Mystical Mayhem - RPLOG

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Lucretia is waiting on her front porch in the dimming twilight, her various occult crystals and gewgaws dripping from her gauzy, multi-layered dress. It seems that she has dipped herself even deeper in the pool of the occult since the last time the Freeswords visited. "Ah!" she cries, assuming an obviously prepared pose, looking into the sky, "The stars are right! The players are arriving!"

Calisiel arrives, dropping from the sky with the wings and air magic assisted flight. The crow's wearing her usual dress, but without her usual cloak; instead she has a long leather overcoat that formerly belonged to a certain wolfilisk... Staff in hand, she walks the remaining several feet to where Lucretia is staring at the sky. Calisiel remains quiet for now... content to let the occult craziness pass as opposed to interrupting.

Lucasiel shuffles along the streets towards the place in question, helmet tucked under har arm and axe propped on shoulder. "Good evening, miss," she calls out, bobbing her head in greeting as she rattles to a stop. "I heard you needed a few strong arms, hmm?"

Carefully following her instructions to find the Blackback's manor, Shizuko smiles as she spots Lucasiel. She gives the other feline a small wave, then turns to Lucretia and bows her head. "Good evening."

"At last!" Lucretia cries, assuming another dramatic pose, "We are all gathered! Come children, come!" The over dramatic skunk turns and breezes into the warmly lit front hall. She beckons to the three women to follow her. "Now that the stars are aligned," she moans, "So too must our lives follow!" There is a young sparrow in the hall wearing a maid's dress. She rolls her eyes at her mistress's antics and curtseys gracefully to the visitors.

Calisiel glances over at the other two who arrived, shrugs, then follows Lucretia into the front hall, eyes roaming over the room. Nods in the direction of the maid. "Needed us to do... something, right?" Cal taps her beak, having forgotten what she came here for.

Lucasiel lofts a brow at the woman's grand gestures but follows her in all the same. Work is work! "Hello again, miss Shizuko. It's nice to see you!" She says with a smile before nodding at Calisiel as well. "What do yu have for us, miss Lucretia? Or do we have to be in a special room to be told?"

Shizuko tilts her head to the side, her ear flicking at 'children', but her polite and professional smile remains in place. "Hello, miss Lucasiel. It is nice to see you again, too." She follows the group in without further comment, giving the house a curious look as she listens to Luctratia's babbling.

Lucretia shoots a tiny little frown toward what she assumes is Lucasiel's unbelief, but it does not derail her long. "Here!" she cries gesturing grandly at the empty space in her front room where certainly a table once stood, "The great crystal must stand here! The stars demand it!" She builds to a frenzied climax before falling into a swoon on a convenient settee.

"Terribly sorry," the sparrow intervenes when it becomes apparent that Lucretia will not be continuing, "What the lady means to say is that she has purchased a statue of crystal from an artisan in the market and she needs the payment taken there and the statue brought here."

Calisiel taps her beak and just frowns a bit. "Uh, she couldn't just say that?" She says to that there sparrow. "Easy enough, I guess. Bring the money there, the thing back here. Got it. So, where's the payment?" Suppressing her thief-y urges, the crow leans against her staff, shrugs at the other two. Who will likely be more suited to carrying things, in her assessment.

Lucasiel looks down at herself and flicks an ear. "Ahh, I see. So it's just a walk through the city, then? I shouldn't have come in all this armour, then! I expected a trip to a dangerous cave or something," she says with a grin, propping her axe against the wall. "Mind if I leave this here, then? I'll need my hands empty to carry such things."

Smiling, Shizuko nods her head. "Very well. The Freesword's Guild will make sure your task is complete promptly," she replies. "Which artisan are we visiting?" she asks, her tail slowly curling and flicking.

The little sparrow maid bobs another curtsey and passes a note with an address on it to Shizuko. "This is Madam Corvoro's address," she says, "It is a tent on the edge of the market, you really can't miss it." She steps carefully around her swooned mistress to a trio of small boxes. "These three boxes hold Lady Lucretia's payment," she says, "I will accompany you if you would wait for a moment while I tend to my Lady."

"Corvoro?" Calisiel thinks for a minute... doesn't know the name. "Don't know 'em." Takes her staff over to where Lucasiel left her axe; leans it up against the wall. It falls over; she just leaves it there, unconcerned. "I don't mind waiting, no." Having said that, she doesn't exactly wait before moving to pick up one of them boxes, glancing at the swooned skunk as she passes her.

Lucasiel flips her helmet around and settles it on her head, making sure it's set into place before nodding. "I don't mind, either. This seems like it'll be a fairly relaxed assignment. I hope it will remain that way, yes. I prefer my fighting to be outside of city walls."

Shizuko chuckles, glancing at the address and following the directions down towards teh market district. "Well, Freeswords are not always about fighting. Sometimes it is just some muscle here and there when needed, and I do not mind at all - she did say she needed some strong people to help."

