The Night of the Storm - Part 2 - RPLOG

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Zuri's attempt at a hasty escape is stopped as the platypus guard grabbed the salamander's leg before he flew away, "Son, I asked a question, what is your name, and why are you delivering parcels so late after curfew? I would like to inspect that parcel for any illegals." he says in a gruff tone.

Meanwhile on the ship the captain glares at Aruc, "You did WHAT?!" she screams as the being darts away to go and fix up the being he stabbed, but it turns out that rushing down a wet gangplank in the middle of a storm is a bad idea as Aruc soon discovers when he falls off the gangplank into the sea.

The captain shakes her head and looks back at Reginald and Sven, "I said drop your weapon. All of you will be reported to the watch for this."

The two other guards standing near the captain keep their weapons trained on the group.

Zuri looks at the guard, hanging in mid-air briefly, and flailing awkwardly as he comes back down to onto the ground where he arrives with a thud. "Ow!" The pegasus exclaims with a brief instinctual snurt following it. He looks up at the being holding his leg. "Hey, what was that for?" He glances to the other guardsbeing, a fox, and back to the platypus. "I'm just here to deliver a parcel, sir, and I've been trying to deliver it for hours! I'm from Sweetwater, I didn't even know there was a curfew over here!"

Reginald doesn't flinch, keeping his musket trained on the captain's head. send f I do that, one of two things will happen.square He pauses for a moment. selling ither you'll shoot us, or you will turn us over to be put behind bars. BOTH may solve your problem for now, but whoever sent us will no doubt send more, and you may not be so lucky next time.square

The speech is punctuated by the sound of a splash, as Aruc falls into the water. sen owever, there is aInfanymore The lynx is cut short by another thunderclap, before continuing, his voice but a whimper and barely audible compared to the gale blowing overhead. sen OWEVER, there is another option. We could lead you to our employer and you could end this here and now, though that will mean drawing a line and starting afresh.square Reginald keeps his weapon trained, his only bargaining chip.

Cedric keeps his arms raised, hands spread to show that he's not reaching for any weapons, now with his musket-nicked foot planted on the ship's deck. The shin is grazed pretty good, still dribbling blood onto the rainsoaked deck. But it seems stable enough, he'll live. "Look, fellas... we got some bad intel. We was informed this ship was stolen, and we was thinkin' yer crew were the pirates. The fox what charged us with the task was a real shady fella himself, but surely if he sent us to steal yer boat for him under false pretenses, we've got a common enemy, aye?" the ferret kitsune tries to reason with the guards. Probably not successfully, but hey, anything is worth a shot. "Just do as the nice being says, there, Reggie. Drop the weapon. We don't mean 'em any more harm..."

The watchbeing squints at Zuri, "I am not sure what kind of joke are you playing, son. But again you might correct, Firmament does not have any curfew on the docks, that is why you have all of those ebon dens." he says with a scowl, "So if you are a certified cross-country courier you must have your papers, please show them."

The captain raises a brow at Reginald, "Or you drop your weapons, you get arrested by the watch and they check out if your story is true. I don't care about anything else. You are just making this worse for yourself, kid."

Zuri huffs as he stands back up, wings fluttering indignantly. "Yea, yea, Sweetwater barbarians and whatnot. I've been hearing that one all day.." He opens his satchel and reaches inside, shuffling inside as he looks for the documents that don't exist. "There we go!" He says. He extracts a few pieces of paper, filled with nothing but scrawlings and scribbles, and hands them to the guardsbeing. "That's my temporary permit, sir." He says. The moment the guardsbeing reaches for it he will seek to tumble away, sprint, and take flight again.

Reginald sees that the otter doesn't seem to respond well to threats, so throws his weapon to the ground, resigned. "Fine, if that's your choice ... but good luck catching the one who hired us. When we don't show up, he will no doubt disappear until the day he sends more people after this ship. You're on a timer - involve the guards and that fox gets away ... but it's your choice." Disappointment fills his last statement, before the lynx drops to his knees and places his hands on his head, eyes fixed on the deck just below and in front of him. He's quite the pathetic sight, drenched to the bone and submissive, with water streaming off of him.

