or Elementals that might be hiding.