Ranger's Jacket

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Ranger's Jacket stats
Description A jacket of thick leather coupled with a mail undershirt for the wildsbeing, its light structure slathered with antivenins and allowing for easy movement in the wildernesses of Promise.
Crown 1000 XP Cost 10 Ingredients None
Materials Common Organic X 2
Common Metal X 1
Crafting Skills Organic of at least 1
Item Stats Loadout of 25
100% chance of DamageResist at magnitude 0.5 for 20 rounds.
100% chance of PhysicalDamageResist at magnitude 0.25 for 20 rounds.
100% chance of PoisonDamageResist at magnitude 0.25 for 20 rounds.
100% chance of DebuffResist at magnitude 10 for 20 rounds.
Target of Self, NoAoE
Type of Auto, Self
Upgrade Cost of 15

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