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<div></div><br> <br>Deciding that she did indeed need to try much harder to talk to her employeer and confidant, Mirana decided to skip her usual morning and go directly to the fortress. Once there her belly reminded her she hadn't eaten a thing since lunch the day before, so she took it upon herself to do some cooking. She was sure Kilsa wouldn't mind, and, while not the best cook usually having someone do it for her, she knew how to not burn the place down. Sorting through the icebox she gets an odd feeling and pulls out some liver, onions, grapes, and perserved pickled veggies. She licks her lips as she thinks on her upcoming meal, she hadn't had liver, onions and pickled veggies for a long time, and couldn't remember liking them, but for some reason they sounded very good this morning. She gets to cooking while waiting for Kilsa, or someone else to show up, smiling and wagging her tails softly. She'd made sure to wear one of the battle dresses Kilsa had made for her, thinking it most appropriate.<br> <br>Arimia wanders into the kitchen of the fortress, calling out, "Miss Ironsoul? I need to talk t... Oh." She stops when she spots the fox and says, "You aren't Miss Ironsoul." She pauses and gives the vixen a considering look before murmuring, "But... Maybe you'll do." After a moment she waves a hand and walks over to hop up on one of the counters, grabbing a mostly ripe apple and biting into it before saying, with a full mouth "What brings you here?"<br> <br>Mirana looks over to Arimia and just smiles, "Oh, I'm thinking the same as you, looking for Lady Kilsa." She bends down to get brick oven going, then puts the liver and onions in a cast iron pan, the pickled veggies in another, before sliding them both in. "How are you this morning Miss Arimia? Isn't it a wonderful day? And, I'm so glad that none of us woke you last night, sorry, we shouldn't have congrigated in your room, but we didn't want to move Bite." she explains. As the coals get good and hot, she sniffs at the pungent aroma coming from the over. It has an almost sickly smell to it, but she licks her lips again, "You know, that dish has never smelled so good to me." she says as she picks up the grapes and starts munching on one. She walks over to Arimia to wait a moment before checking on her food, "Is there something you'd like to talk about Miss?"<br> <br>Arimia sniffs at the air as the food starts to cook and wrinkles her nose. "Much as I like meat an' all, never been a fan of liver. Or... Veggies either for that matter. I'll stick with my apple." She takes another bite out of the somewhat over-ripe fruit, not seeming to mind that it IS overripe, and crosses her legs, banded tail flicking. "Dear, I was so tired you all probably could have been playin' your instruments as loud as possible an' I would have slept right through it." She pauses a moment at the question and stares at her apple before saying, "It... It can wait a bit. What'd you want to talk to Miss Ironsoul about? Anythin' I could help with?"<br> <br>Mirana looks to Arimia and blushes, "Oh, she, well, asked to speek to me as soon as we could, so I came here first thing this morning. It was a bit of a trek, so I skipped breakfest and such to get here as early as I could. And, I don't think you could really help Miss Arimia, but, thank you..." She goes over to check the food, it is sizziling well, not much longer. Didn't want to overcook liver. "And don't wait Arimia, I know I haven't offered to you yet, but if you need anything, even more so if it is just to talk, feel free to bother me, anytime." She walks back over to get a plate, "And, sorry for all the arguing we seem to do. I know you mean well, but, I don't think we see eye to eye on much to be truthful." She stops a moment and actually reaches around Arimia to give her a hug? "Isn't it a wonderful day Arimia?"<br> <br>Arimia gives a small shrug of her shoulders and says to the fox, "It ain't like you're the only one doin' the arguin'. It ain't all your fault. I have... Issues... With nobility. I know it. An' I know it ain't entirely fair, but for every one of you that's good there's about five that have no problem abusin' what they got." She gives a small shake of her head and continues eating the apple, until just the core is left. That doesn't stop her though as she bites the core in half and starts to chew on it. "An' you might be surprised on how much we see eye to eye on an' all. It's just covered by all the stuff that we don' see eye to eye o-" She's cut off at the hug, prompting the 'coon to tense up slightly and look at the fox oddly. <br> <br>Mirana lets go of the hug and smiles to Arimia, and giggles a bit before seeing the 'coon look oddly to her, "Humm? Is something wrong?" She asks before she looks back to the oven and grabs her plate. She pulls out her meal and places it onto the stoneware plate. She places the pans directly into the wash bin and grabs a knife and fork before walking back over to Arimia, "And I know that for every Lady Kilsa, me, or my brother there are at least another five that are perfectly willing to see everything burn if it means furthering their goals." She sets things down, and starts to eat on the liver, practically drooling at the flavor. "Oh, it has been too long since I had this, never liked it as a kit though. And, I think you are right Miss Arimia, we do see a lot the same way. But what braught you out here?"<br> <br>Arimia continues to look at the fox oddly before saying, "I... Don't know. I'd accuse you of bein' drunk for doin' that but I didn't smell any alcohol on you. An' I would have." She gives a small shake of her head and says, "You jus' seem to be in a mood. Makes me wonder what happened to put you in such of one. Or who drugged you." She gives another shake of her head and eats the rest of the apple core. "I wanted to talk to Miss Ironsoul about gettin' a little help for one of the street rats... One of the street kids I know. I've been tryin' to convince her to go to the orphanage, but she's terrified of nobles, an' since Miss Ironsoul, who runs the orphanage, is a noble... But it can wait, since we'd have to go slow anyway or risk scarin' her off."