Of Thieves and Tails - part 5 - Grand Theft Maneback - RPLOG

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A soft rumble sounds, as a feline rests herself against a tree somewhat away from the farm. Right now, it's broad daylight, and she's simply waiting for her newest protege, an adaptable-folk salamander. Still dressed in that same black leather, she's not particularly recognizable as her usual self, but she should stand out to Zuri, in any case...

Said salamander, a short-statured and jovial looking being, approaches slowly as he crests over a nearby hill and walks down towards the area where he was told to go. He spots Katrina and corrects his course to head towards her directly. He's clad in a fairly standard-looking garb today, simple canvas trousers and a shirt, the kind your average country bumpkin being would wear. Nothing like hiding in plain sight. He smiles at Katrina as he makes his final approach and stops near her and gives her a curt nod in greeting.

A smile, a tailflick, and a soft rumble as Katrina gestures to a small casket besides her left paw, propped up against the tree. "Your new equipment. You will need it. Today," the she-cat rumbles with a faint smile, a flick of her ears.

Zuri walks over to the contained and kneels by it. He peers up at the feline with a smile. "I brought my own gear you know? A good thief always is always prepared!" Still, he opens it and peers inside, smiling brightly as he sees the contents. "Then again... never hurts to have extra, huh?" He reaches in to retrieve the objects inside, inspecting them one by one.

"A Sanguine Claw," the cat notes as Zuri pulls out the first item, a dagger, meant for the dominant hand. "Careful. It contains a reservoir that is currently filled with quick-working venom, the she-cat rumbles, before pulling out a similar dagger from her coat, and pressing the gem in its pommel, following which a small compartiment opens. "To refill with a poison of your choice. Keep in mind that opening the reservoir also drains the blade's contents, as you can see," she rumbles, before gesturing at the slow stream of liquid that pours from the tip. "Yours contains venom, please do not open it... This is water, for demonstrating."

Zuri nods, keeping his eyes on the dagger in his hand, and giving it an experimental twirl to check its balance. "Very nice... similar to mine, but much more sophisticated, and the venom is a nice touch indeed." He smiles up at the feline. "Hopefully won't be necessary, but it pays to be prepared!" He looks down and reaches in to grab another item.

"The accompanying Finger. A swordbreaker, as you can see. No venom, as it is a defensive weapon," the cat notes. "Meant for the off-hand, to aid in the usage of the Claw," she simply continues, before gesturing at the casket. "One more item, which you did not ask for. A Needle."

Zuri nods. He's familiar with the concept of parry-blades and swordbreakers, tho he hasn't used one in a long itme. He gives it a quick twirl, smiling as he finds it to be just as well-balaced and expertly crafted as its companion. He looks up at Katrina and nods. "A Needle?" He looks down and retrieves the third object.

"A Sanguine Needle. Yours, of course, is a basic model. Should you desire any modifications, you may feel free to write a request and leave it in the usual place," the cat notes, before gesturing at the device strapped under her own forearm, before pointing the arm to a far-away three. A short, familiar whizzing sound, and everything goes quiet again.... Other than a soft *thunk* from the further tree.

Zuri blinks after watching the demonstration, and looks back down at the device. He straps it to his arm, mimicking how Katrina is wearing hers, and nods. "I see! This is how you did it the first day we met then. That's really clever!" He stands back up, tucking each dagger into his belt and turning to face the feline. "Thank you! I'll put them to good use, I promise." He smiles. "So, did you call me here for just presents, or is there another job in the works?"

"A job, yes," the she-cat rumbles, gesturing at the nearby farmyard, then the farm-building. "The being that lives here owes the family money. You are going to make sure we recieve it," she explains, her ears flicking softly, her tail swaying behind her slowly as she watches the salamander with a smile on her lips.

Zuri smiles brightly. "A simple go-in-and-grab-the-loot huh? Yea I can do that." He peers over at the farmhouse. "Mm.... figure they keep their goods in the top floor if anything, bedroom perhaps? Do we have an idea if they have a vault in there or a safe of some kind?"

"That is not your job for today. If we send you to take the money, we have to send you to take the money every month, and eventually, you'll be caught. No, we're sending you to send a message," the she-cat rumbles, before gesturing at the building again. "The farmer has two manebacks, one male, one female, each one very dear to him," the cat notes with an almost disconcerting coolness, before waiting for Zuri to finish the train of thought.

Zuri blinks, and nods slowly. "So you want to send a message. Hobble them? Kill them maybe? Bit harsh but.. I guess that will get the point across. You'll have to leave a calling card, or otherwise make it obvious that it wasn't just an accident." He wiggles his nose, trying to figure out how this is going to pan out."

"The male, dead. The female, in our custody. A female maneback is still a valuable commodity, should our farmer not get the message," the she-cat continues with a smile, a soft purr, and another flick of her tail. "And this letter, delivered. Complete this assignment, and you are officially a part of the Sanguine Hand."

Zuri nods. "Never stole a live creature before, but there's a first time for everything huh?" He smiles. "Alright, you have yourself a deal!" He reaches over to take the letter and pockets it. "Anything else I should know about the farmhouse or the owner before I set off? I imagine it shouldn't take too long.."

"He's home," the she-cat rumbles with a smirk on her lips, hidden behind the mask, of course...

Zuri giggles. "Well, that just makes it more fun then." He nods and rolls his shoulders, popping a crick on his back. "Well, I'll be back soon then!" The small salamander offers Katrina a bright smile before walking off, back towards the road, then down the path and past the farm. He takes the opportunity to study the location from afar as he walks, noting the farmhouse itself and the barn, and proceeding down the road until he's out of sight. He then divests himself of his travelling clothes and reveals his much more practical outfit underneath, something better suited for the kind of work he's about to do. He approaches the farm again, this time from the cover of foliage, and tries to get close enough to be able to observe the goings-on.