Cedric is still standing there with his arms up in surrender. "There's no need to involve the guard on this. We weren't intending to kill or main no one." For all he knows, since he didn't really have a good view of either of the stabbings. "I'm sure we can find a peaceful resolution that satisfies all parties, yes? We are soulless with some decent connections..." he says, trying to weasel (or ferret) his way out of a jail cell. "Could make it worth yer while to help us get revenge on our shady informant..."

The captain sneers at the group as Reginald puts down his weapons and Cedric throws his own proposition, "So first you attempt to intimidate me, and now you beg? Drill this in your brains, as far as I know you all are just lying. Go tell the watch your story. I don't want to get involved with you or your informant. Alfonoso, go and get a watchmen." With that the guard with a saber walks down the gangplank. Not a couple of moments later one of the guards thrown into the ocean comes up the gangplank, "Captain, they stabbed Edgar. Collin is currently checking his wounds." he says in a breathless tone. The captain nods her head, "That work,s now go and get me some rope, we need to tie them down until the watch arrives."

The platypus looks down on Zuri, taking the papers from him and begins to read them just as the mander prepares to escape. The fox being attempts to jump and capture Zuri, but the pegamander is too fast and he tumbles out of her reach. The two guards quickly attempt to follow the salamander as he begins to take off, "Stop right there!"

Zuri runs for it, as quickly as he can, towards the nearby pier. He leaps off, unafraid, wings unfurling to pick up some air, and then flapping to gain altitude.

Well, there's apparently not much that the kitsune can say to reason with the thickheaded captain, so he might as well go all out here. "Well, if you don't know the dif'rence 'tween beggin' and bribin', that's all on ye, lil' lass." He shrugs helplessly, still keeping his hands up. "Wouldn't expect one o' yer kind t'receive a proper education, I s'pose."

    The kitsune whistles humming to himself as he awaits the bondage of the not-so-fun variety. His humming is rather off key and hopefully distracting to the guards as he attempts to trace patterns with his raised fingers, focusing on the kitsune prank math on the the good captain. This is probably going to be hilarious, or get someone killed!

Zuri takes off, the the platypus looking back at the fox and sending her in the what one would assume is the guardhouse as he rushes after the pegasus. The platypus stands at the very edge of the platform eyeing the slowly disappearing salamader, "You will get here this instance if you know what is good for you, kid!" he screams from the top of his lungs.

Meanwhile at the ship, Cedric's trick works, no one even noticing him. The captain's eyes widen as she starts seeing colourful spots in her vision, shivering a bit, "Curses!" she says as he fires one of her pistols at random. Unluckily for the not-Cedric that shot goes directly towards him, however he luckily dodges out of the way. The guard holding the musket keeps his weapon leveled at Reginald while the other one quickly rushes towards the rope near the ship's mast. Apparently they have not realized that their captain was being 'pranked'.

Zuri looks back at the guard briefly, offering him an apologetic look. Sadly the pegasus can't afford to get dragged away from the others to go explain himself in some guardhouse, so he continues flying, picking up altitude and distance until he's certain the platypus has lost sight of him. He starts to take a wide circle around the harbor, such that he will approach the ship they were assaulting from the other side after he returns.

Reginald continues to stare at the deck, motionless.

Cedric yelps as he narrowly avoids the shot, That was a little close for comfort, but maybe it works to his advantage. "Hey!" he shouts, mustering up any false incredulity he can manage into his tone. "A captain ain't 'posta execute surrendering prisoners!" he says. Not-Cedric fights the urge to snicker to himself. Chiding himself for enjoying this hot mess so much. It's just the sort of excitement he's fond of. It occurs to him that this might be a good opportunity to make a last stand, so he attempts to take advantage of the situation by attacking the guard closest to him with his martial arts strikes, his untimate goal being an over-the-shoulder throw that knocks them out.

Zuri manages to lose the platypus and circle around the ship from the other side. There is looks at the continued battle in the ship. In the distance he could notice torches and lamps of a group of beings, looks like the watch are getting close now.

Cedric stands him, ignoring his injures, and attempts to rush the guard behind him. The guard with the musket changes his aim from Reginald to Richard, and fires, but his shot misses the rushing ferret. Cedric manages to hit the guard square in his chest, sending him sprawling on the ground. "Support!" screams the guard as he drops his musket and takes out his sword, no time to reload in this storm. Another thunderstrike and the captain growls, her eyesight still fuzzy and all the noises sounding strange, she fires her other pistol, but sadly this time it hits the sprawled guard in the foot, causing him to scream, "Captain, I am hit." he says as he holds his foot.

