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<div></div><br> <br>"We want to hear stories!" shouts a gazzelle child, "Yeah! Tell us about the north!" "No! About the desert!" "No no no! The Spirits!" "Spirits!? Why them again! The Creators!" "Creators!? No when is Lady Mira's kits going to play with us?" That makes Mira blush and she takes a seat, a few button presses and her twirligig comes back to her. She looks around to everyone for what story should be told to the youngsters!<br> <br>Ictus eeps as his eyes are covered and chuckles at his sister, "Nah, of course not." he nods to Tzerya and smiles, "They are indeed." he hmms? at the bow and chuckles with a shake of his head, "We aren't in court, so no need for titles. Just Ictus is fine." he hmms? at Sierra and waves before he blinks at Sveta as she whispers to him, he shakes his head as she leaves. He blinks as the children start asking for stories and laughs a bit, "Oh my... Well... I'm not much of a story teller myself..." he looks to the others<br> <br>Alice turns and looks down at the gangs of children crowding about her ankles, frowning at them for a moment before squatting down closer to their height. "Sorry kids, all my stories are for grown j;s<br> <br>Alice turns and looks down at the gangs of children crowding about her ankles, frowning at them for a moment before squatting down closer to their height. "Sorry kids, all my stories are for grown-ups. But the lady there," she says, pointing to Mirana with a big smile. "Has lots of fun ones. And she needs the practice," she encourages them, giving the pregnant fox a wink. Or maybe a blink, her natural state of constantly winking perhaps leading to confusion. "I'll play with you later, if she doesn't do it well enough, okay?"<br> <br>Tzerya smiled happily at the energy from the children, she loved children. Her ears wiggling in alternation, she cocks her head and ponders for a moment. "Well, most of mine are lore from my home, way up north, but that's no fun.", pausing for a moment, she almost has to snicker at the vixen passing the ball back to the pregnant fox. "Though, I must agree, I do think the kind lady there would have a better story than I.". Stiffling a small snicker as she herself tried to avoid telling a story, her ears perked back up as she leaned softly against a wall.<br> <br>Sierra crosses her legs on top of the big golem and says, "I'm not sure if her stories would be wholly appropriate." Then she shrugs and hefts the arm down onto a catch on the back of the golem she's riding, securing it with chains. She hops down, holding her glasses, then she makes her way over towards the group cautiously, tiny mechanical arm still under her own. <br> <br>Shaytalis was around the market when she heard the chatter going on around the orphanage.  Heading over, she finds a place to sit on the floor and listen a bit.  She asks, "What are some of your favorite stories?"<br> <br>Cyhawk comes to the orphanage and looks apone the kid, he has a few..ok a lot of younger 2nd cousins so he knows how to help take care of them, a little.  "Well I dont really know any good storys about the creators but I think we can all think of a Spirts tale to tell couldn't we?" Looking for a seat for himself in the sowrm of kis he finds one and takes a set, making sure his sword is carfully away from the young ones reach.<br> <br>"One about the Shadows!" Says another child, "No! The King!" says a girl in an outfit that makes her look like a poor princess. When everyone points out the pregnant lady Solacious would have a story she is swarmed! So many little ones, so many stories they wanted to hear. Her eyes go wide, "Well! Umm.. h.. how about.. so..something about." And she gets to thinking, "Something about Kilsa Ironsoul." she says and looks over to Ictus, "I don't think anyone has told one of her tales in a while." She says. She hopes a moment that her lifebond can help her out here! She looks around to everyone.<br> <br>Ictus looks to Alice and chuckles a bit at that. He hmms? at Tzerya and shakes his head softly before looking to Sierra, "Well, do you have any stories?" he looks to Shaytalis then and waves a little in greeting before he blinks at Cyhawk, "Hello there." he hmms? at Mira and nods at that, "Yeah... I suppose so. Which story should we tell?"<br> <br>Alice grins at a successful plan, moving to sit dlw a<br> <br>Alice grins at a successful plan, moving to sit down amoungst the group of children, folding her legs underneath her and giving her best impression of a lisping little kid. "Yeah Mister Ictus! Tell us a fun story," she says with a grin, turning to look from the corner of her eye towards Sierra, plainly more interested in the golem and it's rider than any story her brother can do. It's not every day you see that, after all, but most days you can't shut Ictus up.<br> <br>Tzerya smiles as she gives a cheeky nod in reply to Ictus shaking his head. "Ohh, this'll be a nice story," she mumbles, thinking on the subject since she was new to the area and not all that familiar with Kilsa Ironsoul, aside from the tidbit she had picked up earlier about this being her orphanage. Peering at the golem for a few moments, she gives a nod of approval at the lioness, a bit impressed before laughing softly at the vixen's childlike impression. <br> <br>Sierra shakes her head and says, "I don't do stories, mine aren't appropriate either, I had a fun childhood. Still, mine didn't involve the Kindcraft." She crosses her arms, or starts, stopping when she almost drops the small arm, which she grabs quickly and holds it in one hand. <br> <br>Shaytalis thinks, "I do not have experience telling stories, but perhaps after I have listened to one."<br> <br>Cyhawk doesn really know storys about Kilsa Ironsoul but is willing to help in any way he can.  Looking over to Ictus he greats him back while back to Mirana he says "I think that sound fun, right kids."  With that he gets a idea and whispers to Mirana in a hushed tone.<br> <br>The children all look to each other and screem out in a huge whail! "Kilsa!! Lady Kilsa!!!" they all say looking between all the adults. They take seats as they are accustom to doing when story time starts and look around. Mira nods to Cyhawk and says, "Anyone who thinks they can add to the story please do!" she says and smiles to her lifebonded, "How about how you with Kilsa and Sally found the site of the Arc infested with Shadows?" she says the children all ooooohhh. She herself move to join the adults proper, "Speaking of story time, there is a lot of information going about of late, what have you all heard about abductions, spirits, creators, shadows, anything?" she asks in a hushed tone.<br> <br>Ictus looks to his sister and shakes his head with a snicker, "Alright, alright..." he hmms? at Sierra and shrugs at that before he looks to Mira, "Alright... Where to start..." he thinks a bit and nods as he looks to the children, "You know about the Arc, correct? The vessel that brought us all to Promise?"<br> <br>Tzerya clasps her hands together as she smiles at the children, listening to the two nobles with a grin before turning back to the kids. "Ohh, come on children, of course you know, such a great story.". Looking around at the bright eyes of the children, her ears wiggling as she keeps smiling.<br> <br>Alice grins at the thought of the story before suddenly turning and kissing her<br> <br>Mirana says, "I'll see you soon, brother, girl with my nephew on board," she adds with a wink to Mirana,"<br> <br>Alice grins at the thought of the story before suddenly turning and kissing her brother on the cheek before climbing to her face. "No offence, guys, but I'd prefer to have my own adventures than hear about those of a woman I've never met, "She grins, stretching out. "I'll see you soon, brother, girl with my nephew on board," she adds with a wink to Mirana, quickly making for the exit with a wave.<br> <br>Shaytalis ponders, "The Arc, that is a space vessel that brought everyone here, as I understand.  Kilsa was only a commoner when she formed the Ironsoul Defenders to help the community.  Among her deeds was to find and recover the Arc itself, a testiment to the journey shared by so many."  She thinks, nodding a bit.<br> <br>Cyhawk shakes his head and says to Mira "sorry I'm still a little green with those things, but I will do my best."  He begins to concentrait on the elements at the tips of his finger tips reading them for when they are needed.  He reaches down and takes a pice of dirt and with his earth magic shape it into a little ship, and begins to fly it through the air and over the childrens heads, atleast out of their reach.