<br> <br>Mirana takes another bite out of the liver before starting on the pickled veggies. "Well, no, I did have some drink last night, but, there is still half a bottle in my room. And I wasn't drinking it alone." She blushes very deeply and can't help a giggle and sigh after. "I am in a good mood, I don't know why, but a very good one. Just woke up feeling ... I don't know really, just, really pleasent. Like, well, warm, and relaxed." She eats on the cooked pickled veggies and listens about the child, "Oh. If there is ever anything I can do to help, just ask. Or, I know someone of some means who isn't a noble, her name is Holly, Holly Tetherman. I could ask her to help."<br> <br>Arimia gives a small shake of her head, idly tossing the stem of her apple, all that is left, to the side. She seems to have even eaten the seeds. "Unless this Holly is willin' to adopt a young mouse that will likely cause no ends of problems, I'd rather get her to see that not every noble is somethin' to be afraid of, an' get her into the orphanage." She narrows her eyes slightly at Mirana's mention of the drink, but when she mentions the amount and that she didn't drink it all alone, she just gives a small shake of her head and doesn't' comment. Not on how she shouldn't have been drinking, anyway. "An' who were you drinkin' with? Since you weren't alone? An'... Was drinkin' all you were doin'?" There's an odd edge to her voice, but likely one that's too hard to place.<br> <br>Mirana stops and chews much more slowly a moment and swallows hard. She blinks and looks away just a moment, "Well, I.. don't think Holly could do that, so your other idea is probably better. She tries to think if she ever mentioned Yuric to Arimia. "Well... Yuric, I was.. drinking with Yuric. And.. well.." Should she lie? Change the subject? Be truthful? No, deception and misdirection had got her in trouble last time with Arimia, and left her feeling worse then before, so truth was the best and really only option. "And no, drinking wasn't... all we were doing." she says with a very odvious blush and stuffs another small forkful of liver into her muzzle.<br> <br>Arimia flattens her ears slightly and remains silent for a few minutes. She hops off the counter and walks over to the lines of barrels sniffing at them before stopping in front of one. She realizes she forgot a mug and turns to walk back toward the counter to fetch one. "An' this Yuric... I'm assumin' it's a he, since those with my preferences on such matters tend to be a bit rare. An' you don't strike me as one of 'em." She grabs a mug before turning back to the barrel and starting to fill it. "Anyway... Dependin' on just what all besides drinkin' you did, there could be a few reasons you're feelin' the way you are."<br> <br>Mirana blushes again at the comment of Arimia's 'preferences' nods, "Yes, Yuric is a he.. and a wonderful he... a very handsome fox.. doesn't care I'm a noble, nor about my house, or anything much for that matter besides his training, his hunting, and jsut being with me..." she has a very dreamy and far away look to her eyes as she talks, and can't help but shiver with giddiness and a giggle. She sighs a moment before returning to her meal. She looks over to Arimia after she fills her mug and wonders what the 'coon has in it. She blushes at what they had done, but decides just to ask, "Oh? What kind of reasons? Not that I don't love how I'm feeling right now Miss Arimia, but I'd like to understand why."<br> <br>Arimia keeps her ears flattened and gives a small shake of her head at Mirana's reaction to talking about him. "Well. Judgin' from what I've seen jus' now you're a bit smitten. You have to be careful. I ain't sayin' that's a bad thing, but it's gonna make you a bit... You ain't going to see his flaws. An' he's a being like everyone else. He has 'em. So you have to be careful that they don't blindside you later after the initial affection wears off a bit." She walks back to the counter, sets her mug on it, then climbs back up to sit on it. "That's probably part of the reason. You're smitten an' got to do all sorts of fun things. Which is another reason. An'... Again. Depends on what all else you did. You gonna tell me?"<br> <br>Mirana finishes up her meal and blushes deeper. She puts the dishes in the wash bin and walks over to the 'coon. She really wishes she had a drink right now, but something also tells her it would be a very bad idea to have one. "I don't see how someone as wonderful as Yuric could have many flaws, and of course he is a being... a wonderful being who deserves much more in life then he's gotten.." as she talks she walks over to Arimia, and, even though they are alone, she whispers to Arimia, blushing and eyes darting as she does.<br> <br>Arimia lets out a soft sigh and rubs at the top of her muzzle. "He has 'em. I guarantee it." She gives a small shake of her head before continuing. "Wait on that life bonding until the initial starry eyed affection wears off, yeah." She shifts slightly on the counter and crosses her arms before continuing. "You know that's how kits are made, yeah? You have to be careful with that sort of thing." She waves one of her hands and says, "If you... If such is a result you're gonna get a lot of people talkin' about how improper it is for a noble an' so on. Ignore 'em. That said, there are other concerns. Child bein' born outside of a bond... Could cause issues for the child. There are some solutions, but we'll wait to talk about that if it's proved that's somethin' that came about from your little dalliance. If it is... That could also contribute to why you're feelin' the way you are." <br> <br>Mirana looks to Arimia still blushing and nods at first, talking as Arimia talks, "Yes, you are right, we should wait, but.. I wonder if I could find him right now." but when Arimia mentions kits her eyes go wide and she seems stunned, ".... nn.. k. kits..?" She doesn't really comment on much else of what Arimia says, "Child... born outside of a bond ... kits ..." and she looks very green. A hand moves to be over her belly and she looks down over herself. "Kits..." and she looks up to Arimia finally, "Well, if that.. is what the Creators have planned for us... then so be it. I'm sure we can figure out anything that happens." she says with resulve as another wave of almost palitable contentment and just plain happy pushes aside concern and worry, her hand still resting on her belly.