Zuri peers down at the beings in the ship, and glances over at the encroaching guard in the distance. He nibbles on his lip, considering his options. As the fight begins in the topdeck he makes up his mind, gliding close and landing on one of the yards for the main mast. He focuses on the fight below and channels a protective spell at his friends. It will be obvious that they are recieving Divine Math help from someone nearby, but he can't just sit there and watch them get hurt. He focuses on empowering the ferret, and hopes the spell will shield the other friendly beings as well.

Reginald , seeing an opening, kicks out at the gangplank with the intent of setting it free of the ship and preventing the other guards from joining them, before lunging for his discarded musket that lies on the ground mere feet away. He shoulders the weapon before bringing it to bear on the remaining armed guard on deck. The shot barely registers audibly against the backdrop of the storm.

Richard, who is definitely not Cedric, ponders his next move, though he lacks ample time to come up with any real solid plans. He'll rush towards the pranked captain, in hopes of bringing her down and disarming her... and failing that, at least getting the otter's line of fire away from any of the others participating in this fiasco of a mission! It's a mustelid-on-mustelid fight!

A thunder strike and the captain remains a bit drowsy, swinging around and almost hits the puma who tries to stand aside in the confusion, however unluckily for him he moves back onto a barrel, the slippery deck and the winding sending him into the ocean.

Zuri's spell goes without a hitch, covering both of his allies in a layer of stone as the downpour of water covers them as well. The two beings, will feel quite better, NotCedric will be glad to feel that the wound on his shin no longer pained him, now feeling more like a sting.

Reginald manages to standup and dodge the guard's attempt to keep him down. However his attempt to push the gangplank is stopped as one of the ship's guards was already trying to climb up, however the lynx did manage to let the guard focus more on his balance that getting up.

Richard manages to rush the unsuspecting captain as he attempts to recover, the ferret tackling her and with a vicious strike sending her unconscious.

The sounds of shouting and the lights of lamps can now be heard and seen a bit by the group. "Braevales City Watch. Surrender and you will be treated fairly!" A gruff voice shouts over the sound of thunder.

Zuri being the only one standing on a high vantage point could see exactly what was happening on the harbor, about four watchbeings were rushing onto the platform to the ship's gangplank. Five other watchbeings were standing on the harbor still, two of them clad in a different attire, this being Cliffside one could probably guess what that meant.

Zuri snorts in a very equine fashion as he sees the large patrol arrive. The pegasus wasn't expecting them to be this quick at responding... All he can do is continue to support his friends, and the presence of the two differently-dressed guardsbeings indicates that just got a lot more difficult. He holds onto the mast and unfurls his wings, letting his dedicant form attune itself to the storm around him. Gently, he starts to nudge it, shaping it ever so slightly to impair the beings in the pier, and then slam into them with a powerful gust.

Reginald struggles against the guard, unwilling to give up. He shouts out to Cedric " ... get ... get the gangplank ... " before kicking out with his legs, trying to dislodge the unwanted opponent.

Reginald gets tackled by the last standing ship guard, a water beaver. The two beings start trading blow for blow, but the older, more experienced being quickly drives the lynx's head onto the deck's floor and places his saber on his neck, shooting death glares at Cedric, "Get off the captain and drop on your knees or the kid gets it." However at the last possible minute, the lynx manages to hit the beaver and go back to wrestling him.

Cedric hears the suggestion from Reginald, watching the struggle. He's about to give in to the beaver for the lynx's safety... but once Reginald regains the upper hand in the fight he decides to leave it to him. He gives him a quick thumbs-up as he makes his way to the gangplank where he'll try with all his strength to pry off the gangplank from the ship and hopefully leave the incoming guards with no way up.

Aruc breaks the surface of the water to survey the disaster unfolding before him. He mutters to himself "Dammed fox... Dammed watch... This plan is a bust, I need an escape plan..." He then attempts to signal his flying comrade in for assistance.

