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* [[Aisling]]
* [[Aisling]]
* [[Dax]]
* [[Reginald]]
* [[Rokarion]]
* [[Zuri]]
The group continues their trip as they bicker among each other. Bolormaa seems to have moved to the back of the group to keep rearguard, or to back stab them whichever suits her fancy. The group enter another room only to notice only three servitors here...three twitching servitors who look quite damaged. The mechanical drones stop whatever they are doing the moment the group moves to the center of the room and attack. One of the drones manages to catch Aisling off guard, using one of his appendages on her shin to deliver a nasty shock up her body, leaving the smell of burning plastic and fur in the air while causing AIsling's fur to stand at edge. Zuri on the other hand masterfully dodges the attacking creature. The third servitor 'coughs' up, losing its chance to attack.
Dax frowns and his hand goes to his belt, activating an odd device there. Instantly a bubble of pale blue light. "Why are they attacking?" he buzzes, "We should not register as a threat!" The little rhino is no fighter and starts looking for options.
Reginald , despite expecting something like this to happen the moment he stepped foot into the ruin, was still caught off guard by their sudden attackers. Clearing his mind of thoughts about his argument with Bolormaa, the lynx rushes to shoulder his carbine, taking aim at the machine currently assaulting Aisling. Steadying the weapon, he squeezes the trigger - the 'crack' of the shot can be heard echoing down the corridors.
Zuri thanks his trained reflexes as he narrowly, but acrobatically dodges the incoming attack. He lands a few feet away, twirling into position as he hefts both his blades at the assesses the situation. He is a fighter, however, and opts to charge at the servitor that attacked him and try to hack at its limbs in wide chopping motions.
Aisling stumbles backwards and looks quite... shocked at this development. The fox-turned-fluffball lands on her butt and is taking a few moments to recompose herself before ordering her crusher and twirligig to attack the offending machines.
Aisling's Twirlgig responds to the command and begins spraying the servitor with bullets just as Reginald shots at it destroying the damaged creature. Zuri on the other hand manages to stab the servitor that attacked him, causing it to let out a bzzt before turning off, just as he does that the third servitor attempts to attack him only for the salamander to manage to dodge again.
Dax wracks his brain for the oldest security protocols he can think of, shouting them out while he tries to keep out of the line of fire. He pulls the scorcher from his boot, just in case.
Reginald slams his back against the wall behind him, using it to prop himself up as the being scrambles to reload his weapon. Whilst doing this, he takes the opportunity to glance around him, making sure that nothing else is lurking in the shadows.
Zuri ducks out of the way of the incoming attack, tumbling onto the ground and rolling back to a crouch. He focuses on the only remaining servitor, dashing behind it and driving Sweet into its center.
Aisling frowns at her crusher being unresponsive and pulls out her own on scorcher and takes a moment to aim it at the remaining machine, before firing it, still sitting on her butt in the place she was knocked down.
The attack continues as Zuri slashes the servitor while  Aisling also shoots at him with her scorcher, disabling the last of the machines. Seeing as how there are no other malfunctioning servitors around it is hard to know if Dax's random commands worked or not. There was only the way forward now.
Dax keeps his shield activated. The little rhino leads the way forward into the hallway looking around warily.
Before Reginald has a chance to ready his weapon again, the fight is brought to a close. Finishing up, the lynx moves to follow the rest of the group. "I guess that's the security you mentioned. I hope this is the worst of it ... " he calls over to the rhino, having absolutely no faith in the last part of his comment.
Zuri keeps his weapons on the ready as he moves up to stand by Dax, peering forward cautiously. He smiles at Reginald. "Don't say that, you'll jinx it1" He giggles. "Just teasing."
Aisling huffs and gets up and dusts herself off. Her scorcher is put back and she motions her machines to follow her again, while she fingers a small pendant, hoping she will be better protected next time.
The group moves forward until they reach another crossroads. However this one have something else in store. Standing in the middle of the small section is a being-sized golem made out of Creator steel. It's one 'eye' regards the group before it begins speaking, "Greetings, Technician, third class. How may I help you?" the golem says in a neutral monotonous voice.
Dax shakes his head at Reginald. "Those were not security," he drones in his mechanical monotone, "THIS is security." It was an understandable mistake. After all, these people misused all sorts of other tech, he had not been able to believe his eyes when he saw the device they called a 'scorcher,' it was all he could do not to laugh. He looks at the guardian drone and nods, sturdy tech, this. "My guests and I require access to the," he says something that does not quite make sense here, "Would you escort us, please?"
Reginald gives Zuri a smile. How the salamander can stay so cheery, even after combat, will always remain a mystery to the feline. Upon spotting the golem, he moves out to the side of the group, making sure he has a clear shot. The lynx, however, does not aim directly at his target, instead pointing the carbine at the ground just before it. He nods in understanding at the rhino's words, but is still unsure if he should trust them. "I hope you know what your doing ... "
Zuri approaches the golem-thing slowly, cautiously, expecting it to jump out at the earliest opportunity it gets. Still, he trusts Dax to handle this situation. He blinks. "Dax, if this thing has a sparring mode, don't turn it on." He says, after remembering an event many months ago.
Aisling leans forward to inspect the guardian closely, facinated by the design. "Oh, wow." She bites her lips before she says more and just keeps looking silently while she is letting Dax handle this.
The golem remains silent for a moment before answering back, "Permission denied." the robot responds, "Technician, second class Rimmer. You can not access the archives without first passing your daily mental exercise routine. Please use the testing center before accessing the archives. Your guests will undergo the same routine as well." the robot then points at the northern path, the sound of something large being moved can be heard from behind the door, "Please enter." the robot says before going back to standby mode.
