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<div></div><br> <br>The wind is blowing around the rain today, as it seems as if these missions only wish to come when rain pours upon the land. The army camp had directed those whom volunteered, to the edge of the swamp where a few tarps with raging bonfires were set up. A single small folk sparrow in an officer&#39;s regalia is hopping around as he motions to individuals. &quot;Danials! I told you to finish setting that up -after- you finish the meal! LORELY! What in the King&#39;s name are you doing sitting down?&quot; The bird himself seems terribly distracted, but of the fifteen folks present, he does appear to be the one in charge...<br> <br>Millicent winds along towards the meeting point, suited up in her armour today. If it was going to be dangerous, she was going in equipped! Her larger sword kept in addition to her usual smaller one. &quot;Hello! I am here to help,&quot; she says, offering a little wave.<br> <br>Cara makes her way over to the camp, suited up in an ordinary outfit for once. Said ordinary outfit is long pants with quite a large amount of pockets and a grey sleeved jacket. As expected, she has her sabre sheathed at the hilt, her staff in her right hand, and a smile on her face. &quot;I hope I can help out as much as I can.&quot;<br> <br>Shizuko enters the camp in the swamp, the leopardess&#39; ears flat. She has added an umbrella to her already impressive arsenal, although with the wind it hasn&#39;t kept her too terribly dry; as she reaches the group, though, she gets her game face on and looks over the assembled army unit with a cool, professional demeanor before she nods at the officer.<br> <br>The little sparrow jumps slightly as the trio approaches, peering around them some as he clicks his tongue and nods to himself. &quot;Alrighty then! I am Lieutenant Dannio, and as for your briefing today ladies I shall be short... Go into this tunnel, smack around some of the ugly bastards to get far in, then tell us what you see.&quot; He nods gently as a goat in a privates uniform clears his throat, causing the sparrow to jump once more. &quot;Oh! As for the entrance, it is just past the large tree at the end of the camp. We havent seen any movement since we killed their workers, so by all means we -believe- it to be safe for a bit. As for us having scouted before you, well, we&#39;re well aware of -your- adaptability and chose to wait for you lot instead of sending some boys to their deaths. Rest assured, payment in full upon return.&quot;<br> <br>Millicent looks down at herself, then to the sparrow and nods. &quot;Sounds good to me. I will do my best,&quot; she says, looking over towards the others &quot;Do either of you want to take point, or shall I?&quot; She asks, looking off towards the cave.<br> <br>Cara nods in agreement and speaks, &quot;Thank you for the information.&quot; She proceeds to step forward, &quot;I&#39;ll take point. After all, I didn&#39;t really bring a torch and it might be best if the torch bearers remain in the back.&quot; At that point she begins walks toward the large tree with a confident smile on her face, her ears perked up, and her tail moving slowly through the air. However, she stops shortly in case anyone isn&#39;t following along.<br> <br>The leopardess&#39; ear flicks, and Shizuko bows her head to the sparrow. &quot;That works for me,&quot; she replies, falling in behind Cara and keeping her eyes on the tigress. &quot;I tend to rely on my speed more than armor, so if the tunnel gets too tight I may need to hide behind you, Millicent.&quot;<br> <br>Dax runs up to the group panting and huffing. &quot;Wait!&quot; he drones, his lips not matching his words, &quot;Wait for me! I can help!&quot; The miniature rhino stops at the group, a huge wrench braced over his shoulders.<br> <br>The group is shown by the goat to the entrance, the tunnel itself -just- tall enough for a average sized being to enter... Not nearly big enough yet for any of those larger creatures the Craige use! The tunnel itself is almost pitch black inside, though when a torch is lit it would reveal surprisingly smooth stone leading all the way in, as if the craige were less breaking out like a miner, and more shapping it for a hall of some sort. The floor is slicked from the rain that has seeped down into it, making it just a tad slipperly but nothing too dangerous so long as one minds their footing inside.<br> <br>Millicent nods at Shizuko and claps her plated arm to her breastplate. &quot;I will do my best to guard you! Though I confess, my armour is more for skirmishes and light conflict than taking hits. It&#39;s no knight&#39;s regalia.&quot; She tugs a lantern up from her hip, though, and nods at Cara. &quot;I&#39;ll provide light as best as I can. When we start getting in enough that it gets too dark to see.&quot;<br> <br>Cara begins to think about things as they walk along. She calls out from ahead of Millicent, &quot;Thank you, Millicent.&quot; As she feels her way along the walls, she starts to pay attention for anything that might jump out and attack the quartet of explorers.<br> <br>Dax trots after the others and tapps something on his little tool vest that starts to give off a gentle white light and sticks close for now.<br> <br>Shizuko slings her miao dao over her shoulder - figuring the larger blade would be useless in the tight quarters - and then readies a torch from her pack, lighting it before she slips her falchion into her other hand. &quot;Alright,&quot; she says, tone lower. &quot;Quick and quiet and lets see what these things have at home.&quot;<br> <br>For the majority of the slope down the tunnel, the trip is... Quiet. The lights from the group illuminating small etchings in the Craige&#39;s illegible language that dot the wall, possible instructions for the workers judging from one picture of a craige with a digging tool of some sort. though, the farther down the path they go, the more a tiny speck of light in the distance begins to glow even farther down the hallway, and the sounds of metal hitting metal can be heard...<br> <br>With Shizuko&#39;s torch and Dax&#39;s light, she leaves her own lantern to hang from her hip again, unlit, while she draws the sword at her side. &quot;Sounds... Like a forge,&quot; she says quietly, ears twitching.<br> <br>Cara&#39;s ears twitch as she hears the metal hit itself. Without a word, the feline places her staff behind her back into its respective holder, and unsheashes her sabre. At this point, she stops and speaks quietly, &quot;We&#39;ll have to be careful about this. They might have additional help. I see two courses of action. We could go in there and jump them, or we can send someone who is good at sneaking to see how many are in the room.&quot;<br> <br>Shizuko quietly agrees with Millicent, with a small &quot;Mmhm.&quot; Her ear flicks. &quot;They are building their tools of war... if you want me to scout it out I am comfortable with it.&quot;<br> <br>Dax shakes his head. &quot;Don&#39;t look at me,&quot; he buzzes in that strange mechanical drone of his, &quot;I&#39;m about as sneaky as a-&quot; he makes some sort of unintelligible reference. It can be assumed that whatever he said it was something loud. &quot;But I am small, if you need me to get into some tight spaces.&quot;<br> <br>Millicent glancs back towards Shizuko and gives a little nod. &quot;Feel free. I trust your abilities over my own when it comes to scouting. I&#39;m just good at swordplay.&quot; And fishing, but that&#39;s hardly relevant down here. &quot;Nor am I... Small. I will hold back if some scouting were to take place.&quot;

