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As Sinead reaches out to one of the louder voices, a raccoon turns to look at her, [I take it you haven't heard yet then, another group of our kin, survived in stasis since the crash into the moon, was revived by some foolish beings looking to, 'learn more about creator artificts.' Calls themselves the technologists. Needless to say, they are convinced that it is our mission still to elimenate all the beings on the planets.] He answers before resuming at his own drink.<br> <br>Calisiel chuckles softly to herself; knowing she'll be no help to the bartender. At least, not through more direct, unpleasant means than eavesdropping. She takes a sip of her whiskey, looks at some of the shadow touched in the room. Briefly considers just flat out approaching one, flashing some flames, then asking bluntly: 'What's up'. But, she waits for now. Probably not a good idea to do that.<br> <br>Sinead looks up at the bartenderm, and her nose twitches. She looks over at Calisiel, then back to the bunny, and puts on her best-practiced polite smile. Something like a polite smile, anyway. "I will have a whiskey, too. A short one. Please." She bows her head, in gratitude. [Oh, is that all? So they join the ferals and the unenlightened. A few might be saved. The locals know we are not affiliated, right?]<br> <br>Turning around a moment, grabbing a small glass, the rabbit pours another glass from the same bottle. "Here you go, if you need anything else, feel free to ask!" She says, seems very cheerful. She returns however, to Calisiel, leaning in once more, "I heard that there was a group that went to figure out things out there, even ran into Jessica Blackback! Have you any news there?" She says, still trying to keep the hushed tone. All about the shadows seem to shift slightly, both those in a being, and the shadows from the lights.
As Sinead reaches out to one of the louder voices, a raccoon turns to look at her, [I take it you haven't heard yet then, another group of our kin, survived in stasis since the crash into the moon, was revived by some foolish beings looking to, 'learn more about creator artificts.' Calls themselves the technologists. Needless to say, they are convinced that it is our mission still to elimenate all the beings on the planets.] He answers before resuming at his own drink.<br> <br>Calisiel chuckles softly to herself; knowing she'll be no help to the bartender. At least, not through more direct, unpleasant means than eavesdropping. She takes a sip of her whiskey, looks at some of the shadow touched in the room. Briefly considers just flat out approaching one, flashing some flames, then asking bluntly: 'What's up'. But, she waits for now. Probably not a good idea to do that.<br> <br>Sinead looks up at the bartenderm, and her nose twitches. She looks over at Calisiel, then back to the bunny, and puts on her best-practiced polite smile. Something like a polite smile, anyway. "I will have a whiskey, too. A short one. Please." She bows her head, in gratitude. [Oh, is that all? So they join the ferals and the unenlightened. A few might be saved. The locals know we are not affiliated, right?]<br> <br>Turning around a moment, grabbing a small glass, the rabbit pours another glass from the same bottle. "Here you go, if you need anything else, feel free to ask!" She says, seems very cheerful. She returns however, to Calisiel, leaning in once more, "I heard that there was a group that went to figure out things out there, even ran into Jessica Blackback! Have you any news there?" She says, still trying to keep the hushed tone. All about the shadows seem to shift slightly, both those in a being, and the shadows from the lights.
Sipping again from his drink, the raccoon doesn't answer, but another voice comes to Sinead, a kangaroo in the back left corner, [This isn't that small a matter young one, they could pose quite a threat to the beings here, make no mistake of that. We are not yet completely sure of what they wish, only that they woke and began their work. They were quick about taking care of those Technologists, though what I've heard of them leaves me to believe the beings themselves wouldn't have been kinder to them. No, those beings that went after to see about things, I'm glad they didn't get any farther then they did. They should have listened to Jermey. As far as the locals know, we are seperate yes, but tentions are still renewed by some.] She says as she continues to work on her salad.<br> <br>Calisiel nods. "I was with that group, yes. Jessica sounded scared, to me. Heh, it was amusing. Really, I kind of tuned out of most of the discussions, hadn't slept for a day and a half before joining that group." She drinks about half her glass quickly. "I remember a big flash of light, thought it was lightning. But was told it wasn't lightning. I did fight some shadows, though." She looks at a few of the shadow touched in the room, or those she believes to be shadow touched.<br> <br>Sinead nods her head, mulling over what she was hearing, and takes a drink from her glass. She looks over at Calisiel and the bartender, leaning towards them a little. "Really?" she asks. "What happened? I heard there was some group that found something out there in the Valley, and then another couple of groups moved in and that there was a big fight. Who else was there?"<br> <br>The bartender takes what she hears in stride, "So, you were there? What did you see?" This combined with Calisiel's talk gets her some attention! Many eyes and ears are now upon her. The bartender then looks next over to Sinead, "And where did you hear that? Trying to start a rumor about things or something?" She asks. Quite a few shadows look over to Sinead a moment, though for now, mearly listen. The bartender refills Calisiel's glass, "But do please go on, what else did you see? Names Rebby if your interested." She says.