Dax sighs, then responds in a voice not unlike the mechanical guard. "Thank you," he drones, "Your adherence to protocol is noted and commended." The little rhino jerks his head toward the open door. "It is standard protocol," he says, "no playing until you do the daily tests."
Reginald doesn't fully understand what this creation wants from them, but gets the feeling that things could be going smoother. Hesitantly, he follows Dax, but makes a point of checking back at the golem every now and again.
Zuri blinks. "D-daily tests?" He rubs his head. "Ugh, I've never done well on tests." He follows after Dax. "If its a.. like.. memory test. Or knowledge test. Or.. anything other than a jumpy-stabby test, I'm counting on you, okay?"
Aisling swallows and her tail curls up. "Uhm.. yeah, what kind of test would it be? Is there really no way to skip that? I mean we are on a mission and all..." The fox sighs and follows after the others, not even waiting for a response.
And Aisling was smart to follow the others because the golem totally ignored her, RUDE! The door opens to reveal to the group...give different hallways all in the same direction. Looks like everyone will be doing the test on his own. Bolormaa does not wait for the team and simple goes through one of the hallways, the path closing behind her as she moves inside.
Dax waves to the others. "It should not be a problem," he drones, "Just basic cognative stuff, make sure you are not ill or crazy." He gives a worried look after Bolormaa. "Just do your best!" Then he stumps off down the hall.
Zuri scratches his head. "Mmm... you know, I did take part in a Creator test of sorts once. It was actually loads of fun! It had jumping around, and a chest to unlock, and stuff like that.."
Aisling scratches her head, her tail still curled around her leg. "So... we just pick a hallway and follow it to whereever it leads?"
After each being enters one of the hallways, the paths behind them closing, and right now only a small terminal in front of them. The terminal has big large number symbols and 3 empty slots. Looks like it wants the beings to type in a number code. Suddenly a little rhyme is played for each being. "Nine are we when taken all three. Last one slain, then six remain. None survive our first less five." The terminals then glow as if waiting for an answer.
Dax tilts his head at the screen, then quickly taps in his answer. He certainly hopes the others are prepared for these sorts of tests.
Zuri pouts at the device as he hears the rhyme. He uses the foolproof method of counting using his fingers. It takes him a bit, but he eventually figures it out and types in the number.
Aisling reads the riddle twice and her ear twitch. She looks at her fingers and moves them in according to her ponderings, before reading it again and frowning. Eventually the fox manages to focus long enough to come up with -some- answer.
Trapped in the small room, with strange and unknown surroundings, the lynx struggles to keep it together. When presented with this strange holographic display asking him to answer a cryptic rhyme, he just stands there frozen. Reginald's mind is too clouded with fear and uncertainty to properly consider the question, so he gingerly reaches out and presses three random buttons, hoping that would satisfy this entity.
Three pleasant dings can be heard by Aisling, Zuri, and Dax, while Reginald hears an annoying beep. However for all four the terminal changes and another rhyme is heard. "Two bodies have I, though both joined in one, the more I stand still the faster I run. What am I?" No keyboard appears this time, looks like one can answer this one verbally.
Dax looks confused by this one. He wracks his brain for something that fits, but it does not seem to match any of his technical experience! Then an image from his more recent experiences on Promise comes to mind and he hazards an answer. Seems silly for a system like this to ask this sort of riddle. It is like an ancient history lesson!
Reginald , still reeling after the beep he received, eventually brings himself to look at the second question. This time, however, the words seem to mean something to him. He is reminded of a riddle he came across once on his travels. Now, if only he could remember what it was ...
Zuri nibbles on his lip, pondering the answer. He figures its a trick question revolving around things that 'run', and gives his answer.
And three pleasant dings are heard again, this time for Reginald, Dax, and Aisling as Zuri receives the harsh beep. Then the wall in front of each hallway opens allowing all beings to step into another common room where all four stare at a double door with the sign 'Mind your manners' written above it.
Dax snorts and shakes his head. He did nit miss all the daily tests. At least they weren't doing the physical. He steps up to the door, expecting it to open.
The door does not react at all to Dax.
To see the lynx during the test would be to look upon a pitiful sight. The once proud feline reduced, by a mere screen, to nothing more than a shaking kitten, back pressed up against the entry door. The being was way out of his depth here, and scars from his past beginning to shine through. However, upon the opening of the exit, and the sound of the group, Reginald quickly composes himself, once again brushing his problems under the carpet. "Let's just get this done quickly" he comments, to no one in particular as he joins the rhino at there next obstacle.
Zuri steps into the room, scratching his head as he looks at his friends. He waves at them in greeting and steps up to the door, peering up at it curiously. He glances at his friends, then at the door again. "Oooh, I get it, we have to do what it says!" He nibbles on his lip, trying to figure out how exactly he can 'mind his manners'. He scratches his head, drawing a blank for now.
Aisling steps up to the others and smirks confidently as she walks up to the door. "It is probably something simple! Like 'Ladies first'." She motions the others to take a step back as she steps in front of the door.
spoof The door does not react to Aisling either. Simple standing there being imposing.
The door does not react to Aisling either. Simple standing there being imposing.
Dax snorts again and rolls his eyes. It is a good thing that whoever designed this is long dead, or he would be getting a lecture on inefficiency from the little engineer. The miniature rhino steps up to the door, edging Aisling gently out of the way and knocks on the door three times. "May we enter?" he buzzes in his mechanical voice.
The door begins to slide open as Dax finishes knocking and asking to enter. Allowing the group to exit the testing facility and leading into one corridor ahead.
Reginald leans against a wall, not too far away, seeming to be keeping to himself at the moment. His eyes glazed over, almost as if they were pointing inwards rather than out. When the door opens, the lynx remains at the back of the group.
