Hephestia at the Hearth with Friends - RPLOG

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Elijah leads the way up the winding mountain path to a cleft in the rock. "It's down here," he growls, "Least, this is where I met 'er. I told you that I thought the whole thing was a dream, right? Might not be anything in here but volcano gas or efreeti or something. You kids sure you're all up for this?"

Bazalt nods , tail wagging. "I'm sure it'll go find-Besides.. your her caller..so you /should/ have the power to call her, more so in areas where they have power.. or are important..I think?" the wolf shrugs, Stepping carefuly along. "I..Hope she dosnt mind me observing..I really do jsut want to learn more.." he says, Smiling.

Tezky follows along, resolute, but nodding. "Well, I'm up for what I can find. I have done a little studying, but there's only so much written about these spirits. Even then, Hephestia seems to be my favorite." He looks back over his shoulder and the satchel of things he thought might help, candles, matches, one prewritten scroll for lighting a forge quickly, and a small anvil to go with the hammer he kept. "I appreciate you all coming out to support me. I hope I don't disappoint you." He chuckles as they continue into the mountain.

Lucas follows his brother behind, in full combat regalia. He smiles at the heavy otter and waves a hand through the air dismissively. "Pish posh, you'll do just fine I'm quite sure. Maybe your little rabbit friend will get lucky too," he said, tail slowly swaying from side to side behind him.

Molly scurries along, close behind Tezky, dressed in her adventuring rags complete with her own chainmail shirt. "Oh, yes, it'll be fine," she mumbles, glancing over her shoulder and then looking up to Lucas. "Well, I hope I will, in some sense. I dunno what turns out as lucky when you're messin' around in the affairs of spirits," she says, "I don't know if any good comes of it."

Elijah scratches his head, adjusting his goggles. "Huh," he says to Bazalt, "Didn't think about that. Guess we could have just done this at home." The grizzly leads the way into the interior of the mountain. The bear lifts his arm in the air and balls his hand into a fist, suddenly setting it alight with a warm, glowing flame. That is a good trick.

The going is pretty easy and the tunnel slopes gently downward. After a short, if winding walk, the party emerges into what can only be the inner shaft of the volcano. The heat is stifling and a lurid glow comes from below. "Meet Firebough, kids," Eli says, dousing his improvised hand torch.

Bazalt nods "Probabaly.. but..She might apprecate the treck out here, maybe?..I..dont understand spirits fully.." he hums a random tune (one fenris played in the inn once) as he walks, reading his notebook idily. "intresting place we're in though..this place eery.. like erupted.. or whatever?" he asks, glancing about.

Tezky chuckles at the little rabbit. "Well, unless I've been lied to, she is one of the most noble spirits, concerned with the creation of new things, especially of our profession, and the protection of loved ones. To me that sounds like she'd be right up your alley, Littlebit." He looks in aw as they reach the magma section. "Wow. This place is great." He takes a daring look down at the glow. "Heh. Bet you could make one hell of a sword with that stuff."

Lucas tugs at his collar as they come to the hot tunnel, his thick coat of fur not especially suited for such an environment. "Creators, maybe I should have left the armor at home. It's stifling in here. We're not going to be here too long are we?" He fans himself, air math creating a gentle breeze that makes his ponytail bow in the wind. "Ah, nevermind, I think I've got myself handled."

"I think she'll- she might appreciate the gesture," the girl suggests, an optimistic smile on her muzzle. She pulls out the collar of her shirt and sighs. "I hope she doesn't make it too much hotter." The rabbit coughs nervously, hopping with a bit more spring in her step as they reach the blazing inner shaft of the volcano. "I'll trust your judgement, Tez," she says aside, tail flicking as Tezky peeks down, "but ya must be careful." She shuffles over closer to Lucas, hopping to catch some of the breeze. "Thanky."

Elijah snorts at Tezky. "With the magma?" he grumbles, "Not likely. It's molten rock, kid. Nothing worth smithing in there." The burly grizzly leads the way to a steep incline on one side of the promontory that the group is standing on and shuffles downward. "And of course it's hot! Place is a live volcano! Old Firebough isn't a real sleepy sort of giant. He wakes up all the time. Come on, almost there."

Bazalt nods "It's not that hot, is it?" he asks, tilts his head before shrugging. "yeah, she's definatly one of the nicer spirits. but.. then..What with some hating otehrs that starts to get messy Real quick.. like kendrack Hates Olloch and the corrupt courth, but olloch dont seem to be inhernetly corrupt and then there-" he catches himself "sorry..rambling.." the Wolf promptly shut up, returning his attention to following teh bear and reading his notes.

Tezky shakes his head. Just meant it'd be a quick forge. Maybe too quick. Might melt a piece before you can even get it out." He stays cautiously enough off the side, returning to following the group. "I don't think it's all that hot really. But I do spend a lot of time in the forge. Probably just have more tolerance for it. Not to mention I don't have the luxurious coat of our delicate flowers here." He smiles and chuckles as he pats Molly and Lucas. "I don't want to rush a delicate procedure, but I promise I'll try to be out before you two are poached in your armor." He listens with interest, glad to not hear of anyone in particular aligned against Hephestia. "Even if nothing does happen, still glad I got to visit this neat place. I love exploring."

"Of course it's a volcano, because the spirit can't appear in a hot spring or a sauna," Lucas said, hands shifting slightly to make the breeze produced by his magic hit the small smith too. He looks to Bazalt and sticks his tongue out. "My coat of fur is quite thick, thank you. S'why I never took to smithing like Tezzy, well, that all the hammer swinging and such. I'm going to need a nice bath after this."

