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Revision as of 21:22, 1 September 2012

Harassing Monologue stats
Description What a sharp tongue you have. Reciting this witty little classic saps your enemies of their will to fight, or at least their energy, which is much the same thing.
Crown 500 XP Cost 10 Ingredients None
Materials Common Chemical X 2
Crafting Skills Chemical of at least 1
Item Stats Charge of 500
Cooldown of 12000
Damage of 0
Damage Type of Critical
Energy of 5
Loadout of 15
100% chance of EnergyMod at magnitude -2.5 for 10 rounds.
100% chance of DamageBuffDebuff at magnitude -2 for 10 rounds.
Target of Enemy AoE
Type of Debuff

Harassing Monologue/Extra Notes Edit notes