Revision as of 05:21, 11 June 2015





The wind is blowing around the rain today, as it seems as if these missions only wish to come when rain pours upon the land. The army camp had directed those whom volunteered, to the edge of the swamp where a few tarps with raging bonfires were set up. A single small folk sparrow in an officer's regalia is hopping around as he motions to individuals. "Danials! I told you to finish setting that up -after- you finish the meal! LORELY! What in the King's name are you doing sitting down?" The bird himself seems terribly distracted, but of the fifteen folks present, he does appear to be the one in charge...

Millicent winds along towards the meeting point, suited up in her armour today. If it was going to be dangerous, she was going in equipped! Her larger sword kept in addition to her usual smaller one. "Hello! I am here to help," she says, offering a little wave.

Cara makes her way over to the camp, suited up in an ordinary outfit for once. Said ordinary outfit is long pants with quite a large amount of pockets and a grey sleeved jacket. As expected, she has her sabre sheathed at the hilt, her staff in her right hand, and a smile on her face. "I hope I can help out as much as I can."

Shizuko enters the camp in the swamp, the leopardess' ears flat. She has added an umbrella to her already impressive arsenal, although with the wind it hasn't kept her too terribly dry; as she reaches the group, though, she gets her game face on and looks over the assembled army unit with a cool, professional demeanor before she nods at the officer.

The little sparrow jumps slightly as the trio approaches, peering around them some as he clicks his tongue and nods to himself. "Alrighty then! I am Lieutenant Dannio, and as for your briefing today ladies I shall be short... Go into this tunnel, smack around some of the ugly bastards to get far in, then tell us what you see." He nods gently as a goat in a privates uniform clears his throat, causing the sparrow to jump once more. "Oh! As for the entrance, it is just past the large tree at the end of the camp. We havent seen any movement since we killed their workers, so by all means we -believe- it to be safe for a bit. As for us having scouted before you, well, we're well aware of -your- adaptability and chose to wait for you lot instead of sending some boys to their deaths. Rest assured, payment in full upon return."