The sparrow gently props her mistress up on a pillow and covers her with a thick blanket to keep off the chill of this surprisingly cool evening. Then the maid steps away for a moment, returning with a very sensible cloak. She nods to the three women before stepping to the door and leading the way. "I keep a clean house and a fine kitchen," the little bird says, "But I fear I am useless when it comes to heavy lifting." She looks at the other three carrying their coffers. "And I am glad of the company," she admits, "I would hate to carry money like that anywhere after dark like this."

Calisiel nods at the maid; makes no comment. Takes the box she had picked up over to Shizuko: "You have the address, yeah? I'll follow you then." And follow her she does. "I'm Calisiel; since I don't think we've met." Glances between Lucasiel and Shizuko; name giving successful. Expects theirs; clearly.

"Lucasiel," comes the returned greeting, tucking the box under her left arm to keep her right ready, shoulder she need it. "And yes, well. I don't think anyone will be foolish enough to try to attack us for this money, anyway. At least, I would hope not."

"I am Shizuko," the older snow leopard replies. "It is nice to meet you, Calisiel." She looks over at the maid and smiles, then inclines her head. "Perfectly understandable. Do not worry, we will make sure nothing untoward happens this evening."

It does not take long for the quartet of women to arrive at the market. Though the sun is set, the day is hardly ended at the market place and beings there still hawk their wares. The little sparrow maid leads the way to a rather garish looking tent on the outskirts of the regular market. A gaudily painted sign declares that it belongs to "Madame Corvoro: Past Present and Future!" A rather shabby looking fox is lounging near the entrance, though he seems to have given up on attracting patrons to the tent. He perks up as the women arrive. "Ah!" he cheers, "You must be from Lady Lucretia, am I right? Go right on in!"

Calisiel isn't surprised by the merchants still around; hard to be stolen from when you never leave! And, as she was told to go inside, she goes inside. With the box. The payment box. "Yeah, Lucretia sent us." She says as she heads on into the shabby fox's tent.

Lucasiel studies the hawker for a moment, unseen scrutiny on her face under the helmet. "I see. Yes, we're here from Lucretia," she says, starting towards the tent and tightening her grip on the payment. Something didn't sit quite right with her, but... These were odd folk. They had odd ways, and nothing was quite normal.

Shizuko gives the fox a smile and bows her head. "Mmmhm. There is a... statue that we are to take?" she asks, eyeing the tent and wondering just how large this sculpture is. She gives the others with her a quick smile, and enters the tent.

The fox watches with a grin as the women duck into the tent. He makes no move to follow, just leaning on the sign out front.

Inside, it becomes evident why Lucretia likes this place, and where she copied her decorating from. The inside of the tent is wall to wall shawls and beads with a scattering of bizarre statuary and symbols of Creator Saints, foreign cults and even a spirit or two in the incense filled haze. There, in the center of it all is a figure seated at a small table, draped in a dozen shawls and all sorts of crystal jewelry. "Welcome! Welcome!" comes a breathy voice from beneath, "You are here for the fine crystal, yes?"

Calisiel takes a few moments to glance about the tent; taking in all the decor and such. The crow sets down the box. Figures, it's in the tent, job's half done. "I think? that's what Lucretia wanted, yes?" Scratches the back of her feathered head, shrugs.

Lucasiel tilts her head towards the sparrow maid. "As far as I know, yes. I am sure she could tell you more of the specifics. I just know we're here for -a- crystal," she says with a gentle nod. She sets her own box down, but leaves a heavy, gauntleted hand over it for the moment. "Nice to meet you, by the by."

"We are," Shizuko answers, although her tone is half-distracted as she lets her gaze wander around all of the collected curios and fine crystals and not-so-fine crystals, taking it in. "Oh my. What does all of this do?" she asks.

Madame Corvoro gracefully stands and holds her beringed hands open and out to her sides in a sort of gesture of greeting. "I am a collector of mysteries and a purveyor of mystical artifacts," she says in a breathy voice, "And I draw back the veil to the great beyond!" The shrouded woman waves a graceful hand toward a rather large, and rather ugly crystal pillar that reaches just above waist height. "This is the Shralestan health crystal that the Lady Blackback wished to purchase," she says, "May the stars favor her now that it is hers!"

Calisiel was about to inspect that there health crystal, but... "Riiight... Crystal and all that. I just have one question for you: What's moving around under your table?" Not content with just asking, the crow moves to check under the table; concerned.

And, y'know, echoes... Couple o' candles on the table flair up as Cal gets closer.

Lucasiel raises her brow as Calisiel dips down to look under the table, but pays it no mind. Or at least doesn't seem to. It really is hard to read expressions behind sheets of thick metal. "Health Crystal, hmm? What does it... Do, exactly?" She asks, a hint of genuine curiosity in her voice. "Does it just bring good health to whoever owns it?"

