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Revision as of 10:43, 1 March 2016

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Please excuse the silliness, testing code"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Edited layouts of new wikibot update pages for both games, a little bit"

[Update] Nuku says, "Minor tweak to the basic combat engine to make things run faster in theory. Change to end user: None"

[Update] Nuku says, "Direct Negotiator and Social Paragon removed."

[Update] Nuku says, "Opportunity no longer displays damage with super precision and instead rounds to a whole number."

[Update] Nuku says, "The map command will no longer attempt to charge you for going through gates."

[Update] Nuku says, "Minor tweak in turn cycling code. Player visible change: None, except maybe a bit less server load which means less lag."

[Update] Nuku says, "While in auto, you get a much uglier, but faster, hp readout."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Fleeing from a fight makes you ineligible to receive rewards from those monsters."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "You can now clear your preferences set with setai with clearai"

[Update] Nuku says, "Crash in atb addressed."

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Hopefully this will be a big improvement to debuffers. The 'random' debuffclears on enemies above boss rank have been completely removed. As a result, Opportunity also no longer applies damage when a debuff is cleared."

[Update] Code Worker Miorna says, "ATB Invalid Turngoer bug found and squished. Sorry about that."

[Update] Nuku says, "New merit, rpinfo average effort."

[Update] Code Worker Miorna says, "New Merit made and coded. Healing Factor."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Reinstated Opportunity "debuff clear take damage" code and hard boss and higher debuff clearing, pending a review of effects"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Changes to debuffs vs monsters with rank above boss. There will no longer be a repeating debuffclear effect on such creatures. Now, just before level scaling happens, such critters will modify the magnitude of all *debuff statuses down in a similar manner to damageresist, although this will not have the 40% cap on it. More potent debuffs will have a scale applied so it doesn't completely neuter them all (these scales are still being adjusted)."

[Update] Nuku says, "Front Row now gives areablock properly."

[Update] Chinthliss says, "Switched to an alternative JSON encoder for web <> muck communication"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "New perk added, Pacifist."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "New perk added, Migration Expert."

[Update] Nuku says, "Creative Accounting now available and coded!"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "New perk added, Superior Adaptation."

[Update] Nuku says, "+census made a bit snappier, and will alert you when it's working."

[Update] Nuku says, "The healing skill's formula for hpbuffer updated in code and description."

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Fix in crafting code, cost can never be reduced to zero."

[Update] Nuku says, "Debuff resisting power of higher ranked enemies reduced."

[Update] Nuku says, "All the debuffing skills (tactician, enduring malice, and opportunity) all help to wriggle past enemy debuff resistance due to rank, ensuring that some of your debuff can get through it."

[Update] Nuku says, "rpinfo of tactician, opportunity, and enduring malice updated."

[Update] Nuku says, "Passive powers are now resisted less by things above boss rank, as if their rank were 30 less."

[Update] Nuku says, "Ally and Self HP AI should behave better. Debug left on to monitor. Feedback appreciated."

[Update] Script-Kitty Fauna says, "Stringparsing -change-. [if <thing> owned by <target>] (checking for jnotes and powers) now treats <thing> as a regular expression. Same goes for 'not owned by'. This means two things:"

[Update] Script-Kitty Fauna says, "One, it is is possible to check for the presence of multiple jnotes at ones (returning true when they are either all present, or all non-present in the case of 'not owned by')."

[Update] Script-Kitty Fauna says, "Two, it means that, if you were using this, you may need to tighten up the parsing by putting a normal^

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Addendum to above, please don't use 'normal^

[Update] Nuku says, "New 1 point vanity perk, Ambidextrous"

[Update] Nuku says, "Areablock debug disabled."

[Update] Nuku says, "When performing +checks, remorted people will be treated as max level."

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Long charge times no longer buff *damage and repeatattack statuses. (They shouldn't have to begin with)"

[Update] Nuku says, "Flurries interact with armor a bit differently now."

