Zimla - What Dreams Shall Come - RPLOG

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The fog is so thick in the streets that it is hard even to see a hand in front of your face. Not to say that it is dark, it is just a strange kind of opaque brightness. Voices echo strangely in the mist and odd lights bob through the murk. It is a day that any sane being would stay indoors. But for some, the strangeness beckons. . .

Arie walks calmly through the streets. She wasn't about to let some magicians prank or strange weather dissuade her from her business. She moved just slowly enough that she could be certain she wouldn't trip over something, or bang into a wall she hadn't yet seen, but still exuded her standard confidence and grace. She stopped for a moment, reaching her foot out to where she thought there should be a post, sighing softly. Was she honestly lost in the middle of town? She turned on her heel to head towards the nearest sign of light.

Only having been in the city for a few weeks at most, Galve didn't know that the fog was uncommon. He suspected something was amiss with the strange lights and the voices, but he was unperturbed overall. The fog was thick though, and he had already almost tripped on a loose tile once, so he was bring extra cautious of his footing as he tried to locate even another temporary prisoner of the mysterious fog, be them friend or foe

Peter keeps his nose scrunched, eyes squinted suspiciously at the mysterious fog draped over the city. His hand is gripped tightly onto the hilt of his blade, ready to draw at a moments notice. Pangs of regret were in his mind - but someone could be stuck out in the fog, and he would be no good of a hero if he just let them stay out wandering! "Hellooo," he called out, in a sort of.. ghost impression., before returning to his normal drawl. "Anybody else stuck out here?"

Up ahead (No matter where a being might be in the mist) a bright light, like a lantern on a pole, bobs along slowly. "Well?" comes a voice, "Come along then, hurry or we'll miss it!"

Arie halted briefly, watching the bobbing light, turning her head to the right, her left ear flicking as she tried to recognize the voices. She shook her head lightly, finding herself curious regardless. There should still be guard nearby, after all. She could make a lot of noise. She walked steadily towards the light, still filled with confidence and grace, until she thought they were close enough to hear her clearly without need to speak up. "Miss what, if I may be so bold to ask?" she said, words silk off her tongue.

Wary of unknown voices from unseen beings, Galve still followed the lamp and voice because there wasn't much else he could do other than bumble around aimlessly in the mists until he wandered off the side of a bridge or into a well or something.

Peter grips his sword tight and hurries ahead toward the light, his feet awkwardly shuffling across the ground in an atttempt to avoid tripping whilst catching up to.. whatever that may be. Dangerous criminals, attacking in the thick of the fog? Lost children to be saved? Clearly, a knight was needed, and his armor clanked as he was drawn closer to the light.

If the voice answers, it is impossible to hear over a sudden cheer that fills the air! Suddenly the mist is gone and the three beings find themselves at the edge of a crowd in Saints' Square! Bright sunlight pours down from above onto the crowd of. . . skunks?

Indeed, the square is an ocean of black and white stripes and a small stage has been set up between the great statues of the Creators where a large skunk being in royal finery is waving to the people and trying to calm them so he can speak.

Something about the square seems. . . off. . . aside from its sudden appearance. Something FEELS strange too, though it is not immediately evident.

Arie squinted hard, raising her left hand to shield her eyes, pulling her shoulders in for a moment as she adjusted to the sudden light. She took stock of what was around her, exhaling slowly as her mind tried to absorb the sudden change in her surroundings. She didn't move yet, eyes just wandering slowly, cautious in comparison to the rest of her relaxed, but well composed body language, and waited for the skunk in his finery to speak. She narrowed her eyes slightly, mind filling with a sudden thought.

Blinking as his eyes adjusted themselves to the light, Galve was again confused by the sea of black and white milling in front of him. He recognized Saint's Square and the statues, but no beings other than skunks seemed to be around him. He looked in his immediate vicinity and noticed the two on either side of him. Keeping his voice down, he mustered up enough courage to ask the armored skunk 'Umm... what's going on?' in a hushed voice, barely loud enough to be heard.

Peter jolted upright, pulling his blade partially out before realizing that there is no danger readily apparent, letting it settle back ino it's sheath as his eyes scan over the crowd of.. skunks. And.. no mist? "Is.. is this some kinda.. skunk festival'r somethin'?" he murmurs, head swivelling around to take in the sights of the suddenly lit square. He tilts his head down to the fluffy skunk beside him, scratching his chin. "I dunno. Guess he's gonna tell us!"

"My people!" calls the well dressed skunk on the stage, "My brothers and sisters! I welcome you to our annual celebration of the founding of Mephiton!" The crowd erupts once more into loud cheers. "It has been 479 years since our great Creators, in their wisdom sent us here to our own world of Mephestia and 400 years since the founding of our great city!" More cheering, ensues. When it finally dies down a bit, the leader of this demonstration raises his hands again for quiet. "Now, let us all take a moment and thank the Creators for making us in their image and giving us this peaceful world!"

That's when it finally hits home. The statues of the Creators are all different! Each of them, instead of having the distinctive strange appearance of Creators, bears the head of a skunk! What is going on here?

Arie shook her head, smiling softly. Her initial thought was so far off she felt a fool for even considering it. Something was definitely strange about this though. She took a deep, but quiet breath before tilting her foot to the side slightly, and falling towards the fluffier skunk, letting out a pained gasp and grabbing his should to catch her fall. She bent the leg towards that sunk in mock pain, inhaling sharply through her teeth. She filled her voice with as much mock pain as she could too, "S-sorry." she spit out, biting back whatever she was about to say next. "I think it's a sprain."

Now the weirdness had began to set in. Galve realized that something was amiss when he saw the heads of the statues, the same statues he'd been walking past for several weeks on his way to his priestly training. Putting a hand to his chin and rubbing thoughtfully, he was suprised when the female skunk next to him suddenly tripped and fell on him. Doing his best to catch the female mephit, he was forced to bump into the armored skunk next to him. "It's fine. A sprain?" He asked, concerned. He only had his basic medical supplies with him, in a pouch on his belt.