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"Flora concludes that the church has a vote, but nothing more than that... The church is an advisor then? Or not that, either?" she asks after a moment of contemplation...<br> <br>Anton nods, pleased with the High Lady's questions. "It is rare that there is a tie," he says, "Once the big three have finished arguing and fighting, the rest usually follow their lead." He picks up a sweetcake with his thick fingers and nibbles at it. "But if there is a tie, it is the right of the priests of house Aldermaan to break the tie." He thinks on Flora's second question. "Yes," he says, "We priests are advisors. The Aldermaan House has no holdings, but we are advisors to all of the houses. We are free in all the lands of Thera'Dor and may speak our mind in any hall."<br> <br>Flora smiles and nods faintly, her tails flicking behind her. "So, suppose that Flora were to have to convince the council of something that... Does not involve any of the houses directly, House Aldermann would be Flora's first stop, after which, Flora would have to convince the big three, with House Aldermann's support?" she mumbles after a moment of consideration, tails twitching as she tries to wrap her head around the system... It sounded more... Complicated than any system she's heard of before.<br> <br>The reindeer smiles, "Yes," he agrees, "But we are a vast land populated by a greatly varied people. Simplicity does not suit us." Anton looks thoughtful for a moment, contemplating Flora's conclusions. "House Aldermaan would be a wise place to start," he says, "Since we have the ear of all the other houses, with the possible exception of the Conglomerate." He frowns at the thought of the lowest of the seven High Houses. "Second would be the king's house," he advises, "For several generations now, that has been House Underhill."<br> <br>"How is a new king chosesn when the old one dies? Since... Since sir Anton tells Flora that the king comes from the various houses, it can't be the same system as Sweetwater's, no," she mumbles after a moment, tails twitching. "And Flora... Flora appreciates the advice, yes. In addition, Flora would already have the church to back Flora, making it easier to convince House Aldermann, yes?"<br> <br>Anton sips his drink and nibbles at his cake, organizing his thoughts. "The king is nominated by the houses," he says, "Each house leader may nominate a candidate to be king, though they cannot nominate themselves. Then the council debates and fights over the candidates until they cast their votes, one vote to each house." He dabs at his thick lips with a napkin after setting aside his drink and his cake. "The vote need not be unanimous," he explains, "but after all is said and done, it usually is. Five votes are necessary to carry a candidate to the throne." He looks hard at Flora for a moment. "What exactly are you trying to do?" he asks.<br> <br>"Flora has an idea. It requires the backing of both the church, and all states on Promise to work... And as said, if Flora can convince the church, Shralesta and Sweetwater will almost surely follow," she mumbles, tails flicking behind her, before she leans back in her seat.
"Flora concludes that the church has a vote, but nothing more than that... The church is an advisor then? Or not that, either?" she asks after a moment of contemplation...<br> <br>Anton nods, pleased with the High Lady's questions. "It is rare that there is a tie," he says, "Once the big three have finished arguing and fighting, the rest usually follow their lead." He picks up a sweetcake with his thick fingers and nibbles at it. "But if there is a tie, it is the right of the priests of house Aldermaan to break the tie." He thinks on Flora's second question. "Yes," he says, "We priests are advisors. The Aldermaan House has no holdings, but we are advisors to all of the houses. We are free in all the lands of Thera'Dor and may speak our mind in any hall."<br> <br>Flora smiles and nods faintly, her tails flicking behind her. "So, suppose that Flora were to have to convince the council of something that... Does not involve any of the houses directly, House Aldermann would be Flora's first stop, after which, Flora would have to convince the big three, with House Aldermann's support?" she mumbles after a moment of consideration, tails twitching as she tries to wrap her head around the system... It sounded more... Complicated than any system she's heard of before.<br> <br>The reindeer smiles, "Yes," he agrees, "But we are a vast land populated by a greatly varied people. Simplicity does not suit us." Anton looks thoughtful for a moment, contemplating Flora's conclusions. "House Aldermaan would be a wise place to start," he says, "Since we have the ear of all the other houses, with the possible exception of the Conglomerate." He frowns at the thought of the lowest of the seven High Houses. "Second would be the king's house," he advises, "For several generations now, that has been House Underhill."<br> <br>"How is a new king chosesn when the old one dies? Since... Since sir Anton tells Flora that the king comes from the various houses, it can't be the same system as Sweetwater's, no," she mumbles after a moment, tails twitching. "And Flora... Flora appreciates the advice, yes. In addition, Flora would already have the church to back Flora, making it easier to convince House Aldermann, yes?"<br> <br>Anton sips his drink and nibbles at his cake, organizing his thoughts. "The king is nominated by the houses," he says, "Each house leader may nominate a candidate to be king, though they cannot nominate themselves. Then the council debates and fights over the candidates until they cast their votes, one vote to each house." He dabs at his thick lips with a napkin after setting aside his drink and his cake. "The vote need not be unanimous," he explains, "but after all is said and done, it usually is. Five votes are necessary to carry a candidate to the throne." He looks hard at Flora for a moment. "What exactly are you trying to do?" he asks.<br> <br>"Flora has an idea. It requires the backing of both the church, and all states on Promise to work... And as said, if Flora can convince the church, Shralesta and Sweetwater will almost surely follow," she mumbles, tails flicking behind her, before she leans back in her seat.
"Flora has... Ideas. Discoveries. Things Flora wants to share. But if Flora does, Flora won't make enough crown to rebuild House Longtail proper. Flora may have a solution, but it needs to be backed on all of Promise. Hence, Flora needs to know how to convince the foreign powers that be, yes... Flora knows enough, for now," she murrs with a smile, standing up and taking her leave, accompanied by Anton, if he so chooses.<br> <br>Anton rises from his chair. "I would be interested to hear your ideas, High Lady," he says, offering an elbow to the tigress. "May I walk with you a while?" Whether she accepts his arm or not, the stately old reindeer walks with Flora down the gangplank.
"Flora has... Ideas. Discoveries. Things Flora wants to share. But if Flora does, Flora won't make enough crown to rebuild House Longtail proper. Flora may have a solution, but it needs to be backed on all of Promise. Hence, Flora needs to know how to convince the foreign powers that be, yes... Flora knows enough, for now," she murrs with a smile, standing up and taking her leave, accompanied by Anton, if he so chooses.<br> <br>Anton rises from his chair. "I would be interested to hear your ideas, High Lady," he says, offering an elbow to the tigress. "May I walk with you a while?" Whether she accepts his arm or not, the stately old reindeer walks with Flora down the gangplank.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Revision as of 17:59, 25 May 2014