Zuri giggles. "Wow! That simple! I was thinking of taking my shoes off, or maybe inviting people for dinner. You know, maybe we could have sit around and offer each other drinks and laugh at each other's jokes and not put our elbows on the table. Now that's manners! I should be the one designing these tests."
Aisling huffs and flips her hair with her hand, before she, followed by her machines, follows the others through the door.
In a page-pose to you, Reginald (in response to Rokarion's page-pose) thought that it was rude to spank someone behind their back ... although, come to think of it, how else would you do such a thing (Reggie Chuckles).
The group continues their path until they finally enter the archive. The place is as old as the rest of the facility but there appears to be no books only four or so big database storage devices. In the middle of the room there is a terminal that speaks when the group get into the room, "Greetings, how may I be of assistance today? Do you require a [DATASLATE]?"
Dax smiles, feeling very much at home. "Yes, please," the little rhino says, "and a [DATA TRANSFER DEVICE]." He looks around the archive room and awaits the delivery of his requested tools. "We can find the book and I would like to learn a little more about this place. It is amazing that it is in such good condition after so long on its own!"
The terminal beeps again, "Please specify the title of the [DATASLATE] that you are looking for."
Reginald lingers just inside the entrance to the archive, waiting for those with a greater understanding of creator tech to retrieve what they've come for.
Zuri walks inside and begins to explore, peeking his head around every corner and behind all the big storage thingies. He's smart enough to know that the best he can do here is break something if he touches it, so he just avoids doing that, but he has to satisfy his curiosity in some way.
Aisling snoops around the archives to see if there is anything interesting for her here. She honestly has to dismiss most things because they are in the language of the creators, but maybe she will have enough luck to find some kind of interesting thing.
Dax nods, as if satisfied by something. "I need 'Of Knights and Wyrms,' please," he buzzes, "And a copy of facility personell and manifest." He has become more and more convinced that this book is not a scholarly journal, but it would be nice to learn a bit about the people who manned this facility.
Reginald continues to linger at the entrance, and, other then looking round when Dax makes his request, keeps a watch down the corridor outside.
Zuri looks satisfied, having explored every corner and found.. not much, really. Pretty boring room by the standards of most rooms he's visited. He goes to stand by Dax, looking up at the terminal curiously.
Aisling sighs as she too does not find anything nice for her collections and returns to the others, watching over their shoulders.
The terminal responds, "'Of Wyrms and Knights' found. Retrieving. Facility personal list denied. Facility manifest denied. They are above your clearance level technician, second class Rimmer." With that said, a small container in the terminal opens, revealing a small dataslate quite similar to the one the machine priest was using outside.
"Thank you, COMPUTER," Dax says, taking the 'book,' "Can I request my personal file, please?" he tries, activating the data pad in his hand and scrolling through, "And any information we have on. . ." he hesitates to think about the best search term, "Elemental Dragons?" he tries.
Reginald shifts uneasily on the spot. Seeing that Dax had found what they've come for, he wonders why the rhino remains where he is. Despite this, the lynx bites his tongue, and goes back to keeping a lookout.
Zuri claps happily as the machine produces the so called book, but his excitement abates as he sees what the data slate actually looks like. He peers at it closely in Dax's hands. "That is one weird book.. " He straightens up again, not having much to contribute.
Aisling peeks at the data tablet for a moment and then nods her head, looking over the servers she pauses for a moment. "Hrm.." She pokes the Rhino on the shoulder and leans in to whisper into his ear. "Can you ask it if it can give you a book about designs if it has one? I would love to study creator clothing in depth."
The terminal stays in its place, "Personal records, please insert form AX-12, XE-45, or form 4553." then it adds, "Searching for 'elemental dragons'. Available texts for your clearance level: 'Of Wyrms and Knights', historical text. 'The Dragon of  Dawn', fantasy novel. 'Dragonlight', teen fantasy novel." the terminal continues list about twenty or thirty other novels. Aisling's question does in the area is immediately caught by the terminal as it answers her, one would imagine such a device to be able to hear everyone in the room not just the person standing in front of it, "Any guests need to fill forms ZAC-45 or GH-01 to access any books."
Dax is surprised to hear that this datapad in his hand is actually a historical text! "I do not have the appropriate forms," he drones, then thinks. He starts to speak in a steady stream of strange Creator terms, trying to convince the machine spirit to give him higher clearance while he stows the datapad away.
The down time gives Reginald's thoughts a chance to surface again, and he finds himself mulling over the events that have occurred so far - of his disagreement with Bolormaa, and of what happened in the testing chamber. Quietly, the lynx takes his watch out into the corridor, alone.
Zuri speaks up at the terminal. "Oh, I want a book about baking cookies! Uh.. I mean.. Creator cookie and cake recipes!" He tilts his head as the computer mentions guests have no access to books, and turns to Dax. "Dax, can I have a book abotu cookies and cakes and such? Please?"
Dax shakes his head at all the requests. "All of the fashion and cooking books on this server are over a hundred years old," he buzzes, "I bet we can find something at Mister Harkenson's store for you later. I just wanted to know more about this facility." He looks to the terminal. "Thank you, COMPUTER," he drones, then starts for the exit. Maybe he could find a higher ranked access card and come back another time.
Zuri pouts at Dax. "Fine.." He meanders out to the exit after Dax, "Silly Creator doohickey..." He mutters under his breath.
Aisling lets her head hang as she trots behind Dax. "Are you sure you don't want to try at least? I mean those would not be classified or anything, would they?" She sighs, knowing she has already lost this battle.
The terminal finally says, "Have a nice day, please do return the book after one week." it adds then, "Your [BIOSCANS] had been added to the server and your next test will be in three days." and with that it goes silent again letting the group exit the facility on their own leisure.
