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A soft sigh, and a shake of the head. &quot;If you want out, tell me. But if that&#39;s the case, remember that if we find out you&#39;ve told -anyone- about the Hand, you know the price.&quot;<br> <br>Terry steps up to the door, pausing just before he knocks. He notices the door is slightly ajar, just enough that it lets sound and a crack of light filter through. His ears perk as he recognizes Katrina&#39;s voice, and stops to just listen for now.<br> <br>&quot;I dislike working in the dark, Kitten,&quot; Hugo says, &quot;I have never made a secret of that. And as far as crimes go, that all stems from your father&#39;s. . . friends. But I will not speak ill of him. He was my mentor and a good friend. I am only saying that this &#39;false Lady&#39; as you call her could be our way back into the light of day! I am tired of strong arming fools who are too stupid to use the family&#39;s money.&quot; The white lion reclines in a large, overstuffed chair beside an unlit fireplace. &quot;You know how distasteful I find all that business,&quot; he says, &quot;And now I will really have to break the poor fool&#39;s other arm if he does not deliver. It is no game for a gentleman. That is all I am saying.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;I understand. And she is. But not in the way you are thinking. But rest asured. Our Lady needs her sister alive, at least for the time being. As for a gentleman&#39;s game... If you prefer, the Hand can find another job for you? One that you will find more... Suitable?&quot; she rumbles with a smile, before perking her ears and looking to the door. &quot;More on that later, though... I believe our visitor has arrived.&quot;<br> <br>Terry blinks as he overhears that last sentence. He stands up straight and proper, then knocks before pushing the door open. He steps through, but there is something rather different about him today. The young ocelot is wearing not his usual suit, or in fact any kind of male outfit, but instead a lavishly ornate yellow sundress. The outfit clings tightly to his effeminate curves, and thanks to the padding that was added to the front of the dress it makes for quite the convincing illusion - at least for someone who did not already know him. He steps into the room, looking somewhat embarrassed. &quot;Good afternoon, Lord Hugo.&quot;<br> <br>Hugo frowns at Terry. &quot;What in Hell are you wearing, boy?&quot; he asks, then turns his frown on Katrina, &quot;What, exactly do you have the boy doing? What is it you are expecting from me? I do not like these little games, Kitten. I was quite comfortable with my work up North, and I am getting tired of waiting on the Lady&#39;s whims after she called me here.&quot; The lion waves a thick hand at Terry and his feminine garb. &quot;And THIS is what you are raising up the next generation to do?&quot; he asks, then looks to Terry, &quot;Please, explain yourself.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Terry here is, as you may&#39;ve noticed, quite effeminate. A true thief knows how to use everything in his or her arsenal. I am teaching Terry everything I know, which includes the art of seduction... Male -and- female. Besides... I didn&#39;t give him any dress code for today. He&#39;s wearing that on his own volition,&quot; Katrina notes, before shaking her head. &quot;I will see what I can do about the Lady&#39;s orders, but hers is a long game.&quot;<br> <br>Terry shrinks as Hugo&#39;s reaction. He nibbles on his lip as Katrina explains, nodding at her words. &quot;I.. figured I&#39;d try the dress again. Try and build up confidence. Last time it did not go very well.&quot; He can&#39;t bear to look at Hugo in the eye, keeping his own downcast. &quot;I can go change, I brought the other clothes as well. I&#39;m sorry Uncle Hugo.&quot;<br> <br>The stormclouds in Hugo&#39;s eyes do not abate. &quot;And you teach thieves. . .&quot; he growls, &quot;I do not understand what your father was thinking when he raised you. Seduction, fine, intrigue, fine, even hand  to hand combat is a courtly art, but picking pockets?&quot; The lion shakes his mane and sips at the wide mouthed goblet in his hand. Then he looks at Terry. &quot;No,&quot; he says firmly, &quot;You want to be a woman? Fine. But you will learn to be a lady.&quot; He points at an empty chair across from himself, beside Katrina. &quot;Please, be seated, Miss Terry,&quot; he says in civil, if cool tones.<br> <br>Katrina simply sighs and shakes her head, before looking to Terry. &quot;As Hugo says,&quot; she simply notes, smiling lightly under her mask, while her tail continues flicking back and forth. &quot;Theft, Hugo, is one of the few crimes we can aim at those that hardly feel it. And at those that truly deserve it. The crown will not miss a crate of money more or less. A warlord can be parted from his money just as well as a regular being can,&quot; she notes, before shaking her head. &quot;I understand your aversion, but I disagree none the less.&quot;<br> <br>Terry keeps his eyes downcast as he nods, stepping forward into the room and towards the empty chair he was told to take. He sits down straight, trying to mimic Katrina&#39;s stance and mannerisms. He definitely lacks her confidence, especially after the scolding he just receieved. He ponders speaking up on the current subject but.. he&#39;d rather not anger Hugo further.<br> <br>Hugo does not respond to Katrina except with a grunt. He lifts his cane from where it sits beside his chair and reaches across the table to rap on Terry&#39;s elbow and knee, guiding them into more appropriate, feminine positions. &quot;Do not imitate Katrina,&quot; he says, &quot;She is my laziest pupil. Now, pour the tea.&quot; The lion waves his hand at the tea setting on the table. &quot;And do it gracefully,&quot; he orders, &quot;A young lady must be graceful. Katrina was never graceful. Always too busy thinking about what was in her guest&#39;s pockets and not about what was in their cups!&quot; This is obviously a tender point for the gentlemanly lion.<br> <br>A sigh, a shake of the head. &quot;I know how to behave, Hugo. It&#39;s simply that many of those lessons are... Not at all that useful in my daily life... But they do come in handy when mingling with the rich for information or other things,&quot; she rumbles, before seating herself in a far, far more ladylike fashion. &quot;I simply have no wish to keep up the charade when it is not required.&quot;<br> <br>Terry follows Hugo&#39;s instructions, adjusting his stance and tucking in his arm as it is tapped. He reaches over the table to take the tea pot, struggling to do the motion gracefully and efficiently while maintaining his ladylike stance. He grips the pot by the handle and tries to fill Hugo&#39;s cup from where he&#39;s sitting, his hand trembling slightly.<br> <br>&quot;That is the problem!&quot; Hugo growls, a bit of a northern accent showing through, &quot;It should not be an act! You should be a lady in your own right! Not a thief! It should not be a charade!&quot; The storming white lion waves Terry back to his seat. &quot;Very good, Miss Terry,&quot; he says, &quot;Perhaps between the two of you, we can manage ONE lady of good breeding.&quot; He puts his can back against his chair and reaches out to take a cup of tea.<br> <br>A smile, a shake of her head, and a soft rumble. &quot;You realize the False Lady doesn&#39;t even bother making it an act, yes? She&#39;s as common as the road,&quot; the she-cat notes, before shaking her head. &quot;Tell you what, Hugo... The Lady still has some things she wants from the Manor. If you make sure to remain undetected, I can convince her to let you see for yourself,&quot; she notes, before shaking her head.
A soft sigh, and a shake of the head. &quot;If you want out, tell me. But if that&#39;s the case, remember that if we find out you&#39;ve told -anyone- about the Hand, you know the price.&quot;<br> <br>Terry steps up to the door, pausing just before he knocks. He notices the door is slightly ajar, just enough that it lets sound and a crack of light filter through. His ears perk as he recognizes Katrina&#39;s voice, and stops to just listen for now.<br> <br>&quot;I dislike working in the dark, Kitten,&quot; Hugo says, &quot;I have never made a secret of that. And as far as crimes go, that all stems from your father&#39;s. . . friends. But I will not speak ill of him. He was my mentor and a good friend. I am only saying that this &#39;false Lady&#39; as you call her could be our way back into the light of day! I am tired of strong arming fools who are too stupid to use the family&#39;s money.&quot; The white lion reclines in a large, overstuffed chair beside an unlit fireplace. &quot;You know how distasteful I find all that business,&quot; he says, &quot;And now I will really have to break the poor fool&#39;s other arm if he does not deliver. It is no game for a gentleman. That is all I am saying.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;I understand. And she is. But not in the way you are thinking. But rest asured. Our Lady needs her sister alive, at least for the time being. As for a gentleman&#39;s game... If you prefer, the Hand can find another job for you? One that you will find more... Suitable?&quot; she rumbles with a smile, before perking her ears and looking to the door. &quot;More on that later, though... I believe our visitor has arrived.&quot;<br> <br>Terry blinks as he overhears that last sentence. He stands up straight and proper, then knocks before pushing the door open. He steps through, but there is something rather different about him today. The young ocelot is wearing not his usual suit, or in fact any kind of male outfit, but instead a lavishly ornate yellow sundress. The outfit clings tightly to his effeminate curves, and thanks to the padding that was added to the front of the dress it makes for quite the convincing illusion - at least for someone who did not already know him. He steps into the room, looking somewhat embarrassed. &quot;Good afternoon, Lord Hugo.&quot;<br> <br>Hugo frowns at Terry. &quot;What in Hell are you wearing, boy?&quot; he asks, then turns his frown on Katrina, &quot;What, exactly do you have the boy doing? What is it you are expecting from me? I do not like these little games, Kitten. I was quite comfortable with my work up North, and I am getting tired of waiting on the Lady&#39;s whims after she called me here.