<br> <br>Mirana nods to everyone and sighs, "Well... I know that the creators want something good for us, but there are a lot of complications. I also know that we have a group abducting up beings, though that has calmed down a bit. Maybe everyone can keep an ear to the ground?" she asks then turns to Ictus. THe children all seem to roll their eyes, "We know about the Arc! Tell us about Kilsa!" They all say, but when Shaytalis recounts about Kilsa less then noble start they all smile, but a collective ohhhhhh at the little ship of dust and dirt.<br> <br>Ictus nods at the children and chuckles as he eyes the flying mini-ship, "Yes Shaytalis, that is correct." he turns back to the children then and ponders "Very well. I was scouting ahead when Kilsa, Sally and the others arrived." he ponders a bit more and shakes his head, "When we joined up at the base of the base of the mountain, Kilsa was..." he trails off a bit and frowns, "I'm sorry kids, I don't think this'll be a very entertaining story coming from me..." he looks to the others and steps to the side, "Anyone else want to give it a shot?"<br> <br>Tzerya chuckles at the sight of the dirt arc flying the air, giving the wolf a small clap for the visual aid for the children. Though the rabbit did make a mental note at the mention of people disappearing, this was something she would need to pass along later. Looking over to Shay with a polite nod as she recounts the start of Kilsa story. Thinking upon her lack of knowledge on the subject, she decides it may be better to follow suite with the wolf, maybe providing a bit visual aid when applicable. <br> <br>Shaytalis thinks, "My understanding, and this is true, is that Kilsa's hammer is taller than the average man.  She, herself, dwarfs most folk with her presence.  It may be her statue that commanded such respect.  Her nobility was earned--in a singular fashion.  While the Solacious earned their nobility has a house for their efforts in the wars centuries ago, Kilsa earned nobility by personal resolve, dedication, and output.  The goal was never to become important.  Rather, she was important.  Nobility became a recognition of the preexisting fact of that matter.<br> <br>Cyhawk is glad that everyone is enjoying the ship, but has it explode into a cloud of dirt and dust only to reform to the center of the group and has it mold into a small mountain with three figures, one disticavly Ictus, and one other holding a tall hammer, silghtnly thanking Shaytals for the information, they all stand at the base ready for what ever is waiting for them.<br> <br>Ryusho slowly would of been making his way through the streets, though having arrived at the Orphanage, he couldn't help but smile softly to himself as he shifts, and slowly opens the door to peek into the room everyone is, very quietly the large draconian tegu would carefully slip in, and stand off to the side, currious as to what tales were being told, though he was being quite quiet.<br> <br>The children ooh and ahh at the displays and nod with Ictus and Shaytalis. Mirana takes a seat and listens. "But where did Kilsa get 'er 'ammer?" asks a small bat boy who is then shushed by the other children, "Listen to the story!" Say a few. THen, Ryusho walks in and a few of the children look over to him giving cheers! When Ictus tries to pass the story off, Mira looks over to Ryusho, "If I remember the telling right, you were there too, were you not?" she asks with a coy smile, and indeed the children all look to Ryusho to continue, well, not all, a few look back to Cyhawk and his work, Tzerya, and Shay for more info!<br> <br>Ictus hmms at Shay and nods at that, "Indeed, you are correct." he chuckles at Cyhawk as he shapes the dirt and smiles before he waves to Ryu in greeting. He hmms? at Mira and shakes his head, "Ryusho wasn't there the first time sadly."<br> <br>Tzerya turns to Ryusho as he enters, giving a small nod as she turned her eyes to the small dirt forms. Looking to the children again with a small chuckle as they continued to hush eachother. <br> <br>Shaytalis thinks a moment, "The hammer, she made for herself as well.  Not content to simply be a physicially imposing individual, she was even then one of the best of blacksmiths.  Her own equipment, and much of that which armed the ironsoul defenders, came from her own forge."  Looking off, as if to indicate a direction.  "It has been said, as this is true, that the hammer which Kilsa wielded in a single arm would take the strength of four grown men simply to carry along.  With a small hammer, she crafted a larger hammer.  With imprecise tools, the crafted greater tools.  All that she build stood upon the simplest of beginnings.  Kilsa forged each step along the way."  She nods, asking of them, "And who can tell me what is it called, to make larger equations from smaller equations?"  <br> <br>Cyhawk was about to form a shape of a dragon for Ryusho, but he doen't at what Ictus says, saddly.  Hold the mountain and figures but with out anything to move forward with can only do that, but has an idea he takes a bit more dust and tosses it into the air hopint it helps make the figures more solid, but saddly doesnt set.<br> <br>Ryusho slowly would begin to smile a bit as he realises they are talking about Kilsa Ironsoul, as he looks down towards the ground slightly, but still smiling as his tail very slightly sways a little in thought just beginning to remember things as well, as they are talking about her, though this is a story he doesn't remember right off the bat.<br> <br>Mirana smiles a moment, waiting for Ryu to pick it up.. but.. he doesn't, he just sways and smiles. She starts to frown and looks to Shay, "Yes, that is what I remember too, but, on the day in question, they walked up and up the mountain side, toward the Arc, they started in a cart, but abandoned it when they noticed... SHADOWS! Scouts and everything. But they wouldn't be detured. Sally, Kilsa, Maz, Ryu, Violet, and Sveta all there." she says, the children oohing and ahhing once more. Waiting for more as they look around to everyone.<br> <br>Mirana smiles a moment, waiting for Ryu to pick it up.. but.. he doesn't, he just sways and smiles. She starts to frown and looks to Shay, "Yes, that is what I remember too, but, on the day in question, they walked up and up the mountain side, toward the Arc, they started in a cart, but abandoned it when they noticed... SHADOWS! Scouts and everything. But they wouldn't be detured. Sally, Kilsa, Maz, Ryu, Violet, and Sveta all there." she says, the children oohing and ahhing once more. Waiting for more as they look around to everyone. A few of the children look over to Shay, completely blank stares on their faces, "Huh?"<br> <br>Ictus chuckles at Shay and nods at that, "Indeed." he hmms? at the visual effects and chuckles more before peering at Ryu curiously, seeing that he isn't continuing, he shrugs and smiles at Mira as she continues for him. He nods to Mira as he thinks though
<div></div><br> <br>"We want to hear stories!" shouts a gazzelle child, "Yeah! Tell us about the north!" "No! About the desert!" "No no no! The Spirits!" "Spirits!? Why them again! The Creators!" "Creators!? No when is Lady Mira's kits going to play with us?" That makes Mira blush and she takes a seat, a few button presses and her twirligig comes back to her. She looks around to everyone for what story should be told to the youngsters!<br> <br>Ictus eeps as his eyes are covered and chuckles at his sister, "Nah, of course not." he nods to Tzerya and smiles, "They are indeed." he hmms? at the bow and chuckles with a shake of his head, "We aren't in court, so no need for titles. Just Ictus is fine." he hmms? at Sierra and waves before he blinks at Sveta as she whispers to him, he shakes his head as she leaves. He blinks as the children start asking for stories and laughs a bit, "Oh my... Well... I'm not much of a story teller myself..." he looks to the others<br> <br>Alice turns and looks down at the gangs of children crowding about her ankles, frowning at them for a moment before squatting down closer to their height. "Sorry kids, all my stories are for grown j;s<br> <br>Alice turns and looks down at the gangs of children crowding about her ankles, frowning at them for a moment before squatting down closer to their height. "Sorry kids, all my stories are for grown-ups. But the lady there," she says, pointing to Mirana with a big smile. "Has lots of fun ones. And she needs the practice," she encourages them, giving the pregnant fox a wink. Or maybe a blink, her natural state of constantly winking perhaps leading to confusion. "I'll play with you later, if she doesn't do it well enough, okay?"