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<div></div><br> <br>Those who accepted the job would have been made to sign a contract in the Freeswords guild about keeping utter secrecy and taking responsibility for any damages not tasked by their employer. Looks like the elder does not want to lose too much face if the job goes south.
No matter how the group reached Cliffside they are here now. And they would have been given directions directly towards a small building in one of the craftsmen district of the outer city.
They group would be quickly taken inside into the building and shown to the office of William, while being told to wait.<br> <br>Zuri smiles at the other two beings as they wait. He&#39;s standing prim and proper, especially given the presence of Edmund in the room. The salamander has dressed for the occasion, from the rather formal-looking suit to his best shoes.<br> <br>Reginald , having not brushed up too bad himself, gives the two a quick nod in greeting, even adding in a small smile to the familiar salamander. Dressed in a rather unassuming attire, with added cloak, he waits patiently to see what happens next.<br> <br>Edmund is not here as a Freesword. But he certainly could not turn down an opportunity to dig about in such courtly intrigue. The hippo wears his finest military uniform and the gold chain and crest marking him as a royal knight. He nods to Zuri in recognition, then stands still, examining Alington&#39;s office.<br> <br>Alington&#39;s office simply oozed &#39;wealth&#39;. Looks like unlike some of the other rich beings in Cliffside, his rivals Ridgewell, Antonia, and Father Hawkes coming to mind, William loved showing off his wealth and power. The most prominent piece of furniture however is the large portrait of the late Edgar Alington hanging above William&#39;s desk.
It does not take a minute before a side door opens and William steps into his office, the bat and the two guards with him clad in black attires in remembrance. &quot;Ah, great.&quot;, he says idly as he eyes the three beings before leveling his gaze on Edmund, &quot;The Goods not only sent one of their family members but also dressed him up with a huge, &#39;I am a Sweetwater Noble&#39; sign too.&quot; the bat says sarcastically, &quot;Well this will sure be putting a dent in my credibility for candidacy, but that is another issue.&quot; William sighs and turns around to look at the portrait of his father, &quot;Edgar Alington, a knowledgeable scholar, a cunning politician, not so great a father to be honest.&quot; the bat says as if reminiscing before turning around to look at the group again, the bat&#39;s large vermilion eyes shining with purpose, &quot;Your job is simple. I suspect a certain aristocrat of his death. Clive Torrens, a rich business owner after a fashion. He has been keeping low since the beginning of the troubles. My spies have seen him recently, but the Cliffside City Watch and army both refuse to arrest him for me. Your job is simple for today. I want you to break into his mansion and search for any possible incriminating evidence. Anything from letters to weapons to even records. Any questions before I continue?&quot;<br> <br>Zuri blinks. This is a lot more forward than he was expecting. The salamander is used to this kind of job, just not this much.. forwardness, especially in public. He peers at Edmund and Reginald before returning his attention to the Elder, smiling politely. &quot;No Sir, no questions. I assume the usual details. No violence, no trace we were ever there, smash, grab and leave?&quot;<br> <br>Reginald , also taken aback by the directness of his bat employer, offers up a further question, &quot;Is there anyone currently resident in this mansion, and, if so, who and how many beings should we expect?&quot;<br> <br>&quot;Please, Sir!&quot; Edmund says indignantly, &quot;To even suggest that a Royal Knight of House Good would be involved in such underhanded scheming! I am wounded!&quot; He winks at Zuri. &quot;In fact, I think I shall be forced to visit this Clive Torrens in person to tell him of this grave affront to my honor and to his,&quot; he continues, &quot;Immediately! As well as loudly and in great detail! Why, it mike take me hours to properly express my displeasure!&quot;<br> <br>William raises a brow at Edmund and sighs, &quot;And I am an honourable man who would not think of spilling royal blood in my office.&quot; he says idly as he sits down on his desk and puts the contract that three signed on the table, &quot;However, ignoring the fact that you have to actually find Clive since no one knows where he is, you have signed a secrecy contract.&quot; William looks back at the three, &quot;And avenging my father&#39;s death is nothing to do with politics, but I would be a fool not to abuse this. A Good royal trying to publicly denounce one of the candidates to the elder office? Do you honestly believe that the public are willing to believe anything but the fact that the Goods do not want me in office? You will be doing me a favour.&quot;
William shakes his head and looks back at the two, &quot;You two work for Ridgewell, don&#39;t you? I wonder if he sent you here as well, but no matter. The house currently is not resided by any of the Torrens. And the last reports say that there should be only about six guards and three servants. No need to over-staff an empty house after all. If you are smart you should run into none of them. I do not care how you enter the house, but any deaths are on your neck. Anything else, I would be willing to vouch for you, or rather bribe you out of jail. It is really simple, you do this job, and make no mention of me, and you should be rewarded and protected during your time under my employee.&quot;<br> <br>Zuri looks apprehensively between William and Edmund. The salamander knows better than to interject himself into a heated conversation between two of his betters. Instead he waits patiently until William answers their questions, then nods. &quot;We&#39;re just two Freeswords here to assist you with our talents, Sir.&quot; He smiles. &quot;And if a clean job is required, a clean job you will have, absolutely so.&quot; He turns to Reginald. &quot;Are we good to go?&quot;<br> <br>Reginald is loathed to accept the reassurances of safety from one in such a powerful position as William, due to his inherent distrust for those in the higher society. This aside, however, he could desperately do with the crown, so shelves his concerns. Turning to Zuri, he responds, &quot;I believe so, however, I do wonder what our friend here plans to do.&quot; The last part directed, with the hint of threat, at the hippo who had earlier stated his objections.<br> <br>Edmund blinks at William. &quot;Creators,&quot; he mutters, &quot;No one told me that Cliffsiders were so thick. I just offered to be a loud distraction.&quot; He shakes his head. &quot;But fine,&quot; he continues, &quot;Never let it be said that a Good cannot be discreet.&quot;<br> <br>William sighs and covers his face with a palm before shaking his head and looking back at Edmund, &quot;Goods sure cannot be discreet.&quot; the bat says with a shrug, &quot;I was playing along to give you an excuse to storm off, but no matter, you just proved that you are indeed a soldier not a politician.&quot; he says with another shrug before throwing three pouches at the table, &quot;Six hundred pouches each. There will be a handler waiting for you outside. He will take you to the mansion. I will send another handler to escort the Good distraction alone. The other two will follow from a distance.&quot;

