Rescuing 1SG Cutie - RPLOG

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With a look of concern and more then a bit of care taken in her step, Mirana Solacious comes down from her room above. She was quite glad to have kept her clothes from the last time she'd done this. Looking about a moment, she walks over to a table, sitting down. She looks about again, pondering, "Well, I haven't heard from him weeks, maybe he is just busy, then again... his mill is also not bringing in shipments..." she says, shrugging off her pack, she digs through it for a little while before pulling out a small book, reading through it.

Cythim enter back into the tavern, looking around before noticing Lady Mirana in the place and walk toward her, as she remove her hood. "Greetings Lady Mirana.", as he bow to her. Having heard what she said, she inquire, "What's wrong Lady Mirana?".

Mirana looks up from her book, shaking her head a bit, "It is Siyu, haven't heard from him in a while, and I need him to help me finalize some plans for the healer's guild. And please, just Mirana." She says, looking back at the book, "Seeing as I spoke for him in court, I've also been watching, when I can, the work done out in his mill. I'll... admit, I'm not good with mathmatics, much better at using mathmagics, but this definately doesn't look right. It seems as if the place shut down completely." She says, closing the book and putting it back, "Nothing out of there for a while." She continues. "I was hoping to find someone here who knew of his whereabouts."

"Yes of course La... i mean... Mirana...". Cythim blush a bit. "Siyu? His mill? What happened there then?", she thinks for a moment "... Oh... that's why you are here? Then let me help you. I don't know about Siyu's whereabouts but i can help you for the travel, if we manage to get the proper informations.".

Mirana bites her lip a bit, patting her middle a moment, "I really shouldn't go out and about dear, but I'm more than a bit worried about Siyu. This definately isn't like him." She says, "As for what happened, I wouldn't have the slightest idea. Business seemed to be going good for him, so this is... concerning." She says, "I thank you for the help however, but I wouldn't want to be touncing around without even a clue what to look for. The woods aren't exactly that dangerous anymore, assuming you are prepared for glops and such." She says. She looks down at herself a bit, "I shouldn't, but he could be in trouble. If he is... surely he'd call Sheila and she could tell me to go find him? Right? Or... is that part of their vow not to interfer..." she argues back and forth with herself for a bit.

"Maybe we should get information for the whereabouts of the mill? Someone may know what happened there and we may get clues of may could've happened... no? And i'd believe he'd should've told you of what he was doing there... right?". Cythim walk toward the bar and start to ask for Siyu's whereabouts and his mill.

Shaking her head a bit, Mira looks up to Cythim, "I know where the mill is, the problem is more understanding what happened. Going out there may turn up with less than useful information, and it isn't like it would be exactly a... swift journey for me. I could fly, carefully, but still, not exactly an ideal situation." She explains. "Besides... I doubt my leathers would even remotely fit at this point." She says with a blush.

At being asked, the barkeep looks up at Cythim, "Who? Oh, the little business rat. Yeah, he was freaking out, something about Kitsunes and how to find them out. Didn't catch a lot, wasn't my night on." Says the bulldog as he shines a glass, "Right loony one if you ask me."

"Heh... Thanks for the informations.", as she leave a few pieces on the bar. Then she walk back to Mirana. "Okay, so from what i heard, Siyu may not actually in a good situation. He may have problem with kitsunes, but that's all i could have.". She look at Mirana. "We should go and check by ourselves.".

With a nod the barkeep gets back to taking orders and cleaning up, getting ready for the late night crowd now that the dinner crowd is dying down. Mira just listens carefully, growing quite worried by the time it is done. "Alright, I need to go back home to change and pick up a few things... I'd... much rather find someone who could go out there and look for us, but... he's been gone for a while already, so I don't want to eat up too much more time. Meet me outside Solacious Manor in... two hours please, bring anyone you can find to help out." She says, getting up and waddling her way out of the inn.

"Yes Mirana. At once." Cythim follow Mirana's order as she ask around, trying to convince peoples to help her and ask around for more informations if possible as she move around the tavern and ask for a plan of the surroundings.