<br> <br>Tzerya smiled happily at the energy from the children, she loved children. Her ears wiggling in alternation, she cocks her head and ponders for a moment. "Well, most of mine are lore from my home, way up north, but that's no fun.", pausing for a moment, she almost has to snicker at the vixen passing the ball back to the pregnant fox. "Though, I must agree, I do think the kind lady there would have a better story than I.". Stiffling a small snicker as she herself tried to avoid telling a story, her ears perked back up as she leaned softly against a wall.<br> <br>Sierra crosses her legs on top of the big golem and says, "I'm not sure if her stories would be wholly appropriate." Then she shrugs and hefts the arm down onto a catch on the back of the golem she's riding, securing it with chains. She hops down, holding her glasses, then she makes her way over towards the group cautiously, tiny mechanical arm still under her own. <br> <br>Shaytalis was around the market when she heard the chatter going on around the orphanage.  Heading over, she finds a place to sit on the floor and listen a bit.  She asks, "What are some of your favorite stories?"<br> <br>Cyhawk comes to the orphanage and looks apone the kid, he has a few..ok a lot of younger 2nd cousins so he knows how to help take care of them, a little.  "Well I dont really know any good storys about the creators but I think we can all think of a Spirts tale to tell couldn't we?" Looking for a seat for himself in the sowrm of kis he finds one and takes a set, making sure his sword is carfully away from the young ones reach.<br> <br>"One about the Shadows!" Says another child, "No! The King!" says a girl in an outfit that makes her look like a poor princess. When everyone points out the pregnant lady Solacious would have a story she is swarmed! So many little ones, so many stories they wanted to hear. Her eyes go wide, "Well! Umm.. h.. how about.. so..something about." And she gets to thinking, "Something about Kilsa Ironsoul." she says and looks over to Ictus, "I don't think anyone has told one of her tales in a while." She says. She hopes a moment that her lifebond can help her out here! She looks around to everyone.<br> <br>Ictus looks to Alice and chuckles a bit at that. He hmms? at Tzerya and shakes his head softly before looking to Sierra, "Well, do you have any stories?" he looks to Shaytalis then and waves a little in greeting before he blinks at Cyhawk, "Hello there." he hmms? at Mira and nods at that, "Yeah... I suppose so. Which story should we tell?"<br> <br>Alice grins at a successful plan, moving to sit dlw a<br> <br>Alice grins at a successful plan, moving to sit down amoungst the group of children, folding her legs underneath her and giving her best impression of a lisping little kid. "Yeah Mister Ictus! Tell us a fun story," she says with a grin, turning to look from the corner of her eye towards Sierra, plainly more interested in the golem and it's rider than any story her brother can do. It's not every day you see that, after all, but most days you can't shut Ictus up.<br> <br>Tzerya smiles as she gives a cheeky nod in reply to Ictus shaking his head. "Ohh, this'll be a nice story," she mumbles, thinking on the subject since she was new to the area and not all that familiar with Kilsa Ironsoul, aside from the tidbit she had picked up earlier about this being her orphanage. Peering at the golem for a few moments, she gives a nod of approval at the lioness, a bit impressed before laughing softly at the vixen's childlike impression. <br> <br>Sierra shakes her head and says, "I don't do stories, mine aren't appropriate either, I had a fun childhood. Still, mine didn't involve the Kindcraft." She crosses her arms, or starts, stopping when she almost drops the small arm, which she grabs quickly and holds it in one hand. <br> <br>Shaytalis thinks, "I do not have experience telling stories, but perhaps after I have listened to one."<br> <br>Cyhawk doesn really know storys about Kilsa Ironsoul but is willing to help in any way he can.  Looking over to Ictus he greats him back while back to Mirana he says "I think that sound fun, right kids."  With that he gets a idea and whispers to Mirana in a hushed tone.<br> <br>The children all look to each other and screem out in a huge whail! "Kilsa!! Lady Kilsa!!!" they all say looking between all the adults. They take seats as they are accustom to doing when story time starts and look around. Mira nods to Cyhawk and says, "Anyone who thinks they can add to the story please do!" she says and smiles to her lifebonded, "How about how you with Kilsa and Sally found the site of the Arc infested with Shadows?" she says the children all ooooohhh. She herself move to join the adults proper, "Speaking of story time, there is a lot of information going about of late, what have you all heard about abductions, spirits, creators, shadows, anything?" she asks in a hushed tone.<br> <br>Ictus looks to his sister and shakes his head with a snicker, "Alright, alright..." he hmms? at Sierra and shrugs at that before he looks to Mira, "Alright... Where to start..." he thinks a bit and nods as he looks to the children, "You know about the Arc, correct? The vessel that brought us all to Promise?"<br> <br>Tzerya clasps her hands together as she smiles at the children, listening to the two nobles with a grin before turning back to the kids. "Ohh, come on children, of course you know, such a great story.". Looking around at the bright eyes of the children, her ears wiggling as she keeps smiling.<br> <br>Alice grins at the thought of the story before suddenly turning and kissing her<br> <br>Mirana says, "I'll see you soon, brother, girl with my nephew on board," she adds with a wink to Mirana,"<br> <br>Alice grins at the thought of the story before suddenly turning and kissing her brother on the cheek before climbing to her face. "No offence, guys, but I'd prefer to have my own adventures than hear about those of a woman I've never met, "She grins, stretching out. "I'll see you soon, brother, girl with my nephew on board," she adds with a wink to Mirana, quickly making for the exit with a wave.<br> <br>Shaytalis ponders, "The Arc, that is a space vessel that brought everyone here, as I understand.  Kilsa was only a commoner when she formed the Ironsoul Defenders to help the community.  Among her deeds was to find and recover the Arc itself, a testiment to the journey shared by so many."  She thinks, nodding a bit.<br> <br>Cyhawk shakes his head and says to Mira "sorry I'm still a little green with those things, but I will do my best."  He begins to concentrait on the elements at the tips of his finger tips reading them for when they are needed.  He reaches down and takes a pice of dirt and with his earth magic shape it into a little ship, and begins to fly it through the air and over the childrens heads, atleast out of their reach.<br> <br>Mirana nods to everyone and sighs, "Well... I know that the creators want something good for us, but there are a lot of complications. I also know that we have a group abducting up beings, though that has calmed down a bit. Maybe everyone can keep an ear to the ground?" she asks then turns to Ictus. THe children all seem to roll their eyes, "We know about the Arc! Tell us about Kilsa!" They all say, but when Shaytalis recounts about Kilsa less then noble start they all smile, but a collective ohhhhhh at the little ship of dust and dirt.<br> <br>Ictus nods at the children and chuckles as he eyes the flying mini-ship, "Yes Shaytalis, that is correct." he turns back to the children then and ponders "Very well. I was scouting ahead when Kilsa, Sally and the others arrived." he ponders a bit more and shakes his head, "When we joined up at the base of the base of the mountain, Kilsa was..." he trails off a bit and frowns, "I'm sorry kids, I don't think this'll be a very entertaining story coming from me..." he looks to the others and steps to the side, "Anyone else want to give it a shot?"<br> <br>Tzerya chuckles at the sight of the dirt arc flying the air, giving the wolf a small clap for the visual aid for the children. Though the rabbit did make a mental note at the mention of people disappearing, this was something she would need to pass along later. Looking over to Shay with a polite nod as she recounts the start of Kilsa story. Thinking upon her lack of knowledge on the subject, she decides it may be better to follow suite with the wolf, maybe providing a bit visual aid when applicable. <br> <br>Shaytalis thinks, "My understanding, and this is true, is that Kilsa's hammer is taller than the average man.  