Automated Multiplayer Updates/2018 March

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[Update] Nuku says, "In theory, +gear/inventory should be more proactive about removing corrupted items instead of crashing while they're around."

[Update] Nuku says, "Mega battles are now significantly more valuable. Instead of x10 patrol for x 7 reward, it is x 11 reward! You still have a chance of getting a +reward, and its odds are unchanged."

[Update] Nuku says, "Well, isn't my face red. Found a huge bug in mega rewards for cash/xp. Mega fights should be MUCH more valuable now."

[Update] Nuku says, "mega salvage is now raised through the roooooof! (11 x)"

[Update] Nuku says, "+rewards of recipes should now skip ones you already know."

[Update] Nuku says, "Big change to self-rezzing powers. They should NOT touch your statuses, good or bad, if they stop you from passing out."

[Update] Nuku says, "Back end stuff: When the code wants to know what the party is of a summoned critter, it will look to whatever summoned it and check it for its party."

[Update] Nuku says, "More backend stuff: Enemies are now considered partied with one another."

[Update] Nuku says, "Backend Stuff: We now have a function for getting the high and low team average on a skill, for when a group is doing something that can be mostly leaned on the best guy, or the worst skill is likely the breaking point."

[Update] Nuku says, "Your team's effective perception and stealth skills are now displayed when you type party."

[Update] Nuku says, "New status, Stunned. If you have it, you don't move. Period."

[Update] Nuku says, "In theory, anytime someone with overkill bops someone, they will gain a 1 round overkilled status. While that remains, if they are defeated, the defeater WILL overkill-carry-through, even if they don't personally have overkill. This should also allow statuses to flow from people who actually have overkill at that time."

[Update] Nuku says, "In theory, warded should make DoTs be stretched out, lowering their magnitude by 10/20/30% but making them last longer. Same overall damage rating, but more time to react to it and do something."

[Update] Nuku says, "Bewitched is now added to warded for its DoT effect, though bewitched is only worth 0.33 warded each for this effect, much like its already stated hostile status warding."