Reginald tries to make his way over to the side of the ship opposite the gangplank, still grappling with the ship guard. Preferably, he would like to be able to throw his opponent into the drink. However, as he struggles to catch his breath, he knows that may be wishful thinking, and is resigned to taking the beaver with him for a swim ...

Zuri's attempt at using air magic to slow down the guard does not seem to slow them down any better than the storm itself.

Cedric's attempt to remove the gangplank was aided with the slippery deck and storm, the notbadger managing to throw the gangplank onto the water, blocking access of the city watch, but not before the last of the ship guards jumping onto the deck.

Reginald attempts to push the beaver into the ocean with him, made easier with the wet floor, is successful as both beings are sent tumbling off deck and into the water. Now only Richard is left on the unstable ship, the winds making it shiver like an street urchin in Thera'Dor during winter, but the ship remained in port, after all it was not the gangplank that held it in place, it is the anchor.

Right now nothing was being done, the guards were still looking around, one of them jumping into the water after Reginald, while the sergeant and his retinue just observed the scene.

Zuri huffs tiredly, opening his eyes again to survey his surroundings. The pegasus' wings furl up again as he clings onto the mast. He bites his lip. Three of his friends are in the drink now, and only one remains actually on the ship. Ship isn't going to move unless the anchor is hoisted or broken loose. Worst of all, he can't see where the anchor actually is, or its winch.

He simply watches from his perch for the best opportunity, the pegasus wishing with all he has that this turns out okay.

Reginald tries to free himself from the beaver and make a break for it. Despite his hydrophobia, he is no stranger to swimming, and is about average at it for a lynx, in part thanks to his time in the militia. He breaks the surface and heads down, doing his best to try and evade his opponent and the city guard who has joined them. Hopefully the stormy water would make disappearing easier ...

Cedric finishes pushing the gangplank off and looks around for his next task. "Sven?" he says, looking around. It seems he's lost track of his captain again. Well. He'll be fine, but where did the lynx go, he wonders to himself... well, hopefully they can get themselves out of harm's way, because there's very little he can do to help now. It's time to dive overboard and escape in the water. But first... perhaps he can locate the anchor winch and raise it... you know... as a joke on the unconscious crew of the ship. Payback for their unwillingness to listen to reason. Hopefully it's in a similar location as that of the Aurora.

Aruc is smart enough to know when a fight is lost, and this is a lost fight is he ever did see one. He begins to swim as far downt he docks away from the boat as possible Attempting to flee the area.


Hope is nice, really nice, but it does nothing for the poor pegamander. At least the storm seems to be dying down.

Cedric finds it hard to traverse the dark, slippery, ship deck and those sounds from all around him sure don't help.

Reginald attempts to fight the two beings off but with a couple of knocks he is surronded as the two guards begin to haul him off up to the harbor, "Don't try anything kid, you are only making it worse for yourself." However, the beaver noticed Aruc trying to slip away, "Oi! Another one." he shouts as he begins to go after Aruc, letting the watchbeing handle Reginald.

Zuri gulps. With the storm dying down, and all the guardsbeings swarming around, and his friends routed, it's time cut his losses. The pegasus detaches from the mast and flies straight up along it and into the night sky, hopefully unseen, and hopefully to go very, very, very far from here.

Reginald looks up at his captor, the fight now knocked out of him. He lies on his back, completely exhausted, before, to the surprise of the watchbeing, letting out a quiet laugh at the situation, then lowering his head.

Yeah, that's enough messing around for now, Cedric says. It would be nice to find some kind of ace up the sleeve to salvage this situation, but there doesn't seem to be anything to be done. So he'll abandon his earch for the winch and make his escape with a dive into the water.

Aruc decides to take advantage of the water breathing and swims along the bottom of the water, In order to throw off pursuit.

The storm turns into heavy rain as the mission ends in complete failure. Cedric manages to link up with Sven as they escape together in one direction, Aruc in the other, and finally Zuri into the night sky, the pegamander being the last person to see the young lynx get arrested by the city watch.

Reginald is cuffed and taken into custody by the watch, while the rest of the watchbeings begin boarding the ship to help and treat the wounded sailors. Reginald himself is told to remain silent, his questioning will only start in the City Watch's building. The young lynx will have a long night in front of him. One could only imagine what will happen tomorrow, certainly a lot of rumors and scandals at least.