Millicent looks down at herself, then to the sparrow and nods. "Sounds good to me. I will do my best," she says, looking over towards the others "Do either of you want to take point, or shall I?" She asks, looking off towards the cave.

Cara nods in agreement and speaks, "Thank you for the information." She proceeds to step forward, "I'll take point. After all, I didn't really bring a torch and it might be best if the torch bearers remain in the back." At that point she begins walks toward the large tree with a confident smile on her face, her ears perked up, and her tail moving slowly through the air. However, she stops shortly in case anyone isn't following along.

The leopardess' ear flicks, and Shizuko bows her head to the sparrow. "That works for me," she replies, falling in behind Cara and keeping her eyes on the tigress. "I tend to rely on my speed more than armor, so if the tunnel gets too tight I may need to hide behind you, Millicent."

Dax runs up to the group panting and huffing. "Wait!" he drones, his lips not matching his words, "Wait for me! I can help!" The miniature rhino stops at the group, a huge wrench braced over his shoulders.

The group is shown by the goat to the entrance, the tunnel itself -just- tall enough for a average sized being to enter... Not nearly big enough yet for any of those larger creatures the Craige use! The tunnel itself is almost pitch black inside, though when a torch is lit it would reveal surprisingly smooth stone leading all the way in, as if the craige were less breaking out like a miner, and more shapping it for a hall of some sort. The floor is slicked from the rain that has seeped down into it, making it just a tad slipperly but nothing too dangerous so long as one minds their footing inside.

Millicent nods at Shizuko and claps her plated arm to her breastplate. "I will do my best to guard you! Though I confess, my armour is more for skirmishes and light conflict than taking hits. It's no knight's regalia." She tugs a lantern up from her hip, though, and nods at Cara. "I'll provide light as best as I can. When we start getting in enough that it gets too dark to see."

Cara begins to think about things as they walk along. She calls out from ahead of Millicent, "Thank you, Millicent." As she feels her way along the walls, she starts to pay attention for anything that might jump out and attack the quartet of explorers.

Dax trots after the others and tapps something on his little tool vest that starts to give off a gentle white light and sticks close for now.

Shizuko slings her miao dao over her shoulder - figuring the larger blade would be useless in the tight quarters - and then readies a torch from her pack, lighting it before she slips her falchion into her other hand. "Alright," she says, tone lower. "Quick and quiet and lets see what these things have at home."

For the majority of the slope down the tunnel, the trip is... Quiet. The lights from the group illuminating small etchings in the Craige's illegible language that dot the wall, possible instructions for the workers judging from one picture of a craige with a digging tool of some sort. though, the farther down the path they go, the more a tiny speck of light in the distance begins to glow even farther down the hallway, and the sounds of metal hitting metal can be heard...

With Shizuko's torch and Dax's light, she leaves her own lantern to hang from her hip again, unlit, while she draws the sword at her side. "Sounds... Like a forge," she says quietly, ears twitching.

Cara's ears twitch as she hears the metal hit itself. Without a word, the feline places her staff behind her back into its respective holder, and unsheashes her sabre. At this point, she stops and speaks quietly, "We'll have to be careful about this. They might have additional help. I see two courses of action. We could go in there and jump them, or we can send someone who is good at sneaking to see how many are in the room."

Shizuko quietly agrees with Millicent, with a small "Mmhm." Her ear flicks. "They are building their tools of war... if you want me to scout it out I am comfortable with it."

Dax shakes his head. "Don't look at me," he buzzes in that strange mechanical drone of his, "I'm about as sneaky as a-" he makes some sort of unintelligible reference. It can be assumed that whatever he said it was something loud. "But I am small, if you need me to get into some tight spaces."

Millicent glancs back towards Shizuko and gives a little nod. "Feel free. I trust your abilities over my own when it comes to scouting. I'm just good at swordplay." And fishing, but that's hardly relevant down here. "Nor am I... Small. I will hold back if some scouting were to take place."