"It is impolite to just look, Calisiel, what if she is... entertaining someone under there?" Shizuko asks quietly, in the Gently Reproachful Mother voice. She looks over at lady Lucretia's maid and smiles, ready to hand over the box whenever the sparrow directs, listening as Lucasiel asks the question foremost in her mind.

The Sparrow maid looks over the crystal with a small frown. "Mistress says that it will improve her aura and help to open her mind to the infinite," she says before groumbling something to herself. It sounds something like, "Woman's mind is so open it fell out, if you ask me!" but no good servant would say such a thing. She nods and points to the pink crystal. "That is what we are here for," she says.

Madame Corvoro hurriedly steps around the table to intercept Calisiel. "Yes!" she breathes in response to the maid's explanation, "Psychic resonances and ley lines!" She seems to simply be gasping out buzz words as she shoos Calisiel away from the table. "There is nothing of interest beneath my seeing table!" she says firmly, "Perhaps you heard a-a wayward spirit!"

Calisiel blinks at Madame Corvoro. "Oh, I specialize in spirits. An aspiring occultist myself, honestly. I might be able to resonate with it; tell you your future." Shoots a look over to Lucasiel and Shizuko... Realizes they're not telepathic; and neither is she. So, the crow takes a few steps away from the table; whispers to them as she passes. 'There's a raven under the table. Didn't look happy. I'm thinking... these ain't the beings we're supposed to meet.'

Calisiel moves away from them again; poses dramatically like Lucretia did, says: "I'm getting something..." Primarily to distract Madame Corvoro.

Lucasiel furrows her brow. Despite her 'profession' she is not always one for... Subtlety. Or dancing around the subject, so she leans forward and wraps a heavy gauntlet on the surface of the table. "So. What's the shtick?" She asks bluntly, unfurling her hand and pointing down to the surface of the table. "I don't have time for games." The other hand remains firmly on the box of payment she had brought.

Shizuko tilts her head to the side, then gives her head a small shake. "I thought this was the time where someone would ask the restless, wandering spirit to give us a sign if... hm. If someone in here were in need of help, or something." She shrugs her shoulders, and rests a hand on her hip.

There is a muffled murmur from under the table, so slight that one might not hear it if they weren't listening closely. "Damn," is all Madam Corvoro says before reching into her sleeve and throwing something to the ground that erupts in billowing smoke. "Artie!" she shouts as the smoke fills the tent, "We're made! Out!"

Calisiel doesn't have time to make a pun off of the terms 'made' and 'out!' Unable to see, the crow attempts attempts some air magic to clear the smoke (By creating a gust of wind from within the tent blowing towards the entrance) while trying not to cough. "Get after the fox outside!" She tells them others with the authority of a crow with absolutely no position of authority.

Lucasiel said she didn't have time for games. Smoke is a game, too, as far as concerned, and the tent is small enough. As soon as the smoke comes, she fully expects 'Corvoro' to take the shortest path towards the door, and the smoke could work in her favour, too! She swings her arm wide and directly in that path, hoping to clothesline anyone that might try to make a hasty escape with her plated arm.

When Madam Corvo throws her 'thing' down at the ground, Shizuko steps towards her and lashes out with a powerful strike, trying to catch the shyster before she has a chance to flee.

Lucasiel's fist connects hard with a fleeing figure that gives a strangled squawk and falls to the floor. Unfortunately, as the smoke thins a bit, thanks to Calisiel's air magic, it seems that she has struck down the little sparrow maid! On the other side of the room, Shizuko has found herself the surprise owner of a bundle of flailing, cursing shawls! The being under the shawls rears back in an attempt to slam its head into Shizuko's nose, but is too bogged down by their disguise to be very effective.

Calisiel squints as neither ally followed her authority-less orders! A derisive shrug, and she flees out the tent, attempts to fly to get a height advantage as she looks for the Shabby Fox.

Hopes the maid is okay... "Eh, she'll be fine..." She says to herself. Quietly.

Lucasiel scowls a little as it seems she got the sparrow. She mutters something under her breath, and upon leaning back to look at the one Shizuko caught, kneels down to help the sparrow up, assuming she's still conscious, or to scoop her up if not. "You get that one?" She asks of the other feline, tail twitching beneath her cape.

Shizuko grunts quietly as her captive tries to headbut her way out, but the heavy clan feline is made of stern stuff. "I have her," she replies, trying to get her arms into a better hold. "Who is under the table?"