&quot; The lion waves a thick hand at Terry and his feminine garb. &quot;And THIS is what you are raising up the next generation to do?&quot; he asks, then looks to Terry, &quot;Please, explain yourself.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Terry here is, as you may&#39;ve noticed, quite effeminate. A true thief knows how to use everything in his or her arsenal. I am teaching Terry everything I know, which includes the art of seduction... Male -and- female. Besides... I didn&#39;t give him any dress code for today. He&#39;s wearing that on his own volition,&quot; Katrina notes, before shaking her head. &quot;I will see what I can do about the Lady&#39;s orders, but hers is a long game.&quot;<br> <br>Terry shrinks as Hugo&#39;s reaction. He nibbles on his lip as Katrina explains, nodding at her words. &quot;I.. figured I&#39;d try the dress again. Try and build up confidence. Last time it did not go very well.&quot; He can&#39;t bear to look at Hugo in the eye, keeping his own downcast. &quot;I can go change, I brought the other clothes as well. I&#39;m sorry Uncle Hugo.&quot;<br> <br>The stormclouds in Hugo&#39;s eyes do not abate. &quot;And you teach thieves. . .&quot; he growls, &quot;I do not understand what your father was thinking when he raised you. Seduction, fine, intrigue, fine, even hand  to hand combat is a courtly art, but picking pockets?&quot; The lion shakes his mane and sips at the wide mouthed goblet in his hand. Then he looks at Terry. &quot;No,&quot; he says firmly, &quot;You want to be a woman? Fine. But you will learn to be a lady.&quot; He points at an empty chair across from himself, beside Katrina. &quot;Please, be seated, Miss Terry,&quot; he says in civil, if cool tones.<br> <br>Katrina simply sighs and shakes her head, before looking to Terry. &quot;As Hugo says,&quot; she simply notes, smiling lightly under her mask, while her tail continues flicking back and forth. &quot;Theft, Hugo, is one of the few crimes we can aim at those that hardly feel it. And at those that truly deserve it. The crown will not miss a crate of money more or less. A warlord can be parted from his money just as well as a regular being can,&quot; she notes, before shaking her head. &quot;I understand your aversion, but I disagree none the less.&quot;<br> <br>Terry keeps his eyes downcast as he nods, stepping forward into the room and towards the empty chair he was told to take. He sits down straight, trying to mimic Katrina&#39;s stance and mannerisms. He definitely lacks her confidence, especially after the scolding he just receieved. He ponders speaking up on the current subject but.. he&#39;d rather not anger Hugo further.<br> <br>Hugo does not respond to Katrina except with a grunt. He lifts his cane from where it sits beside his chair and reaches across the table to rap on Terry&#39;s elbow and knee, guiding them into more appropriate, feminine positions. &quot;Do not imitate Katrina,&quot; he says, &quot;She is my laziest pupil. Now, pour the tea.&quot; The lion waves his hand at the tea setting on the table. &quot;And do it gracefully,&quot; he orders, &quot;A young lady must be graceful. Katrina was never graceful. Always too busy thinking about what was in her guest&#39;s pockets and not about what was in their cups!&quot; This is obviously a tender point for the gentlemanly lion.<br> <br>A sigh, a shake of the head. &quot;I know how to behave, Hugo. It&#39;s simply that many of those lessons are... Not at all that useful in my daily life... But they do come in handy when mingling with the rich for information or other things,&quot; she rumbles, before seating herself in a far, far more ladylike fashion. &quot;I simply have no wish to keep up the charade when it is not required.&quot;<br> <br>Terry follows Hugo&#39;s instructions, adjusting his stance and tucking in his arm as it is tapped. He reaches over the table to take the tea pot, struggling to do the motion gracefully and efficiently while maintaining his ladylike stance. He grips the pot by the handle and tries to fill Hugo&#39;s cup from where he&#39;s sitting, his hand trembling slightly.<br> <br>&quot;That is the problem!&quot; Hugo growls, a bit of a northern accent showing through, &quot;It should not be an act! You should be a lady in your own right! Not a thief! It should not be a charade!&quot; The storming white lion waves Terry back to his seat. &quot;Very good, Miss Terry,&quot; he says, &quot;Perhaps between the two of you, we can manage ONE lady of good breeding.&quot; He puts his can back against his chair and reaches out to take a cup of tea.<br> <br>A smile, a shake of her head, and a soft rumble. &quot;You realize the False Lady doesn&#39;t even bother making it an act, yes? She&#39;s as common as the road,&quot; the she-cat notes, before shaking her head. &quot;Tell you what, Hugo... The Lady still has some things she wants from the Manor. If you make sure to remain undetected, I can convince her to let you see for yourself,&quot; she notes, before shaking her head.
&quot;I know I don&#39;t behave very ladylike throughout the day. But I have to lead the Hand. Everything else is secondary.&quot;<br> <br>Terry smiles briefly as he&#39;s praised, but deep down he realizes Hugo is still very upset at him. Still, he&#39;s already getting in character so he continues what he&#39;s doing. He pours himself and Katrina a cup of tea in the same way, then goes back to his elegant sitting position like Hugh &#39;taught&#39; him. He takes a gentle sip from his tea and puts the cup back down on the saucer as he continues to listen in.<br> <br>Hugo frowns at Katrina. &quot;Fine,&quot; he finally says, &quot;I will see for myself. But I am no sneak thief! See to it that I have the money to purchase these artifacts and I will retrieve them legitimately. I am a businessman, Kitten, and a gentleman.&quot; He looks back at Terry and gives a nod, though his frown does not slip. &quot;Perhaps Miss Terry will accompany me?&quot;<br> <br>&quot;I will see what I can do,&quot; the she-cat rumbles softly, before looking back to Terry. &quot;You&#39;ll have to let me know in advance. Terry&#39;s training is far from over... But I&#39;m sure the experience will be... Enlightening. Just keep in mind that Terry&#39;s my pupil, not yours.&quot;<br> <br>Terry looks between the two of them, nodding at Hugo&#39;s words. &quot;I would love to accompany you, Uncle Hugo.&quot; He looks at Katrina, blinking at her last sentence, but nodding in agreement. &quot;Of course. Only if you allow it and desire it.&quot;<br> <br>Hugo nods once. &quot;I shall make the arrangements then,&quot; he says, that northern accent fading as he relaxes, &quot;Only let me know what it is I a meant to procure.&quot; He looks at Terry in his sun dress. &quot;And get Miss Terry a decent dress,&quot; he says, &quot;I will not have an escort dressed for a summer festival.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Terry has one. A proper ballgown. If you prefer anything else, we can go back to the tailors&#39; tomorrow. Just be aware she&#39;ll be terribly overdressed for meeting with the false &#39;Lady&#39;, no matter what you two pick,&quot; she notes, shaking her head lightly.<br> <br>Terry nods quickly. &quot;It&#39;s a beautiful ballgown, Uncle Hugo. I haven&#39;t worn it since we first bought it, but it was specifically tailored for me. I&#39;m sure it won&#39;t disappoint.&quot; He looks at Katrina briefly, then back to Hugo. &quot;Is there anything else I should bring, Uncle Hugo? As in.. anything lady would bring with her.. &quot;<br> <br>Hugo frowns again at Terry. &quot;A young lady speaks when spoken to, Miss Terry,&quot; the lion says, &quot;Otherwise, prudent silence is recommended.&quot; He shakes out his pristine, white mane. &quot;I am certain that my neice will see to it that you have all and more than you need,&quot; he says, turning his frown on Katrina, &quot;Overdressed is always preferable to the alternative, my dear Kitten.&quot; The large cat sighs and sinks into his chair, his overly long tail draped over the arm and swaying lightly. &quot;Now you&#39;ve gone and upset me,&quot; he says to the room in general, &quot;It may be time for a bit of meditation.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Suit yourself, Hugo... You&#39;ll see what I mean soon enough,&quot; Katrina rumbles, before shaking her head lightly. &quot;The same holds, if I remember, for a young lord,&quot; the she-cat notes, shaking her head just lightly as she looks to Hugo. &quot;As you wish. I will convene with the lady to procure a list of the items she wants.&quot;<br> <br>Terry looks down as he&#39;s scolded by Hugo. The poor boy has not recieved that many lessons in etiquette, much less etiquette aimed at a lhigh society lady. He sips from his tea delicately once more, and straightens himself back up. Slouching, that&#39;s a bad thing, he reminds himself. Ladies don&#39;t slouch.<br> <br>Hugo sighs and stands. &quot;Very good,&quot; he says, then walks to the empty fireplace. The lion reaches down and takes hold on a wrought iron post that is part of the fireplace and pulls it down hard. The back of the fireplace slides open with the sound of stone on stone. &quot;Come along,&quot; he says, ducking down and stepping through the fireplace, &quot;As long as you are here you can help me unwind, I suppose.&quot;<br> <br>Katrina smiles and flicks her ears, before standing up and following after Hugo, gesturing for Terry to join the two. &quot;Come now. Don&#39;t keep Hugo waiting, Terry. It&#39;s... Unladylike.&quot;<br> <br>Terry quickly stands up. &quot;Yes &#39;maam.&quot; He adds quickly. Hopefully that did not break the rule he was given. He was spoke to after all. He moves towards Hugo, constantly reminding himself to keep his back straight, and to walk briskly without actually running. Thanks to his size he doesn&#39;t have to duck through the fireplace as he follows Hugo inside.<br> <br>The scene beyond the secret fireplace entrance is certainly interesting! While other parts of the manor are decorated with finery and tapestries and all the comforts one could ask for, here the stone walls are bare aside from weapon racks and suits of various kinds of armor. There is a wide, open area with a painted circle on the stone floor. Light filters down from a skylight in the high ceiling. &quot;Welcome to the training grounds,&quot; Hugo says, the frown leaving his face for a time, &quot;This used to be part of a larger compound, but times have changed.