Implacable Stance

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Implacable Stance stats
Type Toggle Buff Target Self NoAoE
Description By adjusting your stance to your enemies, you flow with the combat, allowing hits to glance off from you, keep your footing more stable, and come back at your foes with greater ease.
Based on Implacable Stance Template Slot:
Cooldown 6000 Charge time 300
Energy 1.5 Accuracy 75%
Damage 0 Healing at level 0
100% chance of damageresist at magnitude 1.5 for 10 rounds.
100% chance of knockdownresist at magnitude 2 for 10 rounds.
100% chance of energybreak at magnitude 2.5 for 10 rounds.
Training Upgrades
damageresistmag by 0.5
Energy by -0.5
energybreakmag by .5
knockdownresistmag by 1
Secondary Effects
Secondary Damage No damage at level 0
Secondary Type None Secondary Target None
Secondary Statuses
No Secondary Statuses

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