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<div></div><br> <br>It's a nice day out, and the academy's alchemical section is slowly filling up with beings that are interested in the masterclass funded by Lady Longtail. The noble in question is currently rearing the day-staff, consisting of both full-time employees of the academy and several new hires for LongTech Industries. Security is arranged by the latter, while the prior are in charge of setups and demonstrations.
The lecture-room isn't quite full yet, but the benches are filling quite well by now, although neither Lady Longtail nor the esteemed mister Singewing have properly shown themselves yet.<br> <br>Asher patters into the lecture hall, doing his best to take in the Academy. He had meant to go to the historical wing to see the display of "Dress Through the Ages" that he had heard about, but had been caught up in the crowd of students heading for a lecture! It was hard to go against the flow when you were less than three feet tall! "Well, since I'm here," the little corgi looks around and finds a vacant spot next to an immense Black Bear in scholar's robes. "Hello!" he says brightly, "Do you know what this lecture is about?"
The bear looks down and smiles at the tiny canine and puts a finger over his lips, then sits quietly watching the stage. "Oh," says Asher, "Sorry." He sits in silence with the large scholar, waiting for the lecture or demonstration or whatever was going on.<br> <br>Cedric heard there would be yet another alchemist visiting from Cliffside, and he decided he just had to attend the class to see. At least this time it had apparently been organized and funded by someone somewhat reputable. Maybe he wouldn't have to go near Mossy Stone this time! Anyhow, the badger strolls into the lecture hall casually, dressed in a casual shirt and pants, and had brought some alchemy gear just in case they'd be doing any actual experiments. He looks around through the crowd, finding a sea of unfamiliar faces until he spots Asher and wanders over to sit next to him with a wave.<br> <br>Jackson slowly makes his way through the Academy's ways, on his route to the alchemical section... The Collie no doubt getting a few strange glances as it's not often the sailor types make their way around to here. A few winks givin out generously to the females he passess before he makes his way into the room. His arms raising slightly before opening his coat to let Security see he was weaponless, before he moves to try and find a spot on the benches. "Well, this aught'a be a tad interesting."<br> <br>From time to time, an elderly academic or two is guided towards a seat, not quite at the front row, but a little further back. In fact, the entire two front-rows are held vacant by security, for whatever reason they might have.
Soon enough, the seats are filling up, leaving only one or two spots at the back for late arrivals, and High Lady Flora Longtail arrives, wearing her fancy dress and smiling faintly, before coughing audibly to lessen the chatter among the beings that have gathered.
She waits a few minutes, coughs another few times, before finally continuing. "Yes... Welcome, yes. Flora has organized this day for any being interested in learning something about alchemy, or simply learning something new about the field. Flora will shortly explain what the plans for today are, because there are two options, yes... Firstly, Sir Singewing will be explaining about his recent research and the discoveries he's made, yes. Afterwards, there is a free lunch available for all beings currently present, and after that, there will be two separate practice-sessions."
The feline takes a short breath, before smiling lightly. "The first practice-session will be hosted and supervised by LongTech Industries, and will give a short introduction into the field. The second session will be headed by Sir Singewing, and those capable in alchemy will have a chance of reproducing his experiments, yes... However, since the reagents used in both experiments can be hazardous, Flora urges each and every being to follow the instructions from the supervision to the letter, yes. Thank you... Without further ado... Sir Boris Singewing," she murrs with a smile, moving off to a seat to the side as the owl in question is escorted to the lecture-stand.<br> <br>"Hello, Cedric!" Asher calls out when he spots his badger friend, only to get SHUSHed by the big bear next to him. "Sorry," the corgi says, before turning to give Cedric a friendly smile as he takes his seat.
The little canine listens attentively, though he knows very little about the field of alchemy. His ears DO perk up noticeably at the mention of a free lunch, however. "Oh good," he says to Cedric, "This will be just fine than!" He realizes that this might not be the best thing to say in a room full of scholars and he corrects himself. "I mean, that there will be courses for beginners!" he says.<br> <br>Cedric chuckles quietly at the tiny corgi after listening to the speech, and nods in agreement. The lunch part did sound really appealing to him as well. He cranes his neck a little, stretching to see past the head of the being in front of him as the cliffside owl-chemist takes the stage.<br> <br>"Thank you, Milady," the old owl mumbles, before offering a smile towards the lecture-hall. "Well, let's start, shall we? I should say, it does an old man good to see so many new faces interested in alchemy, truly... I've been doing this for over twenty years, but it always delights me to see the young ones take an interest in the field," he admits with a smile, even as a liquid container with two large silvery metal balls and one smaller one is brought over.
"Now... This here... Is our potash-based metal... I should warn you all not to try this at home, since..." he begins, even as one of the assistants takes the smallest ball and drops it into a large container of water, quickly topping it with a pane of fire-retardant glass as embers fly everywhere.<br> <br>"Look out!" Asher cries in reaction to the explosion on the stage, reaching for air magic to protect himself and those around him from the attack on the academy!
Then he realizes that it was part of the demonstration. He looks around sheepishly and returns to his seat. His ears burning pink at the stares of the scholars around him.<br> <br>Also turns to stare at Asher curiously at the Corgi's reaction, lifting a brow in response and then after a few moments, he chuckles a little bit. He'd seen similar reactions before, and even aside from that, it wasn't really close to what could be done with a little fire magic. "You alright, Asher?" he asks the Corgi, before turning his attention nack to the stage.<br> <br>"Ah, yes. Mister... Asher?" the owl mumbles as his eyes turn towards the corgi. "Don't worry, 'tis all part of the procedure... However... I could use a volunteer skilled with some air-magic for the next part. No complex spells, simply gently blow the oil from the sphere, and tell everyone what happens to it," he mumbles, gesturing at another small ball that was uncovered by the removal of the other two. "This metal has some... Interesting properties. For one, like gold, it doesn't rust in water, as you can see," he jokes, before the soft metal ball is placed on the stone table with a pair of tweezers. "Of course, unlike gold, it has a tendency to explode, and should be handled with care. Don't worry, it shouldn't explode just yet... Probably."
He turns to Cedric as well, smiling faintly, before he looks around the room. "I'll also need a fire-mage for the third demonstration... My skills lie in the manipulations of fluids, unfortunately, and as you can imagine, that is not... The most useful skill here."