<br> <br>Arimia closes her eyes and gives another sigh. "Your first reaction there is more in line with what you should be feelin'. Kits are a huge responsibility. An' there are various other complications due to your station. 'Course, some of those you can jus' ignore 'cause they don' really matter. Others... Not so mcuh." She gives a small shake of her head and takes a drink from her mug before continuing. "Of course, it may be that that ain't somethin' you'll have to deal with. May not be any kits. May jus' be you basking in the afterglow an' what you think is love." She holds up a hand to stall any comments on that last bit and says, "An' I don't wanna hear about how you do love him, an' everythin' is wonderful an' happy. If you ain't seein' his flaws, you don' love him. You can't until you can see his flaws an' accept them with him."<br> <br>Mirana continues to hold her own belly, and seems a bit irritated at Arimia, "Regardless of the complications, we can and will figure them out. Kits are a huge responsibility. I remember how much of a handful I could be, and both my younger brother and younger sister. But, we can figure it out, if that is a result, we..." and she looks down over herself again, "We'd just have to." She doesn't make any comment about how much she does love him, Arimia just said she didn't want to hear it.<br> <br>Arimia gives a small shrug of her shoulders and says, "Maybe not. There are herbs. Contraceptives an' all. Some can... Terminate a pregnancy. I understand it's a bit painful an' all, but it is an option. Could ask around the brothel. They'd know where to get 'em." She sets her mug down and says, "I ain't sayin' you should. I am sayin' you an' he need to talk seriously about things, an' keep in mind that that is one possibility. Especially considerin' that if you do have kits, things won't be easy for 'em. You could alleviate some of that by goin' out an' life-bondin' to him right now, but that has it's own issues an' such." She frowns slightly and gives a small shake of her head saying, "Most of this probably ain't what you want to hear while you're effectively drunk on your afterglow an' all. If you need to talk to someone about things later, you can find me."
<div></div><br> <br>Deciding that she did indeed need to try much harder to talk to her employeer and confidant, Mirana decided to skip her usual morning and go directly to the fortress. Once there her belly reminded her she hadn't eaten a thing since lunch the day before, so she took it upon herself to do some cooking. She was sure Kilsa wouldn't mind, and, while not the best cook usually having someone do it for her, she knew how to not burn the place down. Sorting through the icebox she gets an odd feeling and pulls out some liver, onions, grapes, and perserved pickled veggies. She licks her lips as she thinks on her upcoming meal, she hadn't had liver, onions and pickled veggies for a long time, and couldn't remember liking them, but for some reason they sounded very good this morning. She gets to cooking while waiting for Kilsa, or someone else to show up, smiling and wagging her tails softly. She'd made sure to wear one of the battle dresses Kilsa had made for her, thinking it most appropriate.<br> <br>Arimia wanders into the kitchen of the fortress, calling out, "Miss Ironsoul? I need to talk t... Oh." She stops when she spots the fox and says, "You aren't Miss Ironsoul." She pauses and gives the vixen a considering look before murmuring, "But... Maybe you'll do." After a moment she waves a hand and walks over to hop up on one of the counters, grabbing a mostly ripe apple and biting into it before saying, with a full mouth "What brings you here?"<br> <br>Mirana looks over to Arimia and just smiles, "Oh, I'm thinking the same as you, looking for Lady Kilsa." She bends down to get brick oven going, then puts the liver and onions in a cast iron pan, the pickled veggies in another, before sliding them both in. "How are you this morning Miss Arimia? Isn't it a wonderful day? And, I'm so glad that none of us woke you last night, sorry, we shouldn't have congrigated in your room, but we didn't want to move Bite." she explains. As the coals get good and hot, she sniffs at the pungent aroma coming from the over. It has an almost sickly smell to it, but she licks her lips again, "You know, that dish has never smelled so good to me." she says as she picks up the grapes and starts munching on one. She walks over to Arimia to wait a moment before checking on her food, "Is there something you'd like to talk about Miss?"<br> <br>Arimia sniffs at the air as the food starts to cook and wrinkles her nose. "Much as I like meat an' all, never been a fan of liver. Or... Veggies either for that matter. I'll stick with my apple." She takes another bite out of the somewhat over-ripe fruit, not seeming to mind that it IS overripe, and crosses her legs, banded tail flicking. "Dear, I was so tired you all probably could have been playin' your instruments as loud as possible an' I would have slept right through it." She pauses a moment at the question and stares at her apple before saying, "It... It can wait a bit. What'd you want to talk to Miss Ironsoul about? Anythin' I could help with?"<br> <br>Mirana looks to Arimia and blushes, "Oh, she, well, asked to speek to me as soon as we could, so I came here first thing this morning. It was a bit of a trek, so I skipped breakfest and such to get here as early as I could. And, I don't think you could really help Miss Arimia, but, thank you..." She goes over to check the food, it is sizziling well, not much longer. Didn't want to overcook liver. "And don't wait Arimia, I know I haven't offered to you yet, but if you need anything, even more so if it is just to talk, feel free to bother me, anytime." She walks back over to get a plate, "And, sorry for all the arguing we seem to do. I know you mean well, but, I don't think we see eye to eye on much to be truthful." She stops a moment and actually reaches around Arimia to give her a hug? "Isn't it a wonderful day Arimia?"