Dax looks thoughtfully at the facility as they leave. He stops in the cantina room to dig through the collection of keycards. "I am sorry," he says to Zuri and Aisling, "But I will definitely help you each select something in Saint's Square that should satisfy." He looks for any identifying marks on the cards and pockets a few likely candidates with some of his own belongings.
Reginald follows the group at a small distance. Despite having what they came for, the lynx does not drop his guard - partly down to training, and partly because it helps to keep his mind distracted.
Zuri shakes his head. "Getting cookies and cakes from Firmament is easy. But who knows what sort of delicious stuff the Creators make? Maybe hey have some kind of fluffy pastry-cake that also has a cream filling but is crunchy and has chocolate flakes. How could we pass up on that?"
Aisling nods slowly. "Same for the fashion designs! They might have dressed fabulously and inspiring back when this ruin, uhhm, ruined."
The group finally exits the ruins. The machine priest, and his fellow acolytes standing outside. The otter moves closer towards the Freeswords, "Ah, welcome back. I hope the book that we asked for."
Dax nods and produces the data slate, handing it over to the priest. "The, uh, machine spirit says that it needs to be returned in a week," he says and offers the access card that allowed him into the facility, "If you go in the next three days, you won't have to complete any tests to get in."
Being the last to exit the ruin, the middle-aged lynx waits at the exit for a moment, peering back into the gloom. It is then, for a split second, that he could have sworn he saw movement in the shadows ... or, perhaps, it was just his eyes playing tricks on him.
Not wishing to remain any longer than necessary, Reginald exits and moves to the priest. Opening with, "you mentioned some kind of reward," an unusually abrupt greeting for this being, he fixes the otter with a rather intense stare.
Zuri moves along quietly, his mind drifting to thoughts of cakes, cookies and chocolate. Mmm, chocolate...
Aisling did not really care about the reward, but since she did not really find anything else of value, she too approaches the priest and waits for her payment.
The priest takes the card and the dataslate from Dax before handing it to one of the other priests, "Are you sure that is all?" the priest asks, "We do apologize, but the Church had made it very clear that no one is allowed to take anything from Creator ruins, it is against the law as you all know." he says with a smile, "So please excuse us, but we will have to search all of you and your equipment...starting with your friend." he says as he gestures towards Bolormaa, "Please step into the tent." With that the goat being is taking with a scowl into the tent, a female attend going with her for the search, "Please all of you wait your turn."
Dax really does not want to be searched. It is not even over the cards. The hirsute little space-rhino has a number of things that the church might not approve of. Even an identity card or two of his own for the science vessels he is often assigned to help. He gives the attendant machine priest a nervous smile when he starts to pat down his clothing. "Is there anything you want to check specifically?" he drones, "I want to make this as easy as I can." No doubt the searcher will notice certain. . . oddities about the rhino.
Reginald has no use for creator tech, even going as far as to have a distrust of it. Removing his backpack, he places it on the table in front of the being assigned to search him, letting him tip out it's contents. Containing nothing other than some food and water, basic medical supplies, and the like, it would be of no interest to the church. As for being patted down, the lynx reluctantly agrees, but still gives out a threatening growl when he feels it is taking longer than it should. In all, they would be hard pressed to find anything of note on the feline.
Zuri huffs. He's carrying a lot of gear that guards and other stuck-up beings might find objectionable, but these priests shouldn't care about his expertly crafted set of thieve's tools. He waits his turn patiently.
Aisling rolls her tail between her legs and makes it clear that she is not going into the tent without her golem. At least she is permitted to carry all her creator tech that she got or found before making her way away from home.
The priest searching Bolormaa comes out and shrugs as the goat sneers at her and exits stage left.
The being with Dax sighs and shakes his head many a time as he goes over the being's items and permits, taking away all the clearance cards he took away from the ruins, "Please remember that all beings are not allowed to gain access to Creator tech on Promise without the church's blessing. That is the orders of Doctor Parson." he comments, "All of your items are registered so you can keep it, but we would like to remind me to keep your weapon hidden from the eyes of the average being. If a pick-pocket manages to take it off you that might be dangerous. Now please exit and get your payment."
Reginald gets the fastest search, after all nothing stood out in his equipment.
Zuri on the other hand received many a raised brows and advice about his way of life, but nothing was taken from him.
Aisling also got a lot of frowns, the church allowing her to take away whatever the Thera'Doran church gave her.
"MISTER Parson probably couldn't care less about a bunch of access cards," Dax buzzes, his irritation not showing in his strange voice, though obvious in his body language as he shoves his hold-out pistol into his boot. He sighs and takes his belt and all its pouches and returns it to his waist. "Your committment to protocol is commendable," he admits, just as he did to the security droid earlier."
Reginald quickly gathers up his belongings, repacking and re-equipping them, before joining the group outside again. It is evident to see that the lynx's patience is starting to wear a little thin, and that he would rather leave here as soon as possible. Motioning over towards the otter with a nod of his head, he makes his eagerness to conclude their business known.
Zuri waits patiently as he's lectured for the umpteenth time on this particular subject. He nods every time they quote passages from the First Text at him, and list the potential consequences of thievery, breaking and entering, so on and so forth. He promises to be better, as he always does, then quickly escapes from the tent as soon as the opportunity is given.
<div></div><br> <br>Aisling twitches her ears and just holds out the documents she has for her fancy things. She puts the permits back into one of the many hidden pockets of her practical creator bodysuit and walks out to load her bigger creator machines back onto her golem, who obediently trots behind her at all times, now that they are somewhere big enough for it.[[Category:RPLogs]]