Revision as of 20:34, 9 May 2014





It's a nice day out, and the academy's alchemical section is slowly filling up with beings that are interested in the masterclass funded by Lady Longtail. The noble in question is currently rearing the day-staff, consisting of both full-time employees of the academy and several new hires for LongTech Industries. Security is arranged by the latter, while the prior are in charge of setups and demonstrations.

The lecture-room isn't quite full yet, but the benches are filling quite well by now, although neither Lady Longtail nor the esteemed mister Singewing have properly shown themselves yet.

Asher patters into the lecture hall, doing his best to take in the Academy. He had meant to go to the historical wing to see the display of "Dress Through the Ages" that he had heard about, but had been caught up in the crowd of students heading for a lecture! It was hard to go against the flow when you were less than three feet tall! "Well, since I'm here," the little corgi looks around and finds a vacant spot next to an immense Black Bear in scholar's robes. "Hello!" he says brightly, "Do you know what this lecture is about?" The bear looks down and smiles at the tiny canine and puts a finger over his lips, then sits quietly watching the stage. "Oh," says Asher, "Sorry." He sits in silence with the large scholar, waiting for the lecture or demonstration or whatever was going on.

Cedric heard there would be yet another alchemist visiting from Cliffside, and he decided he just had to attend the class to see. At least this time it had apparently been organized and funded by someone somewhat reputable. Maybe he wouldn't have to go near Mossy Stone this time! Anyhow, the badger strolls into the lecture hall casually, dressed in a casual shirt and pants, and had brought some alchemy gear just in case they'd be doing any actual experiments. He looks around through the crowd, finding a sea of unfamiliar faces until he spots Asher and wanders over to sit next to him with a wave.

Jackson slowly makes his way through the Academy's ways, on his route to the alchemical section... The Collie no doubt getting a few strange glances as it's not often the sailor types make their way around to here. A few winks givin out generously to the females he passess before he makes his way into the room. His arms raising slightly before opening his coat to let Security see he was weaponless, before he moves to try and find a spot on the benches. "Well, this aught'a be a tad interesting."