<br> <br>Arimia gives a small shrug of her shoulders and says to the fox, "It ain't like you're the only one doin' the arguin'. It ain't all your fault. I have... Issues... With nobility. I know it. An' I know it ain't entirely fair, but for every one of you that's good there's about five that have no problem abusin' what they got." She gives a small shake of her head and continues eating the apple, until just the core is left. That doesn't stop her though as she bites the core in half and starts to chew on it. "An' you might be surprised on how much we see eye to eye on an' all. It's just covered by all the stuff that we don' see eye to eye o-" She's cut off at the hug, prompting the 'coon to tense up slightly and look at the fox oddly. <br> <br>Mirana lets go of the hug and smiles to Arimia, and giggles a bit before seeing the 'coon look oddly to her, "Humm? Is something wrong?" She asks before she looks back to the oven and grabs her plate. She pulls out her meal and places it onto the stoneware plate. She places the pans directly into the wash bin and grabs a knife and fork before walking back over to Arimia, "And I know that for every Lady Kilsa, me, or my brother there are at least another five that are perfectly willing to see everything burn if it means furthering their goals." She sets things down, and starts to eat on the liver, practically drooling at the flavor. "Oh, it has been too long since I had this, never liked it as a kit though. And, I think you are right Miss Arimia, we do see a lot the same way. But what braught you out here?"<br> <br>Arimia continues to look at the fox oddly before saying, "I... Don't know. I'd accuse you of bein' drunk for doin' that but I didn't smell any alcohol on you. An' I would have." She gives a small shake of her head and says, "You jus' seem to be in a mood. Makes me wonder what happened to put you in such of one. Or who drugged you." She gives another shake of her head and eats the rest of the apple core. "I wanted to talk to Miss Ironsoul about gettin' a little help for one of the street rats... One of the street kids I know. I've been tryin' to convince her to go to the orphanage, but she's terrified of nobles, an' since Miss Ironsoul, who runs the orphanage, is a noble... But it can wait, since we'd have to go slow anyway or risk scarin' her off."<br> <br>Mirana takes another bite out of the liver before starting on the pickled veggies. "Well, no, I did have some drink last night, but, there is still half a bottle in my room. And I wasn't drinking it alone." She blushes very deeply and can't help a giggle and sigh after. "I am in a good mood, I don't know why, but a very good one. Just woke up feeling ... I don't know really, just, really pleasent. Like, well, warm, and relaxed." She eats on the cooked pickled veggies and listens about the child, "Oh. If there is ever anything I can do to help, just ask. Or, I know someone of some means who isn't a noble, her name is Holly, Holly Tetherman. I could ask her to help."<br> <br>Arimia gives a small shake of her head, idly tossing the stem of her apple, all that is left, to the side. She seems to have even eaten the seeds. "Unless this Holly is willin' to adopt a young mouse that will likely cause no ends of problems, I'd rather get her to see that not every noble is somethin' to be afraid of, an' get her into the orphanage." She narrows her eyes slightly at Mirana's mention of the drink, but when she mentions the amount and that she didn't drink it all alone, she just gives a small shake of her head and doesn't' comment. Not on how she shouldn't have been drinking, anyway. "An' who were you drinkin' with? Since you weren't alone? An'... Was drinkin' all you were doin'?" There's an odd edge to her voice, but likely one that's too hard to place.<br> <br>Mirana stops and chews much more slowly a moment and swallows hard. She blinks and looks away just a moment, "Well, I.. don't think Holly could do that, so your other idea is probably better. She tries to think if she ever mentioned Yuric to Arimia. "Well... Yuric, I was.. drinking with Yuric. And.. well.." Should she lie? Change the subject? Be truthful? No, deception and misdirection had got her in trouble last time with Arimia, and left her feeling worse then before, so truth was the best and really only option. "And no, drinking wasn't... all we were doing." she says with a very odvious blush and stuffs another small forkful of liver into her muzzle.<br> <br>Arimia flattens her ears slightly and remains silent for a few minutes. She hops off the counter and walks over to the lines of barrels sniffing at them before stopping in front of one. She realizes she forgot a mug and turns to walk back toward the counter to fetch one. "An' this Yuric... I'm assumin' it's a he, since those with my preferences on such matters tend to be a bit rare. An' you don't strike me as one of 'em." She grabs a mug before turning back to the barrel and starting to fill it. "Anyway... Dependin' on just what all besides drinkin' you did, there could be a few reasons you're feelin' the way you are."<br> <br>Mirana blushes again at the comment of Arimia's 'preferences' nods, "Yes, Yuric is a he.. and a wonderful he... a very handsome fox.. doesn't care I'm a noble, nor about my house, or anything much for that matter besides his training, his hunting, and jsut being with me..." she has a very dreamy and far away look to her eyes as she talks, and can't help but shiver with giddiness and a giggle. She sighs a moment before returning to her meal. She looks over to Arimia after she fills her mug and wonders what the 'coon has in it. She blushes at what they had done, but decides just to ask, "Oh? What kind of reasons? Not that I don't love how I'm feeling right now Miss Arimia, but I'd like to understand why."