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;What&#39;d you have in mind, Hugo?&quot; the she-cat rumbles with a smile, tapping her cane on the ground once, before shaking her head. &quot;I&#39;d hate to use the Rose. You know what it&#39;s coated in, after all. Besides, the Rose is for... Special occasions.&quot;<br> <br>Terry keeps his hands clasped to his front as he regards the room around him. He&#39;s not much of a fighter, despite Donovan&#39;s lessons. He&#39;d wield a weapon for Katrina, but wouldn&#39;t be the best at it by any extent. He regards the circle warily. It looks like some training or sparring area.<br> <br>&quot;Don&#39;t be vulgar, Katrina,&quot; Hugo chides, &quot;This is a place with History! This is a temple to our heritage! Not just an arena for brawling.&quot; The white lion carefully removes his coat and hangs it on a weapon rack, placing his silk cravat and dark hat on top, leaving him in his shirt sleeves, with a pair of red suspenders holding his trousers and framing his slight paunch and burly frame. He tucks his overly long tail through a belt loop and swaggers out to the ring. &quot;Do you remember the seven steps, little neice?&quot; he asks, &quot;You may join me.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;A little rusty, but sure. I admit I prefer a good duel. Still,&quot; she rumbles, before setting her cane to the side. &quot;As you wish,&quot; she rumbles, taking her own position in the ring.<br> <br>Terry moves a few feet away from the edge of the ring, ready to observe. He keeps his eyes on Hugo, noting his stance and poise, the movements of his body as he gets ready for the sparring match.<br> <br>Hugo takes up a position in the center of the ring and takes a deep breath. &quot;Last time I sparred with you, dear Kitten,&quot; he says with his eyes closed, &quot;I was sick in bed for nearly two weeks. While I respect your skills, I do not trust you. I hope you can forgive me for that.&quot; The regal looking lion then starts to move in a smooth, heavy cadence. The motions are not beautiful. They do not flow like wind and water, nor do they inspire feelings of deep spirituality. They look like an earthquake and like bloody painful body blows, but Hugo&#39;s breathing is deep and calm as he works his way through the harsh, bone rending motions.<br> <br>&quot;I -did- tell you you didn&#39;t want to face the Rose. You&#39;re lucky it&#39;s a family recipe,&quot; she notes, before shaking her head... Soon enough, her moves mimick his own, in a slow, practiced pattern, the two beings circling around a shared center in the ring with every motion...<br> <br>Terry shifts his gaze from one to the other, noting their movements. They did not engage in a proper spar, as he had expected, but seem to be doing some kind of.. fighting dance. He watches with rapt fascination.<br> <br>&quot;Family recipe or not,&quot; Hugo grunts, snapping the arm of an imaginary opponent, &quot;It was underhanded and dishonorable. There is too much of your father in you girl.&quot; He spins in place and throws a hard kick that forces him to drive forward a pair of paces before slamming his palms down on the ground to pulverize another unseen foe. &quot;I loved the man, and looked up to him like a big brother,&quot; he says, &quot;But he spent too long in the dark. Got to the point where he did not cast a shadow. His shadow cast him. Do not let it happen to you, Kitten.&quot; He finishes the short katta with a hard stomp that makes a little cloud of dust puff up from the floor.<br> <br>&quot;I told you exactly what you could expect from the blade. You insisted I use my own, rather than a borrowed blade. Your words were &#39;Do not separate a being and her blade. They are two parts of a whole&#39;, if I recall correctly,&quot; she rumbles, before shaking her head and equally finishing the katta.<br> <br>Terry can&#39;t help but clap as the fight-dance finishes, a big bright smile gracing his features. Briefly he&#39;d forgotten where he was, simply entranced by the practiced motion that they had performed in near-perfect synchrony, their different styles nonwithstanding.<br> <br>&quot;And I beat you soundly,&quot; Hugo says, &quot;Not a scratch on me. Until after the fight you took it into your head to scratch me with your poisoned sticker! No my neice, I will not spar with you. You are too eager to win.&quot; The short excercise out of the way, Hugo steps behind a weapon rack, out of sight for a moment before returning in only a light, white robe, his bare, padded feet nearly silent on the stone floor, compared to the loud click of his fine shoes earlier. &quot;Now,&quot; he says, &quot;I am ready to relax a bit.&quot; He nods behind the rack, traces of a smirk on the corner of his mouth. &quot;Now you two Ladies can change your clothes.&quot;<br> <br>A soft rumble, and Kat moves behind the weapon rack as well, gesturing for Terry to come along. Her tail flicks lightly, and it doesn&#39;t take long for her to move out from behind the rack again, even wearing a different mask. A less ornamental, leather mask, simply meant to hide the visage, rather than to impress.<br> <br>Terry would blush red like a tomato, were it not for his furred cheeks. He steps after Katrina, keeping his gaze averted and downcast as he disappears behind the rack. He emerges after Katrina, wearing the same comfortable garment. His appearance is, of course, still very effeminate, but without the extra padding to give him curves in the right places he&#39;s not quite as deceptively female-looking as before. <br> <br>Hugo leads the way throught the cavernous space to what seems to be a natural pool. The water is clear, and not especially deep and a small waterfall on the far side churns the surface. The white lion wades in without hesitation and makes his way to sit on a raised stone beneath the rush of the waterfall. Despite the chill of the water, which is none too warm, he sits in stoic silence, eyes almost closed, in a position of meditation. He gives no instructions.<br> <br>Katrina smiles and rumbles softly, before gesturing at a small, wet set of stairs leading to two other, smaller waterfalls. &quot;Over there. And try to keep words to a minimumm. Just follow my lead,&quot; she notes, silently moving up the stairwell and taking a relaxed, comfortable position behind her chosen waterfall, closing her eyes and perking her ears as she takes a deep breath and simply listens to the sounds of flowing water...<br> <br>Terry does as he is told, of course. He&#39;s already been scolded once for speaking out of order, he&#39;s not going to risk angering Uncle Hugo any further. Or Katrina, for that matter. He follows along with her, staying behind her, and finding his own stone bench to sit down on as he was instructed. He sits on it daintily, subconsciously remaining on his role from earlier, until he notes Katrina&#39;s motion and tries to mimic her sitting position. He doesn&#39;t understand the meaning of what&#39;s happening here, but he lets his eyelids drop down and takes a deep breath, like they did.<br> <br>Hugo seems to be muttering something under his breath as he sits below the chilly waterfall. Though it is too indistinct to make out. Otherwise, the lion does not so much as twitch his tail, which is wrapped loosly around his waist.<br> <br>&quot;You can seat yourself under the waterfall, if you prefer. I find it far more relaxing to let my thoughts flow by the sound of the water, rather than the feel... Hugo disagrees, of course,&quot; Kat purrs softly, minding her volume not to disturb Hugo, while she takes another deep breath and closes her eyes once more.<br> <br>Terry looks up at Katrina, then at Hugo. He nods and slips out of his bench to instead go under one of the waterfalls, much like Katrina herself is doing. He still has no idea what the purpose of this exercise is, but he does his best to mimic them and try to.. what did she say again? Let the thoughts flow? He tries to do that, somehow, his tail twitching behind him.<br> <br>After a few minutes of silent meditation, Hugo finally sighs and rises. He turns and ducks under the waterfall, disappearing into some space beyond. What kind of ritual is this meant to be anyway?<br> <br>Katrina flicks her ears, and shakes her head. &quot;Remain seated,&quot; she notes, breathing out patiently, then in once again, ears flicking lightly. &quot;Simply relax, clear your mind, and let it wander. Let your thoughts flow wherever they will. Do not focus on them, simply let yourself be at peace. We will rejoin with Hugo later.&quot;<br> <br>Terry looks at Katrina, quirking a brow at her. She must read him like a book. He nods, then tries to follow her instructions. He closes his eyes again, taking a deep breath, and tries to expel his thoughts and let his mind wander. The small ocelot has never meditated before, and does not have the trained mind that it takes to do so on a dime, but he does begin to drift away in the currents of his thoughts as he lets go and relaxes.