The bundled figure slumps in Shizuko's arms and snorts. "Madame Corvoro of course," she mutters sullenly, "The real scam artist herself!" The little sparrow is conscious, though she seems to be bleeding from her mouth just a little. "Creators! What happened!" she cries, still rather panicked. Outside, the fox is long gone. From above, Calisiel can see very few people nearby. An old dog pushing a wheelbarrow, a skinny wolf with a rolled up tent under one arm and a pair of street urchins kicking a ball around are the only beings visible from her vantage point, though he could have ducked into a hiding spot by now.

Calisiel does not see her target. Slightly frustrated, the crow returns to the ground and the tent from whence she came. "Fox's gone." She gestures outside. "Sparrow's alright?" Peers around and such.

Lucasiel reaches up to rub at the side of her helmet. "It's alright, miss. There was a bit of a scuffle, but it is resolved, now." She turns to the side to tug up the tablecloth, reaching under to try to help out the proper owner. "I cannot speak for any manner of scams. I -can- say, however, that what you did is criminal. Impersonating another in such a way? It's harmful to business and reputation at the -least- and tying them up is an assault."

"Mmmm," Shizuko comments. The leopardess ponders for a few moments, maintaining her grip. "Madam Corvo? Are you well?" she asks the bird, tone raised. She waits for the shop's owner to get up and sort herself before she adds, "What would you like us to do to with this one?"

The raven beneath the table is bound tightly, hand and foot and seems more than a little loopy. "Don't bother," the captive bird snorts, still lost beneath her shawls, "She was sampling some of her own wares when I showed up. She should be 'plumbing the infinite' for at least another hour!" Suddenly, the figure twists and slips free of the loose shawls! She wasn't so defeated as she looked! A slight, avian figure is revealed, darting toward the back of the tent!

Calisiel squints as the avian heads for the back of the tent. The crow chases after her; knowing that one of the other two are better suited for this, but, she tries to help at least. Attempts to tackle the fleeing avian.

Lucasiel scowls as the impersonator breaks free, a hand slipping under her cloak. In the event that Calisiel isn't successful in her attempt, she lashes out with her bone whip, trying to ensnare the fleeing one by the leg. She might not be speedy in that armour, but she sure has reach!

Shizuko starts to crouch and lunge after the fleeing bird, but she checks her motion when she sees Calisiel and Lucasiel both going for her. She narrows her eyes and she watches, form tensed.

The fleeing avian avoids Calisiel's tackle, leaving a glossy black feather in her grip. She comes to a momentary halt at the back of the tent to slash at the canvas with a small, but sharp knife. The slippery bird darts out of the hole just as Lucasiel's whip grazes her heel. The bound mystic gives a cry and slumps against Lucasiel, still obviously in distress.

Calisiel has a feather now! Or, another one... Since, she has her own all over her already... The crow stands up from her failed tackle, seeing how Lucasiel seems to have her. "Good job. So... what now?"

Lucasiel sighs as they get away, shaking her head. The whip is coiled and tucked back under her cloak. "Now... We have a job to finish. We need to get the statue thing back towards Lucretia, then we have to go speak to the authorities and alert them. They won't escape for long."

Shizuko scowls as the avian slips off into the night but, true enough, the Freeswords had a job to do. And chasing down con artists wasn't it. She sighs, takes a moment to compose herself, then turns to Madam Corvo. "It is all fine now, miss Corvo. The danger has fled."

Madame Corvoro is still bound hand and foot and is now moaning gently to herself. It seems that she is still not really conscious. The little sparrow maid has stopped her bleeding with a little white handkerchief and starts to gently untie the dazed mystic. "Thank you, Freeswords," she says, "It looks like you saved the small fortune my mistress is intent on throwing away. I will stay with Madam Corvoro. Please, take your payment from the coffer on the table. Part of it is for you. I will get a cart for the crystal."

Calisiel nods and such. "Alright, if you don't want me to help cart it back. I mean, it's still late and you were worried about walking around with wealth." She shrugs and takes her payment. Nods again, at Shizuko and Lucasiel. "Good working with you two." then heads out. Goes back to Lucretia; left her staff there and needs that for stuff.

Lucasiel reaches up to remove her helmet, shaking her hair free for the moment. "I... Will remain. Just to ensure that no further harm befalls this night, hm?" She leans against the table and thumbs her cheek. "I am sure Marianne won't be upset if I am a little later getting back tonight."

Shizuko bows her head. "Of course. I will see to it that you, and lady Lucretia's treasure, make it home safely before I depart." Still, she does collect her share of the payment, then helps load the crystal into the cart when it arrives.

The sparrow looks with relief at Lucasiel and Shizuko. "Thank you," she says, "I am awfully glad for the help." Eventually, the raven woman comes round, complaining of a terrible headache. The sparrow stays long enough to help her secure her payment, get a cup of tea and settle down to bed, then finds a cart to travel home. Lucretia is overjoyed by the crystal. "I can feel it opening my chakras already!" she exclaims as the two warriors heft the thing into her sitting room. All in a night's work for a Freesword!