<br> <br>Arimia keeps her ears flattened and gives a small shake of her head at Mirana's reaction to talking about him. "Well. Judgin' from what I've seen jus' now you're a bit smitten. You have to be careful. I ain't sayin' that's a bad thing, but it's gonna make you a bit... You ain't going to see his flaws. An' he's a being like everyone else. He has 'em. So you have to be careful that they don't blindside you later after the initial affection wears off a bit." She walks back to the counter, sets her mug on it, then climbs back up to sit on it. "That's probably part of the reason. You're smitten an' got to do all sorts of fun things. Which is another reason. An'... Again. Depends on what all else you did. You gonna tell me?"<br> <br>Mirana finishes up her meal and blushes deeper. She puts the dishes in the wash bin and walks over to the 'coon. She really wishes she had a drink right now, but something also tells her it would be a very bad idea to have one. "I don't see how someone as wonderful as Yuric could have many flaws, and of course he is a being... a wonderful being who deserves much more in life then he's gotten.." as she talks she walks over to Arimia, and, even though they are alone, she whispers to Arimia, blushing and eyes darting as she does.<br> <br>Arimia lets out a soft sigh and rubs at the top of her muzzle. "He has 'em. I guarantee it." She gives a small shake of her head before continuing. "Wait on that life bonding until the initial starry eyed affection wears off, yeah." She shifts slightly on the counter and crosses her arms before continuing. "You know that's how kits are made, yeah? You have to be careful with that sort of thing." She waves one of her hands and says, "If you... If such is a result you're gonna get a lot of people talkin' about how improper it is for a noble an' so on. Ignore 'em. That said, there are other concerns. Child bein' born outside of a bond... Could cause issues for the child. There are some solutions, but we'll wait to talk about that if it's proved that's somethin' that came about from your little dalliance. If it is... That could also contribute to why you're feelin' the way you are." <br> <br>Mirana looks to Arimia still blushing and nods at first, talking as Arimia talks, "Yes, you are right, we should wait, but.. I wonder if I could find him right now." but when Arimia mentions kits her eyes go wide and she seems stunned, ".... nn.. k. kits..?" She doesn't really comment on much else of what Arimia says, "Child... born outside of a bond ... kits ..." and she looks very green. A hand moves to be over her belly and she looks down over herself. "Kits..." and she looks up to Arimia finally, "Well, if that.. is what the Creators have planned for us... then so be it. I'm sure we can figure out anything that happens." she says with resulve as another wave of almost palitable contentment and just plain happy pushes aside concern and worry, her hand still resting on her belly.<br> <br>Arimia closes her eyes and gives another sigh. "Your first reaction there is more in line with what you should be feelin'. Kits are a huge responsibility. An' there are various other complications due to your station. 'Course, some of those you can jus' ignore 'cause they don' really matter. Others... Not so mcuh." She gives a small shake of her head and takes a drink from her mug before continuing. "Of course, it may be that that ain't somethin' you'll have to deal with. May not be any kits. May jus' be you basking in the afterglow an' what you think is love." She holds up a hand to stall any comments on that last bit and says, "An' I don't wanna hear about how you do love him, an' everythin' is wonderful an' happy. If you ain't seein' his flaws, you don' love him. You can't until you can see his flaws an' accept them with him."<br> <br>Mirana continues to hold her own belly, and seems a bit irritated at Arimia, "Regardless of the complications, we can and will figure them out. Kits are a huge responsibility. I remember how much of a handful I could be, and both my younger brother and younger sister. But, we can figure it out, if that is a result, we..." and she looks down over herself again, "We'd just have to." She doesn't make any comment about how much she does love him, Arimia just said she didn't want to hear it.<br> <br>Arimia gives a small shrug of her shoulders and says, "Maybe not. There are herbs. Contraceptives an' all. Some can... Terminate a pregnancy. I understand it's a bit painful an' all, but it is an option. Could ask around the brothel. They'd know where to get 'em." She sets her mug down and says, "I ain't sayin' you should. I am sayin' you an' he need to talk seriously about things, an' keep in mind that that is one possibility. Especially considerin' that if you do have kits, things won't be easy for 'em. You could alleviate some of that by goin' out an' life-bondin' to him right now, but that has it's own issues an' such." She frowns slightly and gives a small shake of her head saying, "Most of this probably ain't what you want to hear while you're effectively drunk on your afterglow an' all. If you need to talk to someone about things later, you can find me."<br> <br>Mirana looks to Arimia and shakes her head, "No, if the Creators have decided that this is my time for motherhood, then this is my time. Nothing like that." and she looks to her belly again, "Nothing .... like that. I'd denounce my title first if that was the only other possiblity." She listens closely to the other options. "Well, I'll find Yuric and Kilsa then, and we can all talk. I know where your room is at the inn, I'll be sure to stop by if I need to, and, thank you, please find me if you need to talk to me." She looks around a moment and considers washing up the dishes she'd used herself, but... she could send Sheepy out later if she needed to, besides, surely a noble like Kilsa had servants of her own? "Miss Arimia, it seems Lady Kilsa isn't here, so I'm going to go check at the orphanage, if she isn't there, head out to do training. I hope you have more luck in finding her then I usually have though." And with a curtsey she heads off, more then a little spring in her step as the wonderous feelings continue to push aside more rational thinking.<br> <br>Arimia watches as Mirana leaves then scowls, muttering, "Damn naive fool." She hops off the counter and gathers up the dishes the fox had left behind, moving to start cleaning them.

