All Hallows Part 1 - RPLOG

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It is a relatively cool day in the Sweetwater countryside, and a fine mist rises from the river, obscuring the horizon and clinging to clothing. A small gathering of what must be local farmers is clumped around the door of a large barn whispering and muttering to one another in the foggy, mid day twilight.

Millicent doesn't terribly mind the misty air as she makes her way along in her typical casual outfit. The hood on the bright yellow coat is drawn up for the weather, while her hands are tucked in its pockets. "What's the problem?" She asks the group of farmers as she approaches.

Zuri arrives shortly after, the energetic little salamander bounding up towards the gathering. He takes a big bite out of the peach he's currently snacking on and offers everone a big, bright, peach-juice-drippingly wide smile.

Rokarion is clad in his usual heavy cloak as he arrives towards the appointed location. The plant being steps forward towards the group of gathered farmers, eyeing the barn's entrance, "You asked for help, fellow beings? May I ask what is it you need?" the young being vocalizes.

"Ha!" shouts one of the farmers, a burly hedgehog in a green vest, "Told ya they'd come! Always a couple of Freeswords as get curious 'bout a proper post!" The other farmers scoff and roll eyes at the hedgehog. "Don't you mind that lot," he says with a grin, "See, I'm thinkin' that you lot are 'zactly what we need!" He waves at the trio to follow him up to the door of the barn and swings it open wide, revealing a large, darkened and mostly empty space. "See," he starts, "We were thinkin' since Halloween is comin' an' all, that we ought to make a good scare house for the kiddies, right? With ghosts and monsters and such. 'Course, none of us has ever seed somethin' like that, so we'd just be makin' it all up out of our heads, right? But I figure, why not get some boney fido Freeswords in here to help us make the thing right scary, eh? What do you think of that?" The stocky farmer beams at the Freeswords. "Course, we don't ask you to do it fer nothin!" he says, "We ain't got much, but we'll feed you a good supper and send you home with a fine wild berry pie each!"

"Sounds like a good trade to me," Millicent says with a nod, pulling her hands out of her pocket and stretching out her arms. "So what do you want us to do? I'm not super good at making stuff, except out of wood and paper. Oooh, but I know of some scary things, certainly! Like those things from out near Mossy Stone. Those are plenty frightening." To her at least.

Zuri pauses mid-chew, the little 'mander looking between the empty barn, then the farmer, then the barn, then the farmer again. He swallows and grins wide. "I'd say you had me at berry pie, but that was the last thing you said so it wouldn't be saying much. I'm in!" He hops forward a few steps, looking up at the barn. "Oooh, there's so much scary spooky stuff you could put in here! Big monsters! The nasty evil spirit-things from the Vault. That giant crocodile-beast we fought in the swamp that one time." He blinks and turns around to face the group. "Or.. hm... what other ideas do you have?"

Rokarion rubs his chin as he hears the offer before shrugging, "Might as well." Looks like Roka's bestiary won't get any new entries today, but at least it can still be used, "I don't think i have any ideas, Zuri." the plant being said with a smile before looking back at the hedgehog, "So what materials are you offering, and what exactly do you want us to make?"

"I knew you'd be perfect for this!" the Hedgehog beams, "We got all kinds of stuff, and wood and paper are our specialty here! You just give us some help with makin' things look right, and we'll do the building." He waves over the other farmers, laden with tools and materials.

"Thought we might try to start by makin' some costumes to dress folks up like them shamblers at the old Stone," a lanky canine says, holding up some tattered clothes and what must be some kind of moss, "Or we could just make some dummies for spacin' around. Old Clyde there found a pile of animal bones we can use too!" Another farmer, this one a hulking bull raises a tentative hand. "I got some old drums and barrels and a stack of crates we can use to set up a maze er somethin' too if you folks wanna set up some scary scenes."

Millicent ponders for a moment before nodding, tugging her hood back. "Do both! There's never just -some- shambling things. There are a bunch. So some costuming would work by itself, but if you make up some props, too, it'd go even better. Could set them up in the maze, even. Literal dead-end turns!" She suggests with a grin.

Zuri bounds back to Rokarion's side, glancing up at him. "Scary maze with skeletons. How can we add to that?" He wiggles his snout. "Maybe the maze needs something in the middle that's even spookier! Or.. or.. maybe it needs a bigger, scarier big evil monster that wanders the maze! Or.. or.. hm..." He wiggles his snout, looking thoughtful."

Rokarion rubs his chin, "Well if we are going by the maze idea then maybe we can get some of the farmers to also dress up and scare the children. Hmmm, maybe one of the bigger beings can dress up in something scarier. How about.....", the plant being says as he opens his sketchbook and begins flicking through it, "Something like an elemental, or maybe just an undead skirth, you know both silly and not too scary for the children. We don't want to give them too much nightmares."

Bazalt Runs towards teh group, panting and Frowning "WAAAIIIIITTT~" the poor wolf screams as he runs towards them, Then just As he arrives he trips on a rock ro sothing adn just tumbles head-over-heels towards them, Grunting and mumbling as he does so.

The Hedgehog bursts out laughing. "The point is to scare 'em silly!" he chortles, "Our kids've been giving us lip over how boring stuff is for months now. Way I see it, it's about time they got a good shakin'!" The other farmers all seem to be in agreement and they grin and nod, showing off their various materials for consideration. The big bull leans over Rokarion's drawing and nods. "Yeah," he says, "Those are pretty good, the Skrith, I mean, but it looks awful hard to make with all them legs. Got anything more being-shaped?" Meanwhile, the canine farmer has joined Millicent, along with a couple of his cronies, and is trying to pick out the best clothes and things for dummies and costumes. Whoever Clyde is, he really did do a good job. There is a large and varied collection of old, dry bones to choose from. Looks like they must be from slaughtered livestock.

Millicent looks over the supplies, nodding along. "Think of it like building scarecrows. Skulls can be used as the heads, of course, but for the living representations, you can even use them as masks sometimes! Or put one ontop of your head like a hat, and wear a scarf. If it's dark, they probably won't see the face under the skull-hat," she suggests, nodding. "The moss is a good touch, too! Maybe some paints or something to colour fur?"