From Rusted Promises
- Church: This is home. The Church itself has been like family to me, and I'm honored I can give thanks for my upbringing by dedicating myself to service for the Church and for all of Sweetwater.
- Creators: They created us, and thus they are worthy of our devotion. We must strive to act with wisdom, compassion, and integrity as we have been commanded.
- Magic: I understand the formulae, but I'm far better with practical applications than I am with actually casting mathemagic. I'll leave that to the rest of you.
- Labor: I'm good with my hands, and I have a strong back. I'm always happy to do a bit of hard labor whether in the forge, assisting construction crews, doing a bit of repair work, or even just cleaning the streets.
- Nobles: Nobles and commoners need each other to survive. Together we are like a table; the nobles are the table top, and we common folk are the legs. Without the support of one, the other will fall. We all have our roles to play.
- Gifted: And talented, too. The Creators did not make us this way, but that should not keep us from using our strengths to honor them and the world for which we have been made stewards. It's a shame that being born as such is most likely what prevented me from knowing my parents.
- Spirits: I have yet to encounter them myself, but I am uncomfortable with them. I must not judge...