Divine Math Theory
Written by the Mad Mad Divine Mathematician Alynna -- Oct 31, 475
I'm writing this in a fit of madness and clarity to commit to pen and paper the entirety of my research to this time. Future generations may reference this and find me either correct or completely off my rocker, but it hardly matters as long as it gives others a jumping point to their own research.
These are a list of divine axes either theorized to exist or proven to exist. The proven ones I shall mark with an asterisk.
Name: Alpha Function: The base value of an existing thing. The value of truth. Standard value: 1 Spell equation effect: Decreases or increases a spell power. Universal effect: Changes the influence of entropy. Advisory: Use only in divine math on a local object. Do not attempt to change universal properties.
Name: C Function: The maximum speed that anything can travel in the universe, no matter how fast it might be. It is a function of U and V listed below. Standard value: 299792458 Spell equation effect: Speeds up a spell or slows it down. Universal effect: Changes the speed of light. Safe e = Directly affects the way we count. Currently equal to 2.718281828, approximately. If changed, we would not know it within the system of magic, but it would affect whether 10 came after 9 or some other number. It would even add digits to our concept of numbers if increased. i = represents the imagination. Its base value comes from the square root of negative one. By making this variable a result of an equation, where the result then becomes i, but is real, it should be possible