Automated Multiplayer Updates/2017 February
[Update] Nuku says, "Every time you bop a mob and gain xp, it will check for possible auto level goodness."
[Update] Nuku says, "Powers/items/etc that have 'heal' in their type will specifically AVOID people with over 80% of their hit points. This should help heals get to allies that actually need it, especially in large parties with AoEs."
[Update] Script-Kitty Fauna says, "Shadows are now revealed at a glance"
[Update] Nuku says, "The new targeting AI will now -ignore- if the target is hurt or not for your primary target. If you specifically aim at someone, you must want to hit them."
[Update] Nuku says, "Some powers that had healing as a damage type but not a power type have been fixed with the most recent bugix and will start healing. Any time a power has healing for a damage type, it will heal, regardless of power type (which is how it should have been in the first place)."
[Update] Nuku says, "Regen, the status, no longer scales when being applied. It instead scales -as- it heals."
[Update] Nuku says, "Regen is changed, dramatically. It has no hard cap, and you heal every tick, for sure, every single one in combat. Equation: total mag / total mag + 10 * 15% of your max hp / 5 per tick. Having regenerating lowers that +10 by 2 each, making your regen status more valuable. We feel this equation will service us better, but do need feedback on how it actually performs 'in the field' as it were. It can be adjusted, of course. Regenerating still has its built in regeneration and that is untouched and unmodified."
[Update] Nuku says, "For sake of debug, it will now announce how much you are regenerating a round. This does not factor regen 'wasted' if you were not injured at the time."
[Update] Nuku says, "Effect of Regenerating changed. It now lowers that 10 in the equation by only -1 per point, but increases the 15% by 1 per point, which should make regenerating quite good at... regenerating. Go figure."
[Update] Nuku says, "Healing factor, the perk, is coded and raises the amount healed by 25%!"
[Update] Nuku says, "In an homage to City of Heroes, Radiation damage now inflicts HealGainDebuff."
[Update] Nuku says, "Mobs now regen slower if their rank is above boss level, proportional to their rank level. This does work in reverse, so a little enemy might actually regen something worth even noticing."
[Update] Nuku says, "Tweak to the last, it now looks specifically at the rankmod value for HP."
[Update] Nuku says, "joinpool random now favors, slighty, pools that are closer to finishing."
[Update] Nuku says, "Needs testing, but bewitched should now try to un-scale *damage before flipping it into regen."
[Update] Nuku says, "Dead targetting aoes should now specifically avoid trying to even include living things as a valid target, wasting AoE."
[Update] Code Worker Miorna says, "Bug found in Front Row preventing it from having its AreaBlock affects. Bug fixed."
[Update] Code Worker Miorna says, "Bug found in Front Row preventing it from having its AreaBlock affects. Bug fixed."
[Update] Replace Cartridge Hinoserm says, "The server was shut down to install firmware updates on the SSD disk array. This should address some data integrity concerns as well as a bug that was causing previously unexplained extreme I/O contention during some database operations."
[Update] Nuku says, "You will automagically level up, if auto level up is on, at 130% xp."
[Update] Nuku says, "In theory, powers should charge their energy on use, instead when they finish activating. Let me know how it works out."
[Update] Nuku says, "Statuses removed from turn display to make it a lot less cluttery doing combat. status and effect commands still exist for status checking glory."
[Update] Nuku says, "Back Row combat skill just got better. Before, it would count pets towards not being solo. Now, pets do not count, only actual other players. Enjoy!"
[Update] Nuku says, "Energy use fixed, for real. It will take it when you first use a power, and not panic if you're out of energy when it comes time to fire the power."
[Update] Nuku says, "Real estate now sends web notices instead of mail."
[Update] Nuku says, "Mobs with a rank higher than boss now have significantly less hit points. Enjoy this. There will be a terrible price to pay."
[Update] Nuku says, "The payment has been charged. Feedback appreciated."