Sipping again from his drink, the raccoon doesn't answer, but another voice comes to Sinead, a kangaroo in the back left corner, [This isn't that small a matter young one, they could pose quite a threat to the beings here, make no mistake of that. We are not yet completely sure of what they wish, only that they woke and began their work. They were quick about taking care of those Technologists, though what I've heard of them leaves me to believe the beings themselves wouldn't have been kinder to them. No, those beings that went after to see about things, I'm glad they didn't get any farther then they did. They should have listened to Jermey. As far as the locals know, we are seperate yes, but tentions are still renewed by some.] She says as she continues to work on her salad.<br> <br>Calisiel nods. "I was with that group, yes. Jessica sounded scared, to me. Heh, it was amusing. Really, I kind of tuned out of most of the discussions, hadn't slept for a day and a half before joining that group." She drinks about half her glass quickly. "I remember a big flash of light, thought it was lightning. But was told it wasn't lightning. I did fight some shadows, though." She looks at a few of the shadow touched in the room, or those she believes to be shadow touched.<br> <br>Sinead nods her head, mulling over what she was hearing, and takes a drink from her glass. She looks over at Calisiel and the bartender, leaning towards them a little. "Really?" she asks. "What happened? I heard there was some group that found something out there in the Valley, and then another couple of groups moved in and that there was a big fight. Who else was there?"<br> <br>The bartender takes what she hears in stride, "So, you were there? What did you see?" This combined with Calisiel's talk gets her some attention! Many eyes and ears are now upon her. The bartender then looks next over to Sinead, "And where did you hear that? Trying to start a rumor about things or something?" She asks. Quite a few shadows look over to Sinead a moment, though for now, mearly listen. The bartender refills Calisiel's glass, "But do please go on, what else did you see? Names Rebby if your interested." She says.<br> <br>Calisiel scowls at the now attentive patrons. "ALright, Rebby. I only remember two groups. One from the Solacious, which I was with. And one from the Blackbacks. We worked together but got outnumbered. Was ordered to retreat." She shakes her head, drinks the rest of her whiskey. "I only saw three up close. Was told there were a lot more. I think. Was too mad at Jessica to, uh, pay attention. Crazy griffon tackled me while I was flying over to scout." Another scowl at the patrons follows.<br> <br>The ferret's nose twitches, and she shrugs. "I am a doctor. With the Guild. I hear things," she answers, fingers tapping on her glass, "but I hold doctor-patient confidentiality as a prized treasure. I am not at liberty to say... just that it is something I have heard." She gives Calisiel her practiced smile. "Similarly, you can be assured that whatever you say, *I* won't tell anyone that you said it," she assures the crow, oblivious to the scowl.<br> <br>Rebby looks between the ferret and the crow. "Alright then, and if Jessica tackled you over, I'd be willing to place every crown to my name she did it for your own good." She says. Starting to polish a glass. "Alright, so you won't say where, but what else do you know then?" She asks. Another refill on Calisiel's drink, "Don't worry, I'm only going to charge you on the first one." She says looking back at the shadows as the crow scowls at them.
The shadows make no motion back at Calisiel, more concernd with what Sinead was going to say. One of them gives the mental equivilent of a very sharp tap to the shoulder, [We are going to try and handle this between ourselves, careful with what information you offer young one.] The voice says, though it is hard to tell whom said that. [Do not make mention of the dnager of the situation, and all should be fine.]<br> <br>Calisiel shrugs, turns back to the bar. "Thanks. It was by the forest, though. Left that out I guess." She drinks, then continues. "Yes, she said the tackle was to keep me from getting too close to the shadows, or something. Still, I don't like to be touched when I'm flying." Another shrug. She then looks to Sinead. "Spread the word around all you want. I'm not confidential at all. Spreading rumors is fun for me. Don't have any others right now. And we're reaching the limit on what I remember."