Development of a Heal - RPLOG

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Looking about her home, Mirana ponders a bit. She seems very indisicive as she looks around the gardens, the trees, on hand drumming its clawed fingers against her belly. In a much better dress, she tilts her head to the side, "Would it do better here? Maybe..." She says, not really to anyone in particular. Her staff in her other hand, she leans against it a moment, ears and tails flicking.

Siyu swishes into the manor. He is carrying a rather heavy looking chest. At least heavy to him. The rodent clad in his silks, the blue and purple silk draped about him, the suit well cut. In a Creator style no less! Taking a cue from the fashions Harkonson displayed the rodent walks in with a fine 3 piece suit. Looking around for the Lady, his ears perk and flick about, before he picks a direction to look. He calls out soon, "Hello Lady Solacious! Greetings, I was told I could find you here." he chitters.

Mirana looks back and catches the shorter Kangaroo Rat, she gives a wave and gestures for him to join her. "Come along Sweetie, there is a bit to discuss." Se says, "I was just thinking location. If I'm going to start a guild, we have to have the right location. I was thinking here near the Solacious Manor, to show our dedication toward the crown and country. Or in the Church District, to show our dedication toward the common being?" She asks, awaiting Siyu to approach, "And you were looking for me? Whatever do you need?" She asks.

Siyu gives a little grunt as he sets down the chest, "Well I thought I would bring in some help for the cause after all..." he unlocks the pad on the chest and opens it up. He had to go aquire it from the royal mint. A Million crown coin rests within, stamped with the ancient face of a Good, though not distinct enough to show how. "They always complain when I trade in coin for these. I'm sure the royal accountants prefer to keep these to themselves, but I've found great need of them." he grins, "So for this guild and the start of somthing new." he headbobs. "As to the location, it's your choice, here in the castle district would be tied closer to your house, and the other nobles. Church district might be good, hm. Not sure we should try for shanty town though, not without a lot fo security." he ponders that.

Mirana looks over the coin in a slight bit of shock, "Well.. thank you! This.. this is quite the boon, are you sure Sweetie?" She asks, "This is quite a bit of crowns." She seems more than slightly impressed, "So, I'd like for it to follow a militaristic tradition, using ranks and order to keep things simple. Until Good King Good, in his grace, decides we should be offical, any title I really give would be temporary and unoffical in respects outside of our own organization. But you have shown great capacities Sweetie, and have shown to be someone I can easily trust in. And..." She fingers the ring in her ear a moment, "We have some other things in common. It wouldn't be right to make you an officer, that is reserved for Nobles and Royals, but something nearly as good, is what I'd like to present to you. A position of great importance in any militarized organisation is the Petty Officer, or Noncomissioned Officer. Don't let the name confuse Sweetie, in many cases these beings are more important than the officers. You'd be my First Sargent. Before we get our hopeful commidation, Sweetie, you'd be the one to ensure any calls for need we hear are exicuted with percision, perfessionalism, and success, a leader, in charge of all the other members who are not nobles." Leaning a bit closer she whispers, "And while they would technically be over you, any Nobles would be Liutenants, and if they give you any lip, just let me know." She says, "As for Shanty Town, that... I don't think we will have the combat arms to keep the place safe enough if things should turn for the worst." She notes.

Siyu smiles a little bit, "It's been a while since we talked, Lady Solacious. But I am one of the richest merchants in Sweetwater. Only a full household can rival my funds..." he closes the chest and chitters, "Still, you make a fair point, nobility eludes me." he offers a small shrug and a smile. "Still I can manage finances and supplies as well as anyone. I am a capable merchant, I will be sure to run a tight series of supplies and hospitals. After all, organization and effenciency means more people are assisted." he considers, "Yes, and given the revolts of the last few months prehaps it would be best if only those that WANT the help of a group come to us. I am not sure if the majority of residents want assistance from...well. Nobles and the rich, as much a shame as it is. You're right of course." he rests a hand on a wide hip. "So the church or the noble distract. Hm. I imagine aquiring a bit of land in the church distract would be cheaper?"

Mirana nods a bit, "Ok, then just need a, well, code name for you, a nick name. Humm..." She thinks a bit more, "Well, you probably couldn't guess mine, or maybe you could. I was Captain Bigtoes, and I guess I still am." She says, wiggling said toes, never liking shoes and prefering foot wraps. Though she couldn't see them herself. "And rich or not now, I'll never forget how Jessica and I dressed you up almost like a well crafted doll, though I think the suit speaks many levels more professionalism. I don't think I've ever seen one quite like it, is it a new fashon? Should I be updating my wardrobe? You wouldn't want your commander looking out of date would you First Sargent Cutie?" She asks with a slightly yapped giggle after! "Yes, I think Cutie fits, don't you?" A bit more thinking, "Alright, Church District it is then." She says, "I think it is a good choice."

Siyu blinks a little bit and looks down at said feet, and he coughs, his own shoes are large, the jumping rat does have rather big feet himself, and he tugs on his ear some, turning pink. Giving a glance up at Mirana he just turns crimson, "Well" the red spreading from ears to his cheeks and down his neck now. "Oh! The suit yes, I saw it on a display from Merchant Harkonson...Creator Fashion!" he'll lift up the suit jacket, and offer a small turn around. "The colors are different, but I thought black and gray were a bit boring." he finishes facing you, the suit did have to be tailored for him, he doesn't have a very masculine figure, the jacket stopping right at the curve of his hips. His ears perk, "Cutie I...I...all...all right..." he coughs, still looking embaressed, "And yes, the Church district. I suppose I can get a wagon to start holding supplies even if we don't have a location for a permanent clinic yet. Everyone needs bandages and poultices after all." still blushing as he speaks.

Mirana a slightly more yapped giggle, then a quick rub to her belly, "Humm... this one maybe a bit of trouble..." she says, "But you are right, those are always in need, but a permanent location shouldn't be hard to build up. I've got quite a bit stored away myself. And if I need more I could ask my house, or just you it would seem! I'm very glad that the business ventures have shown fruit." She says, "The Church Destrict, that would mean being close to the orphanage as well, be right there to help those little ones..." she says, looking almost as if in a dream for a minute before she shakes her head, ears flopping a bit, and continuing on. "If you don't like Cutie, we could pick something else, don't want you to be too embarrased, would never do to have my most professional future solder and healer turning too red whenever he hears his name! Regardless of how true it is."

Siyu nods his head, "Of course, I can purchase wagons, and seems like it would give more then a few orphans somthing to do. I can only take two or three at a time to teach them forge work. I imagine teaching them medicine would be easier, and more them reach their ponteintal yes..." he chitters as he flicks his tail, still smiling. "If you ahve your own supplies I'll try to inventory them, and work on my own sort of stock room as well. And have no fear you can of course, always ask me for coin. "Um, ahem, no it's fine. I mean, you picked it, I wouldn't want to upset your inspiration." he tugs on his ear again, chittering.

Mirana smiles again, she couldn't really get over how cute Siyu was, even more so cute after his pacting. "And yes, organising supplies, potions, herbs, drugs, all to be carefully tabulated and watched over. You'll do great at this First Sargent, and do well keeping anyone else we manage to welcome into our group productive, professional, and well taught. Well, I think I should go talk about aquiring a land deed then. Thank you First Sargent, and I look forward to working with you."

Siyu smiles and he bows formally, his long hair flowing around his shoulders as he does to drape his face, "It is nice to have you back Lady Solacious, call on me at any time I'll be there..." he raises back up and pulls out ledger book, "I'll aquire a new one and dedicate it to managing the funds and gear of this venture. You can ask for my figures whenever you want"