She, herself, dwarfs most folk with her presence.  It may be her statue that commanded such respect.  Her nobility was earned--in a singular fashion.  While the Solacious earned their nobility has a house for their efforts in the wars centuries ago, Kilsa earned nobility by personal resolve, dedication, and output.  The goal was never to become important.  Rather, she was important.  Nobility became a recognition of the preexisting fact of that matter.<br> <br>Cyhawk is glad that everyone is enjoying the ship, but has it explode into a cloud of dirt and dust only to reform to the center of the group and has it mold into a small mountain with three figures, one disticavly Ictus, and one other holding a tall hammer, silghtnly thanking Shaytals for the information, they all stand at the base ready for what ever is waiting for them.<br> <br>Ryusho slowly would of been making his way through the streets, though having arrived at the Orphanage, he couldn't help but smile softly to himself as he shifts, and slowly opens the door to peek into the room everyone is, very quietly the large draconian tegu would carefully slip in, and stand off to the side, currious as to what tales were being told, though he was being quite quiet.<br> <br>The children ooh and ahh at the displays and nod with Ictus and Shaytalis. Mirana takes a seat and listens. "But where did Kilsa get 'er 'ammer?" asks a small bat boy who is then shushed by the other children, "Listen to the story!" Say a few. THen, Ryusho walks in and a few of the children look over to him giving cheers! When Ictus tries to pass the story off, Mira looks over to Ryusho, "If I remember the telling right, you were there too, were you not?" she asks with a coy smile, and indeed the children all look to Ryusho to continue, well, not all, a few look back to Cyhawk and his work, Tzerya, and Shay for more info!<br> <br>Ictus hmms at Shay and nods at that, "Indeed, you are correct." he chuckles at Cyhawk as he shapes the dirt and smiles before he waves to Ryu in greeting. He hmms? at Mira and shakes his head, "Ryusho wasn't there the first time sadly."<br> <br>Tzerya turns to Ryusho as he enters, giving a small nod as she turned her eyes to the small dirt forms. Looking to the children again with a small chuckle as they continued to hush eachother. <br> <br>Shaytalis thinks a moment, "The hammer, she made for herself as well.  Not content to simply be a physicially imposing individual, she was even then one of the best of blacksmiths.  Her own equipment, and much of that which armed the ironsoul defenders, came from her own forge."  Looking off, as if to indicate a direction.  "It has been said, as this is true, that the hammer which Kilsa wielded in a single arm would take the strength of four grown men simply to carry along.  With a small hammer, she crafted a larger hammer.  With imprecise tools, the crafted greater tools.  All that she build stood upon the simplest of beginnings.  Kilsa forged each step along the way."  She nods, asking of them, "And who can tell me what is it called, to make larger equations from smaller equations?"  <br> <br>Cyhawk was about to form a shape of a dragon for Ryusho, but he doen't at what Ictus says, saddly.  Hold the mountain and figures but with out anything to move forward with can only do that, but has an idea he takes a bit more dust and tosses it into the air hopint it helps make the figures more solid, but saddly doesnt set.<br> <br>Ryusho slowly would begin to smile a bit as he realises they are talking about Kilsa Ironsoul, as he looks down towards the ground slightly, but still smiling as his tail very slightly sways a little in thought just beginning to remember things as well, as they are talking about her, though this is a story he doesn't remember right off the bat.<br> <br>Mirana smiles a moment, waiting for Ryu to pick it up.. but.. he doesn't, he just sways and smiles. She starts to frown and looks to Shay, "Yes, that is what I remember too, but, on the day in question, they walked up and up the mountain side, toward the Arc, they started in a cart, but abandoned it when they noticed... SHADOWS! Scouts and everything. But they wouldn't be detured. Sally, Kilsa, Maz, Ryu, Violet, and Sveta all there." she says, the children oohing and ahhing once more. Waiting for more as they look around to everyone.<br> <br>Mirana smiles a moment, waiting for Ryu to pick it up.. but.. he doesn't, he just sways and smiles. She starts to frown and looks to Shay, "Yes, that is what I remember too, but, on the day in question, they walked up and up the mountain side, toward the Arc, they started in a cart, but abandoned it when they noticed... SHADOWS! Scouts and everything. But they wouldn't be detured. Sally, Kilsa, Maz, Ryu, Violet, and Sveta all there." she says, the children oohing and ahhing once more. Waiting for more as they look around to everyone. A few of the children look over to Shay, completely blank stares on their faces, "Huh?"<br> <br>Ictus chuckles at Shay and nods at that, "Indeed." he hmms? at the visual effects and chuckles more before peering at Ryu curiously, seeing that he isn't continuing, he shrugs and smiles at Mira as she continues for him. He nods to Mira as he thinks though<br> <br>Tzerya blinks a few times as her ears perk, realizing she had heard part of this story on the road, though hadn't remembered the names, "Ohh yes, though they did remove those shadows. Though wasn't there something about a message from a squirrel."<br> <br>Shaytalis nods, saying, "When Kilsa used a small hammer, to make a bigger hammer, she called it modularity.  She made a module, and then a bigger one, and bigger, until you couldn't have believed that there was ever a small one.  "<br> <br>Cyhawk concentrs harder to comamd the dirt and dust to become more solid, and sucesfully solidifyes the mountine, figures while creating a few more for the three new heros of the story, and a few others for the shadows . Then with a little heat and burns some of the figures to creat the shadows around the six figures.<br> <br>Ryusho rumbles quietly in thought "I worked along side Kilsa, as her Retainer, one to help her as needed, ..though as we arrived..ready to act, This squirrel, who had been posessed by a shadow, came running for us, but rather then to attack..he came to us with a question ..begging us to not attack and instead, to stop, and let them...finish what they were doing, and leave without conflict.." he says after thinking for a moment.<br> <br>Mirana smiles a bit as the story is picked up and explinations are made. She reaches over to Cyhawk and pats him a few times, "Good work so far, a great job." she says then looks around, the children are having a great time, but soon, a fellow priest comes in from the back room, "Ok dears, getting close to time to eat, say think you to everyone." He says and the children aww. They all start clammering up and give many a thank you to everyone. Mira looks a tad disappointed as time had flown by! She looks to Ictus, and waits for him to help her up as the children file out, a few stopping by each person to give thanks and hugs!<br> <br>Ictus nods to Ryu as he listens to the story and hmms a bit, "I wasn't there sadly..." he chuckles at the meal time bell and moves to help Mira up, "I just wish I was better at telling stories..." he shrugs a bit as smiles at the kids<br> <br>Shaytalis nods as pulls herself up to her feet, giving a return hug to one of the children, patting her on th eback.  She dusts her kimono a bit and nods to the priest, making her way back towards the market again.<br> <br>Cyhawk looks twoards Mirana and says "thank you I really enjoyed helping, I only know how family gets along and is loved..not like these kids who dont know, I want to show them that there are people out there that care about them."  Looking at the kids who leave he sighs and turns back to Mirana "I would really like to do this again some time," and with that he explodes the dirt and dust out the window, to help clean the place a little at least.<br> <br>Ryusho would kneel down, basically almost sitting down as he would gently return any hugs that  had been given to him with a smile, rumbling softly deep within his chest as he looks to the others, "I know I had not been here long, but I was glad to at least be reminded of some memories...and be able to at least help share them slightly..."[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 01:26, 3 August 2013