A small mumble leaves Flora's muzzle, and she flicks her tails as she moves along the shipyards. A necessary evil, this was, but still. Soon enough, she arrives at the Thera'dorian vessel, taking another deep breath, before walking up the boardplank and ringing the bell.

Right now, she's dressed in her classy, shralestan-style dress, and her gear-pendant is wrapped around her neck. It appears she's here on official business of sorts.

From high in the rigging a voice rings out, "Who is ringing bell at Sven's naptime!?" The puma noble sticks his head over the side of the crow's nest. His face lights up when he sees who his visitor is. "Pretty Flora has come to visit Sven!" he crows, "Wait! Wait! Sven will be right there!" The hefty cougar leaps over the side of the crow's nest and begins scrambling down through the rigging. Meanwhile, a stately looking reindeer has made his way from below decks. He smirks at Sven's outburst, then turns to face Flora. "What can we do for you, High Lady?" he asks sedately. The polar opposite of Sven.

"Flora has... Questions about Thera'dor, yes. And Flora is fine with Flora. Just Flora, though... Not 'pretty Flora'. Flora prefers just Flora's name, yes," the cat mutters for a while, smiling faintly at the reindeer. "And since sir Sven is the only ambassador from Thera'dor Flora knows about..." she mumbles, giving a faint, unnerved glance towards the puma. Seems she would've preferred a less... Eccentric ambassador, if possible.

Anton smiles gently at Flora. "Of course, Flora," he says, "Would you care to speak in the Captain's stateroom?" The priestly reindeer hesitates, "Then again," he says, looking up at Sven, who seems to have gotten himself tangled in the rigging in his excitement, "It might be better to avoid the Captain's room." The Reindeer turns and calls down below decks, "Lena! We have a guest! Please bring some chairs and refreshments!" He smiles at Flora, "My name is Anton," he says, his accent thick, but his slow, perfect announciation makes him easy to understand, "Perhaps I can answer some of your questions while Lord Snowmark is occupied."

Flora nods and flicks her tails. "Flora would... Appreciate this, yes," she mumbles, smiling faintly and waiting for Anton to guide her inside. "Flora has... Various questions about the country's... Government, and the church as well, yes," she mumbles as she walks alongsides Anton, tails swaying faintly.

Anton smooths his priestly stole as he watches a handful of crewmen arrive with a small, but sturdy table along with four chairs. They set them up quickly, salute the reindeer sharply, then go back to whatever entertainment they had left. As they vanish back below, a small, white ermine comes swaying up the stairs bearing a tray with four glasses, a bottle and several warm honey cakes. She sets them on the table, bows gracefully, then disappears after the rest of the crew. "Anything I can do to help," he says warmly, waving Flora to a seat. Meanwhile, Sven has finally freed himself and is swaggering across the deck. "Hello, Pretty Flora!" he calls, flopping into one of the prepared chairs.

Flora has a somewhat wry look on her snout as she looks towards Sven, before focusing her attention on Anton, for the most part as she takes her own seat. "Flora has certain... Ideas. Flora thinks Flora can convince the church of their worth, but... Flora will also need to convince not just Sweetwater, but all other countries as well, yes... Of course, if Flora convinces the church, Flora convinces Shralesta, so Flora doesn't have to worry about that. Flora is not too afraid Flora can't convince the Good King of her idea, and Cliffside will be a hard sell, but... Flora knows nothing of the way Thera'Dor is governed, and what position the church occupies within the country, no."