Revision as of 17:47, 13 February 2013





Deciding that she did indeed need to try much harder to talk to her employeer and confidant, Mirana decided to skip her usual morning and go directly to the fortress. Once there her belly reminded her she hadn't eaten a thing since lunch the day before, so she took it upon herself to do some cooking. She was sure Kilsa wouldn't mind, and, while not the best cook usually having someone do it for her, she knew how to not burn the place down. Sorting through the icebox she gets an odd feeling and pulls out some liver, onions, grapes, and perserved pickled veggies. She licks her lips as she thinks on her upcoming meal, she hadn't had liver, onions and pickled veggies for a long time, and couldn't remember liking them, but for some reason they sounded very good this morning. She gets to cooking while waiting for Kilsa, or someone else to show up, smiling and wagging her tails softly. She'd made sure to wear one of the battle dresses Kilsa had made for her, thinking it most appropriate.

Arimia wanders into the kitchen of the fortress, calling out, "Miss Ironsoul? I need to talk t... Oh." She stops when she spots the fox and says, "You aren't Miss Ironsoul." She pauses and gives the vixen a considering look before murmuring, "But... Maybe you'll do." After a moment she waves a hand and walks over to hop up on one of the counters, grabbing a mostly ripe apple and biting into it before saying, with a full mouth "What brings you here?"

Mirana looks over to Arimia and just smiles, "Oh, I'm thinking the same as you, looking for Lady Kilsa." She bends down to get brick oven going, then puts the liver and onions in a cast iron pan, the pickled veggies in another, before sliding them both in. "How are you this morning Miss Arimia? Isn't it a wonderful day? And, I'm so glad that none of us woke you last night, sorry, we shouldn't have congrigated in your room, but we didn't want to move Bite." she explains. As the coals get good and hot, she sniffs at the pungent aroma coming from the over. It has an almost sickly smell to it, but she licks her lips again, "You know, that dish has never smelled so good to me." she says as she picks up the grapes and starts munching on one. She walks over to Arimia to wait a moment before checking on her food, "Is there something you'd like to talk about Miss?"

Arimia sniffs at the air as the food starts to cook and wrinkles her nose. "Much as I like meat an' all, never been a fan of liver. Or... Veggies either for that matter. I'll stick with my apple." She takes another bite out of the somewhat over-ripe fruit, not seeming to mind that it IS overripe, and crosses her legs, banded tail flicking. "Dear, I was so tired you all probably could have been playin' your instruments as loud as possible an' I would have slept right through it." She pauses a moment at the question and stares at her apple before saying, "It... It can wait a bit. What'd you want to talk to Miss Ironsoul about? Anythin' I could help with?"

Mirana looks to Arimia and blushes, "Oh, she, well, asked to speek to me as soon as we could, so I came here first thing this morning. It was a bit of a trek, so I skipped breakfest and such to get here as early as I could. And, I don't think you could really help Miss Arimia, but, thank you..." She goes over to check the food, it is sizziling well, not much longer. Didn't want to overcook liver. "And don't wait Arimia, I know I haven't offered to you yet, but if you need anything, even more so if it is just to talk, feel free to bother me, anytime." She walks back over to get a plate, "And, sorry for all the arguing we seem to do. I know you mean well, but, I don't think we see eye to eye on much to be truthful." She stops a moment and actually reaches around Arimia to give her a hug? "Isn't it a wonderful day Arimia?"