"We want to hear stories!" shouts a gazzelle child, "Yeah! Tell us about the north!" "No! About the desert!" "No no no! The Spirits!" "Spirits!? Why them again! The Creators!" "Creators!? No when is Lady Mira's kits going to play with us?" That makes Mira blush and she takes a seat, a few button presses and her twirligig comes back to her. She looks around to everyone for what story should be told to the youngsters!

Ictus eeps as his eyes are covered and chuckles at his sister, "Nah, of course not." he nods to Tzerya and smiles, "They are indeed." he hmms? at the bow and chuckles with a shake of his head, "We aren't in court, so no need for titles. Just Ictus is fine." he hmms? at Sierra and waves before he blinks at Sveta as she whispers to him, he shakes his head as she leaves. He blinks as the children start asking for stories and laughs a bit, "Oh my... Well... I'm not much of a story teller myself..." he looks to the others

Alice turns and looks down at the gangs of children crowding about her ankles, frowning at them for a moment before squatting down closer to their height. "Sorry kids, all my stories are for grown j;s

Alice turns and looks down at the gangs of children crowding about her ankles, frowning at them for a moment before squatting down closer to their height. "Sorry kids, all my stories are for grown-ups. But the lady there," she says, pointing to Mirana with a big smile. "Has lots of fun ones. And she needs the practice," she encourages them, giving the pregnant fox a wink. Or maybe a blink, her natural state of constantly winking perhaps leading to confusion. "I'll play with you later, if she doesn't do it well enough, okay?"

