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<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF">Code Worker</span> Miorna says, &quot;Tar Baby and Roll With It will no longer proc on the repeat part of repeats.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF">Code Worker</span> Miorna says, &quot;Tar Baby and Roll With It will no longer proc on the repeat part of repeats.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> <span style="color:#CDCD00"></span><span style="color:#00FFFF">Code Worker</span> Miorna says, &quot;Web Controls no longer say they go to 5, there is no 5! Just like on an amp, there is no 11. Why have a scale if you just break the scale dang it!&quot;

Revision as of 00:05, 24 May 2017

[Update] Nuku says, "Mega combats now reward more salvage reliably."

[Update] Script-Kitty Fauna says, "Anastasia (aurumrock lighthouse) now tracks the number of omelettes she's made for you, quietly, in the background."

[Update] Script-Kitty Fauna says, "The Gourmet Chef soul should automatically unlock once you've helped at least four of the following NPCs with their cooking: Reynar, Anastasia, Easygoing Fisherman, Selan, Gregory the hermit, Isabel. In the case of Anastasia, you are considered helpful when you've provided enough eggs for at least four omelettes. (This is not retroactive)"

[Update] Script-Kitty Fauna says, "You will only unlock Gourmet Chef once. Instead of every 15 minutes."

[Update] Nuku says, "All references to 'haste' in powers and mutant powers converted to charge. All of them."

[Update] Nuku says, "You can now +badge/title group to set your channel title to your group's name. Enjoy it!"

[Update] Nuku says, "The last update also works for setting individual channel titles."

[Update] Nuku says, "You can now wf #note (name)=(thing) to set notes for yourself about a person. This is private and only you see it. This has been added to wf #help."

[Update] Nuku says, "Compost areas allow you to drop crafted items. 80% of their base value is added to the room's source values, making salvage you can gain by RPing there."

[Update] Script-Kitty Fauna says, "New earth magic equations added to the research because of today's scene."

[Update] Nuku says, "The actual numeric rating of social action rewards when looking at sa list is shown instead of a descriptor. Say, '12, 6, and 2' instead of... 'fantastic', 'fantastic' and 'fantastic' (This is a real example)"

[Update] Nuku says, "Fighting mega things drains an area's energy faster than chipping at normal mobs."

[Update] Krystalline Kobalt says, "The command resist should now display Acid as one of the resistances."

[Update] Nuku says, "When restoring an area, you get 10 influence in that area as a free bonus."

[Update] Nuku says, "At vampiric 0, the maximum draw from direct attacks is 12.5%. At vampiric 1, 37.5%. At vampiric 2 and 3, the cap remains 75%."

[Update] Nuku says, "Generic PowerAmp is now a thing."

[Update] Nuku says, "Rage no longer gives damagebuff. Now it gives +2.5 generic poweramp every hit, up to the usual 3/6/9 stacks, meaning it will stack nicely with basically anything."

[Update] Nuku says, "Tar Baby now works on every hit, no matter how small, provided it was an active hit (small passive hits are still ignored)"

[Update] Nuku says, "Small hits will only inflict half the usual power of statuses."

[Update] Nuku says, "Causing tar baby effect now also incurs a small amount of aggro on the slowed person, making tanks with tar baby a bit... stickier."

[Update] Nuku says, "Roll With It now triggers at a small rate at hits 10% lower for half power. This means, at roll with it 3+, you will always trigger, every time, muah aha ha ha ha ha ha"

[Update] Code Worker Miorna says, "Tar Baby and Roll With It will no longer proc on the repeat part of repeats."

[Update] Code Worker Miorna says, "Web Controls no longer say they go to 5, there is no 5! Just like on an amp, there is no 11. Why have a scale if you just break the scale dang it!"