Latest revision as of 16:12, 1 September 2015





The group continues their trip as they bicker among each other. Bolormaa seems to have moved to the back of the group to keep rearguard, or to back stab them whichever suits her fancy. The group enter another room only to notice only three servitors here...three twitching servitors who look quite damaged. The mechanical drones stop whatever they are doing the moment the group moves to the center of the room and attack. One of the drones manages to catch Aisling off guard, using one of his appendages on her shin to deliver a nasty shock up her body, leaving the smell of burning plastic and fur in the air while causing AIsling's fur to stand at edge. Zuri on the other hand masterfully dodges the attacking creature. The third servitor 'coughs' up, losing its chance to attack.

Dax frowns and his hand goes to his belt, activating an odd device there. Instantly a bubble of pale blue light. "Why are they attacking?" he buzzes, "We should not register as a threat!" The little rhino is no fighter and starts looking for options.

Reginald , despite expecting something like this to happen the moment he stepped foot into the ruin, was still caught off guard by their sudden attackers. Clearing his mind of thoughts about his argument with Bolormaa, the lynx rushes to shoulder his carbine, taking aim at the machine currently assaulting Aisling. Steadying the weapon, he squeezes the trigger - the 'crack' of the shot can be heard echoing down the corridors.

Zuri thanks his trained reflexes as he narrowly, but acrobatically dodges the incoming attack. He lands a few feet away, twirling into position as he hefts both his blades at the assesses the situation. He is a fighter, however, and opts to charge at the servitor that attacked him and try to hack at its limbs in wide chopping motions.

Aisling stumbles backwards and looks quite... shocked at this development. The fox-turned-fluffball lands on her butt and is taking a few moments to recompose herself before ordering her crusher and twirligig to attack the offending machines.

Aisling's Twirlgig responds to the command and begins spraying the servitor with bullets just as Reginald shots at it destroying the damaged creature. Zuri on the other hand manages to stab the servitor that attacked him, causing it to let out a bzzt before turning off, just as he does that the third servitor attempts to attack him only for the salamander to manage to dodge again.

Dax wracks his brain for the oldest security protocols he can think of, shouting them out while he tries to keep out of the line of fire. He pulls the scorcher from his boot, just in case.

Reginald slams his back against the wall behind him, using it to prop himself up as the being scrambles to reload his weapon. Whilst doing this, he takes the opportunity to glance around him, making sure that nothing else is lurking in the shadows.

Zuri ducks out of the way of the incoming attack, tumbling onto the ground and rolling back to a crouch. He focuses on the only remaining servitor, dashing behind it and driving Sweet into its center.

Aisling frowns at her crusher being unresponsive and pulls out her own on scorcher and takes a moment to aim it at the remaining machine, before firing it, still sitting on her butt in the place she was knocked down.

The attack continues as Zuri slashes the servitor while Aisling also shoots at him with her scorcher, disabling the last of the machines. Seeing as how there are no other malfunctioning servitors around it is hard to know if Dax's random commands worked or not. There was only the way forward now.

Dax keeps his shield activated. The little rhino leads the way forward into the hallway looking around warily.

Before Reginald has a chance to ready his weapon again, the fight is brought to a close. Finishing up, the lynx moves to follow the rest of the group. "I guess that's the security you mentioned. I hope this is the worst of it ... " he calls over to the rhino, having absolutely no faith in the last part of his comment.

Zuri keeps his weapons on the ready as he moves up to stand by Dax, peering forward cautiously. He smiles at Reginald. "Don't say that, you'll jinx it1" He giggles. "Just teasing."

Aisling huffs and gets up and dusts herself off. Her scorcher is put back and she motions her machines to follow her again, while she fingers a small pendant, hoping she will be better protected next time.

The group moves forward until they reach another crossroads. However this one have something else in store. Standing in the middle of the small section is a being-sized golem made out of Creator steel. It's one 'eye' regards the group before it begins speaking, "Greetings, Technician, third class. How may I help you?" the golem says in a neutral monotonous voice.

Dax shakes his head at Reginald. "Those were not security," he drones in his mechanical monotone, "THIS is security." It was an understandable mistake. After all, these people misused all sorts of other tech, he had not been able to believe his eyes when he saw the device they called a 'scorcher,' it was all he could do not to laugh. He looks at the guardian drone and nods, sturdy tech, this. "My guests and I require access to the," he says something that does not quite make sense here, "Would you escort us, please?"

Reginald gives Zuri a smile. How the salamander can stay so cheery, even after combat, will always remain a mystery to the feline. Upon spotting the golem, he moves out to the side of the group, making sure he has a clear shot. The lynx, however, does not aim directly at his target, instead pointing the carbine at the ground just before it. He nods in understanding at the rhino's words, but is still unsure if he should trust them. "I hope you know what your doing ... "

Zuri approaches the golem-thing slowly, cautiously, expecting it to jump out at the earliest opportunity it gets. Still, he trusts Dax to handle this situation. He blinks. "Dax, if this thing has a sparring mode, don't turn it on." He says, after remembering an event many months ago.

Aisling leans forward to inspect the guardian closely, facinated by the design. "Oh, wow." She bites her lips before she says more and just keeps looking silently while she is letting Dax handle this.

The golem remains silent for a moment before answering back, "Permission denied." the robot responds, "Technician, second class Rimmer. You can not access the archives without first passing your daily mental exercise routine. Please use the testing center before accessing the archives. Your guests will undergo the same routine as well." the robot then points at the northern path, the sound of something large being moved can be heard from behind the door, "Please enter." the robot says before going back to standby mode.