&quot;I know I don&#39;t behave very ladylike throughout the day. But I have to lead the Hand. Everything else is secondary.&quot;<br> <br>Terry smiles briefly as he&#39;s praised, but deep down he realizes Hugo is still very upset at him. Still, he&#39;s already getting in character so he continues what he&#39;s doing. He pours himself and Katrina a cup of tea in the same way, then goes back to his elegant sitting position like Hugh &#39;taught&#39; him. He takes a gentle sip from his tea and puts the cup back down on the saucer as he continues to listen in.<br> <br>Hugo frowns at Katrina. &quot;Fine,&quot; he finally says, &quot;I will see for myself. But I am no sneak thief! See to it that I have the money to purchase these artifacts and I will retrieve them legitimately. I am a businessman, Kitten, and a gentleman.&quot; He looks back at Terry and gives a nod, though his frown does not slip. &quot;Perhaps Miss Terry will accompany me?&quot;<br> <br>&quot;I will see what I can do,&quot; the she-cat rumbles softly, before looking back to Terry. &quot;You&#39;ll have to let me know in advance. Terry&#39;s training is far from over... But I&#39;m sure the experience will be... Enlightening. Just keep in mind that Terry&#39;s my pupil, not yours.&quot;<br> <br>Terry looks between the two of them, nodding at Hugo&#39;s words. &quot;I would love to accompany you, Uncle Hugo.&quot; He looks at Katrina, blinking at her last sentence, but nodding in agreement. &quot;Of course. Only if you allow it and desire it.&quot;<br> <br>Hugo nods once. &quot;I shall make the arrangements then,&quot; he says, that northern accent fading as he relaxes, &quot;Only let me know what it is I a meant to procure.&quot; He looks at Terry in his sun dress. &quot;And get Miss Terry a decent dress,&quot; he says, &quot;I will not have an escort dressed for a summer festival.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Terry has one. A proper ballgown. If you prefer anything else, we can go back to the tailors&#39; tomorrow. Just be aware she&#39;ll be terribly overdressed for meeting with the false &#39;Lady&#39;, no matter what you two pick,&quot; she notes, shaking her head lightly.<br> <br>Terry nods quickly. &quot;It&#39;s a beautiful ballgown, Uncle Hugo. I haven&#39;t worn it since we first bought it, but it was specifically tailored for me. I&#39;m sure it won&#39;t disappoint.&quot; He looks at Katrina briefly, then back to Hugo. &quot;Is there anything else I should bring, Uncle Hugo? As in.. anything lady would bring with her.. &quot;<br> <br>Hugo frowns again at Terry. &quot;A young lady speaks when spoken to, Miss Terry,&quot; the lion says, &quot;Otherwise, prudent silence is recommended.&quot; He shakes out his pristine, white mane. &quot;I am certain that my neice will see to it that you have all and more than you need,&quot; he says, turning his frown on Katrina, &quot;Overdressed is always preferable to the alternative, my dear Kitten.&quot; The large cat sighs and sinks into his chair, his overly long tail draped over the arm and swaying lightly. &quot;Now you&#39;ve gone and upset me,&quot; he says to the room in general, &quot;It may be time for a bit of meditation.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Suit yourself, Hugo... You&#39;ll see what I mean soon enough,&quot; Katrina rumbles, before shaking her head lightly. &quot;The same holds, if I remember, for a young lord,&quot; the she-cat notes, shaking her head just lightly as she looks to Hugo. &quot;As you wish. I will convene with the lady to procure a list of the items she wants.&quot;<br> <br>Terry looks down as he&#39;s scolded by Hugo. The poor boy has not recieved that many lessons in etiquette, much less etiquette aimed at a lhigh society lady. He sips from his tea delicately once more, and straightens himself back up. Slouching, that&#39;s a bad thing, he reminds himself. Ladies don&#39;t slouch.<br> <br>Hugo sighs and stands. &quot;Very good,&quot; he says, then walks to the empty fireplace. The lion reaches down and takes hold on a wrought iron post that is part of the fireplace and pulls it down hard. The back of the fireplace slides open with the sound of stone on stone. &quot;Come along,&quot; he says, ducking down and stepping through the fireplace, &quot;As long as you are here you can help me unwind, I suppose.&quot;<br> <br>Katrina smiles and flicks her ears, before standing up and following after Hugo, gesturing for Terry to join the two. &quot;Come now. Don&#39;t keep Hugo waiting, Terry. It&#39;s... Unladylike.&quot;<br> <br>Terry quickly stands up. &quot;Yes &#39;maam.&quot; He adds quickly. Hopefully that did not break the rule he was given. He was spoke to after all. He moves towards Hugo, constantly reminding himself to keep his back straight, and to walk briskly without actually running. Thanks to his size he doesn&#39;t have to duck through the fireplace as he follows Hugo inside.<br> <br>The scene beyond the secret fireplace entrance is certainly interesting! While other parts of the manor are decorated with finery and tapestries and all the comforts one could ask for, here the stone walls are bare aside from weapon racks and suits of various kinds of armor. There is a wide, open area with a painted circle on the stone floor. Light filters down from a skylight in the high ceiling. &quot;Welcome to the training grounds,&quot; Hugo says, the frown leaving his face for a time, &quot;This used to be part of a larger compound, but times have changed.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;What&#39;d you have in mind, Hugo?&quot; the she-cat rumbles with a smile, tapping her cane on the ground once, before shaking her head. &quot;I&#39;d hate to use the Rose. You know what it&#39;s coated in, after all. Besides, the Rose is for... Special occasions.&quot;<br> <br>Terry keeps his hands clasped to his front as he regards the room around him. He&#39;s not much of a fighter, despite Donovan&#39;s lessons. He&#39;d wield a weapon for Katrina, but wouldn&#39;t be the best at it by any extent. He regards the circle warily. It looks like some training or sparring area.<br> <br>&quot;Don&#39;t be vulgar, Katrina,&quot; Hugo chides, &quot;This is a place with History! This is a temple to our heritage! Not just an arena for brawling.&quot; The white lion carefully removes his coat and hangs it on a weapon rack, placing his silk cravat and dark hat on top, leaving him in his shirt sleeves, with a pair of red suspenders holding his trousers and framing his slight paunch and burly frame. He tucks his overly long tail through a belt loop and swaggers out to the ring. &quot;Do you remember the seven steps, little neice?&quot; he asks, &quot;You may join me.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;A little rusty, but sure. I admit I prefer a good duel. Still,&quot; she rumbles, before setting her cane to the side. &quot;As you wish,&quot; she rumbles, taking her own position in the ring.<br> <br>Terry moves a few feet away from the edge of the ring, ready to observe. He keeps his eyes on Hugo, noting his stance and poise, the movements of his body as he gets ready for the sparring match.<br> <br>Hugo takes up a position in the center of the ring and takes a deep breath. &quot;Last time I sparred with you, dear Kitten,&quot; he says with his eyes closed, &quot;I was sick in bed for nearly two weeks. While I respect your skills, I do not trust you. I hope you can forgive me for that.&quot; The regal looking lion then starts to move in a smooth, heavy cadence. The motions are not beautiful. They do not flow like wind and water, nor do they inspire feelings of deep spirituality. They look like an earthquake and like bloody painful body blows, but Hugo&#39;s breathing is deep and calm as he works his way through the harsh, bone rending motions.<br> <br>&quot;I -did- tell you you didn&#39;t want to face the Rose. You&#39;re lucky it&#39;s a family recipe,&quot; she notes, before shaking her head... Soon enough, her moves mimick his own, in a slow, practiced pattern, the two beings circling around a shared center in the ring with every motion...<br> <br>Terry shifts his gaze from one to the other, noting their movements. They did not engage in a proper spar, as he had expected, but seem to be doing some kind of.. fighting dance. He watches with rapt fascination.<br> <br>&quot;Family recipe or not,&quot; Hugo grunts, snapping the arm of an imaginary opponent, &quot;It was underhanded and dishonorable. There is too much of your father in you girl.&quot; He spins in place and throws a hard kick that forces him to drive forward a pair of paces before slamming his palms down on the ground to pulverize another unseen foe. &quot;I loved the man, and looked up to him like a big brother,&quot; he says, &quot;But he spent too long in the dark. Got to the point where he did not cast a shadow. His shadow cast him. Do not let it happen to you, Kitten.&quot; He finishes the short katta with a hard stomp that makes a little cloud of dust puff up from the floor.<br> <br>&quot;I told you exactly what you could expect from the blade. You insisted I use my own, rather than a borrowed blade. Your words were &#39;Do not separate a being and her blade. They are two parts of a whole&#39;, if I recall correctly,&quot; she rumbles, before shaking her head and equally finishing the katta.<br> <br>Terry can&#39;t help but clap as the fight-dance finishes, a big bright smile gracing his features. Briefly he&#39;d forgotten where he was, simply entranced by the practiced motion that they had performed in near-perfect synchrony, their different styles nonwithstanding.<br> <br>&quot;And I beat you soundly,&quot; Hugo says, &quot;Not a scratch on me. Until after the fight you took it into your head to scratch me with your poisoned sticker! No my neice, I will not spar with you. You are too eager to win.&quot; The short excercise out of the way, Hugo steps behind a weapon rack, out of sight for a moment before returning in only a light, white robe, his bare, padded feet nearly silent on the stone floor, compared to the loud click of his fine shoes earlier. &quot;Now,&quot; he says, &quot;I am ready to relax a bit.&quot; He nods behind the rack, traces of a smirk on the corner of his mouth. &quot;Now you two Ladies can change your clothes.&quot;<br> <br>A soft rumble, and Kat moves behind the weapon rack as well, gesturing for Terry to come along. Her tail flicks lightly, and it doesn&#39;t take long for her to move out from behind the rack again, even wearing a different mask. A less ornamental, leather mask, simply meant to hide the visage, rather than to impress.<br> <br>Terry would blush red like a tomato, were it not for his furred cheeks. He steps after Katrina, keeping his gaze averted and downcast as he disappears behind the rack. He emerges after Katrina, wearing the same comfortable garment. His appearance is, of course, still very effeminate, but without the extra padding to give him curves in the right places he&#39;s not quite as deceptively female-looking as before. <br> <br>Hugo leads the way throught the cavernous space to what seems to be a natural pool. The water is clear, and not especially deep and a small waterfall on the far side churns the surface. The white lion wades in without hesitation and makes his way to sit on a raised stone beneath the rush of the waterfall. Despite the chill of the water, which is none too warm, he sits in stoic silence, eyes almost closed, in a position of meditation. He gives no instructions.<br> <br>Katrina smiles and rumbles softly, before gesturing at a small, wet set of stairs leading to two other, smaller waterfalls. &quot;Over there. And try to keep words to a minimumm. Just follow my lead,&quot; she notes, silently moving up the stairwell and taking a relaxed, comfortable position behind her chosen waterfall, closing her eyes and perking her ears as she takes a deep breath and simply listens to the sounds of flowing water...