Arimia gives a small shrug of her shoulders and says to the fox, "It ain't like you're the only one doin' the arguin'. It ain't all your fault. I have... Issues... With nobility. I know it. An' I know it ain't entirely fair, but for every one of you that's good there's about five that have no problem abusin' what they got." She gives a small shake of her head and continues eating the apple, until just the core is left. That doesn't stop her though as she bites the core in half and starts to chew on it. "An' you might be surprised on how much we see eye to eye on an' all. It's just covered by all the stuff that we don' see eye to eye o-" She's cut off at the hug, prompting the 'coon to tense up slightly and look at the fox oddly.

Mirana lets go of the hug and smiles to Arimia, and giggles a bit before seeing the 'coon look oddly to her, "Humm? Is something wrong?" She asks before she looks back to the oven and grabs her plate. She pulls out her meal and places it onto the stoneware plate. She places the pans directly into the wash bin and grabs a knife and fork before walking back over to Arimia, "And I know that for every Lady Kilsa, me, or my brother there are at least another five that are perfectly willing to see everything burn if it means furthering their goals." She sets things down, and starts to eat on the liver, practically drooling at the flavor. "Oh, it has been too long since I had this, never liked it as a kit though. And, I think you are right Miss Arimia, we do see a lot the same way. But what braught you out here?"

Arimia continues to look at the fox oddly before saying, "I... Don't know. I'd accuse you of bein' drunk for doin' that but I didn't smell any alcohol on you. An' I would have." She gives a small shake of her head and says, "You jus' seem to be in a mood. Makes me wonder what happened to put you in such of one. Or who drugged you." She gives another shake of her head and eats the rest of the apple core. "I wanted to talk to Miss Ironsoul about gettin' a little help for one of the street rats... One of the street kids I know. I've been tryin' to convince her to go to the orphanage, but she's terrified of nobles, an' since Miss Ironsoul, who runs the orphanage, is a noble... But it can wait, since we'd have to go slow anyway or risk scarin' her off."

Mirana takes another bite out of the liver before starting on the pickled veggies. "Well, no, I did have some drink last night, but, there is still half a bottle in my room. And I wasn't drinking it alone." She blushes very deeply and can't help a giggle and sigh after. "I am in a good mood, I don't know why, but a very good one. Just woke up feeling ... I don't know really, just, really pleasent. Like, well, warm, and relaxed." She eats on the cooked pickled veggies and listens about the child, "Oh. If there is ever anything I can do to help, just ask. Or, I know someone of some means who isn't a noble, her name is Holly, Holly Tetherman. I could ask her to help."

Arimia gives a small shake of her head, idly tossing the stem of her apple, all that is left, to the side. She seems to have even eaten the seeds. "Unless this Holly is willin' to adopt a young mouse that will likely cause no ends of problems, I'd rather get her to see that not every noble is somethin' to be afraid of, an' get her into the orphanage." She narrows her eyes slightly at Mirana's mention of the drink, but when she mentions the amount and that she didn't drink it all alone, she just gives a small shake of her head and doesn't' comment. Not on how she shouldn't have been drinking, anyway. "An' who were you drinkin' with? Since you weren't alone? An'... Was drinkin' all you were doin'?" There's an odd edge to her voice, but likely one that's too hard to place.

Mirana stops and chews much more slowly a moment and swallows hard. She blinks and looks away just a moment, "Well, I.. don't think Holly could do that, so your other idea is probably better. She tries to think if she ever mentioned Yuric to Arimia. "Well... Yuric, I was.. drinking with Yuric. And.. well.." Should she lie? Change the subject? Be truthful? No, deception and misdirection had got her in trouble last time with Arimia, and left her feeling worse then before, so truth was the best and really only option. "And no, drinking wasn't... all we were doing." she says with a very odvious blush and stuffs another small forkful of liver into her muzzle.

Arimia flattens her ears slightly and remains silent for a few minutes. She hops off the counter and walks over to the lines of barrels sniffing at them before stopping in front of one. She realizes she forgot a mug and turns to walk back toward the counter to fetch one. "An' this Yuric... I'm assumin' it's a he, since those with my preferences on such matters tend to be a bit rare. An' you don't strike me as one of 'em." She grabs a mug before turning back to the barrel and starting to fill it. "Anyway... Dependin' on just what all besides drinkin' you did, there could be a few reasons you're feelin' the way you are."

Mirana blushes again at the comment of Arimia's 'preferences' nods, "Yes, Yuric is a he.. and a wonderful he... a very handsome fox.. doesn't care I'm a noble, nor about my house, or anything much for that matter besides his training, his hunting, and jsut being with me..." she has a very dreamy and far away look to her eyes as she talks, and can't help but shiver with giddiness and a giggle. She sighs a moment before returning to her meal. She looks over to Arimia after she fills her mug and wonders what the 'coon has in it. She blushes at what they had done, but decides just to ask, "Oh? What kind of reasons? Not that I don't love how I'm feeling right now Miss Arimia, but I'd like to understand why."