Tzerya smiled happily at the energy from the children, she loved children. Her ears wiggling in alternation, she cocks her head and ponders for a moment. "Well, most of mine are lore from my home, way up north, but that's no fun.", pausing for a moment, she almost has to snicker at the vixen passing the ball back to the pregnant fox. "Though, I must agree, I do think the kind lady there would have a better story than I.". Stiffling a small snicker as she herself tried to avoid telling a story, her ears perked back up as she leaned softly against a wall.

Sierra crosses her legs on top of the big golem and says, "I'm not sure if her stories would be wholly appropriate." Then she shrugs and hefts the arm down onto a catch on the back of the golem she's riding, securing it with chains. She hops down, holding her glasses, then she makes her way over towards the group cautiously, tiny mechanical arm still under her own.

Shaytalis was around the market when she heard the chatter going on around the orphanage. Heading over, she finds a place to sit on the floor and listen a bit. She asks, "What are some of your favorite stories?"

Cyhawk comes to the orphanage and looks apone the kid, he has a few..ok a lot of younger 2nd cousins so he knows how to help take care of them, a little. "Well I dont really know any good storys about the creators but I think we can all think of a Spirts tale to tell couldn't we?" Looking for a seat for himself in the sowrm of kis he finds one and takes a set, making sure his sword is carfully away from the young ones reach.

"One about the Shadows!" Says another child, "No! The King!" says a girl in an outfit that makes her look like a poor princess. When everyone points out the pregnant lady Solacious would have a story she is swarmed! So many little ones, so many stories they wanted to hear. Her eyes go wide, "Well! Umm.. h.. how about.. so..something about." And she gets to thinking, "Something about Kilsa Ironsoul." she says and looks over to Ictus, "I don't think anyone has told one of her tales in a while." She says. She hopes a moment that her lifebond can help her out here! She looks around to everyone.

Ictus looks to Alice and chuckles a bit at that. He hmms? at Tzerya and shakes his head softly before looking to Sierra, "Well, do you have any stories?" he looks to Shaytalis then and waves a little in greeting before he blinks at Cyhawk, "Hello there." he hmms? at Mira and nods at that, "Yeah... I suppose so. Which story should we tell?"

Alice grins at a successful plan, moving to sit dlw a

Alice grins at a successful plan, moving to sit down amoungst the group of children, folding her legs underneath her and giving her best impression of a lisping little kid. "Yeah Mister Ictus! Tell us a fun story," she says with a grin, turning to look from the corner of her eye towards Sierra, plainly more interested in the golem and it's rider than any story her brother can do. It's not every day you see that, after all, but most days you can't shut Ictus up.

