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The Fickle Fate, the Audacious Destiny, the daredevil's providence, three of the titles given upon the spirit of luck. Ankep has many guises but he chooses to appear to beings in two aspect. The adventurers friend, handsome young creator male clad in gaudy swashbuckler gear; the other, Lady Luck, an old creator female wearing white robes and a blindfold over her eyes. In one hand she holds a pair of dice and in the other she holds a talisman in the shape of an eye.

Basic Pact

  • Bid: I bid you to dare.
  • Offer: Accept the fickleness of the winds of fate, and my hand will guide you through them.
  • Purpose: By facing the adversities of life boldly and without hesitation you will tread new paths, make great discoveries and inspire those around you in my name. Sieze your destiny by taking chances, even when the odds are stacked against you.
  • Gift: Each supplicant is gifted a six-sided die made from simple ashwood. When dropped or thrown the die always rolls and lands on a random facing, and cannot be influenced or loaded in any way.
  • Mark: A symbol of luck appears on the back of the dedicant's right hand. The mark is fickle, and can change from day to day, but is always a widely recognized symbol of luck or chance; a four-leaf clover, a coin, etc. This mark cannot be easily hidden as it will transfer itself to any article of clothing that would cover it, so long as it is worn.


  • Once per day a caller of Ankep might call upon the fickle fate to aid them in an action that they are undergoing whether it be in their heart or a prayer on their lips. The caller then rolls for their chosen action twice and take the higher result. Note that said power must be called before the action is taken, after all one cannot predict outcomes, and a caller should always place their trust in the fates to aid them.
  • The wind of fortune might be fickle but it watches over its callers, the adventurous beings seeming to have an easier time avoiding the arrows and bullets of hostiles as well as the devious traps and hazards left in various places. Twice per scene a caller might decide to add a bonus to a dodge roll they are making, +5 to the respective dodge roll. The roll must either be done to avoid a ranged attack or traps and hazards. Adding to that if the ranged attack is done in melee, a large battle, or in a confined space the judge might roll a 1d3 dice, with the results being missing wildly, the ranged attacked forcing another pc to make a dodge roll for it, or the ranged attack hitting an ally of the attacker.
  • The callers of Ankep for some reason are naturally lucky in small ways. They are that being who seems to frequently find abandoned crowns in the middle of the road, be there just in time to buy the last fresh pasty from the local bakery, and generally suffer serendipitous events in their day to day life. While such luck won't help a caller dodge an arrow aimed at them, you won't find such a caller commonly getting hit by eggs thrown by the local troublemaker into a road busy with beings.


  • Callers often feel inclined to take risky behavior or try different choices in life, both big and small. Anything from trying a new meal every day to attempting a new manual skill or job. Even the occasional risk of jumping into bar fights or getting involved in a guard chase. Anything that would break routine and prove chancy. This has no mechanical effect, and a restrained caller can quell that inclination, but spirit of destiny would prefer if her callers did not fall into a dull routine, but to be as fickle as fate and take the occasional risk.
  • As the adventurers friend, Ankep is a down to earth, yet brazen. The spirit frank and straightforward in his dealings with beings with a special fondness to those who call themselves adventurers and explorers. The playful spirit is also quick to invite beings to an adventure or send them on a quest or the other, after all a bold voyage never killed anyone, except when it did.
  • As Lady Luck, the spirit remains while remaining friendly is more inclined to speaking in riddles and cryptic phrases, always having chance and probability on their tongue, and quick to remind everyone about the fickleness of fate and the temporary nature of fortune.