Light rain falling upon the ground, Mirana waits just outside the castle district. Fortunately it is late and wet enough that most are inside. She has a very very bright blush to her, having squeezed as much of her into her work leathers as she could. She never thought that she'd have to use them while pregnant, so she never got them adjusted or resized unlike her dresses! Her belly, already big as she was getting close, looked even bigger jutting out from the near skin tight working clothes, designed more for keeping one safe from the fires of a forge or a nick from a blade than the dangers of being a lifebonded. She keeps pulling the sides of it together self contously, as if she could some how magically make it bigger and hide her better.

Since it was raining, Cythim had her hood back on her head. As Mirana asked, Cythim went to the Manor after two hours. "Aside from what i could have gotten from the barman, no one wanted or knew any whereabouts of Siyu and i had no luck finding any helpful souls for our travel. So unless you know someone, we are on our own...".

Mirana shakes her head softly, patting on her belly softly, "Alright then, other than maybe Ruby, I don't know of any. That depends on if she can find someone to watch both mine and her little ones." She says, blush growing as she talks, ears feeling like they are burning by this point! Soaked from the rain doesn't help her conceal things any better. "If you don't mind waiting a bit more, I'll check on her one more time and we can head over toward the Forest." She says, looking up at the sky, "Well, I'd say it, but I don't want to curse us anymore than we already are Sweetie." She says.


Cythim got confused by Mirana's action as she look at her. "A-are you okay?", then as she talk again, she look up at the raining sky. "Well, if you have to, then i'll simply wait for you. Just do what you have to.". She then lower her head, wondering about things.

Mirana looks over to Cythim as she turns to walk back in, "Am I ok? Oh yes, very much ok, or were you refering to...?" She asks letting the question hang, "Well, again, I'd rather have had some others go out for me, but as you said you could find no one and I cannot think of anyone I haven't asked... I'll not leave him though, so, let me ask Ruby real quick and we will be off." She says, walking back into the Solacious Manor, though returning shortly after, already looking a bit out of breath.

"You shouldn't be straining yourself too much... There is no point in rush things if we can't get to Siyu in time.". She look at Mirana's belly, and think of why Mirana seem interested in it but shrugg off the question. "Shall we get going then?".

Leaning over and gripping her knees a moment, panting as the rain continues to soak her through, "I shouldn't, you are right, but he's been gone for at least a week if not more, and if no one else has gone out to find him, no one else is going to." she says between a few gasps, "Besides, moving around with flight will be easier." Taking out a small, strange device, she pushes a few buttons, a large golem-like creature, a smaller creature looking like it could topple over, and a ball that rolls on its own come out of the manor, following her, "These will help..." huff, huff, "keep things safe if things start to go wrong." she says. A short incantation, and still gripping her staff, she takes to the air. "If you wouldn't mind taking point though, we should head to the logging camp at the far end of the woods." She says.

The logging camp that was active here months ago is dead and quiet. The clearing it made in the forest is still there and will take decades to fully recover. The buildings and barracks that housed so many unemployed lie empty, open to the elements. Squirks and cackels inhabit every aspect of it. Beings have left this place and left it for good. The saw mills, huge open barns lay unprotected. The saws and chains inside rusting, not even salvaged. The whole thing is quiet, except for the patter of rain on the rooves. A few small leaks where animals have chewed in allow som water to drip inside various places. Inside the main saw mill there does sit a solitary wagon of Sharlestran make and model. Anyone that did buisness with Siyu would recognize it as his that he used for forge work.

Cythim got lead by Mirana toward the logging camp. once there, Cythim started to look around for clues of Syiu whereabouts as she look at the buildings. "This place seems like it have been abandonned for years... How are we supposed to know where to search...?". Feeling that she may have to take out unknown enemies, she change her gem, showing it to Mirana, as she change of soul, becoming a rogue.

Mirana flew slightly behind the salamander the whiole time. Her machines were enough to swat away the rabble that came up to bother them. Looking about, Mira quickly catches sight of the cart. "There, he worked out of that cart often. He even braught it when we built the Spirit's Shrine." She says. She looks around, trying to find indications of where Siyu could have gone.

Meanwhile, they were being watched, closely. Unseen so far, and unheard, looking out from above in the trees.