<br> <br>Sinead frowns and takes a sip from her glass again as she thinks that over, then gives her shoulders a small shrug. "Not much more than what... sorry, I don't think I got your name," she pauses, giving Cal a small nod. "Not much more than what she said. That the Blackbacks were all over it in the end. They said they had it under control." The ferret's nose wrinkles a moment. "And *I* am certainly not going to head out that way to look for myself. At least not without a nice pay check, I don't work for free."<br> <br>Looking to Sinead, Rebby shakes her head, "Hey no, I thought you said you had other things to say about this." She says. Looking a bit indignant, but the shadows about seem to relax anyway. Many getting back to what they were doing. Rebby gives a sharper eye to Sinead, but she knew better than to mix things up. Shadows were among the bars number one clients after all. Another shadow comes in, requesting some of the stew of the day. Rebby heading back to the kitchen, gives a slight wink to Calisiel.<br> <br>Calisiel notices the wink, unsure what to do with that. She looks to the newly entered shadow, assumes he's going to do that 'silent communication' thing shadows do. Looking to Sinead: "I'm Calisiel, if you need to know. You are who, then?" She extends a wing slightly, then refolds it. A slight stretch follows.<br> <br>Sinead quietly snorts, looking back at the bartender. "You asked where I had heard the bit I did," she points out. "And I told you I couldn't say." The ferret shrugs, and her nose twitches. "Distracted by the sound of your own sloshing," she mutters after the bunny leaves, very quietly, then gives Calisiel a quick nod. "Sinead. Doctor Sinead."<br> <br>The door opens to admit another patron to the bar.  This one is probably well-known to those who frequent the town.  Not too many Ankylosaurs around who openly display the Shadow Pendant on a bare torso.  The budding Tanner trundles toward the bar, wings tucked tightly to his back and each step causing tremors to erupt, light though they are.  The heavy bulk is seated soon enough and the 'tender is flagged down for a large herbivorous meal.<br> <br>Rebby stays back in the back for quite a while, but the arrival of a new shadow gets the rest to look over at him. Climbing down the stairs, a white barn owl, proudly displaying the clever clan patch upon his left breast pocket comes to take a look over things, seeing the crow and ferret at the bar, and mostly shadows around, he gives a slight sigh, "She in the back I take it then?" He says, stopping only a moment before he ducks in there.
The shadows look to the newcomer, the feel of the room shifting slightly towards one of curiosity. They knew him of course, but they weren't too sure what he knew. A male doberman is the first to 'speak' to him, [Greetings young one, this is a tense time. Careful with your words to the beings, if you could.] He says. Even without access to the 'shadow net' it would be easy to tell what that dog was doing, oblivious to the way his eyes gloss over, and all motion stops as he talks.<br> <br>Calisiel grows frustrated, knowing that shadows can communicate without her hearing. But, doesn't show it. "Hey, you, new guys." Referring clearly to the robin and ankylosaur. "Come, sit with me." She pulls a couple stools up next to her and waits to be joined. Or not, depending. She intends to 'interrogate' them on the shadow talk going on. If there even is any. The crow just assumes there is.<br> <br>Sinead watches Calisiel for a moment, then looks over at the new people, her expression curious. She takes another small sip of her whiskey, and watches quietly, free hand tapping on the bar. [Evening,] she thought-whispers to the newcomers.<br> <br>The Heavy-clan Ankylosaur, on the tall side even for them, actually does not acknowledge anything said to him in either language until after the Paleo-style meal is delivered.  This includes a large fruit drink.  After that he finally takes the stuff over to the offered chair.  Along the way he communicates in the shadow language, <Tense time?  What do you mean?>  Apparently someone is, somehow, rather clueless.  Even after sitting on it carefully it still groans a little and the club tail curls around the legs, "Yes?"<br> <br>Rebby comes back out a short time later, a meal for the Ankylosaur on a platter along with the stew for the robbin, "Here you both go, anything else, feel free to give me a word!" She says. She gives a look to Calisiel, wondering if she has found anything else out from the shadows besides what was already known. "Boss is here to do the nightly tally though, so if it takes me a moment, don't worry, I'll be back out in a moment." She says, ducking back into the back once more.
The shadow robbin looks over to Sinead and then to to Balrokzor, before joining with the crow and ferret. He decides to comminicate things to the Ankylosaur, [Yes, have you heard of the new shadow's nest that has been brought to life out north of The Green Valley? Seems they are still running on our old mission. To destory the beings. This could bring about another war, though we are hoping to handle things between just us.] He says, even as he looks to Calisiel and talks in common tongue to her, "Yes? Is there something you'd like warrior friend?" he asks, taking the stew from the rabbit innkeeper.