Anton smiles warmly at Sven as he takes his own seat, leaving one empty chair. "Welcome, Moychik," he says fondly, "The Highlady has come to learn about the politics of Thera'Dor." Sven makes a sour face and stands, snagging a sweetcake. "Sven will come back when Anton is too boring then," he says, easy grin returning. He bows his strange, stiff bow to Flora, then swaggers off to his cabin. Anton chuckles, "The boy hates to speak of politics," he says. The reindeer relaxes and gives some thought to Flora's words and her implied questions. "Thera'Dor is governed by her king," he says, "Along with the council of houses. It is rather difficult to explain the exact strength of the king against the council."

Flora chuckles faintly as she looks at Anton, then at the departing puma, before nodding lightly. "Flora has... Time, yes. Sir Anton is free to explain... It is... Important Flora knows who to convince... Which targets to point her proverbial arrows at... Not real ones, of course... That would be troubling, yes."

"King Grigory Underhill is the ruler of Thera'Dor," Anton says, trying to organize his thoughts, "But the ruling houses each carry a vote equal to the choice of the king." The old reindeer pours himself a glass of red wine and sips at it thoughtfully. "The king is also the head of his own house and therefore effectively has two votes in the council," he explains, "Usually, the council follows the three strongest houses, Underhill, Shlaufuchs and Snowmark."

"And the houses are?" Flora asks after a moment, before nodding faintly. "How many houses are there? What position does the church hold in politics within Thera'Dor? Or are they not involved at all?" she asks after a moment of contemplation, nodding faintly.

Anton swirls his drinks and takes a sip. "There are Seven great houses," he explains, "Underhill, who currently hold the throne, Shlaufuchs, Snowmark, Caldera, The Dacha, The Conglomerate, and my own house, Aldermaan." The reindeer adjusts his stole. "We are the priestly house," he says, "We are the consience of the council and its memory, but have no more power than any other house, and perhaps less than the three I mentioned."

"Seven houses... And one king... What happens when a tie is made? Because eight votes means four by four can happen. Does the vote pass? Fail? Does someone break the tie?" she asks after a moment of contemplation.

"Flora concludes that the church has a vote, but nothing more than that... The church is an advisor then? Or not that, either?" she asks after a moment of contemplation...

Anton nods, pleased with the High Lady's questions. "It is rare that there is a tie," he says, "Once the big three have finished arguing and fighting, the rest usually follow their lead." He picks up a sweetcake with his thick fingers and nibbles at it. "But if there is a tie, it is the right of the priests of house Aldermaan to break the tie." He thinks on Flora's second question. "Yes," he says, "We priests are advisors. The Aldermaan House has no holdings, but we are advisors to all of the houses. We are free in all the lands of Thera'Dor and may speak our mind in any hall."

Flora smiles and nods faintly, her tails flicking behind her. "So, suppose that Flora were to have to convince the council of something that... Does not involve any of the houses directly, House Aldermann would be Flora's first stop, after which, Flora would have to convince the big three, with House Aldermann's support?" she mumbles after a moment of consideration, tails twitching as she tries to wrap her head around the system... It sounded more... Complicated than any system she's heard of before.

The reindeer smiles, "Yes," he agrees, "But we are a vast land populated by a greatly varied people. Simplicity does not suit us." Anton looks thoughtful for a moment, contemplating Flora's conclusions. "House Aldermaan would be a wise place to start," he says, "Since we have the ear of all the other houses, with the possible exception of the Conglomerate." He frowns at the thought of the lowest of the seven High Houses. "Second would be the king's house," he advises, "For several generations now, that has been House Underhill."

"How is a new king chosesn when the old one dies? Since... Since sir Anton tells Flora that the king comes from the various houses, it can't be the same system as Sweetwater's, no," she mumbles after a moment, tails twitching. "And Flora... Flora appreciates the advice, yes. In addition, Flora would already have the church to back Flora, making it easier to convince House Aldermann, yes?"

Anton sips his drink and nibbles at his cake, organizing his thoughts. "The king is nominated by the houses," he says, "Each house leader may nominate a candidate to be king, though they cannot nominate themselves. Then the council debates and fights over the candidates until they cast their votes, one vote to each house." He dabs at his thick lips with a napkin after setting aside his drink and his cake. "The vote need not be unanimous," he explains, "but after all is said and done, it usually is. Five votes are necessary to carry a candidate to the throne." He looks hard at Flora for a moment. "What exactly are you trying to do?" he asks.

"Flora has an idea. It requires the backing of both the church, and all states on Promise to work... And as said, if Flora can convince the church, Shralesta and Sweetwater will almost surely follow," she mumbles, tails flicking behind her, before she leans back in her seat.

"Flora has... Ideas. Discoveries. Things Flora wants to share. But if Flora does, Flora won't make enough crown to rebuild House Longtail proper. Flora may have a solution, but it needs to be backed on all of Promise. Hence, Flora needs to know how to convince the foreign powers that be, yes... Flora knows enough, for now," she murrs with a smile, standing up and taking her leave, accompanied by Anton, if he so chooses.

Anton rises from his chair. "I would be interested to hear your ideas, High Lady," he says, offering an elbow to the tigress. "May I walk with you a while?" Whether she accepts his arm or not, the stately old reindeer walks with Flora down the gangplank.