<br> <br>Terry does as he is told, of course. He&#39;s already been scolded once for speaking out of order, he&#39;s not going to risk angering Uncle Hugo any further. Or Katrina, for that matter. He follows along with her, staying behind her, and finding his own stone bench to sit down on as he was instructed. He sits on it daintily, subconsciously remaining on his role from earlier, until he notes Katrina&#39;s motion and tries to mimic her sitting position. He doesn&#39;t understand the meaning of what&#39;s happening here, but he lets his eyelids drop down and takes a deep breath, like they did.<br> <br>Hugo seems to be muttering something under his breath as he sits below the chilly waterfall. Though it is too indistinct to make out. Otherwise, the lion does not so much as twitch his tail, which is wrapped loosly around his waist.<br> <br>&quot;You can seat yourself under the waterfall, if you prefer. I find it far more relaxing to let my thoughts flow by the sound of the water, rather than the feel... Hugo disagrees, of course,&quot; Kat purrs softly, minding her volume not to disturb Hugo, while she takes another deep breath and closes her eyes once more.<br> <br>Terry looks up at Katrina, then at Hugo. He nods and slips out of his bench to instead go under one of the waterfalls, much like Katrina herself is doing. He still has no idea what the purpose of this exercise is, but he does his best to mimic them and try to.. what did she say again? Let the thoughts flow? He tries to do that, somehow, his tail twitching behind him.<br> <br>After a few minutes of silent meditation, Hugo finally sighs and rises. He turns and ducks under the waterfall, disappearing into some space beyond. What kind of ritual is this meant to be anyway?<br> <br>Katrina flicks her ears, and shakes her head. &quot;Remain seated,&quot; she notes, breathing out patiently, then in once again, ears flicking lightly. &quot;Simply relax, clear your mind, and let it wander. Let your thoughts flow wherever they will. Do not focus on them, simply let yourself be at peace. We will rejoin with Hugo later.&quot;<br> <br>Terry looks at Katrina, quirking a brow at her. She must read him like a book. He nods, then tries to follow her instructions. He closes his eyes again, taking a deep breath, and tries to expel his thoughts and let his mind wander. The small ocelot has never meditated before, and does not have the trained mind that it takes to do so on a dime, but he does begin to drift away in the currents of his thoughts as he lets go and relaxes.<br> <br>As the water continues flowing, Kat smiles softly and leans back against the rocky wall behind her as she takes another deep breath. Like that, she remains for several minutes, until finally standing up. &quot;When you are at rest, join us,&quot; she notes, softly, towards Terry, her tail completely still as she moves after Hugo.<br> <br>Terry opens his eyes when Katrina speaks to him, then nods and closes them again. He remains for another minute or two.. hard to tell, when you&#39;re trying to make time flow past you like this on purpose. He snaps awake suddenly and blinks, glancing around then scrambling to his feet to follow after them, going into the same waterfall to see what lies beyond.<br> <br>Beyond the waterfall is a small grotto. The light from outside does not penetrate in here, but the space is lit by a large collection of candles set almost haphazardly around on stones jutting from the walls. In the center of the room is another pool. Steam rises above its surface and there is a slight smell of sulphur in the air. Hugo rests in the pool, his garments folded neatly behind him. &quot;I wondered if maybe the two of you had decided not to come,&quot; he says, &quot;This place is probably my favorite family secret.<br> <br>A smile, a shake of the head as Kat takes a seat by the side of the water. &quot;I figured you&#39;d prefer we come in here in a tranquil state. Hence, the wait,&quot; she notes, before relaxing herself against the warm rockwall behind her, comfortable enough on the side for the time being...<br> <br>Terry steps into the room, taking on the sights. He scrunches his nose at the scent of sulphur, but doesn&#39;t protest. Instead, he walks towards the edge of the pool and stands around somewhat awkwardly before kneeling down near it, being careful to drape his robes around him properly, even patting them down.<br> <br>&quot;Mmm, yes, tranquil,&quot; Hugo sighs, sinking up to his armpits in the slightly cloudy water, &quot;I am a believer in tranquility.&quot; The lion does frown a little at Katrina. &quot;I do not see why you insist on hiding your face even in private,&quot; he says, &quot;Who is going to see your pretty face down here?&quot;<br> <br>&quot;You, Terry. Every being has their breaking point, and as I&#39;m the most direct link anyone has to our Lady, I&#39;d like to avoid taking any chances,&quot; the she-cat rumbles calmly, shaking her head lightly and offering a short glance to the ocelot. Soon enough, she&#39;s back to relaxing, using subtle air-magics to create slow, gentle air-currents around her, cooling and heating her at the same time. &quot;If you want to join Hugo, Terry, I&#39;m not stopping you. Might go for a soak myself in a bit.&quot;<br> <br>Terry looks between the two. There&#39;s always a certain air of tension whenever the subject of Katrina&#39;s mask is brought up. All he knows is that he&#39;s to never see her face, ever, under any circumstance. Were she to remove her mask right now he&#39;d rather cover his eyes or look at the floor that risk that accident. &quot;I.. I&#39;m fine, my lady, thank you.&quot; He smiles politely. He&#39;s content to stay here, and he&#39;s unsure how Hugo would react to him doing anything right now.<br> <br>Hugo snorts and leans back against the retaining wall of the pool. &quot;I changed your diapers, girl,&quot; he says, &quot;Do not go putting on airs with me.&quot; He seems willing to let it go for now, though, luxuriating in the heat of the pool. Abruptly, his attention and his golden eyes lock on to Terry. &quot;Tell me, Miss Terry,&quot; he says, his expression unreadable, &quot;What exactly is it that you hope to gain from your relationship with my niece?&quot;<br> <br>Terry looks surprised at the direct question, his own golden eyes meeting Hugo&#39;s. He tucks in his tail submissively, ears slightly tilted back. &quot;I.. I hope to gain a better life than what I had before, Uncle Hugo. Food on the table, roof over my head, a sense of purpose. I don&#39;t want to go back to the streets, and will do whatever it takes to prove to the lady that I should remain with her, and.. with the family, as it were.&quot; His tailtip flits anxiously. Even wear women&#39;s clothes, he thinks without saying out loud.<br> <br>Hugo nods thoughtfully and closes his eyes. &quot;A decent answer,&quot; he says, &quot;I will expect a new one before too long, but that will do for now.&quot; The immense lion ducks his head beneath the steaming water, then resurfaces, shaking droplets from his soaked mane. &quot;Now, Kitten,&quot; he says, &quot;I will expect Miss Terry to be dressed to the nines when she escorts me at the Longtail manor. Even if this LongTech has become shabby, it is no reason not to impress.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Of course. Any particular style of dress you&#39;d prefer?&quot; the she-cat rumbles, her tail twitching lightly, before looking to Terry and smiling softly, ears flicking lightly. &quot;As I said, she already has a ballgown, though I&#39;d imagine you had something else in mind.<br> <br>Terry bites his lip, nodding obediently at Hugo. &quot;Yes, Uncle Hugo.&quot; He squirms nervously. Wearing that dress today had turned out to be a really bad idea. Why had he even thought it would impress Hugo in the slightest, why? He shakes his head. He waits to see what Hugo will reply to Katrina, but indeed he does have a ballgown. Beautiful red, form fitting around his hips, with ornate lacing and an underdress that has been adjusted to make him look even more feminine than he already does. One wonders what Hugo will say...<br> <br>Hugo shakes his head. &quot;Not a ball gown,&quot; he says, &quot;Something smaller, not so bulky. And in black I think. And see if you can&#39;t do something about her hair. I will have only the most stunning escort.&quot; He smirks toward Terry, obviously noting the cat&#39;s discomfort and enjoying it. &quot;And see to it that she gets some proper training on appropriate behaviour,&quot; he says, &quot;We must show our best face in the old manor, after all.&quot;<br> <br>Katrina smiles. &quot;Of course, Hugo. Do not worry,&quot; the she-cat rumbles with a smile on her lips, glancing towards Terry for a moment, before smiling lightly. &quot;You still have yesterday&#39;s haul, yes? Because tomorrow, we&#39;re going back to the tailors&#39; shop,&quot; she rumbles with a smile, a flick of her ears.<br> <br>Terry lets out a soft mewl as Hugo makes his list of demands, and Katrina plays along with it. He nods quickly. &quot;As you wish.&quot; Despite his words he&#39;s despairing inside. He doesn&#39;t want to disappoint Katrina, of course, but if he had known Hugo would have disapproved of this wearing girls&#39; clothes thing he would have just not showed up in that damnable sundress at all. Still.. if he does a good job, maybe he can impress Hugo. He offers him a shy smile. &quot;I won&#39;t disappoint you, Uncle Hugo.&quot; He doesn&#39;t seem very certain of his own words.<br> <br>Hugo gives Terry an almost predatory grin. &quot;No,&quot; he says, &quot;You will not.&quot; And that is all he has to say on the subject, leaning back and closing his eyes once more. &quot;You will tell me what it is the Lady wants, Kitten,&quot; he says, &quot;And I will retrieve it like a good dog. But I will do it my way, as I always have.&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Of course... Now, lets just relax, shall we?&quot; the she-cat rumbles with a smile on her lips, a flic of her ears as she continues swirling the air around slowly but surely. &quot;I&#39;ll have the list for you in a few days, in any case.&quot;<br> <br>Terry swallows dryly, looking down at his lap to avert his gaze from Hugo. He feels less like a cat and more like a bird, trapped in betwen two predators ready to tear him apart. He idly pats down one of the creases in his robe.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 21:22, 15 September 2015





