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"Come my brethen. Follow me into battle."
The Priest is a focus for a party. They stand tall in their heavy armor and resist all damage while inspiring those around them to fight. A Priest's words and will 'heal' damage as well as make those around them fight more efficiently. A Priest does not get the ability to draw attacks as Fighters do, but they are able to stand against heavy damage to some degree.
Priests those who inspire and lead, not necessarily priests, but anyone whose will is strong enough and charisma great enough that they inspire those around them to greatness.


Direction 1 per level 30 max
Earth Magic 0.2 per level 6 max
Heavy Armor 0.8 per level 24 max
Heavy Weapons 0.4 per level 12 max
Leadership 0.5 per level 15 max
Marksmanship 0.3 per level 9 max
Medicine 0.4 per level 12 max
Moderate Armor 0.5 per level 15 max
Moderate Weapons 0.7 per level 21 max
Shields 0.7 per level 21 max