Dax sighs, then responds in a voice not unlike the mechanical guard. "Thank you," he drones, "Your adherence to protocol is noted and commended." The little rhino jerks his head toward the open door. "It is standard protocol," he says, "no playing until you do the daily tests."

Reginald doesn't fully understand what this creation wants from them, but gets the feeling that things could be going smoother. Hesitantly, he follows Dax, but makes a point of checking back at the golem every now and again.

Zuri blinks. "D-daily tests?" He rubs his head. "Ugh, I've never done well on tests." He follows after Dax. "If its a.. like.. memory test. Or knowledge test. Or.. anything other than a jumpy-stabby test, I'm counting on you, okay?"

Aisling swallows and her tail curls up. "Uhm.. yeah, what kind of test would it be? Is there really no way to skip that? I mean we are on a mission and all..." The fox sighs and follows after the others, not even waiting for a response.

And Aisling was smart to follow the others because the golem totally ignored her, RUDE! The door opens to reveal to the group...give different hallways all in the same direction. Looks like everyone will be doing the test on his own. Bolormaa does not wait for the team and simple goes through one of the hallways, the path closing behind her as she moves inside.

Dax waves to the others. "It should not be a problem," he drones, "Just basic cognative stuff, make sure you are not ill or crazy." He gives a worried look after Bolormaa. "Just do your best!" Then he stumps off down the hall.

Zuri scratches his head. "Mmm... you know, I did take part in a Creator test of sorts once. It was actually loads of fun! It had jumping around, and a chest to unlock, and stuff like that.."

Aisling scratches her head, her tail still curled around her leg. "So... we just pick a hallway and follow it to whereever it leads?"

After each being enters one of the hallways, the paths behind them closing, and right now only a small terminal in front of them. The terminal has big large number symbols and 3 empty slots. Looks like it wants the beings to type in a number code. Suddenly a little rhyme is played for each being. "Nine are we when taken all three. Last one slain, then six remain. None survive our first less five." The terminals then glow as if waiting for an answer.

Dax tilts his head at the screen, then quickly taps in his answer. He certainly hopes the others are prepared for these sorts of tests.

Zuri pouts at the device as he hears the rhyme. He uses the foolproof method of counting using his fingers. It takes him a bit, but he eventually figures it out and types in the number.

Aisling reads the riddle twice and her ear twitch. She looks at her fingers and moves them in according to her ponderings, before reading it again and frowning. Eventually the fox manages to focus long enough to come up with -some- answer.

Trapped in the small room, with strange and unknown surroundings, the lynx struggles to keep it together. When presented with this strange holographic display asking him to answer a cryptic rhyme, he just stands there frozen. Reginald's mind is too clouded with fear and uncertainty to properly consider the question, so he gingerly reaches out and presses three random buttons, hoping that would satisfy this entity.

Three pleasant dings can be heard by Aisling, Zuri, and Dax, while Reginald hears an annoying beep. However for all four the terminal changes and another rhyme is heard. "Two bodies have I, though both joined in one, the more I stand still the faster I run. What am I?" No keyboard appears this time, looks like one can answer this one verbally.

Dax looks confused by this one. He wracks his brain for something that fits, but it does not seem to match any of his technical experience! Then an image from his more recent experiences on Promise comes to mind and he hazards an answer. Seems silly for a system like this to ask this sort of riddle. It is like an ancient history lesson!

Reginald , still reeling after the beep he received, eventually brings himself to look at the second question. This time, however, the words seem to mean something to him. He is reminded of a riddle he came across once on his travels. Now, if only he could remember what it was ... Zuri nibbles on his lip, pondering the answer. He figures its a trick question revolving around things that 'run', and gives his answer.

And three pleasant dings are heard again, this time for Reginald, Dax, and Aisling as Zuri receives the harsh beep. Then the wall in front of each hallway opens allowing all beings to step into another common room where all four stare at a double door with the sign 'Mind your manners' written above it.

Dax snorts and shakes his head. He did nit miss all the daily tests. At least they weren't doing the physical. He steps up to the door, expecting it to open.

The door does not react at all to Dax.

To see the lynx during the test would be to look upon a pitiful sight. The once proud feline reduced, by a mere screen, to nothing more than a shaking kitten, back pressed up against the entry door. The being was way out of his depth here, and scars from his past beginning to shine through. However, upon the opening of the exit, and the sound of the group, Reginald quickly composes himself, once again brushing his problems under the carpet. "Let's just get this done quickly" he comments, to no one in particular as he joins the rhino at there next obstacle.

Zuri steps into the room, scratching his head as he looks at his friends. He waves at them in greeting and steps up to the door, peering up at it curiously. He glances at his friends, then at the door again. "Oooh, I get it, we have to do what it says!" He nibbles on his lip, trying to figure out how exactly he can 'mind his manners'. He scratches his head, drawing a blank for now.

Aisling steps up to the others and smirks confidently as she walks up to the door. "It is probably something simple! Like 'Ladies first'." She motions the others to take a step back as she steps in front of the door. spoof The door does not react to Aisling either. Simple standing there being imposing.

The door does not react to Aisling either. Simple standing there being imposing.

Dax snorts again and rolls his eyes. It is a good thing that whoever designed this is long dead, or he would be getting a lecture on inefficiency from the little engineer. The miniature rhino steps up to the door, edging Aisling gently out of the way and knocks on the door three times. "May we enter?" he buzzes in his mechanical voice.

The door begins to slide open as Dax finishes knocking and asking to enter. Allowing the group to exit the testing facility and leading into one corridor ahead.

Reginald leans against a wall, not too far away, seeming to be keeping to himself at the moment. His eyes glazed over, almost as if they were pointing inwards rather than out. When the door opens, the lynx remains at the back of the group.