It is quiet in the old manor house. There is only the ticking of an elaborate grandfather clock to mar the silence. And a muted conversation beyond an almost closed door leading off of the main entry hall into some sort of parlor. It might be possible to listen in, if one were so inclined.

"Then what do -you- suggest, Hugo? Need I remind you that every single member of our family has committed enough crimes to be hanged three times over, of not more?" the voice of Katrina sounds, her tail flitting behind her agitatedly, before she sighs softly. "I know you'd like us to return to the light, but I doubt the -false Lady- has the power to pardon the family for its deeds."

A soft sigh, and a shake of the head. "If you want out, tell me. But if that's the case, remember that if we find out you've told -anyone- about the Hand, you know the price."

Terry steps up to the door, pausing just before he knocks. He notices the door is slightly ajar, just enough that it lets sound and a crack of light filter through. His ears perk as he recognizes Katrina's voice, and stops to just listen for now.

"I dislike working in the dark, Kitten," Hugo says, "I have never made a secret of that. And as far as crimes go, that all stems from your father's. . . friends. But I will not speak ill of him. He was my mentor and a good friend. I am only saying that this 'false Lady' as you call her could be our way back into the light of day! I am tired of strong arming fools who are too stupid to use the family's money." The white lion reclines in a large, overstuffed chair beside an unlit fireplace. "You know how distasteful I find all that business," he says, "And now I will really have to break the poor fool's other arm if he does not deliver. It is no game for a gentleman. That is all I am saying."

"I understand. And she is. But not in the way you are thinking. But rest asured. Our Lady needs her sister alive, at least for the time being. As for a gentleman's game... If you prefer, the Hand can find another job for you? One that you will find more... Suitable?" she rumbles with a smile, before perking her ears and looking to the door. "More on that later, though... I believe our visitor has arrived."

Terry blinks as he overhears that last sentence. He stands up straight and proper, then knocks before pushing the door open. He steps through, but there is something rather different about him today. The young ocelot is wearing not his usual suit, or in fact any kind of male outfit, but instead a lavishly ornate yellow sundress. The outfit clings tightly to his effeminate curves, and thanks to the padding that was added to the front of the dress it makes for quite the convincing illusion - at least for someone who did not already know him. He steps into the room, looking somewhat embarrassed. "Good afternoon, Lord Hugo."

Hugo frowns at Terry. "What in Hell are you wearing, boy?" he asks, then turns his frown on Katrina, "What, exactly do you have the boy doing? What is it you are expecting from me? I do not like these little games, Kitten. I was quite comfortable with my work up North, and I am getting tired of waiting on the Lady's whims after she called me here." The lion waves a thick hand at Terry and his feminine garb. "And THIS is what you are raising up the next generation to do?" he asks, then looks to Terry, "Please, explain yourself."

"Terry here is, as you may've noticed, quite effeminate. A true thief knows how to use everything in his or her arsenal. I am teaching Terry everything I know, which includes the art of seduction... Male -and- female. Besides... I didn't give him any dress code for today. He's wearing that on his own volition," Katrina notes, before shaking her head. "I will see what I can do about the Lady's orders, but hers is a long game."

Terry shrinks as Hugo's reaction. He nibbles on his lip as Katrina explains, nodding at her words. "I.. figured I'd try the dress again. Try and build up confidence. Last time it did not go very well." He can't bear to look at Hugo in the eye, keeping his own downcast. "I can go change, I brought the other clothes as well. I'm sorry Uncle Hugo."

The stormclouds in Hugo's eyes do not abate. "And you teach thieves. . ." he growls, "I do not understand what your father was thinking when he raised you. Seduction, fine, intrigue, fine, even hand to hand combat is a courtly art, but picking pockets?" The lion shakes his mane and sips at the wide mouthed goblet in his hand. Then he looks at Terry. "No," he says firmly, "You want to be a woman? Fine. But you will learn to be a lady." He points at an empty chair across from himself, beside Katrina. "Please, be seated, Miss Terry," he says in civil, if cool tones.

Katrina simply sighs and shakes her head, before looking to Terry. "As Hugo says," she simply notes, smiling lightly under her mask, while her tail continues flicking back and forth. "Theft, Hugo, is one of the few crimes we can aim at those that hardly feel it. And at those that truly deserve it. The crown will not miss a crate of money more or less. A warlord can be parted from his money just as well as a regular being can," she notes, before shaking her head. "I understand your aversion, but I disagree none the less."

Terry keeps his eyes downcast as he nods, stepping forward into the room and towards the empty chair he was told to take. He sits down straight, trying to mimic Katrina's stance and mannerisms. He definitely lacks her confidence, especially after the scolding he just receieved. He ponders speaking up on the current subject but.. he'd rather not anger Hugo further.

Hugo does not respond to Katrina except with a grunt. He lifts his cane from where it sits beside his chair and reaches across the table to rap on Terry's elbow and knee, guiding them into more appropriate, feminine positions. "Do not imitate Katrina," he says, "She is my laziest pupil. Now, pour the tea." The lion waves his hand at the tea setting on the table. "And do it gracefully," he orders, "A young lady must be graceful. Katrina was never graceful. Always too busy thinking about what was in her guest's pockets and not about what was in their cups!" This is obviously a tender point for the gentlemanly lion.

A sigh, a shake of the head. "I know how to behave, Hugo. It's simply that many of those lessons are... Not at all that useful in my daily life... But they do come in handy when mingling with the rich for information or other things," she rumbles, before seating herself in a far, far more ladylike fashion. "I simply have no wish to keep up the charade when it is not required."

Terry follows Hugo's instructions, adjusting his stance and tucking in his arm as it is tapped. He reaches over the table to take the tea pot, struggling to do the motion gracefully and efficiently while maintaining his ladylike stance. He grips the pot by the handle and tries to fill Hugo's cup from where he's sitting, his hand trembling slightly.

"That is the problem!" Hugo growls, a bit of a northern accent showing through, "It should not be an act! You should be a lady in your own right! Not a thief! It should not be a charade!" The storming white lion waves Terry back to his seat. "Very good, Miss Terry," he says, "Perhaps between the two of you, we can manage ONE lady of good breeding." He puts his can back against his chair and reaches out to take a cup of tea.