Revision as of 23:18, 16 August 2015





Those who accepted the job would have been made to sign a contract in the Freeswords guild about keeping utter secrecy and taking responsibility for any damages not tasked by their employer. Looks like the elder does not want to lose too much face if the job goes south.

No matter how the group reached Cliffside they are here now. And they would have been given directions directly towards a small building in one of the craftsmen district of the outer city.

They group would be quickly taken inside into the building and shown to the office of William, while being told to wait.

Zuri smiles at the other two beings as they wait. He's standing prim and proper, especially given the presence of Edmund in the room. The salamander has dressed for the occasion, from the rather formal-looking suit to his best shoes.

Reginald , having not brushed up too bad himself, gives the two a quick nod in greeting, even adding in a small smile to the familiar salamander. Dressed in a rather unassuming attire, with added cloak, he waits patiently to see what happens next.

Edmund is not here as a Freesword. But he certainly could not turn down an opportunity to dig about in such courtly intrigue. The hippo wears his finest military uniform and the gold chain and crest marking him as a royal knight. He nods to Zuri in recognition, then stands still, examining Alington's office.

Alington's office simply oozed 'wealth'. Looks like unlike some of the other rich beings in Cliffside, his rivals Ridgewell, Antonia, and Father Hawkes coming to mind, William loved showing off his wealth and power. The most prominent piece of furniture however is the large portrait of the late Edgar Alington hanging above William's desk.