[Update] Nuku says, "Mega battles, hit points slashed (on top of the recent slash), their rank raises slightly, and they're a little faster."
[Update] Nuku says, "Subtle tweak to non-combat, passive, power/item behavior to decrease load on the game."
[Update] Nuku says, "The new function of back row vs DoTs is tested and working. Enjoy! The rpinfo of back row is updated."
[Update] Nuku says, "Remorting no longer touches negative values."
[Update] Nuku says, "+re functions repaired, enjoy renting in peace."
[Update] Nuku says, "web command now obeys the same limit as other difficulty setting options."
[Update] Nuku says, "For HPBuffer penetration, accuracy is capped at 4, and damage at 3. Higher than those in either do not help with hpbuffer penetration."
[Update] Nuku says, "When smithing new chakra, your gemcrafting skill can yield huge bonuses to the end result, though you still have to use points to get an ideal chakra."
[Update] Nuku says, "Math: Can up to double the points spent for raw 'power' of the chakra. Every 30 points of gemcrafting gives +1 'bonus' to the chakra regardless. The only other way to get +1 bonus is 30 points spent. Those do stack (so up to +2 bonus). Bonus is separate from power. Stack it all to get the best chakra."
[Update] Nuku says, "In theory, if a status is about to be overwritten by a status with a lower mag, it will be quietly dropped. This requires testing."
[Update] Nuku says, "To help debug, the 'quietly' was made very loud."
[Update] Nuku says, "Damagebuff and Healing now have a shared scale. Both are now immune to high-ranking mob immunities entirely."
[Update] Nuku says, "Math: For positive damagebuff, (x+5)/(50+x) * 50 -- For negatives: (-x/(-x+5)) * -33 Add the result to 100, multiply by the damage/healing, and then divide by 100."
[Update] Nuku says, "DoTs now use the same scale for Damagebuff as direct damages."
[Update] Nuku says, "To allow damage values closer to what people are accustomed, new equation to damagebuff: ((x+5)/(x+100)) * 100"
[Update] Nuku says, "Craft bounty repaired."
[Update] Nuku says, "Salvage market repaired."
[Update] Nuku says, "Accuracy and Defense statuses now go head to head for supremacy directly, 1:1 The winner gets the prize and gets to influence the actual accuracy of the attack being used by up to +50% or down to -25% depending on the end result (the more above the target's defense, the closer to 50% and vice versa)."
[Update] Nuku says, "status now displays the result of accuracy or defense, though this assumes the enemy has none of the opposite to foil you. (that is, your accuracy % is only accurate on an enemy with no defense, and so vice verse)"
[Update] Nuku says, "Fixed a bug with DoTs that made lots of explosions."
[Update] Nuku says, "You should no longer be collecting these 'builder' 'nan eyes?' Whatever those are."
[Update] Nuku says, "Massive but unseen bug found in statusboost. Fixed."
[Update] Nuku says, "Statusboost now operates on a scale similiar to others. Math: (x/(x+10)) * 35, and * -25 for negative values."
[Update] Nuku says, "statusboost now displays its actual percentage value with the status command."
[Update] Nuku says, "Rather than boosting the power of negative statuses on powers (drawbacks), statusboost will inverse itself when handling them, reducing them instead. This will work if you're at negative statusboost too in the other direction."
[Update] Nuku says, "tport now requires 5000 monies if you are above level 10."
[Update] Nuku says, "Haste/Charge and Recharge now both use a new but identical to each other scale. Our goal for status equilibrium draws closer."
[Update] Nuku says, "Haste/charge/recharge now show in the status command their true effects."
[Update] Nuku says, "BIG NEWS! Debuffers, your life has changed, for the better I hope. Debuffs no longer hit 'immunity' when striking high-rank enemies. On the flip side, enemies don't take damage for clearing off debuffs. Debuffers actually debuff things instead of being a curious method of damage! Let there be cheering!"
[Update] Nuku says, "size now shows weight lift estimates with size #lift"