Tzerya smiles as she gives a cheeky nod in reply to Ictus shaking his head. "Ohh, this'll be a nice story," she mumbles, thinking on the subject since she was new to the area and not all that familiar with Kilsa Ironsoul, aside from the tidbit she had picked up earlier about this being her orphanage. Peering at the golem for a few moments, she gives a nod of approval at the lioness, a bit impressed before laughing softly at the vixen's childlike impression.

Sierra shakes her head and says, "I don't do stories, mine aren't appropriate either, I had a fun childhood. Still, mine didn't involve the Kindcraft." She crosses her arms, or starts, stopping when she almost drops the small arm, which she grabs quickly and holds it in one hand.

Shaytalis thinks, "I do not have experience telling stories, but perhaps after I have listened to one."

Cyhawk doesn really know storys about Kilsa Ironsoul but is willing to help in any way he can. Looking over to Ictus he greats him back while back to Mirana he says "I think that sound fun, right kids." With that he gets a idea and whispers to Mirana in a hushed tone.

The children all look to each other and screem out in a huge whail! "Kilsa!! Lady Kilsa!!!" they all say looking between all the adults. They take seats as they are accustom to doing when story time starts and look around. Mira nods to Cyhawk and says, "Anyone who thinks they can add to the story please do!" she says and smiles to her lifebonded, "How about how you with Kilsa and Sally found the site of the Arc infested with Shadows?" she says the children all ooooohhh. She herself move to join the adults proper, "Speaking of story time, there is a lot of information going about of late, what have you all heard about abductions, spirits, creators, shadows, anything?" she asks in a hushed tone.

Ictus looks to his sister and shakes his head with a snicker, "Alright, alright..." he hmms? at Sierra and shrugs at that before he looks to Mira, "Alright... Where to start..." he thinks a bit and nods as he looks to the children, "You know about the Arc, correct? The vessel that brought us all to Promise?"

Tzerya clasps her hands together as she smiles at the children, listening to the two nobles with a grin before turning back to the kids. "Ohh, come on children, of course you know, such a great story.". Looking around at the bright eyes of the children, her ears wiggling as she keeps smiling.

Alice grins at the thought of the story before suddenly turning and kissing her

Mirana says, "I'll see you soon, brother, girl with my nephew on board," she adds with a wink to Mirana,"

Alice grins at the thought of the story before suddenly turning and kissing her brother on the cheek before climbing to her face. "No offence, guys, but I'd prefer to have my own adventures than hear about those of a woman I've never met, "She grins, stretching out. "I'll see you soon, brother, girl with my nephew on board," she adds with a wink to Mirana, quickly making for the exit with a wave.

Shaytalis ponders, "The Arc, that is a space vessel that brought everyone here, as I understand. Kilsa was only a commoner when she formed the Ironsoul Defenders to help the community. Among her deeds was to find and recover the Arc itself, a testiment to the journey shared by so many." She thinks, nodding a bit.

Cyhawk shakes his head and says to Mira "sorry I'm still a little green with those things, but I will do my best." He begins to concentrait on the elements at the tips of his finger tips reading them for when they are needed. He reaches down and takes a pice of dirt and with his earth magic shape it into a little ship, and begins to fly it through the air and over the childrens heads, atleast out of their reach.

Mirana nods to everyone and sighs, "Well... I know that the creators want something good for us, but there are a lot of complications. I also know that we have a group abducting up beings, though that has calmed down a bit. Maybe everyone can keep an ear to the ground?" she asks then turns to Ictus. THe children all seem to roll their eyes, "We know about the Arc! Tell us about Kilsa!" They all say, but when Shaytalis recounts about Kilsa less then noble start they all smile, but a collective ohhhhhh at the little ship of dust and dirt.

Ictus nods at the children and chuckles as he eyes the flying mini-ship, "Yes Shaytalis, that is correct." he turns back to the children then and ponders "Very well. I was scouting ahead when Kilsa, Sally and the others arrived." he ponders a bit more and shakes his head, "When we joined up at the base of the base of the mountain, Kilsa was..." he trails off a bit and frowns, "I'm sorry kids, I don't think this'll be a very entertaining story coming from me..." he looks to the others and steps to the side, "Anyone else want to give it a shot?"

Tzerya chuckles at the sight of the dirt arc flying the air, giving the wolf a small clap for the visual aid for the children. Though the rabbit did make a mental note at the mention of people disappearing, this was something she would need to pass along later. Looking over to Shay with a polite nod as she recounts the start of Kilsa story. Thinking upon her lack of knowledge on the subject, she decides it may be better to follow suite with the wolf, maybe providing a bit visual aid when applicable.

Shaytalis thinks, "My understanding, and this is true, is that Kilsa's hammer is taller than the average man. She, herself, dwarfs most folk with her presence. It may be her statue that commanded such respect. Her nobility was earned--in a singular fashion. While the Solacious earned their nobility has a house for their efforts in the wars centuries ago, Kilsa earned nobility by personal resolve, dedication, and output. The goal was never to become important. Rather, she was important. Nobility became a recognition of the preexisting fact of that matter.

Cyhawk is glad that everyone is enjoying the ship, but has it explode into a cloud of dirt and dust only to reform to the center of the group and has it mold into a small mountain with three figures, one disticavly Ictus, and one other holding a tall hammer, silghtnly thanking Shaytals for the information, they all stand at the base ready for what ever is waiting for them.

Ryusho slowly would of been making his way through the streets, though having arrived at the Orphanage, he couldn't help but smile softly to himself as he shifts, and slowly opens the door to peek into the room everyone is, very quietly the large draconian tegu would carefully slip in, and stand off to the side, currious as to what tales were being told, though he was being quite quiet.

