Tunnel of Sand - RPLOG
It is dark, here in the deep quarry. Well, dim, at least. The glow of crystals and strange mushrooms keeps the place in a kind of multi-hued twilight. "No one is coming, Marcus," a small figure says to another, "I don't know why you never want to just do these things yourself."
"David!" comes another voice, "You always say that! And there are always Freeswords willing to risk life and limb on an adventure like this! You are such a stick in the mud!"
Elizabeth heard the last bits of the conservation as she closed in on the meeting point, fully geared, but without her canine companion. The shark coughs audibly as to announce her presence, before raising a hand in greeting. "I like my life and limbs, but I am willing to give a hand. Er, not literally. But yes. Here I am and I am sure others will come to. What exactly is the issue you are having? The posting was rather vague."
Ssen shows up not long after the Shark arrives, the flutter of wings and the soft breeze of rudimentary air magic heralding the moth's presense to the group as her mostly black appearance wasn't terrinly visible in the darknwss and she'd neglected to bring a torch. It seems very much like this was a large oversight as in the dim light her sign langiage wasn't the most effective form of comminicating her status as a friend, not a foe. The small beimg has her arms raised above her head in a easy to understand signal of good intentions
Zuri strolls up to the two beings, a small salamander clad in traveling leathers and sporting rather obvious armament: Two ornate swords at the belt, and a bow slung 'round the back. "Yea, have no fear, we are here!" He says chirpily, before looking at each of the other beings here, nodding at Elizabeth and Peter in particular. "Hi again!"
Peter stomps around the darkness of the deep quarry, the smack of boot against stone and clang of armor marking the approach of the young warrior. "This place makes me think of mushrooms," he notes, arriving shortly after the others to the meeting point. "Hey! I remember you!" he says, reaching out to pat the small salamander. Noting the lack of light, he draws his sword, the blade lighting up with fire mathemagic while it moves. Though, it stops when it goes out, so he begins to vigorously shake his sword in the air, illuminating the meeting.
"Ah HA!" says one of the two figures, stepping into the light of a little fire and revealing him to be one of two sparrows, "See? I told you, David. Plenty of brave souls out there! Welcome! Welcome to you all!" Both sparrows draw back as Peter draws his sword, though they both relax when it becomes apparent what he is doing.
"No need for that," the second sparrow, probably David, says, "If you need some more light. . ." he hurries off and soon returns with a little jar covered in thin, white paper that illuminates the area a little better.
The first Sparrow, Marcus, most likely, seems overjoyed to have so many people answer his call. "I am sorry for being so vague in our posting," he says, "But it is a bad idea to advertise lost treasures too openly!" He takes the lamp from his friend and leads the group a short distance to a dark, apparently abandoned mineshaft. "Behold!" he says dramatically, "The lost mine of Darr Ironsoul!" He looks at the group expectantly.
Elizabeth smiles at Zuri and Peter. "Oh yeah, we met the other day, did not know you are adventurous folks!" After the sparrows spoke, the shark squints into the darkness of the mine they announced, then shifts her eyes. "Okaaaaaaay. What about it? A treasure is in there? Whats keeping you from going there and grabbing it?"
Ssen looks around at the assembled group only briefly until the sword is produced, her eyes trail it's journey back and forth listlessly for a good 20 seconds befoee she draws up enough willpower to draw her eyes away. By this time the sparrows have launched into their little routine and her eyes follow the gesturing to the supposedly amazing mine. She blinks at it vacantly, head slowly tilting with a clear misunderstanding of how amazingly tremendously great this hole in the ground was. She perks up to the shark and signs a simple -I would like to second that question- out to the middle of the group.
Zuri giggles as Peter pats his head. "Yea! We fought the weird flesh monster with the knack for bones. It was fun! Kinda.." He smiles at Elizabeth and nods at her, before turning his attention to Marcus. He listens through the explanation. ".. who?" He ask as Darr Ironsoul is mentioned. He glances at his companions, trying to check if they react any differently than he does.
"Like from the orphanage?" Peter asks, raising an eyebrow. "They been around long enough to make /and/ lose a mine /this/ deep? Huh!" he says, with an accepting shrug. He eventually tires of shaking his sword and lowers it to his side, taking his shield on his other arm and practicing his fighting postures. "I want some treasure." He seems to have lost sight of the 'Darr' issue, looking to Zuri in shrugging.
The two sparrows stand there in silence for a second, then the second, David, snorts. "I told you Marcus, no one has ever heard of this guy!" he says, "Let's just call this a bust and pay the nice beings for coming out here."
Marcus whirls on his companion. "No way!" he says, "Not after I went through the trouble of reading through that old journal and finding this place." He turns back to the freeswords. "Some kind of great uncle or something to lady Kilsa Ironsoul," he explains, "He's. . . uh. . . legendary? In certain circles, I mean." The sparrow points dramatically at the cave again. "Darr Ironsoul supposedly found a great treasure here," he explains, "But he went mad and holed up with all of his treasure down in the deepest parts of the mine he dug. The old badger set up all sorts of traps and things to protect himself from all those as might try to steal his treasure." He points at himself and his companion. "Now, me and David, here, aren't exactly the adventuring types. More like, treasure discoverers than treasure hunters. But that is where all of you come in!"
rubs her chin for a moment. "Traps, eh?" She eyes the party of beings that assembled. "I am sure we can handle it." She puts on a confident smile. "Anything else you expect down there? Animals and such? And is it just one path, or are there forks, if yes, do you have directions from that journal of yours?"
Ssen takes a couple of steps back to check her gear, slightly worried that her boomerangs may be rather less useful in cramped environs. Still, once all her straps are done up and her buckles fastened, securing her brown leather to her safely she steps back up and signs once more, hoping she's understood. -are any of us paticularly good at seeing in the dark?-