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Mistress of bones. She can appear as any species she chooses, but always only as bones. She claims the bone dragons as her children, left to exact her anger on the world in her absence. She detests the rotting nature of life, with its constant filth and struggle against entropy. Those that would pay heed to her must be willing to divest themselves of such weakness.

Basic Pact

  • Bid: I bid you to refine
  • Offer: I offer you freedom from life's tyranny
  • Purpose: You will liberate others from their mortal shackles, and teach them the glory of eternity.
  • Gift: Each supplicant is gifted a femur, though the species varies. This femur is supernaturally toughened, usable as a club or sword, even against Creator Steel weapons and armor. Once a day, the femur can rescue its wielder from the tyranny of life. For about ten minutes(Plus one hour per hero point spent immediately at time of activation), the user becomes little more than animated bones, and is immune to complete death for the duration.
  • Mark: Pyrrha's followers tend to become quite attractive, but in a very specific, and possible disturbing way. They look skinny and finely carved, somehow old, but well preserved. Older supplicants of Pyrrha will find their age related ailments slothing away, leaving them as spry as they were in their prime.


  • With the expenditure of a her point, a worshipper of Pyrrha may unfetter the spirit of one who is ill or advancing in age. Such an affected being must be either willing, or in a coma(normal sleep is insufficient). This instantly and painlessly ends the life of the target.
    • Beings freed this way fuel Pyrrha's power, advancing her long term goals. The supplicant is under no need to inform those they 'assist' of this fact.
  • Dedicants to Pyrrha can instinctively detect illness and age, seeing or smelling it as a miasma around those so affected, growing stronger and stronger as they approach their final breath.
  • Pyrrha callers may shrug off the weakness of the flesh. After fasting for a day while focusing their thoughts, any disease is shrugged off, no matter how virulent.


  • Owing to her reasons for joining the Corrupt Court, Pyrrha has a desperate desire to be loved and accepted, although being the spirit of death, the subtleties of such concepts evade her.
    • To this end, she has surrounded herself with as many yes-men and undead minions as she can accumulate to maintain the illusion that her "children" love her, picturing herself as a regal, sultry and above all, beloved queen of the dead. It doesn't matter that the latter tend to be mindless, or that in doing so, she doesn't quite grasp the meaning of what it is to be loved, what matters is that her ego is shielded from reality.
    • Piercing her ego is highly likely to result in her mask slipping and a breakdown or tantrum, depending on the circumstances.