Molly stiffens up, scurrying back over to Tezky and grabbing ahold of his satchel, clinging close behind him as they move on. "All the time? Not now, right?" she asks the bear, ears folding over. She looks over to Bazalt with an unease that fades away to interest, tilting her head. "You got all that written?" she asks, pointing to his notes, "Can I make a copy of that sometime, please? If it's not personal." Tugging on Tezky's satchel again, she pouts. "Now, hush, this delicate flower burns up at the forge just as much as you!" She lets go and folds her arms. "We won't rush a thing - I don't put much stock in spirits but I know better than to disrespect someone good and powerful. Best for all of us to enjoy the time here," she glances to Lucas, "and I appreciate all your company making it more pleasant."

After shimmying down the steep incline, everything levels out into a wide, flat space that juts out over the swirling pool of magma less than twenty feet below. Aside from that, there does not seem to be anything else here aside from a pile of stones at the edge of the promontory that looks like a crude forge. Or maybe a hearth. "That's the spot, I think," Elijah says, nodding.

Bazalt Looks around, doing a rather crude sketch. "actually it's in this book ANd my head..and..Personally..I'd dont want to give you my notes..Cause they arnt correct.. they are just.. oberservations.. and..things." he nods slowly. "Now.eli...I think you can summon her?...or, call her to be exact...Not quite sure HOW you go about it i'm afraid." his tail flicks and he glances about. "what an intresting place indeed..."

Tezky looks at the place in just as much Aw as the first time they saw the magma, if not more. He must be somewhat easy to please. "Wow. I'd say it sure look auspicious enough." He sets down the sack and pulls a few things from it, setting the anvil by the forge and unpacking the candles. They're pretty nice, new and bought for the occasion, made of beeswax of an orange color, not the tallow candles that smell funny when lit. "Not sure if these will be neccesary, but I suppose they can't hurt, right? I mean, if not, still some nice light for back home." He looks to Elijah. "Thank you for bringing me out here. I appreciate your help." He smiles softly to the bear before letting him do what he likes, staying nearby.

Lucas smiles and nods at Molly. "Of course miss Ironfoot, what's the good of knowing magic if you can't use it to improve your life and the lives of those around you?" He changes hands as they approach the forge/hearth and he tilts his head to the side. "I expected something a little more extravagant." He shrugs and leans in to look closer. "So what exactly is the ritual for this 'spirit'?" His brow furrows as he looks at the candles,then sighs. "Oh good, those aren't the good candles. I was worried for a moment there that I had to go out and get some more."

Molly nods at Bazalt. "Alright, sir." She points over at the pile of stones near the edge, tugging at Tezky's arm, backing up away as he begins to set up. "She- she likes all the fires she can get, I'd bet," she says, nodding and pointing at the candles. The rabbit glances between her two otter companions, shuffling back and forth between them before just stopping midway and staring at the stones, waiting. "Just.. tell me.. uh, what to do if I'm meant to be doing something."

Elijah blinks at Tezky and shakes his head. "I don't think there's any kind of ritual," he says, "I think I'm just supposed to call for Hephestia. And then she shows up."

There is a sudden smell of freshly baked bread and the heat of the volcano, while not lessening, becomes less oppressive. "That is correct, Elijah," says the robed figure stepping out of the air, "You need only call and I will come. Welcome, my children."

Bazalt blinks "Tezy..I..dont think that's needed..It /should be sa sim-" he Blinks, and nods to the spirit. "Hello, again. " he says, nodding. and looking to tezky and then molly. "you two are the ones that wanted to see her, i'm mostly here to watch.. and perhaps ask questions if allowed." he nods to Elijah. "I was to say this place made the calling of her easier..But..I am unsure..."

Tezky shuffles the rabbit's ears. "I think you'll be alright. But I may ask for your help with the forge, partner." He smiles to the Bun before looking up and suddenly seeing the lady arriving. "Hello, Ma'am." He gives a short nod of the head to her as a sort of bow. "It is a pleasure and honor to meet you." He seems a little excited. He's never seen a Creator before, only pictures. "My name is Tezky Riverkin, and these are my friends and brother: the beings I was hoping to be able to better protect by making your acquaintance."

Lucas shrieks loudly and effeminately as he jumps back in surprise. "Creators! It's... a creator?" He scratches his head and tilts it to the side. "Huh, I expected her to be hairier. Will wonders never cease?" He waves at the creator woman and his muscular tail gently pushes Molly forward towards Tezky, trying to encourage the small smith to join his brother.

The rabbit shoots up stiff as a board, arms held down by her sides while she stares at the robed figure. "Oh, my goodness, oh my goodness!" she says softly, eyes rolling back for a moment as she resists fainting. "Hephestia!" Her expression goes from shock, to wonder, to excitement and joy as she starts to hop from foot to foot. She pauses, stopping to bow to her, then scurrying over beside Tezky at the prompting of the other otter's tail. "I- I- I- Molly Ironfoot," she blurts out, taking a deep breath and holding it as her tail flicks around behind her. "It is- oh, it is an honor! A real honor," she says, her head nodding rapidly.

Elijah nods, snorts and wanders over to find an outcropping of rock to sit on before producing one of his long, thick cigars and lighting up. Then he folds his arms and just watches.

Hephestia reaches up to lower her hood, revealing a young Creator woman with long, red hair. "You would be thinking of my brother," she says, giving Lucas an indulgent smile, "I can see that my dear Elijah is not really here to see me, but I am glad to see him at my hearth anyway. What can I do for you?"

Bazalt Grins at their reactions, the wolf shaking hi head and smiling. "I'm here to support, watching.. and maybe ask questions, or.. something" the wolf nods and motions to the bunny adn the large otter. "These two.. well..I'm sure you already know, or have a clue, dont you?" he says, grinning slightly and watching her closely, tail flicking.