Arimia keeps her ears flattened and gives a small shake of her head at Mirana's reaction to talking about him. "Well. Judgin' from what I've seen jus' now you're a bit smitten. You have to be careful. I ain't sayin' that's a bad thing, but it's gonna make you a bit... You ain't going to see his flaws. An' he's a being like everyone else. He has 'em. So you have to be careful that they don't blindside you later after the initial affection wears off a bit." She walks back to the counter, sets her mug on it, then climbs back up to sit on it. "That's probably part of the reason. You're smitten an' got to do all sorts of fun things. Which is another reason. An'... Again. Depends on what all else you did. You gonna tell me?"

Mirana finishes up her meal and blushes deeper. She puts the dishes in the wash bin and walks over to the 'coon. She really wishes she had a drink right now, but something also tells her it would be a very bad idea to have one. "I don't see how someone as wonderful as Yuric could have many flaws, and of course he is a being... a wonderful being who deserves much more in life then he's gotten.." as she talks she walks over to Arimia, and, even though they are alone, she whispers to Arimia, blushing and eyes darting as she does.

Arimia lets out a soft sigh and rubs at the top of her muzzle. "He has 'em. I guarantee it." She gives a small shake of her head before continuing. "Wait on that life bonding until the initial starry eyed affection wears off, yeah." She shifts slightly on the counter and crosses her arms before continuing. "You know that's how kits are made, yeah? You have to be careful with that sort of thing." She waves one of her hands and says, "If you... If such is a result you're gonna get a lot of people talkin' about how improper it is for a noble an' so on. Ignore 'em. That said, there are other concerns. Child bein' born outside of a bond... Could cause issues for the child. There are some solutions, but we'll wait to talk about that if it's proved that's somethin' that came about from your little dalliance. If it is... That could also contribute to why you're feelin' the way you are."

Mirana looks to Arimia still blushing and nods at first, talking as Arimia talks, "Yes, you are right, we should wait, but.. I wonder if I could find him right now." but when Arimia mentions kits her eyes go wide and she seems stunned, ".... nn.. k. kits..?" She doesn't really comment on much else of what Arimia says, "Child... born outside of a bond ... kits ..." and she looks very green. A hand moves to be over her belly and she looks down over herself. "Kits..." and she looks up to Arimia finally, "Well, if that.. is what the Creators have planned for us... then so be it. I'm sure we can figure out anything that happens." she says with resulve as another wave of almost palitable contentment and just plain happy pushes aside concern and worry, her hand still resting on her belly.

Arimia closes her eyes and gives another sigh. "Your first reaction there is more in line with what you should be feelin'. Kits are a huge responsibility. An' there are various other complications due to your station. 'Course, some of those you can jus' ignore 'cause they don' really matter. Others... Not so mcuh." She gives a small shake of her head and takes a drink from her mug before continuing. "Of course, it may be that that ain't somethin' you'll have to deal with. May not be any kits. May jus' be you basking in the afterglow an' what you think is love." She holds up a hand to stall any comments on that last bit and says, "An' I don't wanna hear about how you do love him, an' everythin' is wonderful an' happy. If you ain't seein' his flaws, you don' love him. You can't until you can see his flaws an' accept them with him."

Mirana continues to hold her own belly, and seems a bit irritated at Arimia, "Regardless of the complications, we can and will figure them out. Kits are a huge responsibility. I remember how much of a handful I could be, and both my younger brother and younger sister. But, we can figure it out, if that is a result, we..." and she looks down over herself again, "We'd just have to." She doesn't make any comment about how much she does love him, Arimia just said she didn't want to hear it.

Arimia gives a small shrug of her shoulders and says, "Maybe not. There are herbs. Contraceptives an' all. Some can... Terminate a pregnancy. I understand it's a bit painful an' all, but it is an option. Could ask around the brothel. They'd know where to get 'em." She sets her mug down and says, "I ain't sayin' you should. I am sayin' you an' he need to talk seriously about things, an' keep in mind that that is one possibility. Especially considerin' that if you do have kits, things won't be easy for 'em. You could alleviate some of that by goin' out an' life-bondin' to him right now, but that has it's own issues an' such." She frowns slightly and gives a small shake of her head saying, "Most of this probably ain't what you want to hear while you're effectively drunk on your afterglow an' all. If you need to talk to someone about things later, you can find me."

Mirana looks to Arimia and shakes her head, "No, if the Creators have decided that this is my time for motherhood, then this is my time. Nothing like that." and she looks to her belly again, "Nothing .... like that. I'd denounce my title first if that was the only other possiblity." She listens closely to the other options. "Well, I'll find Yuric and Kilsa then, and we can all talk. I know where your room is at the inn, I'll be sure to stop by if I need to, and, thank you, please find me if you need to talk to me." She looks around a moment and considers washing up the dishes she'd used herself, but... she could send Sheepy out later if she needed to, besides, surely a noble like Kilsa had servants of her own? "Miss Arimia, it seems Lady Kilsa isn't here, so I'm going to go check at the orphanage, if she isn't there, head out to do training. I hope you have more luck in finding her then I usually have though." And with a curtsey she heads off, more then a little spring in her step as the wonderous feelings continue to push aside more rational thinking.

Arimia watches as Mirana leaves then scowls, muttering, "Damn naive fool." She hops off the counter and gathers up the dishes the fox had left behind, moving to start cleaning them.