It does not take a minute before a side door opens and William steps into his office, the bat and the two guards with him clad in black attires in remembrance. "Ah, great.", he says idly as he eyes the three beings before leveling his gaze on Edmund, "The Goods not only sent one of their family members but also dressed him up with a huge, 'I am a Sweetwater Noble' sign too." the bat says sarcastically, "Well this will sure be putting a dent in my credibility for candidacy, but that is another issue." William sighs and turns around to look at the portrait of his father, "Edgar Alington, a knowledgeable scholar, a cunning politician, not so great a father to be honest." the bat says as if reminiscing before turning around to look at the group again, the bat's large vermilion eyes shining with purpose, "Your job is simple. I suspect a certain aristocrat of his death. Clive Torrens, a rich business owner after a fashion. He has been keeping low since the beginning of the troubles. My spies have seen him recently, but the Cliffside City Watch and army both refuse to arrest him for me. Your job is simple for today. I want you to break into his mansion and search for any possible incriminating evidence. Anything from letters to weapons to even records. Any questions before I continue?"

Zuri blinks. This is a lot more forward than he was expecting. The salamander is used to this kind of job, just not this much.. forwardness, especially in public. He peers at Edmund and Reginald before returning his attention to the Elder, smiling politely. "No Sir, no questions. I assume the usual details. No violence, no trace we were ever there, smash, grab and leave?"

Reginald , also taken aback by the directness of his bat employer, offers up a further question, "Is there anyone currently resident in this mansion, and, if so, who and how many beings should we expect?"

"Please, Sir!" Edmund says indignantly, "To even suggest that a Royal Knight of House Good would be involved in such underhanded scheming! I am wounded!" He winks at Zuri. "In fact, I think I shall be forced to visit this Clive Torrens in person to tell him of this grave affront to my honor and to his," he continues, "Immediately! As well as loudly and in great detail! Why, it mike take me hours to properly express my displeasure!"

William raises a brow at Edmund and sighs, "And I am an honourable man who would not think of spilling royal blood in my office." he says idly as he sits down on his desk and puts the contract that three signed on the table, "However, ignoring the fact that you have to actually find Clive since no one knows where he is, you have signed a secrecy contract." William looks back at the three, "And avenging my father's death is nothing to do with politics, but I would be a fool not to abuse this. A Good royal trying to publicly denounce one of the candidates to the elder office? Do you honestly believe that the public are willing to believe anything but the fact that the Goods do not want me in office? You will be doing me a favour."

William shakes his head and looks back at the two, "You two work for Ridgewell, don't you? I wonder if he sent you here as well, but no matter. The house currently is not resided by any of the Torrens. And the last reports say that there should be only about six guards and three servants. No need to over-staff an empty house after all. If you are smart you should run into none of them. I do not care how you enter the house, but any deaths are on your neck. Anything else, I would be willing to vouch for you, or rather bribe you out of jail. It is really simple, you do this job, and make no mention of me, and you should be rewarded and protected during your time under my employee."

Zuri looks apprehensively between William and Edmund. The salamander knows better than to interject himself into a heated conversation between two of his betters. Instead he waits patiently until William answers their questions, then nods. "We're just two Freeswords here to assist you with our talents, Sir." He smiles. "And if a clean job is required, a clean job you will have, absolutely so." He turns to Reginald. "Are we good to go?"

Reginald is loathed to accept the reassurances of safety from one in such a powerful position as William, due to his inherent distrust for those in the higher society. This aside, however, he could desperately do with the crown, so shelves his concerns. Turning to Zuri, he responds, "I believe so, however, I do wonder what our friend here plans to do." The last part directed, with the hint of threat, at the hippo who had earlier stated his objections.

Edmund blinks at William. "Creators," he mutters, "No one told me that Cliffsiders were so thick. I just offered to be a loud distraction." He shakes his head. "But fine," he continues, "Never let it be said that a Good cannot be discreet."

William sighs and covers his face with a palm before shaking his head and looking back at Edmund, "Goods sure cannot be discreet." the bat says with a shrug, "I was playing along to give you an excuse to storm off, but no matter, you just proved that you are indeed a soldier not a politician." he says with another shrug before throwing three pouches at the table, "Six hundred pouches each. There will be a handler waiting for you outside. He will take you to the mansion. I will send another handler to escort the Good distraction alone. The other two will follow from a distance."