From time to time, an elderly academic or two is guided towards a seat, not quite at the front row, but a little further back. In fact, the entire two front-rows are held vacant by security, for whatever reason they might have.

Soon enough, the seats are filling up, leaving only one or two spots at the back for late arrivals, and High Lady Flora Longtail arrives, wearing her fancy dress and smiling faintly, before coughing audibly to lessen the chatter among the beings that have gathered.

She waits a few minutes, coughs another few times, before finally continuing. "Yes... Welcome, yes. Flora has organized this day for any being interested in learning something about alchemy, or simply learning something new about the field. Flora will shortly explain what the plans for today are, because there are two options, yes... Firstly, Sir Singewing will be explaining about his recent research and the discoveries he's made, yes. Afterwards, there is a free lunch available for all beings currently present, and after that, there will be two separate practice-sessions."

The feline takes a short breath, before smiling lightly. "The first practice-session will be hosted and supervised by LongTech Industries, and will give a short introduction into the field. The second session will be headed by Sir Singewing, and those capable in alchemy will have a chance of reproducing his experiments, yes... However, since the reagents used in both experiments can be hazardous, Flora urges each and every being to follow the instructions from the supervision to the letter, yes. Thank you... Without further ado... Sir Boris Singewing," she murrs with a smile, moving off to a seat to the side as the owl in question is escorted to the lecture-stand.

"Hello, Cedric!" Asher calls out when he spots his badger friend, only to get SHUSHed by the big bear next to him. "Sorry," the corgi says, before turning to give Cedric a friendly smile as he takes his seat. The little canine listens attentively, though he knows very little about the field of alchemy. His ears DO perk up noticeably at the mention of a free lunch, however. "Oh good," he says to Cedric, "This will be just fine than!" He realizes that this might not be the best thing to say in a room full of scholars and he corrects himself. "I mean, that there will be courses for beginners!" he says.

Cedric chuckles quietly at the tiny corgi after listening to the speech, and nods in agreement. The lunch part did sound really appealing to him as well. He cranes his neck a little, stretching to see past the head of the being in front of him as the cliffside owl-chemist takes the stage.

"Thank you, Milady," the old owl mumbles, before offering a smile towards the lecture-hall. "Well, let's start, shall we? I should say, it does an old man good to see so many new faces interested in alchemy, truly... I've been doing this for over twenty years, but it always delights me to see the young ones take an interest in the field," he admits with a smile, even as a liquid container with two large silvery metal balls and one smaller one is brought over.

"Now... This here... Is our potash-based metal... I should warn you all not to try this at home, since..." he begins, even as one of the assistants takes the smallest ball and drops it into a large container of water, quickly topping it with a pane of fire-retardant glass as embers fly everywhere.

"Look out!" Asher cries in reaction to the explosion on the stage, reaching for air magic to protect himself and those around him from the attack on the academy!

Then he realizes that it was part of the demonstration. He looks around sheepishly and returns to his seat. His ears burning pink at the stares of the scholars around him.

Also turns to stare at Asher curiously at the Corgi's reaction, lifting a brow in response and then after a few moments, he chuckles a little bit. He'd seen similar reactions before, and even aside from that, it wasn't really close to what could be done with a little fire magic. "You alright, Asher?" he asks the Corgi, before turning his attention nack to the stage.

"Ah, yes. Mister... Asher?" the owl mumbles as his eyes turn towards the corgi. "Don't worry, 'tis all part of the procedure... However... I could use a volunteer skilled with some air-magic for the next part. No complex spells, simply gently blow the oil from the sphere, and tell everyone what happens to it," he mumbles, gesturing at another small ball that was uncovered by the removal of the other two. "This metal has some... Interesting properties. For one, like gold, it doesn't rust in water, as you can see," he jokes, before the soft metal ball is placed on the stone table with a pair of tweezers. "Of course, unlike gold, it has a tendency to explode, and should be handled with care. Don't worry, it shouldn't explode just yet... Probably."

He turns to Cedric as well, smiling faintly, before he looks around the room. "I'll also need a fire-mage for the third demonstration... My skills lie in the manipulations of fluids, unfortunately, and as you can imagine, that is not... The most useful skill here."