A smile, a shake of her head, and a soft rumble. "You realize the False Lady doesn't even bother making it an act, yes? She's as common as the road," the she-cat notes, before shaking her head. "Tell you what, Hugo... The Lady still has some things she wants from the Manor. If you make sure to remain undetected, I can convince her to let you see for yourself," she notes, before shaking her head.

"I know I don't behave very ladylike throughout the day. But I have to lead the Hand. Everything else is secondary."

Terry smiles briefly as he's praised, but deep down he realizes Hugo is still very upset at him. Still, he's already getting in character so he continues what he's doing. He pours himself and Katrina a cup of tea in the same way, then goes back to his elegant sitting position like Hugh 'taught' him. He takes a gentle sip from his tea and puts the cup back down on the saucer as he continues to listen in.

Hugo frowns at Katrina. "Fine," he finally says, "I will see for myself. But I am no sneak thief! See to it that I have the money to purchase these artifacts and I will retrieve them legitimately. I am a businessman, Kitten, and a gentleman." He looks back at Terry and gives a nod, though his frown does not slip. "Perhaps Miss Terry will accompany me?"

"I will see what I can do," the she-cat rumbles softly, before looking back to Terry. "You'll have to let me know in advance. Terry's training is far from over... But I'm sure the experience will be... Enlightening. Just keep in mind that Terry's my pupil, not yours."

Terry looks between the two of them, nodding at Hugo's words. "I would love to accompany you, Uncle Hugo." He looks at Katrina, blinking at her last sentence, but nodding in agreement. "Of course. Only if you allow it and desire it."

Hugo nods once. "I shall make the arrangements then," he says, that northern accent fading as he relaxes, "Only let me know what it is I a meant to procure." He looks at Terry in his sun dress. "And get Miss Terry a decent dress," he says, "I will not have an escort dressed for a summer festival."

"Terry has one. A proper ballgown. If you prefer anything else, we can go back to the tailors' tomorrow. Just be aware she'll be terribly overdressed for meeting with the false 'Lady', no matter what you two pick," she notes, shaking her head lightly.

Terry nods quickly. "It's a beautiful ballgown, Uncle Hugo. I haven't worn it since we first bought it, but it was specifically tailored for me. I'm sure it won't disappoint." He looks at Katrina briefly, then back to Hugo. "Is there anything else I should bring, Uncle Hugo? As in.. anything lady would bring with her.. "

Hugo frowns again at Terry. "A young lady speaks when spoken to, Miss Terry," the lion says, "Otherwise, prudent silence is recommended." He shakes out his pristine, white mane. "I am certain that my neice will see to it that you have all and more than you need," he says, turning his frown on Katrina, "Overdressed is always preferable to the alternative, my dear Kitten." The large cat sighs and sinks into his chair, his overly long tail draped over the arm and swaying lightly. "Now you've gone and upset me," he says to the room in general, "It may be time for a bit of meditation."

"Suit yourself, Hugo... You'll see what I mean soon enough," Katrina rumbles, before shaking her head lightly. "The same holds, if I remember, for a young lord," the she-cat notes, shaking her head just lightly as she looks to Hugo. "As you wish. I will convene with the lady to procure a list of the items she wants."

Terry looks down as he's scolded by Hugo. The poor boy has not recieved that many lessons in etiquette, much less etiquette aimed at a lhigh society lady. He sips from his tea delicately once more, and straightens himself back up. Slouching, that's a bad thing, he reminds himself. Ladies don't slouch.

Hugo sighs and stands. "Very good," he says, then walks to the empty fireplace. The lion reaches down and takes hold on a wrought iron post that is part of the fireplace and pulls it down hard. The back of the fireplace slides open with the sound of stone on stone. "Come along," he says, ducking down and stepping through the fireplace, "As long as you are here you can help me unwind, I suppose."

Katrina smiles and flicks her ears, before standing up and following after Hugo, gesturing for Terry to join the two. "Come now. Don't keep Hugo waiting, Terry. It's... Unladylike."

Terry quickly stands up. "Yes 'maam." He adds quickly. Hopefully that did not break the rule he was given. He was spoke to after all. He moves towards Hugo, constantly reminding himself to keep his back straight, and to walk briskly without actually running. Thanks to his size he doesn't have to duck through the fireplace as he follows Hugo inside.

The scene beyond the secret fireplace entrance is certainly interesting! While other parts of the manor are decorated with finery and tapestries and all the comforts one could ask for, here the stone walls are bare aside from weapon racks and suits of various kinds of armor. There is a wide, open area with a painted circle on the stone floor. Light filters down from a skylight in the high ceiling. "Welcome to the training grounds," Hugo says, the frown leaving his face for a time, "This used to be part of a larger compound, but times have changed."

"What'd you have in mind, Hugo?" the she-cat rumbles with a smile, tapping her cane on the ground once, before shaking her head. "I'd hate to use the Rose. You know what it's coated in, after all. Besides, the Rose is for... Special occasions."

Terry keeps his hands clasped to his front as he regards the room around him. He's not much of a fighter, despite Donovan's lessons. He'd wield a weapon for Katrina, but wouldn't be the best at it by any extent. He regards the circle warily. It looks like some training or sparring area.

"Don't be vulgar, Katrina," Hugo chides, "This is a place with History! This is a temple to our heritage! Not just an arena for brawling." The white lion carefully removes his coat and hangs it on a weapon rack, placing his silk cravat and dark hat on top, leaving him in his shirt sleeves, with a pair of red suspenders holding his trousers and framing his slight paunch and burly frame. He tucks his overly long tail through a belt loop and swaggers out to the ring. "Do you remember the seven steps, little neice?" he asks, "You may join me."

"A little rusty, but sure. I admit I prefer a good duel. Still," she rumbles, before setting her cane to the side. "As you wish," she rumbles, taking her own position in the ring.

Terry moves a few feet away from the edge of the ring, ready to observe. He keeps his eyes on Hugo, noting his stance and poise, the movements of his body as he gets ready for the sparring match.

Hugo takes up a position in the center of the ring and takes a deep breath. "Last time I sparred with you, dear Kitten," he says with his eyes closed, "I was sick in bed for nearly two weeks. While I respect your skills, I do not trust you. I hope you can forgive me for that." The regal looking lion then starts to move in a smooth, heavy cadence. The motions are not beautiful. They do not flow like wind and water, nor do they inspire feelings of deep spirituality. They look like an earthquake and like bloody painful body blows, but Hugo's breathing is deep and calm as he works his way through the harsh, bone rending motions.

"I -did- tell you you didn't want to face the Rose. You're lucky it's a family recipe," she notes, before shaking her head... Soon enough, her moves mimick his own, in a slow, practiced pattern, the two beings circling around a shared center in the ring with every motion...

Terry shifts his gaze from one to the other, noting their movements. They did not engage in a proper spar, as he had expected, but seem to be doing some kind of.. fighting dance. He watches with rapt fascination.

"Family recipe or not," Hugo grunts, snapping the arm of an imaginary opponent, "It was underhanded and dishonorable. There is too much of your father in you girl." He spins in place and throws a hard kick that forces him to drive forward a pair of paces before slamming his palms down on the ground to pulverize another unseen foe. "I loved the man, and looked up to him like a big brother," he says, "But he spent too long in the dark. Got to the point where he did not cast a shadow. His shadow cast him. Do not let it happen to you, Kitten." He finishes the short katta with a hard stomp that makes a little cloud of dust puff up from the floor.

"I told you exactly what you could expect from the blade. You insisted I use my own, rather than a borrowed blade. Your words were 'Do not separate a being and her blade. They are two parts of a whole', if I recall correctly," she rumbles, before shaking her head and equally finishing the katta.

Terry can't help but clap as the fight-dance finishes, a big bright smile gracing his features. Briefly he'd forgotten where he was, simply entranced by the practiced motion that they had performed in near-perfect synchrony, their different styles nonwithstanding.

"And I beat you soundly," Hugo says, "Not a scratch on me. Until after the fight you took it into your head to scratch me with your poisoned sticker! No my neice, I will not spar with you. You are too eager to win." The short excercise out of the way, Hugo steps behind a weapon rack, out of sight for a moment before returning in only a light, white robe, his bare, padded feet nearly silent on the stone floor, compared to the loud click of his fine shoes earlier. "Now," he says, "I am ready to relax a bit." He nods behind the rack, traces of a smirk on the corner of his mouth. "Now you two Ladies can change your clothes."

A soft rumble, and Kat moves behind the weapon rack as well, gesturing for Terry to come along. Her tail flicks lightly, and it doesn't take long for her to move out from behind the rack again, even wearing a different mask. A less ornamental, leather mask, simply meant to hide the visage, rather than to impress.

Terry would blush red like a tomato, were it not for his furred cheeks. He steps after Katrina, keeping his gaze averted and downcast as he disappears behind the rack. He emerges after Katrina, wearing the same comfortable garment. His appearance is, of course, still very effeminate, but without the extra padding to give him curves in the right places he's not quite as deceptively female-looking as before.