Revision as of 05:21, 1 August 2014





There isn't much sound in the bar, in fact, if not for the chatter of the 'regular' beings, it would be down right quiet. However, there is a tention in the air that could almost be cut with a dagger. There are quite a few beings with the Shadow Pendent upon them, that same feeling of 'wrongness' coming from them all, but much more muted then that from a 'pure' shadow. They sit, sipping from cups, are idly eating a meal. Even the bartender, a white rabbit, looks slightly edgy, though there is no pendant around her neck, shadow or otherwise. Within the bar itself, it looks very similar to Freeswords, with a different arragement of furnature. Racks of drinks, a kitchen in the back, even rooms that could be rented for the night.

Calisiel has been looking for a new place to stay, as her tent had caught fire again. Probably her fault, given her affinity for flames. She heads towards the bar, taking a seat on a stool. She tilts her head, looking at the rabbit. Gives the bartender a small wave. "Hello."

Sinead picks her way through the outskirts of her city, carrying her staff and her bag of tools. The ferret pauses just inside the Roost as she adjusts her ascot (and the pendant she wears under it), and spends a moment listening to the crowd. Her hackles start to raise as she keys in on the murmurd words - both heard and unheard - then shakes her head and moves to the bar.

The bar tender looks over toward Calisiel as she walks in, "Oh thank the Creators another normal being." She says, looking about the place. She waves Calisiel over, leaning against the bar. Her Shelled Clan symbol easily seen on her shoulder. "Come on over here, what can I get you to drink?" She asks, then notices Sinead walking over. She looks the ferret over a moment. "And you, go ahead and take a seat anywhere you'd like! I'll be over to take your order in a moment!" She says just as cheerfully

[Among the telegraphed conversation, it is easy to tell that the general topic is the shadows that are now awakened out near The Green Valley. Without trying to make clear communication with one or another though, it is hard to sort out the chatter that is just permiated trough the place. Something is clear from the get go though, worry is the chief feel of what is caught.]

Calisiel nods to the bartender. "Yes, drink. Do you have whiskey?" She asks, instead of assuming. "Maybe some bread too?" As one who is not shadow tongued, she cannot tell any conversations of the sort going on. "Is there anything important happening?" She scratches at her chest, tapping the soulgem around her neck.

The short ferret gives the bartender a look, tilting her head to the side; then Sinead moves up to the bar and settles onto a stool. She had said anywhere, after all. She waits her turn for a drink, though, folding her hands together and resting her arms on the bar as she patiently waits, giving Calisiel a little nod. [What happened?] she asks one of the stronger voices she picks out from the murmur. [I have not heard many details.]

The bunny continues to look about, then gets out a glass, turns around and pulls out a bottle. Filling it up, she hands it over to Calisiel, "Here we are. Now," she leans in close to Calisiel, trying to whisper quietly, "can you tell me what has all these shadow types in an uproar? Not that you could tell just looking at them, but trust me, I've been around them enough since the king started letting them come near the city, something's up, and they ain't exactly keen on saying what." She says, "Tell me in a minute, I'll be right back." Before walking over to Sinead next, "And what can I do for you? Anything at all?" She asks.

As Sinead reaches out to one of the louder voices, a raccoon turns to look at her, [I take it you haven't heard yet then, another group of our kin, survived in stasis since the crash into the moon, was revived by some foolish beings looking to, 'learn more about creator artificts.' Calls themselves the technologists. Needless to say, they are convinced that it is our mission still to elimenate all the beings on the planets.] He answers before resuming at his own drink.

Calisiel chuckles softly to herself; knowing she'll be no help to the bartender. At least, not through more direct, unpleasant means than eavesdropping. She takes a sip of her whiskey, looks at some of the shadow touched in the room. Briefly considers just flat out approaching one, flashing some flames, then asking bluntly: 'What's up'. But, she waits for now. Probably not a good idea to do that.

Sinead looks up at the bartenderm, and her nose twitches. She looks over at Calisiel, then back to the bunny, and puts on her best-practiced polite smile. Something like a polite smile, anyway. "I will have a whiskey, too. A short one. Please." She bows her head, in gratitude. [Oh, is that all? So they join the ferals and the unenlightened. A few might be saved. The locals know we are not affiliated, right?]

