Talk of Thera'Dor - RPLOG

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A soft rumble leaves Flora's muzzle, even as one of the workers sets the table in front of her and Anton, the cafetaria transformed into a proper dining-hall for the time being, with only the central table providing food, and a spot left for the two noblebeings, opposite to one-another.

Upon the table is a variety of food, varying from sweetwater dishes to the more extravagant spices of Shralesta on one end of the table, and the more somber, but wholesome meals of Thera'Dor on the other side.

Anton walks sedately into the room and bows deeply to Flora. "Highlady," he murmurs in his smooth, deep tones, "You sent for me?" The old reindeer looks over the extravagant table that the noble feline has laid out, smiling at the selection. "I see you have developed a taste for foreign cuisine, my lady," he says, his accent barely tinging his words, unlike his wayward ward, Sven Snowmark.

"Flora figured that, since Flora has spent the first years of Flora's life in Shralesta, and sir Anton is from Thera'Dor, it would be... Good to bring a little variety to the food offered. And of course, since we meet in the wonderful Sweetwater..."

"Flora was hoping to discuss some things regarding Thera'Dor. Set up a travel-schedule, that sort of thing, yes. Flora does presume Sven has informed Sir Anton, yes?"

"Of course, Highlady," the old Reindeer priest says, "Lord Snowmark has left the entire affair in my hands." Anton pulls out a chair for Flora and waits for her to sit before making his stately walk to the other side of the table. "He also extends his congratulations on your Lifebonding and asks me to inform you that I am to be completely at your disposal for your entire trip." The grey muzzled cervine smiles a little at that. "Leaving the young mad man completely unsupervised, of course," he chuckles.

"Flora wouldn't say to go /that/ far... Send for help from the north, obviously. Mister Sven never said anything about that, did he? Get someone else to take your place for a while, yes," the she-cat rumbles with a small, sly grin, before leaning back in her chair, gesturing at the table.

"Forgive Flora for saying that, but Flora would prefer to have a Sweetwater to return home to after all, yes," she murrs softly, before looking to the food. "Are there any cities we absolutely must visit? This trip will be both pleasure and business, of course."

Anton laughs warmly and begins to put a few simple dishes on his plate. "I only tease, Highlady," he says, "Lena will, of course be keeping an eye on him. And the boy is not completely without tact." He drinks a bit of wine from a prepared goblet with a sparkle in his eye. "We will, of course, visit the capitol city of Hilrock," he says, "I can also recommend visiting one of the Dacha's temporary encampments. They are most welcoming of visitors!"

"Very well, yes," Flora rumbles, before nodding faintly. "Any other places in particular? Cities we need to travel to because a noble house makes it their home? Particular customs we need to know of?" the she-cat asks, seemingly making mental notes, even as she takes some food from the table, from all places... Shralestan meat, sweetwaterian fruits and some things from Thera'Dor. "In particular, it would be good to know what things NOT to do... Since behaving like a foreigner is one thing... Behaving like an ignorant foreigner is quite another. For example, one does not disrespect the creators during a visit to Shralesta..."

Anton considers the question for a moment, swirling the wine in his glass. "This is a difficult question, Highlady," he finally says, "Thera'Dor is a nation of nations. In Hilrock, there is a remarkable meeting of cultures, you have little to worry about there." He thinks a bit more. "Perhaps it would be best if I were to draft up a dossier on the cities we shall visit," he offers, "Would that be of help to you?"

"That would, indeed, help, yes," Flora rumbles after a while, her tails flicking behind her and her ears twitching atop her head. "Flora trusts that the food is agreeable?" she asks after a while, her smile neverending as she continues working down some of her own.

Anton smiles and sips genteely at his wine. "The Highlady Longtail lays a most excellent table," he says. The aging reindeer considers a bit longer. "Truly, you need only visit Hilrock," he says, "It is the center of all government in the country. Other cities do have things to recommend, however." He nods and continues. "I shall do a bit of writing for you," he says, "Though I highly recommend visiting the Dacha while you are in the north. A very generous people, even if they are rather strange about their animals."

Flora nods and smiles faintly, her ears flicking once more. "Flora sees, yes," she mumbles after a while, tails still swaying, her eyes cast out over the table. "Flora presumes that the compendium will include dress-code and -suggestions, as well?" she murrs after a few moments, trying to come up with other various things that would need to be arranged.

"Dress warm, Highlady!" Anton says with a smile. "Even in the summer it is not strange to have snow at the edge of the valleys." He purses his thick lips. "It may be wise to send measurements ahead to a tailor in Hilrock to find you the best of the latest fashions," he says, "The Schlaufuchs of Hilrock will expect a good showing from an ambassador from Sweetwater and the nobility there do love their fashion."

Flora nods and rumbles softly, her tails still flicking, and her ears twitch again. "Flora shall keep it in mind, yes," she rumbles after a bit of contemplation, before looking up at Sven again. "Flora... Understands, yes. Well, Flora doesn't, but Flora sees. Any other things, apart from the obvious things, yes."

Anton thinks quietly for another moment or two, nibbling at a sop of bread he has dipped in his soup. "Hilrock is almost as open to visitors as the Snowmark city of Snowhame," he says, "My only advice is to bring a bit of muscle with you. You will want a body guard or two."

Flora mumbles a moment, again flicking her ears. "Flora is... Going to assume Sven's family is... Much like Sven?" she asks after a while, her ears folded back, before she pauses a moment in contemplation. "Warm clothing, proper security-staff, adapt to the culture and fashion of Thera'dor... Flora is summing it up properly, yes? Is Flora missing anything?"

Anton gives Flora a fatherly smile. "Yes, Highlady," he says, "And please, try to relax. Thera'Dor is not the most organized of countries, it is best if you expect many wonderful surprises." The reindeer sips the rest of his soup from his bowl and dabs at his greying muzzle with a napkin. "And I shall be with you to help, of course," he says.

Flora nods and rumbles softly. "Flora... Prefers order, yes. Things Flora can see coming, yes yes," she mumbles after a while, her head shaking lightly and her tails puffing up slightly. "Flora does not... Enjoy surprises."

Anton chuckles quietly and sips the last of his wine. "So I understand, Highlady," he says, "And I shall make it my priority to be sure that you enjoy this trip." He sets his goblet down on the table and rests his hands in his lap. "And if you wish to bring a gift or two along for those you may meet," he says, "I would recommend some of this Sweetwater wine. It is most wonderful."

"Flora shall... Keep it in mind," the she-cat mumbles after a moment of contemplation, before nodding along and rumbling softly. "Flora will make some arrangements. Bringing gifts is... Quite often a good idea... One or two bottles for each house?" she rumbles questionately, almost visibly setting up a mental shopping-list and budget.

"Da," Anton says warmly, "That would be an excellent gift for the members of the council of houses." Seeing that the Highlady has become preoccupied he stands. "Thank you for your hospitality," he says, "I will see to preparing a dossier for you and send letters ahead."

Flora nods again, and flicks her tails. "Flora will make some arrangements and find the numbers, yes yes. Flora will also discuss a flightplan with sir Anton later, yes," she murrs after a moment of contemplation.