The children ooh and ahh at the displays and nod with Ictus and Shaytalis. Mirana takes a seat and listens. "But where did Kilsa get 'er 'ammer?" asks a small bat boy who is then shushed by the other children, "Listen to the story!" Say a few. THen, Ryusho walks in and a few of the children look over to him giving cheers! When Ictus tries to pass the story off, Mira looks over to Ryusho, "If I remember the telling right, you were there too, were you not?" she asks with a coy smile, and indeed the children all look to Ryusho to continue, well, not all, a few look back to Cyhawk and his work, Tzerya, and Shay for more info!

Ictus hmms at Shay and nods at that, "Indeed, you are correct." he chuckles at Cyhawk as he shapes the dirt and smiles before he waves to Ryu in greeting. He hmms? at Mira and shakes his head, "Ryusho wasn't there the first time sadly."

Tzerya turns to Ryusho as he enters, giving a small nod as she turned her eyes to the small dirt forms. Looking to the children again with a small chuckle as they continued to hush eachother.

Shaytalis thinks a moment, "The hammer, she made for herself as well. Not content to simply be a physicially imposing individual, she was even then one of the best of blacksmiths. Her own equipment, and much of that which armed the ironsoul defenders, came from her own forge." Looking off, as if to indicate a direction. "It has been said, as this is true, that the hammer which Kilsa wielded in a single arm would take the strength of four grown men simply to carry along. With a small hammer, she crafted a larger hammer. With imprecise tools, the crafted greater tools. All that she build stood upon the simplest of beginnings. Kilsa forged each step along the way." She nods, asking of them, "And who can tell me what is it called, to make larger equations from smaller equations?"

Cyhawk was about to form a shape of a dragon for Ryusho, but he doen't at what Ictus says, saddly. Hold the mountain and figures but with out anything to move forward with can only do that, but has an idea he takes a bit more dust and tosses it into the air hopint it helps make the figures more solid, but saddly doesnt set.

Ryusho slowly would begin to smile a bit as he realises they are talking about Kilsa Ironsoul, as he looks down towards the ground slightly, but still smiling as his tail very slightly sways a little in thought just beginning to remember things as well, as they are talking about her, though this is a story he doesn't remember right off the bat.

Mirana smiles a moment, waiting for Ryu to pick it up.. but.. he doesn't, he just sways and smiles. She starts to frown and looks to Shay, "Yes, that is what I remember too, but, on the day in question, they walked up and up the mountain side, toward the Arc, they started in a cart, but abandoned it when they noticed... SHADOWS! Scouts and everything. But they wouldn't be detured. Sally, Kilsa, Maz, Ryu, Violet, and Sveta all there." she says, the children oohing and ahhing once more. Waiting for more as they look around to everyone.

Mirana smiles a moment, waiting for Ryu to pick it up.. but.. he doesn't, he just sways and smiles. She starts to frown and looks to Shay, "Yes, that is what I remember too, but, on the day in question, they walked up and up the mountain side, toward the Arc, they started in a cart, but abandoned it when they noticed... SHADOWS! Scouts and everything. But they wouldn't be detured. Sally, Kilsa, Maz, Ryu, Violet, and Sveta all there." she says, the children oohing and ahhing once more. Waiting for more as they look around to everyone. A few of the children look over to Shay, completely blank stares on their faces, "Huh?"

Ictus chuckles at Shay and nods at that, "Indeed." he hmms? at the visual effects and chuckles more before peering at Ryu curiously, seeing that he isn't continuing, he shrugs and smiles at Mira as she continues for him. He nods to Mira as he thinks though

Tzerya blinks a few times as her ears perk, realizing she had heard part of this story on the road, though hadn't remembered the names, "Ohh yes, though they did remove those shadows. Though wasn't there something about a message from a squirrel."

Shaytalis nods, saying, "When Kilsa used a small hammer, to make a bigger hammer, she called it modularity. She made a module, and then a bigger one, and bigger, until you couldn't have believed that there was ever a small one. "

Cyhawk concentrs harder to comamd the dirt and dust to become more solid, and sucesfully solidifyes the mountine, figures while creating a few more for the three new heros of the story, and a few others for the shadows . Then with a little heat and burns some of the figures to creat the shadows around the six figures.

Ryusho rumbles quietly in thought "I worked along side Kilsa, as her Retainer, one to help her as needed, ..though as we arrived..ready to act, This squirrel, who had been posessed by a shadow, came running for us, but rather then to attack..he came to us with a question ..begging us to not attack and instead, to stop, and let them...finish what they were doing, and leave without conflict.." he says after thinking for a moment.

Mirana smiles a bit as the story is picked up and explinations are made. She reaches over to Cyhawk and pats him a few times, "Good work so far, a great job." she says then looks around, the children are having a great time, but soon, a fellow priest comes in from the back room, "Ok dears, getting close to time to eat, say think you to everyone." He says and the children aww. They all start clammering up and give many a thank you to everyone. Mira looks a tad disappointed as time had flown by! She looks to Ictus, and waits for him to help her up as the children file out, a few stopping by each person to give thanks and hugs!

Ictus nods to Ryu as he listens to the story and hmms a bit, "I wasn't there sadly..." he chuckles at the meal time bell and moves to help Mira up, "I just wish I was better at telling stories..." he shrugs a bit as smiles at the kids

Shaytalis nods as pulls herself up to her feet, giving a return hug to one of the children, patting her on th eback. She dusts her kimono a bit and nods to the priest, making her way back towards the market again.

Cyhawk looks twoards Mirana and says "thank you I really enjoyed helping, I only know how family gets along and is loved..not like these kids who dont know, I want to show them that there are people out there that care about them." Looking at the kids who leave he sighs and turns back to Mirana "I would really like to do this again some time," and with that he explodes the dirt and dust out the window, to help clean the place a little at least.

Ryusho would kneel down, basically almost sitting down as he would gently return any hugs that had been given to him with a smile, rumbling softly deep within his chest as he looks to the others, "I know I had not been here long, but I was glad to at least be reminded of some memories...and be able to at least help share them slightly..."