Hugo leads the way throught the cavernous space to what seems to be a natural pool. The water is clear, and not especially deep and a small waterfall on the far side churns the surface. The white lion wades in without hesitation and makes his way to sit on a raised stone beneath the rush of the waterfall. Despite the chill of the water, which is none too warm, he sits in stoic silence, eyes almost closed, in a position of meditation. He gives no instructions.

Katrina smiles and rumbles softly, before gesturing at a small, wet set of stairs leading to two other, smaller waterfalls. "Over there. And try to keep words to a minimumm. Just follow my lead," she notes, silently moving up the stairwell and taking a relaxed, comfortable position behind her chosen waterfall, closing her eyes and perking her ears as she takes a deep breath and simply listens to the sounds of flowing water...

Terry does as he is told, of course. He's already been scolded once for speaking out of order, he's not going to risk angering Uncle Hugo any further. Or Katrina, for that matter. He follows along with her, staying behind her, and finding his own stone bench to sit down on as he was instructed. He sits on it daintily, subconsciously remaining on his role from earlier, until he notes Katrina's motion and tries to mimic her sitting position. He doesn't understand the meaning of what's happening here, but he lets his eyelids drop down and takes a deep breath, like they did.

Hugo seems to be muttering something under his breath as he sits below the chilly waterfall. Though it is too indistinct to make out. Otherwise, the lion does not so much as twitch his tail, which is wrapped loosly around his waist.

"You can seat yourself under the waterfall, if you prefer. I find it far more relaxing to let my thoughts flow by the sound of the water, rather than the feel... Hugo disagrees, of course," Kat purrs softly, minding her volume not to disturb Hugo, while she takes another deep breath and closes her eyes once more.

Terry looks up at Katrina, then at Hugo. He nods and slips out of his bench to instead go under one of the waterfalls, much like Katrina herself is doing. He still has no idea what the purpose of this exercise is, but he does his best to mimic them and try to.. what did she say again? Let the thoughts flow? He tries to do that, somehow, his tail twitching behind him.

After a few minutes of silent meditation, Hugo finally sighs and rises. He turns and ducks under the waterfall, disappearing into some space beyond. What kind of ritual is this meant to be anyway?

Katrina flicks her ears, and shakes her head. "Remain seated," she notes, breathing out patiently, then in once again, ears flicking lightly. "Simply relax, clear your mind, and let it wander. Let your thoughts flow wherever they will. Do not focus on them, simply let yourself be at peace. We will rejoin with Hugo later."

Terry looks at Katrina, quirking a brow at her. She must read him like a book. He nods, then tries to follow her instructions. He closes his eyes again, taking a deep breath, and tries to expel his thoughts and let his mind wander. The small ocelot has never meditated before, and does not have the trained mind that it takes to do so on a dime, but he does begin to drift away in the currents of his thoughts as he lets go and relaxes.

As the water continues flowing, Kat smiles softly and leans back against the rocky wall behind her as she takes another deep breath. Like that, she remains for several minutes, until finally standing up. "When you are at rest, join us," she notes, softly, towards Terry, her tail completely still as she moves after Hugo.

Terry opens his eyes when Katrina speaks to him, then nods and closes them again. He remains for another minute or two.. hard to tell, when you're trying to make time flow past you like this on purpose. He snaps awake suddenly and blinks, glancing around then scrambling to his feet to follow after them, going into the same waterfall to see what lies beyond.

Beyond the waterfall is a small grotto. The light from outside does not penetrate in here, but the space is lit by a large collection of candles set almost haphazardly around on stones jutting from the walls. In the center of the room is another pool. Steam rises above its surface and there is a slight smell of sulphur in the air. Hugo rests in the pool, his garments folded neatly behind him. "I wondered if maybe the two of you had decided not to come," he says, "This place is probably my favorite family secret.

A smile, a shake of the head as Kat takes a seat by the side of the water. "I figured you'd prefer we come in here in a tranquil state. Hence, the wait," she notes, before relaxing herself against the warm rockwall behind her, comfortable enough on the side for the time being...

Terry steps into the room, taking on the sights. He scrunches his nose at the scent of sulphur, but doesn't protest. Instead, he walks towards the edge of the pool and stands around somewhat awkwardly before kneeling down near it, being careful to drape his robes around him properly, even patting them down.

"Mmm, yes, tranquil," Hugo sighs, sinking up to his armpits in the slightly cloudy water, "I am a believer in tranquility." The lion does frown a little at Katrina. "I do not see why you insist on hiding your face even in private," he says, "Who is going to see your pretty face down here?"

"You, Terry. Every being has their breaking point, and as I'm the most direct link anyone has to our Lady, I'd like to avoid taking any chances," the she-cat rumbles calmly, shaking her head lightly and offering a short glance to the ocelot. Soon enough, she's back to relaxing, using subtle air-magics to create slow, gentle air-currents around her, cooling and heating her at the same time. "If you want to join Hugo, Terry, I'm not stopping you. Might go for a soak myself in a bit."

Terry looks between the two. There's always a certain air of tension whenever the subject of Katrina's mask is brought up. All he knows is that he's to never see her face, ever, under any circumstance. Were she to remove her mask right now he'd rather cover his eyes or look at the floor that risk that accident. "I.. I'm fine, my lady, thank you." He smiles politely. He's content to stay here, and he's unsure how Hugo would react to him doing anything right now.

Hugo snorts and leans back against the retaining wall of the pool. "I changed your diapers, girl," he says, "Do not go putting on airs with me." He seems willing to let it go for now, though, luxuriating in the heat of the pool. Abruptly, his attention and his golden eyes lock on to Terry. "Tell me, Miss Terry," he says, his expression unreadable, "What exactly is it that you hope to gain from your relationship with my niece?"

Terry looks surprised at the direct question, his own golden eyes meeting Hugo's. He tucks in his tail submissively, ears slightly tilted back. "I.. I hope to gain a better life than what I had before, Uncle Hugo. Food on the table, roof over my head, a sense of purpose. I don't want to go back to the streets, and will do whatever it takes to prove to the lady that I should remain with her, and.. with the family, as it were." His tailtip flits anxiously. Even wear women's clothes, he thinks without saying out loud.

Hugo nods thoughtfully and closes his eyes. "A decent answer," he says, "I will expect a new one before too long, but that will do for now." The immense lion ducks his head beneath the steaming water, then resurfaces, shaking droplets from his soaked mane. "Now, Kitten," he says, "I will expect Miss Terry to be dressed to the nines when she escorts me at the Longtail manor. Even if this LongTech has become shabby, it is no reason not to impress."

"Of course. Any particular style of dress you'd prefer?" the she-cat rumbles, her tail twitching lightly, before looking to Terry and smiling softly, ears flicking lightly. "As I said, she already has a ballgown, though I'd imagine you had something else in mind.

Terry bites his lip, nodding obediently at Hugo. "Yes, Uncle Hugo." He squirms nervously. Wearing that dress today had turned out to be a really bad idea. Why had he even thought it would impress Hugo in the slightest, why? He shakes his head. He waits to see what Hugo will reply to Katrina, but indeed he does have a ballgown. Beautiful red, form fitting around his hips, with ornate lacing and an underdress that has been adjusted to make him look even more feminine than he already does. One wonders what Hugo will say...

Hugo shakes his head. "Not a ball gown," he says, "Something smaller, not so bulky. And in black I think. And see if you can't do something about her hair. I will have only the most stunning escort." He smirks toward Terry, obviously noting the cat's discomfort and enjoying it. "And see to it that she gets some proper training on appropriate behaviour," he says, "We must show our best face in the old manor, after all."

Katrina smiles. "Of course, Hugo. Do not worry," the she-cat rumbles with a smile on her lips, glancing towards Terry for a moment, before smiling lightly. "You still have yesterday's haul, yes? Because tomorrow, we're going back to the tailors' shop," she rumbles with a smile, a flick of her ears.

Terry lets out a soft mewl as Hugo makes his list of demands, and Katrina plays along with it. He nods quickly. "As you wish." Despite his words he's despairing inside. He doesn't want to disappoint Katrina, of course, but if he had known Hugo would have disapproved of this wearing girls' clothes thing he would have just not showed up in that damnable sundress at all. Still.. if he does a good job, maybe he can impress Hugo. He offers him a shy smile. "I won't disappoint you, Uncle Hugo." He doesn't seem very certain of his own words.

Hugo gives Terry an almost predatory grin. "No," he says, "You will not." And that is all he has to say on the subject, leaning back and closing his eyes once more. "You will tell me what it is the Lady wants, Kitten," he says, "And I will retrieve it like a good dog. But I will do it my way, as I always have."

"Of course... Now, lets just relax, shall we?" the she-cat rumbles with a smile on her lips, a flic of her ears as she continues swirling the air around slowly but surely. "I'll have the list for you in a few days, in any case."

Terry swallows dryly, looking down at his lap to avert his gaze from Hugo. He feels less like a cat and more like a bird, trapped in betwen two predators ready to tear him apart. He idly pats down one of the creases in his robe.