Turning around a moment, grabbing a small glass, the rabbit pours another glass from the same bottle. "Here you go, if you need anything else, feel free to ask!" She says, seems very cheerful. She returns however, to Calisiel, leaning in once more, "I heard that there was a group that went to figure out things out there, even ran into Jessica Blackback! Have you any news there?" She says, still trying to keep the hushed tone. All about the shadows seem to shift slightly, both those in a being, and the shadows from the lights.

Sipping again from his drink, the raccoon doesn't answer, but another voice comes to Sinead, a kangaroo in the back left corner, [This isn't that small a matter young one, they could pose quite a threat to the beings here, make no mistake of that. We are not yet completely sure of what they wish, only that they woke and began their work. They were quick about taking care of those Technologists, though what I've heard of them leaves me to believe the beings themselves wouldn't have been kinder to them. No, those beings that went after to see about things, I'm glad they didn't get any farther then they did. They should have listened to Jermey. As far as the locals know, we are seperate yes, but tentions are still renewed by some.] She says as she continues to work on her salad.

Calisiel nods. "I was with that group, yes. Jessica sounded scared, to me. Heh, it was amusing. Really, I kind of tuned out of most of the discussions, hadn't slept for a day and a half before joining that group." She drinks about half her glass quickly. "I remember a big flash of light, thought it was lightning. But was told it wasn't lightning. I did fight some shadows, though." She looks at a few of the shadow touched in the room, or those she believes to be shadow touched.

Sinead nods her head, mulling over what she was hearing, and takes a drink from her glass. She looks over at Calisiel and the bartender, leaning towards them a little. "Really?" she asks. "What happened? I heard there was some group that found something out there in the Valley, and then another couple of groups moved in and that there was a big fight. Who else was there?"

The bartender takes what she hears in stride, "So, you were there? What did you see?" This combined with Calisiel's talk gets her some attention! Many eyes and ears are now upon her. The bartender then looks next over to Sinead, "And where did you hear that? Trying to start a rumor about things or something?" She asks. Quite a few shadows look over to Sinead a moment, though for now, mearly listen. The bartender refills Calisiel's glass, "But do please go on, what else did you see? Names Rebby if your interested." She says.

Calisiel scowls at the now attentive patrons. "ALright, Rebby. I only remember two groups. One from the Solacious, which I was with. And one from the Blackbacks. We worked together but got outnumbered. Was ordered to retreat." She shakes her head, drinks the rest of her whiskey. "I only saw three up close. Was told there were a lot more. I think. Was too mad at Jessica to, uh, pay attention. Crazy griffon tackled me while I was flying over to scout." Another scowl at the patrons follows.

The ferret's nose twitches, and she shrugs. "I am a doctor. With the Guild. I hear things," she answers, fingers tapping on her glass, "but I hold doctor-patient confidentiality as a prized treasure. I am not at liberty to say... just that it is something I have heard." She gives Calisiel her practiced smile. "Similarly, you can be assured that whatever you say, *I* won't tell anyone that you said it," she assures the crow, oblivious to the scowl.

Rebby looks between the ferret and the crow. "Alright then, and if Jessica tackled you over, I'd be willing to place every crown to my name she did it for your own good." She says. Starting to polish a glass. "Alright, so you won't say where, but what else do you know then?" She asks. Another refill on Calisiel's drink, "Don't worry, I'm only going to charge you on the first one." She says looking back at the shadows as the crow scowls at them.

The shadows make no motion back at Calisiel, more concernd with what Sinead was going to say. One of them gives the mental equivilent of a very sharp tap to the shoulder, [We are going to try and handle this between ourselves, careful with what information you offer young one.] The voice says, though it is hard to tell whom said that. [Do not make mention of the dnager of the situation, and all should be fine.]

Calisiel shrugs, turns back to the bar. "Thanks. It was by the forest, though. Left that out I guess." She drinks, then continues. "Yes, she said the tackle was to keep me from getting too close to the shadows, or something. Still, I don't like to be touched when I'm flying." Another shrug. She then looks to Sinead. "Spread the word around all you want. I'm not confidential at all. Spreading rumors is fun for me. Don't have any others right now. And we're reaching the limit on what I remember."

