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"Have you ever wondered what went an' happened from when you were nuttin' but a lil'kid runnin' round chasin' vermin with a stick while yellin' bout rescuin' poor folk from trouble an' such... To now, when you go on out, suitin' up in armor with folks you ain't knowin' too well, to fight sumptin you sometimes are figurin' you'll never get round to comprehendin? I do. S'like a big an' blurry dream, you go off sufferin' an' such in ways you never right thought possible... But when you go commin' to the end an' all, you're lookin' round those folks in armor an' callin'em friends. You ain't gotta know'em, you just go knowin' they're your friends... An' you still gonna suffer, but you ain't gonna suffer alone, cause they'll be there helpin' an' fightin' with you... I'm guessin' that's why it's so right an' natural for me to smile eh? Plenty of Folk go round thinkin' I'm smilin' cause ignorance is bliss an' what not... They ain't all wrong I'm supposin'. I ain't taught in the courts, I ain't no scholar, shit I ain't much of a student too... But I ain't ignorant 'nuff to go off forgetin' what's right an what not. You go round doin' what's right, an' you go feelin' better. Ain't hard to go off figurin', see lotsa folk's go over thinkin' it even... They go thinkin' what's right an what is what's goin' an' makin'em happy... Like crowns. Lotta folk's go thinkin' crown'll make'em happy, so they go figurin' you needin' to act on what get you crown to go an' be happy. Me? I'll stick with what's right an' all... Even if'n I don't like it."