Zuri giggles. "Wow! That simple! I was thinking of taking my shoes off, or maybe inviting people for dinner. You know, maybe we could have sit around and offer each other drinks and laugh at each other's jokes and not put our elbows on the table. Now that's manners! I should be the one designing these tests."

Aisling huffs and flips her hair with her hand, before she, followed by her machines, follows the others through the door. In a page-pose to you, Reginald (in response to Rokarion's page-pose) thought that it was rude to spank someone behind their back ... although, come to think of it, how else would you do such a thing (Reggie Chuckles).

The group continues their path until they finally enter the archive. The place is as old as the rest of the facility but there appears to be no books only four or so big database storage devices. In the middle of the room there is a terminal that speaks when the group get into the room, "Greetings, how may I be of assistance today? Do you require a [DATASLATE]?"

Dax smiles, feeling very much at home. "Yes, please," the little rhino says, "and a [DATA TRANSFER DEVICE]." He looks around the archive room and awaits the delivery of his requested tools. "We can find the book and I would like to learn a little more about this place. It is amazing that it is in such good condition after so long on its own!"

The terminal beeps again, "Please specify the title of the [DATASLATE] that you are looking for."

Reginald lingers just inside the entrance to the archive, waiting for those with a greater understanding of creator tech to retrieve what they've come for.

Zuri walks inside and begins to explore, peeking his head around every corner and behind all the big storage thingies. He's smart enough to know that the best he can do here is break something if he touches it, so he just avoids doing that, but he has to satisfy his curiosity in some way.

Aisling snoops around the archives to see if there is anything interesting for her here. She honestly has to dismiss most things because they are in the language of the creators, but maybe she will have enough luck to find some kind of interesting thing.

Dax nods, as if satisfied by something. "I need 'Of Knights and Wyrms,' please," he buzzes, "And a copy of facility personell and manifest." He has become more and more convinced that this book is not a scholarly journal, but it would be nice to learn a bit about the people who manned this facility.

Reginald continues to linger at the entrance, and, other then looking round when Dax makes his request, keeps a watch down the corridor outside.

Zuri looks satisfied, having explored every corner and found.. not much, really. Pretty boring room by the standards of most rooms he's visited. He goes to stand by Dax, looking up at the terminal curiously.

Aisling sighs as she too does not find anything nice for her collections and returns to the others, watching over their shoulders.

The terminal responds, "'Of Wyrms and Knights' found. Retrieving. Facility personal list denied. Facility manifest denied. They are above your clearance level technician, second class Rimmer." With that said, a small container in the terminal opens, revealing a small dataslate quite similar to the one the machine priest was using outside.

"Thank you, COMPUTER," Dax says, taking the 'book,' "Can I request my personal file, please?" he tries, activating the data pad in his hand and scrolling through, "And any information we have on. . ." he hesitates to think about the best search term, "Elemental Dragons?" he tries.

Reginald shifts uneasily on the spot. Seeing that Dax had found what they've come for, he wonders why the rhino remains where he is. Despite this, the lynx bites his tongue, and goes back to keeping a lookout.

Zuri claps happily as the machine produces the so called book, but his excitement abates as he sees what the data slate actually looks like. He peers at it closely in Dax's hands. "That is one weird book.. " He straightens up again, not having much to contribute.

Aisling peeks at the data tablet for a moment and then nods her head, looking over the servers she pauses for a moment. "Hrm.." She pokes the Rhino on the shoulder and leans in to whisper into his ear. "Can you ask it if it can give you a book about designs if it has one? I would love to study creator clothing in depth."

The terminal stays in its place, "Personal records, please insert form AX-12, XE-45, or form 4553." then it adds, "Searching for 'elemental dragons'. Available texts for your clearance level: 'Of Wyrms and Knights', historical text. 'The Dragon of Dawn', fantasy novel. 'Dragonlight', teen fantasy novel." the terminal continues list about twenty or thirty other novels. Aisling's question does in the area is immediately caught by the terminal as it answers her, one would imagine such a device to be able to hear everyone in the room not just the person standing in front of it, "Any guests need to fill forms ZAC-45 or GH-01 to access any books."

Dax is surprised to hear that this datapad in his hand is actually a historical text! "I do not have the appropriate forms," he drones, then thinks. He starts to speak in a steady stream of strange Creator terms, trying to convince the machine spirit to give him higher clearance while he stows the datapad away.

The down time gives Reginald's thoughts a chance to surface again, and he finds himself mulling over the events that have occurred so far - of his disagreement with Bolormaa, and of what happened in the testing chamber. Quietly, the lynx takes his watch out into the corridor, alone.

Zuri speaks up at the terminal. "Oh, I want a book about baking cookies! Uh.. I mean.. Creator cookie and cake recipes!" He tilts his head as the computer mentions guests have no access to books, and turns to Dax. "Dax, can I have a book abotu cookies and cakes and such? Please?"

Dax shakes his head at all the requests. "All of the fashion and cooking books on this server are over a hundred years old," he buzzes, "I bet we can find something at Mister Harkenson's store for you later. I just wanted to know more about this facility." He looks to the terminal. "Thank you, COMPUTER," he drones, then starts for the exit. Maybe he could find a higher ranked access card and come back another time.

Zuri pouts at Dax. "Fine.." He meanders out to the exit after Dax, "Silly Creator doohickey..." He mutters under his breath.

Aisling lets her head hang as she trots behind Dax. "Are you sure you don't want to try at least? I mean those would not be classified or anything, would they?" She sighs, knowing she has already lost this battle.