[Update] Nuku says, "In theory, the anima adjutant should tell you how many zombies you have left."

[Update] Nuku says, "terminal/area listing now shows the actual rank number of enemies."

[Update] Nuku says, "Group Name Classification actually works now."

[Update] Nuku says, "The rank bonus given to mobs that are already boss rank or higher due to difficulty is now significantly less (half, to be specific)."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Pacifist perk now honors special spawn conditions and level limits, it also takes into account Nanite Social Devolutionizer and Baiting"

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Upgrade to AI successful, the AI can now use 'Instant' powers without ending your turn."

[Update] Marp! Control says, "(That is, powers with a negative charge time that you'd be able to use manually without ending your turn.)"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Ponies with the "Pacifist" perk will no longer be welcome during web fights."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "You can now enable ponify, lullify or a new secret feature by using #pony on #lulz on or something else. This is per channel and can be turned off in a similar manner."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Fixed a bug in a mystery feature!"

[Update] Nuku says, "Toggle items should activate with renew command if proper."

[Update] Nuku says, "renew will really activate toggle items, for real! We promise!"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "New power type added. Simple. Simple powers are intended only for buffs. They do no damage or healing and simply apply statuses (unmodified) to players. If AoE is specified, then they will apply those statuses to the whole party"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Crazy new options added to chat. See pub #help for details!"

[Update] Nuku says, "AI even better at not trying to disable toggle items."

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Minimum value of a regen status is now zero, same for hpbuffer."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Avatar subversion will no longer happen in wiz-chat"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Enhanced lullify"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Using emotes while fishified fixed"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Fixed some wording when subverting Avatar"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Lullify should better avoid non-character hashtags"

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "And lullify also avoids color tags in hashtags too"

[Update] Nuku says, "Numerical ranks vs Named ranks changed. What does this mean for the player? Mobs that had numbered ranks (mostly random encounters) that have a rank over 100 just got easier."

[Update] Nuku says, "All enemies above boss rank now reward you for your efforts much more generously. Let the money flow!"

[Update] Nuku says, "Mobs with higher rank will now give better odds of finding baubles and treasure."

[Update] Nuku says, "Higher ranked mobs now drop salvage more often."

[Update] Nuku says, "Builder nanites no longer increased in level, instead have a chance of dropping multiple vials if high ranked."

[Update] Nuku says, "Scratch the last update."

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Added something to allow non-description props on items to be stringparsed."

[Update] Marp! Control says, "(Some clarification was requested. This is designed to allow items to read out stats on a person)"

[Update] Marp! Control says, "(This stuff happens when you look at an item with +gear)"

[Update] Nuku says, "The puzzler now had a minimum payout for cash rewards, even after taxing is accounted for."

[Update] Nuku says, "Making craftmods properly checks for existence of ingredients."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Speed ups to combat (AI processing) applied."

[Update] Nuku says, "5 makolunardollars given out to everyone for a great month!"

[Update] Nuku says, "The self-damaging power of sacrificial fury tweaked. It is no longer dependant on damagebuff, attack, or other temporary increases or decreases to damage."

[Update] Nuku says, "Concentrated works better for damage, now giving +4/8/12 instead of 3/6/9."

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Chat substitutions now attempt to match case "everybody EVERYBODY Everybody""

[Update] IKEA-mancer Damaged says, "Added more stuff to lullify"

[Update] Nuku says, "Two new merits, just for you! Resilient Martyr and Energetic Resilience. Tame that Sacrificial Fury!"

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Party leaders can once again set the default target of their entire party with 'target party=(thing)'."

[Update] Nuku says, "Patrol Energy now shown on +sheet."

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Nyanify added to the silly substitution options in chat. (No, you cannot subvert Avatar into making cat puns at present.)"

[Update] Marp! Control says, "Bit of cleaning up in nyanify."

Full archive of updates can be found in the Multiplayer Updates Archive