The cart looks very much abanonded. Inside there's no indication of struggle or trap, but anything too heavy to carry, or non essentially was simply left. The metals, his forge and his anvil. Silks, extravagent clothing. Everything is packed away neatly, but abandoned. At least a week out here, probably more. Whatever pack animals he had have long gone, either around the camp, or eaten by wildlife. A keep eye might notice disturbed ground in a few places, dark places, not obvious places. But still where somthing was buried. There is a distinct lack of weaponry on the cart, given that he was a weaponsmith.

Unaware of what may be going on at the place, she stealthly goes around, searching for clues. As she goes into the forge she notice wierd spots as she immediatly start to dig a bit before calling Mirana. "Mirana, over here. I found something.", as she continue to dig, still looking around, but unaware that the place was a forge of any sort.

About a foot into the soft soil, oilskin pouches are found. If multiple holes are dug, dozens of sealed pouches will reveal hundreds of thousands of crowns of gold. It looks as if a forture is buried here, hidden away.

Mirana lands softly and waddles her way over to Cythim and looks at the money, "That... is likely Siyu's." She says, looking about and wondering if he was around here, "Siyu!! First Sargent! Get out here and report this instant!" She shouts, hoping not to attact too much attention to things. She holds her belly a moment before repeating the call! "Don't take it if you wouldn't mind." She says as she looks around for any indication that Siyu was about other than the long forgotten things.

Siyu cracks an eye open. A shout? Damnation, he knew that he shouldn't have come back here. Amos had already found him here once. He took the chance though, it was wet and the damp can kill you just as easily as a knife could. Hiding in a far off barracks near the edge of the forest, her perks his ear. The rodent looking...pale. His long hair is a greasy and matted, his face taugt and pale. He is wearing armor, leather and mail. The mail blackened with mud till it's dull, and padded so as not to make any noise. He draws a deep breath and checks his weapons. Pistols, rifles, the powder is all dry here hidden in his corner. Creepy slowly, slowly to the window to spy who might be there...and then...a BURST of cackles! They bust from their own roost, since they arrived after him, with a flurious burst! Obviously giving away someone is in the far building.

"That's wierd though... Someone wanted to hide that for sure...". As she was trying to figure what happened, Cythim suddenly hear the noises and jump quickly near Mirana, her dagger in her hand, looking around for the cause of the noises. She whisper, "We're not alone here...".

Mirana looks over toward the cackles breaking out of their roost. "No, we are not." She says, wondering a moment if that was friend or foe. She always assumed friend until she was proven wrong. She draws her own pistol and Creator Scorcher, before floating herself over toward the barracks... but about half way over she stops to land, sneezing sharply. That done she continues over.

Meanwhile sneaking beyond the Salamander, something attempts to look where one should never be welcome!

Siyu sucks in a breath...that came from the barn, his wagon was still there, but everything there is worthless, he can leave it. Fight or flight....flight. He quickly pulls his oilskin cloaks and ranger cloaks back on. His weapons sliding back into holsters and back into a place where his powder is going to be kept dry. Cursing the rain. He's not good with a dagger, a gun makes him feel much safer. Still though he has to get through the back of the barracks quickly, and away equally as quick! Once mirana draws close she can see a cloaked figure running through the windows, rushing towards the exit near the back end of the barracks! Hoping to dissapear into the forest!

Cythim suddenly feel a chill im her body, making her shudder as she curse herself of her weakness. Still trying to figure out what happened, she goes around the building, as she painfully grip her dagger. And then she thinks to herself "I hope Mirana is alright...".

Mirana looks to the suddenly departing figure. This would have to be quick! Some math figured out, eyes glowing a soft green and the runes upon her staff glowing in kind. Slamming the tip into the ground, she summons, calls at the granite below, to pull it up and form some walls to hold back the being trying to run! "Siyu! If that is you come out, there is nothing to fear! It is Lady Mira! Bigtoes! By Shiela come out here Sweetie!" She calls, leaning over and gripping her knees again.

As quietly as they came, whomever was reading into Cythim departs... however, a figured, cloaked and shrowded, comes out of the woods towards her, "Hello? What are you doing in this place, causing such a ruckous?" a male voice asks.