The terminal finally says, "Have a nice day, please do return the book after one week." it adds then, "Your [BIOSCANS] had been added to the server and your next test will be in three days." and with that it goes silent again letting the group exit the facility on their own leisure.

Dax looks thoughtfully at the facility as they leave. He stops in the cantina room to dig through the collection of keycards. "I am sorry," he says to Zuri and Aisling, "But I will definitely help you each select something in Saint's Square that should satisfy." He looks for any identifying marks on the cards and pockets a few likely candidates with some of his own belongings.

Reginald follows the group at a small distance. Despite having what they came for, the lynx does not drop his guard - partly down to training, and partly because it helps to keep his mind distracted.

Zuri shakes his head. "Getting cookies and cakes from Firmament is easy. But who knows what sort of delicious stuff the Creators make? Maybe hey have some kind of fluffy pastry-cake that also has a cream filling but is crunchy and has chocolate flakes. How could we pass up on that?"

Aisling nods slowly. "Same for the fashion designs! They might have dressed fabulously and inspiring back when this ruin, uhhm, ruined."

The group finally exits the ruins. The machine priest, and his fellow acolytes standing outside. The otter moves closer towards the Freeswords, "Ah, welcome back. I hope the book that we asked for."

Dax nods and produces the data slate, handing it over to the priest. "The, uh, machine spirit says that it needs to be returned in a week," he says and offers the access card that allowed him into the facility, "If you go in the next three days, you won't have to complete any tests to get in."

Being the last to exit the ruin, the middle-aged lynx waits at the exit for a moment, peering back into the gloom. It is then, for a split second, that he could have sworn he saw movement in the shadows ... or, perhaps, it was just his eyes playing tricks on him.

Not wishing to remain any longer than necessary, Reginald exits and moves to the priest. Opening with, "you mentioned some kind of reward," an unusually abrupt greeting for this being, he fixes the otter with a rather intense stare.

Zuri moves along quietly, his mind drifting to thoughts of cakes, cookies and chocolate. Mmm, chocolate...

Aisling did not really care about the reward, but since she did not really find anything else of value, she too approaches the priest and waits for her payment.

The priest takes the card and the dataslate from Dax before handing it to one of the other priests, "Are you sure that is all?" the priest asks, "We do apologize, but the Church had made it very clear that no one is allowed to take anything from Creator ruins, it is against the law as you all know." he says with a smile, "So please excuse us, but we will have to search all of you and your equipment...starting with your friend." he says as he gestures towards Bolormaa, "Please step into the tent." With that the goat being is taking with a scowl into the tent, a female attend going with her for the search, "Please all of you wait your turn."

Dax really does not want to be searched. It is not even over the cards. The hirsute little space-rhino has a number of things that the church might not approve of. Even an identity card or two of his own for the science vessels he is often assigned to help. He gives the attendant machine priest a nervous smile when he starts to pat down his clothing. "Is there anything you want to check specifically?" he drones, "I want to make this as easy as I can." No doubt the searcher will notice certain. . . oddities about the rhino.

Reginald has no use for creator tech, even going as far as to have a distrust of it. Removing his backpack, he places it on the table in front of the being assigned to search him, letting him tip out it's contents. Containing nothing other than some food and water, basic medical supplies, and the like, it would be of no interest to the church. As for being patted down, the lynx reluctantly agrees, but still gives out a threatening growl when he feels it is taking longer than it should. In all, they would be hard pressed to find anything of note on the feline.

Zuri huffs. He's carrying a lot of gear that guards and other stuck-up beings might find objectionable, but these priests shouldn't care about his expertly crafted set of thieve's tools. He waits his turn patiently.

Aisling rolls her tail between her legs and makes it clear that she is not going into the tent without her golem. At least she is permitted to carry all her creator tech that she got or found before making her way away from home.

The priest searching Bolormaa comes out and shrugs as the goat sneers at her and exits stage left.

The being with Dax sighs and shakes his head many a time as he goes over the being's items and permits, taking away all the clearance cards he took away from the ruins, "Please remember that all beings are not allowed to gain access to Creator tech on Promise without the church's blessing. That is the orders of Doctor Parson." he comments, "All of your items are registered so you can keep it, but we would like to remind me to keep your weapon hidden from the eyes of the average being. If a pick-pocket manages to take it off you that might be dangerous. Now please exit and get your payment."

Reginald gets the fastest search, after all nothing stood out in his equipment.

Zuri on the other hand received many a raised brows and advice about his way of life, but nothing was taken from him.

Aisling also got a lot of frowns, the church allowing her to take away whatever the Thera'Doran church gave her.

"MISTER Parson probably couldn't care less about a bunch of access cards," Dax buzzes, his irritation not showing in his strange voice, though obvious in his body language as he shoves his hold-out pistol into his boot. He sighs and takes his belt and all its pouches and returns it to his waist. "Your committment to protocol is commendable," he admits, just as he did to the security droid earlier."

Reginald quickly gathers up his belongings, repacking and re-equipping them, before joining the group outside again. It is evident to see that the lynx's patience is starting to wear a little thin, and that he would rather leave here as soon as possible. Motioning over towards the otter with a nod of his head, he makes his eagerness to conclude their business known.

Zuri waits patiently as he's lectured for the umpteenth time on this particular subject. He nods every time they quote passages from the First Text at him, and list the potential consequences of thievery, breaking and entering, so on and so forth. He promises to be better, as he always does, then quickly escapes from the tent as soon as the opportunity is given.

Aisling twitches her ears and just holds out the documents she has for her fancy things. She puts the permits back into one of the many hidden pockets of her practical creator bodysuit and walks out to load her bigger creator machines back onto her golem, who obediently trots behind her at all times, now that they are somewhere big enough for it.