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Child of the Skies

Apparently taking admonitions about having her head in the clouds a bit too seriously, Dupree frequently refers to herself as a child of the skies. She seems convinced that she really was born of the heavens and hopes some day to return to them, and so she loves all things relating to the skies. She takes her cloudy, dappled-grey coat and grasp of air maths as evidence of her celestial origin, swears she can speak with the wind, will talk the non-existent ears off any bird folk, loves stories involving pegasi, and takes discussions of the weather as very serious business indeed.

Unusual Eyes

Her eyes are both a sunny golden, but they never seem to point in the same direction. If asked about it, she will insist that it's so she can keep one eye on the skies at all times.


Given her talent with air maths (and maybe her penchant for air-headedness), echoes of her ability tend to seep into the surrounding environment. This manifests itself as winds that vary with her mood; a calm mood means gentle spring zephyrs, excitement creates playful summer breezes, and sadness brings those cool gusts that precede the rains. Her gentle, naive demeanor tends to keep her in a pleasant mood, but one shudders to think how the winds might be if she were worked into a vengeful rage...

Idiot Savant

Something about mathemagics just comes perfectly natural to Dupree. Common sense, however, does not, and she seems oblivious to all the subtle hints and signals of social interaction, as well as the attendant dangers of the adventuring life. The raw mathemagical power she wields and dumb luck (see below) seem to keep her from coming to any serious harm, but she still makes for a rather peculiar mercenary.

Childlike Wonder

Despite all the darkness around, Dupree seem to see the world through the eyes of a child. Strangers are just friends waiting to happen. This leads to...interesting interactions with the more grizzled and cynical sorts around the lands of Promise.

Fortune Favours A Fool

So, how has she not simply wandered into a deathtrap, or played an innocent prank on precisely the wrong bloodthirsty mercenary? How has some petty rouge not fleeced her of every last crown, or some Old One not simply waltzed up to her and corrupted that sweet innocence? If you ask her those questions directly, you'll get a blank stare from one of her eyes, but thus far, some invisible hand of fate seems to keep her relatively safe.