Sinead frowns and takes a sip from her glass again as she thinks that over, then gives her shoulders a small shrug. "Not much more than what... sorry, I don't think I got your name," she pauses, giving Cal a small nod. "Not much more than what she said. That the Blackbacks were all over it in the end. They said they had it under control." The ferret's nose wrinkles a moment. "And *I* am certainly not going to head out that way to look for myself. At least not without a nice pay check, I don't work for free."

Looking to Sinead, Rebby shakes her head, "Hey no, I thought you said you had other things to say about this." She says. Looking a bit indignant, but the shadows about seem to relax anyway. Many getting back to what they were doing. Rebby gives a sharper eye to Sinead, but she knew better than to mix things up. Shadows were among the bars number one clients after all. Another shadow comes in, requesting some of the stew of the day. Rebby heading back to the kitchen, gives a slight wink to Calisiel.

Calisiel notices the wink, unsure what to do with that. She looks to the newly entered shadow, assumes he's going to do that 'silent communication' thing shadows do. Looking to Sinead: "I'm Calisiel, if you need to know. You are who, then?" She extends a wing slightly, then refolds it. A slight stretch follows.

Sinead quietly snorts, looking back at the bartender. "You asked where I had heard the bit I did," she points out. "And I told you I couldn't say." The ferret shrugs, and her nose twitches. "Distracted by the sound of your own sloshing," she mutters after the bunny leaves, very quietly, then gives Calisiel a quick nod. "Sinead. Doctor Sinead."

The door opens to admit another patron to the bar. This one is probably well-known to those who frequent the town. Not too many Ankylosaurs around who openly display the Shadow Pendant on a bare torso. The budding Tanner trundles toward the bar, wings tucked tightly to his back and each step causing tremors to erupt, light though they are. The heavy bulk is seated soon enough and the 'tender is flagged down for a large herbivorous meal.

Rebby stays back in the back for quite a while, but the arrival of a new shadow gets the rest to look over at him. Climbing down the stairs, a white barn owl, proudly displaying the clever clan patch upon his left breast pocket comes to take a look over things, seeing the crow and ferret at the bar, and mostly shadows around, he gives a slight sigh, "She in the back I take it then?" He says, stopping only a moment before he ducks in there.

The shadows look to the newcomer, the feel of the room shifting slightly towards one of curiosity. They knew him of course, but they weren't too sure what he knew. A male doberman is the first to 'speak' to him, [Greetings young one, this is a tense time. Careful with your words to the beings, if you could.] He says. Even without access to the 'shadow net' it would be easy to tell what that dog was doing, oblivious to the way his eyes gloss over, and all motion stops as he talks.

Calisiel grows frustrated, knowing that shadows can communicate without her hearing. But, doesn't show it. "Hey, you, new guys." Referring clearly to the robin and ankylosaur. "Come, sit with me." She pulls a couple stools up next to her and waits to be joined. Or not, depending. She intends to 'interrogate' them on the shadow talk going on. If there even is any. The crow just assumes there is.

Sinead watches Calisiel for a moment, then looks over at the new people, her expression curious. She takes another small sip of her whiskey, and watches quietly, free hand tapping on the bar. [Evening,] she thought-whispers to the newcomers.

The Heavy-clan Ankylosaur, on the tall side even for them, actually does not acknowledge anything said to him in either language until after the Paleo-style meal is delivered. This includes a large fruit drink. After that he finally takes the stuff over to the offered chair. Along the way he communicates in the shadow language, <Tense time? What do you mean?> Apparently someone is, somehow, rather clueless. Even after sitting on it carefully it still groans a little and the club tail curls around the legs, "Yes?"

Rebby comes back out a short time later, a meal for the Ankylosaur on a platter along with the stew for the robbin, "Here you both go, anything else, feel free to give me a word!" She says. She gives a look to Calisiel, wondering if she has found anything else out from the shadows besides what was already known. "Boss is here to do the nightly tally though, so if it takes me a moment, don't worry, I'll be back out in a moment." She says, ducking back into the back once more.

The shadow robbin looks over to Sinead and then to to Balrokzor, before joining with the crow and ferret. He decides to comminicate things to the Ankylosaur, [Yes, have you heard of the new shadow's nest that has been brought to life out north of The Green Valley? Seems they are still running on our old mission. To destory the beings. This could bring about another war, though we are hoping to handle things between just us.] He says, even as he looks to Calisiel and talks in common tongue to her, "Yes? Is there something you'd like warrior friend?" he asks, taking the stew from the rabbit innkeeper.